Liberals refuse to acknowledge

No conclusions yet that he has.
Just politically inspired “indictments” because he voiced skepticism over the election
It can't be explained to those that refuse to listen.
LOLLOLL at "skepticism"
No conclusions yet that he has.
Just politically inspired “indictments” because he voiced skepticism over the election
well that's one set of the indictments, NY isn't based on that.....I think overall the indictments are silly met to criminalize challenging the demafascit.

This isn't the first time they've tried to do this, there was serious discussion of prosecuting Bush for example, Obama did prosecute Bob McDonnell (who was the frontrunner for his job in 2008) make no mistake, had trump not won in 2016, and not be running for reelection it would be someone else
That this entire witch hunt charade is to prohibit Americans from being able to vote for Trump.
So this is what Trump supporters have settled on as an explanation for the charges against him?? Because tomorrow, it's likely to be something completely different. :)

Psst..He is being PROSECUTED (not persecuted) for his ACTIONS. Not his words.
So this is what Trump supporters have settled on as an explanation for the charges against him?? Because tomorrow, it's likely to be something completely different. :)

Psst..He is being PROSECUTED (not persecuted) for his ACTIONS. Not his words.
That is incorrrct
There is no proof of any results of any of his “taken actions” There IS massive pearl clutching about what he said
Free Speech has Consequences.
You will argue that he can say ANYTHING he wants and he is 100% protected.
He is fully free to express his skepticism
You emotetards can’t handle that and want him silenced and not running
He is fully free to express his skepticism
You emotetards can’t handle that and want him silenced and not running
So NOW it is just skepticism.

We laugh at that ^^^^.
What trump did was NOT being a Skeptic.
Not even fucking close.

But I guess that "Skepticism" was the word of choice in todays right wing memo.

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