Liberals STILL Aren't Getting It

Mueller and his Russian troll's aka investigators are getting it. As soon as the get it all they're going to shove it up somebodys ass - sideways.

RW's might as well lube up, and bend over.

You mean like you leftist told us to do the last eight months?

I didnt tell you to do jack shit. Last time I checked the dems werent under a federal investigation or getting repeal/replace shoved up their ass by their own party.

damn good thing RW's get it huh ?

Oh please, go through USMB since Trump took the White House and read any of the 500 Russian topics you leftists created all telling us of the inevitable destruction right around the corner.

The thing is we are just trying to help you out, just like we did when the Democrats and MSM had you all riled up about the recount. You people just keep setting yourselves up for disappointment, then rinse and repeat. We're trying to stop you, but i guess you can't stop a run away dog from running into traffic on the street and getting splattered.

because I know Trump is a fucking joke you call me a leftist ... you're a f'n idiot.

So sorry we call you a leftist, from now on we'll just call you a fricken indigent.
I just call him a cockroach.
Liberals get it, Regressives don't.

Regressives blame 2016 on stupid, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, greedy Americans dupes.

Which is precisely the attitude that turned off so many Americans to them in the first place.

Ironic, ay?
Just as long as you realize that almost everything you believe and have been told isn't true, Dupe.
We get it man...You want to turn America into a christian Saudi Arabia and hate anyone that isn't rich.
Liberals get it, Regressives don't.

Regressives blame 2016 on stupid, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, greedy Americans dupes.

Which is precisely the attitude that turned off so many Americans to them in the first place.

Ironic, ay?
Just as long as you realize that almost everything you believe and have been told isn't true, Dupe.
Example? As for me, that Hillary is corrupt bill is a pedophile the rich pay too much in taxes etc etc etc
I don't think either party "gets it".

I agree. The DNC is criminally corrupt and the GOP is a a combination of corrupt and incompetent.
If you believe that staffers bulshitting about God knows what all investigated nothing Bernie says Hillary won fair and square... So stupid our media is... The GOP is lying thieving greedy idiot billionaires and their dupes...
I don't think either party "gets it".

I agree. The DNC is criminally corrupt and the GOP is a a combination of corrupt and incompetent.
If you believe that staffers bulshitting about God knows what all investigated nothing Bernie says Hillary won fair and square... So stupid our media is... The GOP is lying thieving greedy idiot billionaires and their dupes...

The GOP is an abortion; the DNC is an abomination. We need term limits big time.
I don't think either party "gets it".
the DNC is a bunch of morons almost powerless these days... All that was just b*******emails that meant nothing I remember. 1 proof supposedly that the DNC was racist against Mexicans because Richardson the governor of New Mexico was needy... Well that was because he lost an election and in no way was racism against Mexicans in general. Typical of what media gab about all day. A disgrace

I agree. The DNC is criminally corrupt and the GOP is a a combination of corrupt and incompetent.
If you believe that staffers bulshitting about God knows what all investigated nothing Bernie says Hillary won fair and square... So stupid our media is... The GOP is lying thieving greedy idiot billionaires and their dupes...

The GOP is an abortion; the DNC is an abomination. We need term limits big time.
The DNC is a bunch of powerless morons see above stupid crap our media goes on about. bulshit emails in this case.
President Washington would roll over in his grave if he knew that shithole was named after him.
Mueller and his Russian troll's aka investigators are getting it. As soon as the get it all they're going to shove it up somebodys ass - sideways.

RW's might as well lube up, and bend over.

Here is the big democrat mistake. Even if they get their fondest wish and Trump is removed from office, there STILL won't be a democrat president. There won't be a house democrat majority in 2018 and in 2020 the next republican president will two-step right into office. It will be the republican/independent time for revenge and making it as cruel a revenge as could possibly be.

Mueller will fiddle with Manafort as a result of his actions in the early 2000s, other than that, it's a dead issue. No Russian connection at all. Why isn't there a Russian connection? Good question. Because the Russian connection has been diluted by the democrat/Russian connection, the Google/Russian connection, the Facebook/Russian connection, the Wikileaks/ Russian connection, the Clinton/Russian connection and the Seth Rich/Russian connection. Did I forget anyone?

heres your mistake;

you and I dont have a clue what Mueller will do, and with all the Russian posts on facebook being released theres more than enough evidence to connect them to our election.
There's more than enough to connect the Russians and facebook to our election, none of it has anything to do with President Trump.
Russian troll farmers don't get it. The party in power always gets the lions' share of the money donated in non-election years. Political contributions are to buy influence and votes for legislation special interest groups want passed and the Republicans hold all branches.

Party while you can boys. Meuller's flipping Flynn and Manaforte. Charges will soon be filed.
"Dream a little dream with me .... "
Liberals get it, Regressives don't.

Regressives blame 2016 on stupid, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, greedy Americans dupes.

Which is precisely the attitude that turned off so many Americans to them in the first place.

Ironic, ay?
Just as long as you realize that almost everything you believe and have been told isn't true, Dupe.
Liberals get it, Regressives don't.

Regressives blame 2016 on stupid, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, greedy Americans dupes.

Which is precisely the attitude that turned off so many Americans to them in the first place.

Ironic, ay?
Just as long as you realize that almost everything you believe and have been told isn't true, Dupe.
I say it, they do it. This happens all the freakin' time.
Actions, as they say, speak louder than words, but in the political world they don't speak as loudly as MONEY! The American people are speaking, but the Democrats / snowflakes still refuse to listen....

DNC Falls Further into Debt in August with Abysmal Fundraising Haul

"The Democratic National Committee (DNC) may be in trouble, according to its latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing showing it raised only $4.3 million in August and is $4.1 million in debt. The Republican National Committee (RNC) did much better, raising a whopping $7.3 million in August with no debt. The DNC has raised less than half of what the RNC has raised so far this year.

The DNC's $4.35 million fundraising figure is their second worst August fundraising figure in the past 11 years, coming only slightly ahead of the $4.3 million that the DNC raised in August of 2013.

As Democrats look to the future and the 24 seats the need to retake the House as well as the three states needed for control of the Senate, some in the party are calling for more unity and attempts to appeal to alienated blue collar workers.

Time noted that in the meantime the Democrats are in the red and “Republicans are outraising it by a margin of roughly 2 to 1.”

D-Schumer told /warned his Party, 'Drop the 'Hate' / 'Anti-Trump/Get Trump At Any Cost' Single-Issue Crusade
- Liberal extremists who have hijacked the party and snowflakes consumed with hate ignored him

The American people told them in several polls now that they are tired of the Democrats' personal political war with Trump for power and to focus on everyday issues that effect them
- - Liberal extremists who have hijacked the party and snowflakes consumed with hate have ignored them

Now DONORS are telling the hate-driven, anti-Trump consumed Democrats to knock the shit off because they are not continuing to financially back such a proven 'loser' strategy...

Their new DNC Chairman STILL isn't listening...

Liberals still be like....
View attachment 150565

Don't give up, DNC! I have faith in this strategy! Keep pushing 'Hate'! It's a guaranteed 2018 'winner'.

You got Tom Price using tax payer money to charter private jets and Steven Mnuchin wanting the US military to fly him and his bride to their honeymoon vacation.

WTF is that bullshit?
Actions, as they say, speak louder than words, but in the political world they don't speak as loudly as MONEY! The American people are speaking, but the Democrats / snowflakes still refuse to listen....

DNC Falls Further into Debt in August with Abysmal Fundraising Haul

"The Democratic National Committee (DNC) may be in trouble, according to its latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing showing it raised only $4.3 million in August and is $4.1 million in debt. The Republican National Committee (RNC) did much better, raising a whopping $7.3 million in August with no debt. The DNC has raised less than half of what the RNC has raised so far this year.

The DNC's $4.35 million fundraising figure is their second worst August fundraising figure in the past 11 years, coming only slightly ahead of the $4.3 million that the DNC raised in August of 2013.

As Democrats look to the future and the 24 seats the need to retake the House as well as the three states needed for control of the Senate, some in the party are calling for more unity and attempts to appeal to alienated blue collar workers.

Time noted that in the meantime the Democrats are in the red and “Republicans are outraising it by a margin of roughly 2 to 1.”

D-Schumer told /warned his Party, 'Drop the 'Hate' / 'Anti-Trump/Get Trump At Any Cost' Single-Issue Crusade
- Liberal extremists who have hijacked the party and snowflakes consumed with hate ignored him

The American people told them in several polls now that they are tired of the Democrats' personal political war with Trump for power and to focus on everyday issues that effect them
- - Liberal extremists who have hijacked the party and snowflakes consumed with hate have ignored them

Now DONORS are telling the hate-driven, anti-Trump consumed Democrats to knock the shit off because they are not continuing to financially back such a proven 'loser' strategy...

Their new DNC Chairman STILL isn't listening...

Liberals still be like....
View attachment 150565

Don't give up, DNC! I have faith in this strategy! Keep pushing 'Hate'! It's a guaranteed 2018 'winner'.

You got Tom Price using tax payer money to charter private jets and Steven Mnuchin wanting the US military to fly him and his bride to their honeymoon vacation.

WTF is that bullshit?
Pelosi AND HER FAMILY have been using the mulitary as her/their personal taxi for years. ...

... and the fraud, waste, and abuse of tax dollars by politicians is a seperare issue from Democrats not being able to raise money because donors are tired of flushing their money down the drain, funding a party that has gone bat-shit crazy and who stands for nothing but HATE, unable to accept yet another election loss.
Mueller and his Russian troll's aka investigators are getting it. As soon as the get it all they're going to shove it up somebodys ass - sideways.

RW's might as well lube up, and bend over.
Yes, all your wishes will come true when the republican party has to face the day when the avowed democrat that won the oval office for them is impeached and Pence steps up to take his place.....
Pelosi AND HER FAMILY have been using the mulitary as her/their personal taxi for years. ...

... and the fraud, waste, and abuse of tax dollars by politicians is a seperare issue from Democrats not being able to raise money because donors are tired of flushing their money down the drain, funding a party that has gone bat-shit crazy and who stands for nothing but HATE, unable to accept yet another election loss.
Pelosi's the wrong bee-otch to try to use against me. I probably hate her more than you do.

Where's all that money from the Trump Inauguration fund that they said they would give to charity? How come no one can track down where that money is? Campaign officials said there was an audit. How come no one can say who did the audit?
Pelosi AND HER FAMILY have been using the mulitary as her/their personal taxi for years. ...

... and the fraud, waste, and abuse of tax dollars by politicians is a seperare issue from Democrats not being able to raise money because donors are tired of flushing their money down the drain, funding a party that has gone bat-shit crazy and who stands for nothing but HATE, unable to accept yet another election loss.
Pelosi's the wrong bee-otch to try to use against me. I probably hate her more than you do.

Where's all that money from the Trump Inauguration fund that they said they would give to charity? How come no one can track down where that money is? Campaign officials said there was an audit. How come no one can say who did the audit?
Again, none of what you said changes the fact that donors are running faster away from the continually hate-pushing DNC now than they did from Hillary during the election.
Where's all that money from the Trump Inauguration fund that they said they would give to charity? How come no one can track down where that money is?
You REALLY want to go there?

Want to reveal where thise BILLIONS of dollars are tgat went missing from the State Department while Hillary was Sect of State?


I am sure snowflakes like yourself can come up with a good story... :p
Again, none of what you said changes the fact that donors are running faster away from the continually hate-pushing DNC now than they did from Hillary during the election.
As well they should. The DNC has no platform, no policy, no direction, no plan as to what direction this country should take. We all know the Republican direction will destroy us all. That being said, the DNC has to take the next step as to what do we do now and they haven't.

Trying to be "Republican-lite", is not going to cut it. They need to go the full liberal. I'm talking, Cindy Sheehan liberal. With no blue dogs in the bunch. Stop trying to be nice to the Reps. Republicans need to be completely purged out of government at all levels.

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