Liberals & Satanists Ban Together To Protect 'Right' To Keep Killing Babies

AS for me, I’ve been advising women in Texas to lie to the powerful and wealthy men and their children, claiming that they are totally on birth control. Then six weeks later notify the men that they are pregnant, and having the kids, and get ready for Paternity payments consisting of 20% of their Net Earnings for the next 18 years. And of course those payments will be court records, available to the public.

Suck every dime out of those idiots. The men in question can’t ask you to get an Abortion, or offer to run you across state lines. They would be subject to a lawsuit.

So let them enjoy coughing up the cash.
Indeed it seems odd the courts today (which were originally designed to be fair) support females having rights to their body, but some drunk moron is obliged forgo his rights to pay a lot of cash for whatever decision the female he inseminated decides. This Texas enactment apparently, unintentionally? prevents that. :dunno:
It was bad enough when 'Democrats' & 'KKK' were 'Satanists'?! 'All for 1, & 1 For All' for the common cause....

It was bad enough when 'Democrats' & 'KKK' were 'Satanists'?! 'All for 1, & 1 For All' for the common cause....

Your post is a disgrace to fellow Americans. It is a blatant lie.
Who wants to know about your religious paranoia?
How are democrats involved in that?
You gave no evidence of that other than you being a delusional Republican godbotherer.
I'm an atheist.

An atheist doesn't believe in god, satan, heaven, or hell. They are all myths.
Congrats. It's sorta like the old saying, "If a tree falls in the forrest..."

Yes, it still makes a sound - you don't have to be there for it to still make a sound. In the same way, God, Heaven, & Hell's existence don't depend on you believing in them.
AS for me, I’ve been advising women in Texas to lie to the powerful and wealthy men and their children, claiming that they are totally on birth control. Then six weeks later notify the men that they are pregnant, and having the kids, and get ready for Paternity payments consisting of 20% of their Net Earnings for the next 18 years. And of course those payments will be court records, available to the public.

Suck every dime out of those idiots. The men in question can’t ask you to get an Abortion, or offer to run you across state lines. They would be subject to a lawsuit.

So let them enjoy coughing up the cash.
Does this include all of the single woman pregnancies in the cities? The teenage women would be interesting as technically that would be rape. And if the baby daddy is underage then both the mom and dad are raping each other. Anyway, we will finally know who the daddy is and get every dollar from him.
Does this include all of the single woman pregnancies in the cities? The teenage women would be interesting as technically that would be rape. And if the baby daddy is underage then both the mom and dad are raping each other. Anyway, we will finally know who the daddy is and get every dollar from him.
Wealthy men enjoy the prostitutes and they frequent them.
Congrats. It's sorta like the old saying, "If a tree falls in the forrest..."

Yes, it still makes a sound - you don't have to be there for it to still make a sound. In the same way, God, Heaven, & Hell's existence don't depend on you believing in them.
I'm one of many of them.
Wealthy men enjoy the prostitutes and they frequent them.
The prostitutes have been around in recorded history. The issues we have seen with Epstein/Weinstein and others is something that is prevalent with the elites. the peasants is what I was referring to. All the Prog media in cities do not say a word about who the daddy is with teenage mothers in ghettos.
A religious right to human sacrifice. You know it had to go there.

What they really want is post birth abortion. That's the prize.
Your ignorance about both the Satanic Temple and abortion is showing.....
It was bad enough when 'Democrats' & 'KKK' were 'Satanists'?! 'All for 1, & 1 For All' for the common cause....

What these right wing Christians radicals forget about is that there are other religioins besides Christianity. The Satanic Temple will win and this absurd Texas abortion law will be struck down. It is nothing more than a blatant attempt to circumvent the law. If this abortion law holds, one could then have any type of law circumvented by vigilante's hoping to get a $10000 prize.
I'm an atheist.

An atheist doesn't believe in god, satan, heaven, or hell. They are all myths.
You may want to rethink that, when you die you find out the truth. Then it's to late. I don't wish hell on anyone.
I'm an atheist.

An atheist doesn't believe in god, satan, heaven, or hell. They are all myths.
Did you read what I wrote? The Satanic Temple is simply a name. They dont believe in satan. Most members of the Satanic Temple are atheists. I hope I dont have to repeat that a 3rd time for you to understand this simple concept.
You may want to rethink that, when you die you find out the truth. Then it's to late. I don't wish hell on anyone.
We dont need to rethink anything. Seemingly you have not advanced from people that lived 2,000 years ago. It's pathetic.
We dont need to rethink anything. Seemingly you have not advanced from people that lived 2,000 years ago. It's pathetic.
No not at all. How do you think we were created? How did the earth come about, it gives us everything we need to live? Maybe you should read the Bible, it predicts everything going on now. Over 2000 years ago.
No not at all. How do you think we were created? How did the earth come about, it gives us everything we need to live? Maybe you should read the Bible, it predicts everything going on now. Over 2000 years ago.
I'll let science figure it out how the universe was created,. How did the Earth come about? That ones easy if you open a basic science book you'll find the answer to how the Earth formed and why we have everything we need to survive at our disposal. I dont believe in assigning a fairy tale or myths that have been passed down since before even Christianity existed (you do realize the bible stole many of it's stories, right?) to things we dont understand. Like I said, you have seemingly not advanced from people 2,000 years ago, which is pathetic. I also find it odd that you seemingly do not know how the planets, including Earth, were formed and still evidently attribute that to some mythical answer. Do you still think Earth is at the center of the universe? LOL!

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