Liberals STILL Aren't Getting It

You REALLY want to go there?

Want to reveal where thise BILLIONS of dollars are tgat went missing from the State Department while Hillary was Sect of State?


I am sure snowflakes like yourself can come up with a good story... :p
Last year it was "princess". This year its "snowflake". What's next years' pet little word going to be for your minions?
Again, none of what you said changes the fact that donors are running faster away from the continually hate-pushing DNC now than they did from Hillary during the election.
As well they should. The DNC has no platform, no policy, no direction, no plan as to what direction this country should take. We all know the Republican direction will destroy us all. That being said, the DNC has to take the next step as to what do we do now and they haven't.

Trying to be "Republican-lite", is not going to cut it. They need to go the full liberal. I'm talking, Cindy Sheehan liberal. With no blue dogs in the bunch. Stop trying to be nice to the Reps. Republicans need to be completely purged out of government at all levels.
I hope they do. The eulogy for the former political party will be beautiful. :p
You REALLY want to go there?

Want to reveal where thise BILLIONS of dollars are tgat went missing from the State Department while Hillary was Sect of State?


I am sure snowflakes like yourself can come up with a good story... :p
Last year it was "princess". This year its "snowflake". What's next years' pet little word going to be for your minions?

Again, none of what you said changes the fact that donors are running faster away from the continually hate-pushing DNC now than they did from Hillary during the election.
As well they should. The DNC has no platform, no policy, no direction, no plan as to what direction this country should take. We all know the Republican direction will destroy us all. That being said, the DNC has to take the next step as to what do we do now and they haven't.

Trying to be "Republican-lite", is not going to cut it. They need to go the full liberal. I'm talking, Cindy Sheehan liberal. With no blue dogs in the bunch. Stop trying to be nice to the Reps. Republicans need to be completely purged out of government at all levels.

So who are the Republican lite characters in the Democrat party?

Democrats did go completely liberal. It happened the first two years of DumBama. Since that time, they lost the Congress, lost the Senate, lost most of the governorship across the country, and now lost the White House.

So for once, I'm with you. The Democrat party needs to go full liberal.
So who are the Republican lite characters in the Democrat party?

Democrats did go completely liberal. It happened the first two years of DumBama. Since that time, they lost the Congress, lost the Senate, lost most of the governorship across the country, and now lost the White House.

So for once, I'm with you. The Democrat party needs to go full liberal.
They lost it because they didn't go full liberal and the liberals that showed up in the general election, didn't show up to vote for them in the mid-terms. They didn't keep their campaign promises and were punished for it.

And how could you possibly go completely liberal with not one liberal in your Cabinet?
So who are the Republican lite characters in the Democrat party?

Democrats did go completely liberal. It happened the first two years of DumBama. Since that time, they lost the Congress, lost the Senate, lost most of the governorship across the country, and now lost the White House.

So for once, I'm with you. The Democrat party needs to go full liberal.
They lost it because they didn't go full liberal and the liberals that showed up in the general election, didn't show up to vote for them in the mid-terms. They didn't keep their campaign promises and were punished for it.

And how could you possibly go completely liberal with not one liberal in your Cabinet?

Oh don't give me that BS they are not liberals. They are all liberals by modern definition.

They took over one-sixth of our economy, they created over 40 million additional government dependents, their law forced citizens to buy something they either couldn't afford or wanted, or faced not getting their badly needed income tax refund, they took over the auto industry, the banking industry, the energy industry. It's as close to Communism as one could get. It's the perfect liberal utopia.
Yes, ONE DAY snowflakes will be able to stand tall and actually provide evidence of a crime and evidence Trump had anything to do with it....

Of course when they do they will be standing on top of the large stack of evidence of Democratic party crimes they have ignored this whole time....


One day....

There is more evidence of the Obama Administration illegally wiretapping and unmasking political enemies and/or using the IRS to attack and hurt these same people Liberals laugh it off because they know nothing will happen.

Never take these people seriously on any investigation or moral crusade against Republicans. It's simply another mode of "punish your enemies."
Oh don't give me that BS they are not liberals. They are all liberals by modern definition.
Oh, I'm gonna give it to you and you're gonna take it. Now, assume the position.

Bush's Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, is not a liberal. He's a neocon. And Republican's Ray LaHood and Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, are not liberals.

They took over one-sixth of our economy, they created over 40 million additional government dependents, their law forced citizens to buy something they either couldn't afford or wanted, or faced not getting their badly needed income tax refund, they took over the auto industry, the banking industry, the energy industry. It's as close to Communism as one could get. It's the perfect liberal utopia.
You're so full of shit. They didn't grow the government as much as the creation of Homeland Security, which we can thank Bush for.

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