Liberals, Please Keep Protesting Trump at His Rallies

From Ferguson to Chicago
Left-wing fascists go for Donald Trump.
March 14, 2016
Matthew Vadum

The riot planned and executed by the Left at the canceled Donald Trump campaign rally in Chicago on Friday was just the latest in a long series of mob disturbances manufactured by radicals to advance their political agendas.

Even so, it is a particularly poisonous assault on the American body politic that imperils the nation's most important free institution – the ballot.

"The meticulously orchestrated #Chicago assault on our free election process is as unAmerican as it gets," tweeted actor James Woods. "It is a dangerous precedent."

This so-called protest, and the disruptions at subsequent Trump events over the weekend, were not spontaneous, organic demonstrations. The usual culprits were involved behind the scenes. The George Soros-funded organizers of the riot at the University of Illinois at Chicago relied on the same fascistic tactics the Left has been perfecting for decades – including claiming to be peaceful and pro-democracy even as they use violence to disrupt the democratic process.

Activists associated with MoveOn, Black Lives Matter, and Occupy Wall Street, all of which have been embraced by Democrats and funded by radical speculator George Soros, participated in shutting down the Trump campaign event. Soros recently also launched a $15 million voter-mobilization effort against Trump in Colorado, Florida, and Nevada through a new super PAC called Immigrant Voters Win. The title is a characteristic misdirection since Trump supports immigration that is legal. It’s the invasion of illegals who have not been vetted and are filling America’s welfare rolls and jails that is the problem.

Among the extremist groups involved in disrupting the Trump rally in Chicago were the revolutionary communist organization ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), National Council of La Raza (“the Race”), and the Illinois Coalition of Immigrant and Rights Reform. President Obama's unrepentant terrorist collaborator Bill Ayers, who was one of the leaders of Days of Rage the precursor riot at the Democratic convention in Chicago in 1968, also showed up to stir the pot.

The goal was to help reinforce the media narrative that Trump is a dangerous authoritarian figure who needs to be stopped now before he upsets too many people and proclaims himself emperor, or some fevered fantasy like that. The organized rioters who showed up at UIC to taunt and bait Trump supporters, hoped to generate compelling TV clips that could be used to attack the Republican front-runner.

The people who infiltrated the Trump rally and attacked his supporters weren't mere protesters and were not nonviolent. By now, after decades of getting away with lawlessness and mayhem, nonviolent left-wing protesters are as rare as four-leaf clovers.

They are violent agitators, trained in Alinsky-style disruption, aiming to shut Trump and his supporters down by any means they can get away with. These modern-day brownshirts use force and the threat of force to harass and intimidate, and to provoke people who have come to a peaceful assembly to hear their candidate speak.

"Many of these people come from Bernie [Sanders]," Trump said, pointing out how since the 1968 riot at the Democratic convention street radicals and party radicals have become a seamless force. On "Face the Nation" Trump called them "professional disrupters" a polite name for incipient fascists.

Since the liberal media was already blaming him for the anti-Trump thuggery, he told them, "I don't accept responsibility," Trump said on Sunday TV. "I do not condone violence in any shape."

In speeches since Friday Trump regularly invokes Bernie Sanders when an activist disrupts. He calls them "Bernie's people." At one stop, Trump said, "Get 'em out. Hey Bernie, get your people in line."

Although Sanders supporters are well-represented among the anti-Trump thugs, the self-described socialist senator from Vermont denied the charge. But Bernie’s campaign is so focused on demonizing the rich and blaming them for America’s problems, the hatred he is retailing can reasonably be called an incitement to those who buy his propaganda and support him.

Sanders after all is a lifetime admirer of Communist states like the Soviet Union and Cuba where this kind of thuggery is a political norm. So even if he’s telling the truth and did give the orders to his followers to be there, he’s lying. They came because they hate rich people too.

Major organizations of the left who are backing Sanders, like openly bragged about trampling on Trump's free speech rights in Chicago, and promised more of it.


From Ferguson to Chicago

Maybe we should call on obongos civilian national security force...


I sure wish that Ted cruz would stop supporting the protestors and thugs against his own fucking party! That sure would be nice.

So a Republican should just automatically support Trump? Why?
He wasn't my first pick, but after watching all this nasty over the weekend, with their ugly lies, the thugs they brought in on Innocent citizens attending a rally, they've pushed me into his camp. Hillary, Bernie is not any better than what they think of him.
I sure wish that Ted cruz would stop supporting the protestors and thugs against his own fucking party! That sure would be nice.

So a Republican should just automatically support Trump? Why?
He wasn't my first pick, but after watching all this nasty over the weekend, with their ugly lies, the thugs they brought in on Innocent citizens attending a rally, they've pushed me into his camp. Hillary, Bernie is not any better than what they think of him.

Er.... really?

You know, I've heard this so many times, people claiming they didn't support someone, and now, because of something, they now do.

So, you'd go support Trump because some radicals on the left protested his do? I don't even get the link here.

So, you'd support Trump over Cruz because of what some nuts that have nothing to do with Cruz are doing? Care to explain any logic behind this?
Maybe the left prefer Trump as candidate.

Lol, yeah, that is why they send so many thugs to fuck with his rallies; they want him to win!


They send the thugs? Or the thugs decided to go because they like doing that?

Any evidence to back up your claim?

MoveOn and BLM claimed 'credit' for it, idiot. They sent the protesters that went inside and disrupted the rally. And I do not particularly give a shit whether you are convinced or not as you are not genuinely engaging in a discussion.

You libtards never do, it is all a game to you.
You know, I've heard this so many times, people claiming they didn't support someone, and now, because of something, they now do.

So, you'd go support Trump because some radicals on the left protested his do? I don't even get the link here.

So, you'd support Trump over Cruz because of what some nuts that have nothing to do with Cruz are doing? Care to explain any logic behind this?

Are you just jaw droppingly stupid?

Of course people start the primaries with several candidates that they like and the field is winnowed as events reveal the candidates for who they really are.

Have you ever chosen your own candidate or do you just follow the latest MoveOn Talking Points Memo?
Maybe the left prefer Trump as candidate.

Lol, yeah, that is why they send so many thugs to fuck with his rallies; they want him to win!


They send the thugs? Or the thugs decided to go because they like doing that?

Any evidence to back up your claim?

MoveOn and BLM claimed 'credit' for it, idiot. They sent the protesters that went inside and disrupted the rally. And I do not particularly give a shit whether you are convinced or not as you are not genuinely engaging in a discussion.

You libtards never do, it is all a game to you.

So, your argument is an insult. Well done.
I sure wish that Ted cruz would stop supporting the protestors and thugs against his own fucking party! That sure would be nice.

So a Republican should just automatically support Trump? Why?
Ummm, that is pretty much what party people do.

Pretty much, except when they don't do it....
But they DID.

And they Will.

Some will, and some won't.

I bet third parties do better this year than four years ago.
You know, I've heard this so many times, people claiming they didn't support someone, and now, because of something, they now do.

So, you'd go support Trump because some radicals on the left protested his do? I don't even get the link here.

So, you'd support Trump over Cruz because of what some nuts that have nothing to do with Cruz are doing? Care to explain any logic behind this?

Are you just jaw droppingly stupid?

Of course people start the primaries with several candidates that they like and the field is winnowed as events reveal the candidates for who they really are.

Have you ever chosen your own candidate or do you just follow the latest MoveOn Talking Points Memo?

And again, insults as an argument.

Do you really think it'll improve your argument? Especially when I won't even bother to read what you've written?

What did Forrest Gump say? "Stupid is as stupid does"
Maybe the left prefer Trump as candidate.

Lol, yeah, that is why they send so many thugs to fuck with his rallies; they want him to win!


They send the thugs? Or the thugs decided to go because they like doing that?

Any evidence to back up your claim?

MoveOn and BLM claimed 'credit' for it, idiot. They sent the protesters that went inside and disrupted the rally. And I do not particularly give a shit whether you are convinced or not as you are not genuinely engaging in a discussion.

You libtards never do, it is all a game to you.

So, your argument is an insult. Well done.
I'm not trying to make an argument, just passing along information, dude.
You know, I've heard this so many times, people claiming they didn't support someone, and now, because of something, they now do.

So, you'd go support Trump because some radicals on the left protested his do? I don't even get the link here.

So, you'd support Trump over Cruz because of what some nuts that have nothing to do with Cruz are doing? Care to explain any logic behind this?

Are you just jaw droppingly stupid?

Of course people start the primaries with several candidates that they like and the field is winnowed as events reveal the candidates for who they really are.

Have you ever chosen your own candidate or do you just follow the latest MoveOn Talking Points Memo?

And again, insults as an argument.

Do you really think it'll improve your argument? Especially when I won't even bother to read what you've written?

What did Forrest Gump say? "Stupid is as stupid does"
Again, I am not trying to make an argument, doofus. I am stating facts.

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