Liberals Keep Calling Trump Supporters Part of “Cult.” Liberals Know About Cults


May 23, 2014
Conservatives are people who believe in personal freedom and the Constitution. Liberals believe in government control and to never question authority. They are also intolerant of other opinions because they and there group are smarter than everyone else. Also, liberals will follow a self-proclaimed messiah.
Remembering Jim Jones and the Socialist Ideals He Held
“Cult and the Messiah?”
Yes, we know about cults.... we're looking at one with CRC trumpanzees.
Yes, we know about cults.... we're looking at one with CRC trumpanzees.
No, because liberals follow them. Back in the 1970’s you would have followed Rev Jim Jones. His political views were same as Obama’s.
Trump publicly stated he could murder somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose a single vote. That is because he knows what he's in charge of is a cult.
Trump publicly stated he could murder somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose a single vote. That is because he knows what he's in charge of is a cult.

No, that's because he knows his opponents support free health care for illegal immigrants.

And foremost, because he knows leftists will never understand a joke.

But it's interesting, wasn't there a other thread where an idiot leftist claimed that Trump supporters do not even exist? So which is it?
A cult is best defined as any belief system that causes you reject contact with unbelievers even if they are your own family.

How many of you Trumpbots have liberal family members that you don't care if you never speak to them again?
A cult is best defined as any belief system that causes you reject contact with unbelievers even if they are your own family.

How many of you Trumpbots have liberal family members that you don't care if you never speak to them again?
I know over 1,000 liberals rejected their families and drank Kool-Aid in Ghana back in the 1970’s. Know lots that rejected their families and voted for messiah Obama. I have liberal family members...but I’ve ignored them for years. Long before Trump came along. There were known as the family kooks.
Trump publicly stated he could murder somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose a single vote. That is because he knows what he's in charge of is a cult.
Because he knew when people looked at the liberal alternative he already had a victory in the books.
Liberals know the truth...but will they admit the truth?....that is the question...the people at that compound new the truth but couldn't admit it to themselves...and they were killed in a suicidal pact knowing but ignoring the truth....
Yes, we know about cults.... we're looking at one with CRC trumpanzees.
Well-spoken by a clod so terminally cultified that he carries a picture of it as his personal Avatar.

That sinking feeling that after having Hillary with about enough popularity to form a cult of 11, they are looking at even less popular alternatives now in the:
  • Cult of Biden: NONE.
  • Cult of Warren. NONE.
  • Cult of Bernie: Yes. There is a busload of them riding around somewhere in the Midwest still yelling: "Feel The Bern."
Yes, we know about cults.... we're looking at one with CRC trumpanzees.
Well-spoken by a clod so terminally cultified that he carries a picture of it as his personal Avatar.

That sinking feeling that after having Hillary with about enough popularity to form a cult of 11, they are looking at even less popular alternatives now in the:
  • Cult of Biden: NONE.
  • Cult of Warren. NONE.
  • Cult of Bernie: Yes. There is a busload of them riding around somewhere in the Midwest still yelling: "Feel The Bern."

Last week, retiring Senator Bob Corker (R-Tennessee) openly worried that his party was "becoming a cultish thing" marked by forced fidelity to its mercurial leader. While he's not the first to make the point, his insider perspective carried considerable weight.

But is his description hyperbole, or an accurate assessment? While cautioning that not everyone who voted for Donald Trump falls into the mindless-follower category, an expert on cults leans toward the latter.

"I think he has touched on something important," says scholar and author Janja Lalich, who has extensively studied the phenomenon. "I think there are plenty of similarities—enough to be concerned about."
"Polling suggests the party has been shrinking, and its remaining members are solidly behind Trump, giving him a remarkable 87 percent support in a recent poll. Even the policy of separating immigrant parents and children, which directly contradicts the traditional conservative belief in the sanctity of the family, was supported by more than half of Republicans before Trump rescinded it under pressure on Wednesday."
I don't see them as a cult. I do however have a very difficult time wondering how any person could loyally follow any politician. Its weird how people stand behind a candidate.
A cult is best defined as any belief system that causes you reject contact with unbelievers even if they are your own family.

How many of you Trumpbots have liberal family members that you don't care if you never speak to them again?
I know over 1,000 liberals rejected their families and drank Kool-Aid in Ghana back in the 1970’s. Know lots that rejected their families and voted for messiah Obama. I have liberal family members...but I’ve ignored them for years. Long before Trump came along. There were known as the family kooks.
Yep, it's a cult, for you at least. My brother just died a couple of days ago and he was in the Trump cult as well. The last few years I didn't talk to him much but it wasn't because of Trump or his conservative politics, It was because all he ever did was bitch. I get along great with the rest of my evangelical family because they are at least pleasant to talk to. I think all that rage took years off his life.
We have several Democrats and several republicans in our family. Never had a family argument over politics. It's not worth it. Everyone gets along nicely and politics is never discussed because the system which is filled with slimy money is beyond corrupt.
Trump is doing great things for the economy and he is exposing the corruption in Washington. Supporting that does not make someone a cultist. Following and supporting someone like Bernie Sanders, who vows to take your prosperity away while he owns 3 mansions, however DOES make you a cultist.

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