Liberals, what are your actual standards? What do you really believe?

I'm going to run out of tissues for you at this rate. And I've never seen you say to a liberal their snotty post is snotty ever. And you write completely vacuous crap all over the board like you are now. This is again a standard you hold yourself and other liberals to not one iota. All you have done so far is prove my point. You created a standard for your political enemies. You don't do it, you don't ask it of other Democrats.

And I didn't ask for a serious discussion, I asked you to provide me examples proving me wrong. And so far, the entire left is 0 fer on that. I set it up so you could shove it in my fat face if I'm wrong. All you've done so far is show I'm right

Your thread is a steaming pile of shit. It's like you started it for the sole purpose of feeling better about yourself at the expense of others. Why would I pretend this thread is for any other purpose?

Once again proving my thread. A standard that suddenly appeared out of the blue for you that you apply to yourself or your whore friends ... never ... ever ...

What? You sound angry, bro.

Bam, got under your skin! Thank you for admitting that.

Here's a chill pill for you:


And a tip, life's too short to get so upset over a political discussion

How so? You project like the north star.

Tissue? Seriously, Dorothy, this is just an Internet discussion, you need to stop crying and just discuss the topic. Oh God, the tears again? Here's a hanky, but just so you know, it's my last one
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual an whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...
My first instinct is to reject the premise of your question. If you said "For a fat chick you don't sweat too much!" it could not be more off putting.

But, should you want a sincere answer, I would say my standards include liberty and equality. Egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.

Bull shit. You're voting for someone who voted for the Iraq war, who attacked the victims of her sexual predator husband, who let four people die becuase it was politically unsavory to save them, who hid her Whitewater legal files she was legally required to keep, who lied about exposing secret and top secret information to our enemies, who thinks people should be able to decide for themselves that illegally invading us is enough to become a citizen and so much more. That she believes in liberty, equality, egalitarian and brotherhood is your eating hash brownies
No. I did not vote for Sec. Clinton. I voted against a man I regard as a shameless huckster buffoon who has, with great volume, if not great eloquence voiced his opposition to liberty, equality, egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.

Yes, you didn't vote for Hillary, you voted for Hillary! Nicely played, barrister ...
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

I thought you said you were an independent? Obviously, you're just another dishonest Repug.

Liberals don't want to elect a dangerous, unqualified racist fanatic like Trump as President because democracy will end in this country and there will be no more Presidential elections. There's the answer to your question, Repug goober.

You're voting for a lying, corrupt, deceptive, scandalous war mongering neocon who actually voted for the iraq war and has completely turned the ME into a powder keg through her and the incompetent idiot in office's policies.

Even if everything you say about Hillary is true (and it's not even close), she believes in democracy and she would not end democracy. Trump is a dangerous fanatic who would most certainly try to end democracy in this country. He's been talking about inciting violence for weeks if he loses and about changing the First Amendment to limit freedom of the press if he becomes President. Anyone who votes for this man is extremely misguided.

How do you know Hillary "believes in democracy and would not end democracy?" Be specific

Because bill Clinton was great?

Um ... what? That made sense to you? Deflection anyone? So your concession is accepted, you lose
Tell me the difference between those who call themselves "liberals" and those who call themselves "progressives"

As I explained earlier, the classical definition of a liberal is a synonym for a reformist.

The political philosophy of progressivism originated from the Chinese Revolutionary Sun Yat Sen, who used the term to define his beliefs on the future of a democratic Chinese state. It is also known as Tridemism. In Sun Yat Sen's Three Principles of the People, he explains progressive ideas in three points...

1. Nationalism

2. Democracy

3. Social Welfare

Many of the first American progressives were over in China when the movement became popularized, and brought it back to this country where they further developed the philosophy. The common theme among all early American progressives is that they were believed in all three of Sun Yat Sen's principles. The best embodiment of progressive ideals in America was Theodore Roosevelt, who founded the American Progressive Party in *1912

That is the etymology of progressivism at least. I am not sure how progressives would define it today, but many affiliated progressives seem to be social justice warriors.

I already pointed out that actual liberals are classic liberals, today we are called libertarians. The founding fathers were classic liberals. Their stances were almost exactly the libertarian views of today.

My question however was, Tell me the difference between those who call themselves "liberals" and those who call themselves "progressives." A question you didn't answer, like every other question asked you, hack Democrat
Your thread is a steaming pile of shit. It's like you started it for the sole purpose of feeling better about yourself at the expense of others. Why would I pretend this thread is for any other purpose?

Once again proving my thread. A standard that suddenly appeared out of the blue for you that you apply to yourself or your whore friends ... never ... ever ...

What? You sound angry, bro.

Bam, got under your skin! Thank you for admitting that.

Here's a chill pill for you:


And a tip, life's too short to get so upset over a political discussion

How so? You project like the north star.
Did you see unemployment is under 5% and wages are up?

Have people forgot Obama got us out of Bush's great recession?

Not even a thank you

No reason since Obama continued W's policies verbatim and continued to suck like it did under W
I'm going to run out of tissues for you at this rate. And I've never seen you say to a liberal their snotty post is snotty ever. And you write completely vacuous crap all over the board like you are now. This is again a standard you hold yourself and other liberals to not one iota. All you have done so far is prove my point. You created a standard for your political enemies. You don't do it, you don't ask it of other Democrats.

And I didn't ask for a serious discussion, I asked you to provide me examples proving me wrong. And so far, the entire left is 0 fer on that. I set it up so you could shove it in my fat face if I'm wrong. All you've done so far is show I'm right

Your thread is a steaming pile of shit. It's like you started it for the sole purpose of feeling better about yourself at the expense of others. Why would I pretend this thread is for any other purpose?

So why don't you list a bunch of standards you do hold yourself and other Democrats to and shove my question in my fat lying face? Because .... YOU CAN'T!
Give us a couple examples of standards you hold and see if we disagree with any of them

I started to answer, but first tell me who "us" is that's propping up your Bob Dole penis. Who are you speaking for because even you think what you say is too limp to stand on it's own
Liberals. Now answer

So you admit liberals all think the same thing, huh. Interesting
What? You sound angry, bro.

Bam, got under your skin! Thank you for admitting that.

Here's a chill pill for you:


And a tip, life's too short to get so upset over a political discussion

How so? You project like the north star.
Did you see unemployment is under 5% and wages are up?

Have people forgot Obama got us out of Bush's great recession?

Not even a thank you

It wasn't Putin?
Now there's the kind of leader we need. A conservative president who does what he wants. Just walk up to angela merkle and grab her pussy.

Republicans love an authoritarian daddy like president. Not a thinker but a tough guy

What we need is a President who attacks women who object to having been sexually assaulted by her predator husband.

No wait, that's not me, that's you ...
Your thread is a steaming pile of shit. It's like you started it for the sole purpose of feeling better about yourself at the expense of others. Why would I pretend this thread is for any other purpose?

So why don't you list a bunch of standards you do hold yourself and other Democrats to and shove my question in my fat lying face? Because .... YOU CAN'T!
Give us a couple examples of standards you hold and see if we disagree with any of them

I started to answer, but first tell me who "us" is that's propping up your Bob Dole penis. Who are you speaking for because even you think what you say is too limp to stand on it's own
Liberals. Now answer
Bam, got under your skin! Thank you for admitting that.

Here's a chill pill for you:


And a tip, life's too short to get so upset over a political discussion

How so? You project like the north star.
Did you see unemployment is under 5% and wages are up?

Have people forgot Obama got us out of Bush's great recession?

Not even a thank you

It wasn't Putin?
Now there's the kind of leader we need. A conservative president who does what he wants. Just walk up to angela merkle and grab her pussy.

Republicans love an authoritarian daddy like president. Not a thinker but a tough guy

Thinking? That's so gay.

Yes, you're never caught thinking
So why don't you list a bunch of standards you do hold yourself and other Democrats to and shove my question in my fat lying face? Because .... YOU CAN'T!
Give us a couple examples of standards you hold and see if we disagree with any of them

I started to answer, but first tell me who "us" is that's propping up your Bob Dole penis. Who are you speaking for because even you think what you say is too limp to stand on it's own
Liberals. Now answer
How so? You project like the north star.
Did you see unemployment is under 5% and wages are up?

Have people forgot Obama got us out of Bush's great recession?

Not even a thank you

It wasn't Putin?
Now there's the kind of leader we need. A conservative president who does what he wants. Just walk up to angela merkle and grab her pussy.

Republicans love an authoritarian daddy like president. Not a thinker but a tough guy

Thinking? That's so gay.

Yes, you're never caught thinking

Boy, that flew right over your head. Do me a favor, if you don't have a point to make then don't reply to my posts, it'll save us both loads of time.
I already pointed out that actual liberals are classic liberals, today we are called libertarians.

On what arbitrary criteria are you basing that off of? Sounds like conjecture to me.

Ahahaha :itsok: poor spoon fed liberal, go ahead name the handouts I'm calling you out. Name the handouts or admit you are a liar.

Do you have any idea how easy this is, you fucking imbecile?? I guess not, what an unsophisticated rube you are. Here's an article explaining how oil companies receive at least $4 billion per year from the Federal government, despite the fact that oil companies are basically the wealthiest corporations on the planet.

LOL as I said spoon fed liberal. Its not the taxpayers money its the oil companies money they earned the money so that for starters. A tax deduction for business expenditures is not a subsidy, do you consider your mortgage deduction a subsidy? How about a deduction for charitable giving do you consider that a subsidy? No of course not, it was your money to start with, the government didn't go take some money from someone else and give it to you, that's a subsidy. When government takes MY money and gives it to some mooching loser for a child tax credit refund when they didn't even pay any income tax, THAT'S a subsidy. Liberals are liars start there and begin correcting the BS you have been spoon fed dummy.

You enjoy just making shit up, don't you? These oil company subsidies absolutely do come from taxpayer money.

Your definition of subsidy is not accurate. Google it.

And what difference does it make if it's a tax break or a subsidy? It makes NO DIFFERENCE. The fact is that mega-wealthy corporations are getting preferential treatment, just like the people on welfare that you hate-filled Repugs constantly whine about. Like I said, you only have problem with poor people receiving assistance from the government. It's OK if rich Repugs and corporations get it.

I'm sorry I destroyed your spoon fed liberal view of the world, take a few days to process and heal.

In other words, YOU LOSE. You can't defend these oil subsidies because you are an intellectually dishonest and shameless tea bagger lump of shit.
Give us a couple examples of standards you hold and see if we disagree with any of them

I started to answer, but first tell me who "us" is that's propping up your Bob Dole penis. Who are you speaking for because even you think what you say is too limp to stand on it's own
Liberals. Now answer
Did you see unemployment is under 5% and wages are up?

Have people forgot Obama got us out of Bush's great recession?

Not even a thank you

It wasn't Putin?
Now there's the kind of leader we need. A conservative president who does what he wants. Just walk up to angela merkle and grab her pussy.

Republicans love an authoritarian daddy like president. Not a thinker but a tough guy

Thinking? That's so gay.

Yes, you're never caught thinking

Boy, that flew right over your head. Do me a favor, if you don't have a point to make then don't reply to my posts, it'll save us both loads of time.

You wonder why people keep laughing when you walk by, don't you?
Last edited:
I already pointed out that actual liberals are classic liberals, today we are called libertarians.

On what arbitrary criteria are you basing that off of? Sounds like conjecture to me.


You don't know what a classic liberal is? Seriously? And you call yourself an anarchist? And you don't know what a true Scotsman fallacy is either because that makes no sense.

No wonder you're the lamest liberal claiming to be an anarchist ever ...
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual an whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...
My first instinct is to reject the premise of your question. If you said "For a fat chick you don't sweat too much!" it could not be more off putting.

But, should you want a sincere answer, I would say my standards include liberty and equality. Egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.
"I would say my standards include liberty and equality. Egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind"

So show where you have held other Democrats to those standards
I started to answer, but first tell me who "us" is that's propping up your Bob Dole penis. Who are you speaking for because even you think what you say is too limp to stand on it's own
Liberals. Now answer
It wasn't Putin?
Now there's the kind of leader we need. A conservative president who does what he wants. Just walk up to angela merkle and grab her pussy.

Republicans love an authoritarian daddy like president. Not a thinker but a tough guy

Thinking? That's so gay.

Yes, you're never caught thinking

Boy, that flew right over your head. Do me a favor, if you don't have a point to make then don't reply to my posts, it'll save us both loads of time.

You wonder why people keep laughing when you walk by, don't you?

One thing I wonder about is why you keep trying to insult people and it falls flat.
Liberals. Now answer
Now there's the kind of leader we need. A conservative president who does what he wants. Just walk up to angela merkle and grab her pussy.

Republicans love an authoritarian daddy like president. Not a thinker but a tough guy

Thinking? That's so gay.

Yes, you're never caught thinking

Boy, that flew right over your head. Do me a favor, if you don't have a point to make then don't reply to my posts, it'll save us both loads of time.

You wonder why people keep laughing when you walk by, don't you?

One thing I wonder about is why you keep trying to insult people and it falls flat.

Wow, you declare insults on you a failure, that's quite surprising. You're obviously the one to say
Thinking? That's so gay.

Yes, you're never caught thinking

Boy, that flew right over your head. Do me a favor, if you don't have a point to make then don't reply to my posts, it'll save us both loads of time.

You wonder why people keep laughing when you walk by, don't you?

One thing I wonder about is why you keep trying to insult people and it falls flat.

Wow, you declare insults on you a failure, that's quite surprising. You're obviously the one to say

I'm declaring you a failure. Let me know when you're out of your tween stage.
Yes, you're never caught thinking

Boy, that flew right over your head. Do me a favor, if you don't have a point to make then don't reply to my posts, it'll save us both loads of time.

You wonder why people keep laughing when you walk by, don't you?

One thing I wonder about is why you keep trying to insult people and it falls flat.

Wow, you declare insults on you a failure, that's quite surprising. You're obviously the one to say

I'm declaring you a failure. Let me know when you're out of your tween stage.

Thanks for showing me how to do quality insults, that was obliterating
You don't know what a classic liberal is?

I know what a classical liberal is. That has nothing to do with the point I just made.

Seriously? And you call yourself an anarchist?

The criteria for being an anarchist is knowing the definition of a classical liberal (which I do know btw)? That's retarded.

And you don't know what a true Scotsman fallacy is either because that makes no sense.

You stated that true liberals are libertarians. You provided no justification to that claim, and therefore were party to the fallacy commonly known as "no true Scotsman."

No wonder you're the lamest liberal claiming to be an anarchist ever ...

What will I ever do without your validation?
You don't know what a classic liberal is?

I know what a classical liberal is. That has nothing to do with the point I just made.

Seriously? And you call yourself an anarchist?

The criteria for being an anarchist is knowing the definition of a classical liberal (which I do know btw)? That's retarded.

And you don't know what a true Scotsman fallacy is either because that makes no sense.

You stated that true liberals are libertarians. You provided no justification to that claim, and therefore were party to the fallacy commonly known as "no true Scotsman."

No wonder you're the lamest liberal claiming to be an anarchist ever ...

What will I ever do without your validation?

You know what a classic liberal is and you used it wrong while you know what a true Scottsman is while you used it wrong. You think "true Scottsman" is using the word "true" in a sentence.

The people who call yourselves "liberals" are totalitarian leftists. There is nothing liberal about you.

So tell the truth, you laugh and tell your Democrat homies how you pretend to be an anarchist on a message board and no one has figured it out, don't you? Even though a bunch of us keep saying you're not anarchist, you're a Democrat. Tell the truth

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