Liberals, what are your actual standards? What do you really believe?

Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Trump proudly admits to breaking 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10 again and again. It's not a morality code to Trump, it's a bucket list.

Going after someone's wife. Banging a Playboy centerfold while is wife was pregnant. Stiffing (or as we call it, stealing) his workers, sexual assault and on and on.........

Perhaps you should worry more about your kind. I thought the GOP was the "Party of God". And God would be very, very disappointed.
You know what a classic liberal is and you used it wrong

When did I use it wrong?

You were the only one here that has been talking about classical liberals.

while you know what a true Scottsman is while you used it wrong. You think "true Scottsman" is using the word "true" in a sentence.

Actually no. No true Scotsman is making a claim of purity within a social construct without basing that claim on any substantive evidence.

The people who call yourselves "liberals" are totalitarian leftists. There is nothing liberal about you.

I do not label myself a liberal, so....

So tell the truth, you laugh and tell your Democrat homies how you pretend to be an anarchist on a message board and no one has figured it out, don't you? Even though a bunch of us keep saying you're not anarchist, you're a Democrat. Tell the truth

Okay, whatever kaz
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Trump proudly admits to breaking 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10 again and again. It's not a morality code to Trump, it's a bucket list.

Going after someone's wife. Banging a Playboy centerfold while is wife was pregnant. Stiffing (or as we call it, stealing) his workers, sexual assault and on and on.........

Perhaps you should worry more about your kind. I thought the GOP was the "Party of God". And God would be very, very disappointed.

I'm a Republican! Ouch! Stewie, you're such a wit. That one stung. I wonder why Republicans can grasp not Republican and not Democrat and you can't. I'm thinking they're smarter than you.

And my question had nothing to do with Trump, it was to you. And you whiffed on it. So how do you apply any standards to yourself and Democrats? I'm saying you have no standards you apply. So far you haven't been able to come up with any either.
You know what a classic liberal is and you used it wrong

When did I use it wrong?

You were the only one here that has been talking about classical liberals.

while you know what a true Scottsman is while you used it wrong. You think "true Scottsman" is using the word "true" in a sentence.

Actually no. No true Scotsman is making a claim of purity within a social construct without basing that claim on any substantive evidence.

The people who call yourselves "liberals" are totalitarian leftists. There is nothing liberal about you.

I do not label myself a liberal, so....

So tell the truth, you laugh and tell your Democrat homies how you pretend to be an anarchist on a message board and no one has figured it out, don't you? Even though a bunch of us keep saying you're not anarchist, you're a Democrat. Tell the truth

Okay, whatever kaz

You know you're on the Internet, you can Google terms you don't know. Classic liberals value individual freedoms. You are a collectivist. You are the opposite of a classic liberal
You know you're on the Internet, you can Google terms you don't know

Yes, I could do that. Not sure how that has anything to do with what we were previously "discussing." (more like you bitching and whining)

I never mentioned the term classical liberal once. yet you out of nowhere accused me of not knowing the definition.

Whatever I guess. You are just some nutjob living in your own wacko reality.
You know you're on the Internet, you can Google terms you don't know

Yes, I could do that. Not sure how that has anything to do with what we were previously "discussing." (more like you bitching/whining and not making any sense)

What does that have to do with anything we have been discussing the past several pages. I never mentioned the term classical liberal once. yet you out of nowhere accused me of not knowing the definition.

Whatever I guess. You are just some nutjob living in your own wacko reality.

Ouch, got you upset. It's just an Internet discussion, relax
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual an whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...
My first instinct is to reject the premise of your question. If you said "For a fat chick you don't sweat too much!" it could not be more off putting.

But, should you want a sincere answer, I would say my standards include liberty and equality. Egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.

Bull shit. You're voting for someone who voted for the Iraq war, who attacked the victims of her sexual predator husband, who let four people die becuase it was politically unsavory to save them, who hid her Whitewater legal files she was legally required to keep, who lied about exposing secret and top secret information to our enemies, who thinks people should be able to decide for themselves that illegally invading us is enough to become a citizen and so much more. That she believes in liberty, equality, egalitarian and brotherhood is your eating hash brownies
No. I did not vote for Sec. Clinton. I voted against a man I regard as a shameless huckster buffoon who has, with great volume, if not great eloquence voiced his opposition to liberty, equality, egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.

Yes, you didn't vote for Hillary, you voted for Hillary! Nicely played, barrister ...
Don't smack me for bandying words after that hot mess of an OP you offered up!
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual an whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...
My first instinct is to reject the premise of your question. If you said "For a fat chick you don't sweat too much!" it could not be more off putting.

But, should you want a sincere answer, I would say my standards include liberty and equality. Egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.

Bull shit. You're voting for someone who voted for the Iraq war, who attacked the victims of her sexual predator husband, who let four people die becuase it was politically unsavory to save them, who hid her Whitewater legal files she was legally required to keep, who lied about exposing secret and top secret information to our enemies, who thinks people should be able to decide for themselves that illegally invading us is enough to become a citizen and so much more. That she believes in liberty, equality, egalitarian and brotherhood is your eating hash brownies
No. I did not vote for Sec. Clinton. I voted against a man I regard as a shameless huckster buffoon who has, with great volume, if not great eloquence voiced his opposition to liberty, equality, egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.

Yes, you didn't vote for Hillary, you voted for Hillary! Nicely played, barrister ...
Don't smack me for bandying words after that hot mess of an OP you offered up!

Seriously? It's a simple question. What standards do you actually apply to liberals? What about that confuses you?
I suggested twice, now three times, that Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence put forth the easiest to understand liberal philosophy. It was valid in 1776 and remains valid today.
My first instinct is to reject the premise of your question. If you said "For a fat chick you don't sweat too much!" it could not be more off putting.

But, should you want a sincere answer, I would say my standards include liberty and equality. Egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.

Bull shit. You're voting for someone who voted for the Iraq war, who attacked the victims of her sexual predator husband, who let four people die becuase it was politically unsavory to save them, who hid her Whitewater legal files she was legally required to keep, who lied about exposing secret and top secret information to our enemies, who thinks people should be able to decide for themselves that illegally invading us is enough to become a citizen and so much more. That she believes in liberty, equality, egalitarian and brotherhood is your eating hash brownies
No. I did not vote for Sec. Clinton. I voted against a man I regard as a shameless huckster buffoon who has, with great volume, if not great eloquence voiced his opposition to liberty, equality, egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.

Yes, you didn't vote for Hillary, you voted for Hillary! Nicely played, barrister ...
Don't smack me for bandying words after that hot mess of an OP you offered up!

Seriously? It's a simple question. What standards do you actually apply to liberals? What about that confuses you?
The primary standard I apply to Liberal candidates is will that candidate apply equality as the first measure to policy. I know that eroding civil rights is basic to Conservative policy. I want the laws of the land to apply equally to all American citizens. All Americans should be confident in their rights to vote, to speak, to redress their grievances and to enjoy all the privledges enjoyed by their fellow citizens.

That means they can love who they love, come home safely from their workplace, breathe clean air, drink safe clean water and develop their opportunities on clean soil. They must earn the same wage for the same work, have personal control of their bodies, including their reproductive systems,

This standard of equality has been abandoned by contemporary Conservative and Trumpian Americans. Why wouldn't Conservatives view equality and their prime directive?
Liberals, what are your actual standards? What do you really believe?

So called Liberals have proven time and time again that the only standard they have is the promise of somebody else's property. The candidate they support can be as criminal and corrupt as they want but as long as the promise of free stuff is coming out of their mouth they will stand behind them loyally
Bull shit. You're voting for someone who voted for the Iraq war, who attacked the victims of her sexual predator husband, who let four people die becuase it was politically unsavory to save them, who hid her Whitewater legal files she was legally required to keep, who lied about exposing secret and top secret information to our enemies, who thinks people should be able to decide for themselves that illegally invading us is enough to become a citizen and so much more. That she believes in liberty, equality, egalitarian and brotherhood is your eating hash brownies
No. I did not vote for Sec. Clinton. I voted against a man I regard as a shameless huckster buffoon who has, with great volume, if not great eloquence voiced his opposition to liberty, equality, egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.

Yes, you didn't vote for Hillary, you voted for Hillary! Nicely played, barrister ...
Don't smack me for bandying words after that hot mess of an OP you offered up!

Seriously? It's a simple question. What standards do you actually apply to liberals? What about that confuses you?
The primary standard I apply to Liberal candidates is will that candidate apply equality as the first measure to policy. I know that eroding civil rights is basic to Conservative policy. I want the laws of the land to apply equally to all American citizens. All Americans should be confident in their rights to vote, to speak, to redress their grievances and to enjoy all the privledges enjoyed by their fellow citizens.

That means they can love who they love, come home safely from their workplace, breathe clean air, drink safe clean water and develop their opportunities on clean soil. They must earn the same wage for the same work, have personal control of their bodies, including their reproductive systems,

Fair enough. And what Democrats have you ever held accountable for not doing that?

This standard of equality has been abandoned by contemporary Conservative and Trumpian Americans. Why wouldn't Conservatives view equality and their prime directive?

They do, you just don't understand how they view it compared to you. They look at equality of opportunity. You look at equality of results. I agree with them on that
No. I did not vote for Sec. Clinton. I voted against a man I regard as a shameless huckster buffoon who has, with great volume, if not great eloquence voiced his opposition to liberty, equality, egalitarianism and the brotherhood of mankind.

Yes, you didn't vote for Hillary, you voted for Hillary! Nicely played, barrister ...
Don't smack me for bandying words after that hot mess of an OP you offered up!

Seriously? It's a simple question. What standards do you actually apply to liberals? What about that confuses you?
The primary standard I apply to Liberal candidates is will that candidate apply equality as the first measure to policy. I know that eroding civil rights is basic to Conservative policy. I want the laws of the land to apply equally to all American citizens. All Americans should be confident in their rights to vote, to speak, to redress their grievances and to enjoy all the privledges enjoyed by their fellow citizens.

That means they can love who they love, come home safely from their workplace, breathe clean air, drink safe clean water and develop their opportunities on clean soil. They must earn the same wage for the same work, have personal control of their bodies, including their reproductive systems,

Fair enough. And what Democrats have you ever held accountable for not doing that?

This standard of equality has been abandoned by contemporary Conservative and Trumpian Americans. Why wouldn't Conservatives view equality and their prime directive?

They do, you just don't understand how they view it compared to you. They look at equality of opportunity. You look at equality of results. I agree with them on that
If you actually believed that, you would not oppose pay equity, marriage equity or environmental equity. You pay lip service, but no action.
Yes, you didn't vote for Hillary, you voted for Hillary! Nicely played, barrister ...
Don't smack me for bandying words after that hot mess of an OP you offered up!

Seriously? It's a simple question. What standards do you actually apply to liberals? What about that confuses you?
The primary standard I apply to Liberal candidates is will that candidate apply equality as the first measure to policy. I know that eroding civil rights is basic to Conservative policy. I want the laws of the land to apply equally to all American citizens. All Americans should be confident in their rights to vote, to speak, to redress their grievances and to enjoy all the privledges enjoyed by their fellow citizens.

That means they can love who they love, come home safely from their workplace, breathe clean air, drink safe clean water and develop their opportunities on clean soil. They must earn the same wage for the same work, have personal control of their bodies, including their reproductive systems,

Fair enough. And what Democrats have you ever held accountable for not doing that?

This standard of equality has been abandoned by contemporary Conservative and Trumpian Americans. Why wouldn't Conservatives view equality and their prime directive?

They do, you just don't understand how they view it compared to you. They look at equality of opportunity. You look at equality of results. I agree with them on that
If you actually believed that, you would not oppose pay equity, marriage equity or environmental equity. You pay lip service, but no action.

Of course I support "equal pay." Free markets are the best way to ensure that. You don't support free pay, you support socialism and using women as an excuse to transfer more market place control to government.

I support marriage equality. Government marriage should not exist for anyone. Again, government is just an excuse to exert government control over our lives. You're just making up your shit now obviously. Yes, there are liberals and Trump supporters, you stupid fuck. Stop wasting my time by telling me what I think when obviously you don't know

I don't know what environmental equity I oppose, can you clarify what I think for me?

As for lip service, again, you're just making up your shit as you go. Let me know what I think again since I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

Now instead of telling me what I think, how about if you answer the question? "what Democrats have you ever held accountable for not doing that?"
Don't smack me for bandying words after that hot mess of an OP you offered up!

Seriously? It's a simple question. What standards do you actually apply to liberals? What about that confuses you?
The primary standard I apply to Liberal candidates is will that candidate apply equality as the first measure to policy. I know that eroding civil rights is basic to Conservative policy. I want the laws of the land to apply equally to all American citizens. All Americans should be confident in their rights to vote, to speak, to redress their grievances and to enjoy all the privledges enjoyed by their fellow citizens.

That means they can love who they love, come home safely from their workplace, breathe clean air, drink safe clean water and develop their opportunities on clean soil. They must earn the same wage for the same work, have personal control of their bodies, including their reproductive systems,

Fair enough. And what Democrats have you ever held accountable for not doing that?

This standard of equality has been abandoned by contemporary Conservative and Trumpian Americans. Why wouldn't Conservatives view equality and their prime directive?

They do, you just don't understand how they view it compared to you. They look at equality of opportunity. You look at equality of results. I agree with them on that
If you actually believed that, you would not oppose pay equity, marriage equity or environmental equity. You pay lip service, but no action.

Of course I support "equal pay." Free markets are the best way to ensure that. You don't support free pay, you support socialism and using women as an excuse to transfer more market place control to government.

I support marriage equality. Government marriage should not exist for anyone. Again, government is just an excuse to exert government control over our lives. You're just making up your shit now obviously. Yes, there are liberals and Trump supporters, you stupid fuck. Stop wasting my time by telling me what I think when obviously you don't know

I don't know what environmental equity I oppose, can you clarify what I think for me?

As for lip service, again, you're just making up your shit as you go. Let me know what I think again since I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

Now instead of telling me what I think, how about if you answer the question? "what Democrats have you ever held accountable for not doing that?"
If you're waiting for the bogus Free Market system to be equitable to labor, you will all too soon recognized the legitimacy of labor unions, collective bargaining and the strike. So-called Free Markets are not set up to be, or in business for anything like equality and justice.

Government issues marriage licenses and government dissolves the marriage contract. Churches, temples and mosques merely sanctify marriage for their followers. They serve simply ceremonial marriages.

Calling for government protection of bigotry and discrimination is something America simply should not and would not do.

I did not support Bill Clinton on "Don't ask, don't tell" because that policy was not fair or equitabl. I did not support Gov. Ted Strickland when he colluded with radical Republicans as they tore my pension apart. I'm a public servant, not the bad guy as those Republicans painted me.
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Seriously? It's a simple question. What standards do you actually apply to liberals? What about that confuses you?
The primary standard I apply to Liberal candidates is will that candidate apply equality as the first measure to policy. I know that eroding civil rights is basic to Conservative policy. I want the laws of the land to apply equally to all American citizens. All Americans should be confident in their rights to vote, to speak, to redress their grievances and to enjoy all the privledges enjoyed by their fellow citizens.

That means they can love who they love, come home safely from their workplace, breathe clean air, drink safe clean water and develop their opportunities on clean soil. They must earn the same wage for the same work, have personal control of their bodies, including their reproductive systems,

Fair enough. And what Democrats have you ever held accountable for not doing that?

This standard of equality has been abandoned by contemporary Conservative and Trumpian Americans. Why wouldn't Conservatives view equality and their prime directive?

They do, you just don't understand how they view it compared to you. They look at equality of opportunity. You look at equality of results. I agree with them on that
If you actually believed that, you would not oppose pay equity, marriage equity or environmental equity. You pay lip service, but no action.

Of course I support "equal pay." Free markets are the best way to ensure that. You don't support free pay, you support socialism and using women as an excuse to transfer more market place control to government.

I support marriage equality. Government marriage should not exist for anyone. Again, government is just an excuse to exert government control over our lives. You're just making up your shit now obviously. Yes, there are liberals and Trump supporters, you stupid fuck. Stop wasting my time by telling me what I think when obviously you don't know

I don't know what environmental equity I oppose, can you clarify what I think for me?

As for lip service, again, you're just making up your shit as you go. Let me know what I think again since I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

Now instead of telling me what I think, how about if you answer the question? "what Democrats have you ever held accountable for not doing that?"
If you're waiting for the bogus Free Market system to be equitable to labor, you will all too soon recognized the legitimacy of labor unions, collective bargaining and the strike. So-called Free Markets are not set up to be, or in business for anything like equality and justice.

Government issues marriage licenses and government dissolves the marriage contract. Churches, temples and mosques merely sanctify marriage for their followers. They serve simply ceremonial marriages.

Calling for government protection of bigotry and discrimination is something America simply should not and would not do.

I did not support Bill Clinton on "Don't ask, don't tell" because that policy was not fair or equitabl. I did not support Gov. Ted Strickland when he colluded with radical Republicans as they tore my pension apart. I'm a public servant, not the bad guy as those Republicans painted me.

What liberals on the board have you ever challenged. Who you silently didn't agree with in public office is clearly not what I asked you
The primary standard I apply to Liberal candidates is will that candidate apply equality as the first measure to policy. I know that eroding civil rights is basic to Conservative policy. I want the laws of the land to apply equally to all American citizens. All Americans should be confident in their rights to vote, to speak, to redress their grievances and to enjoy all the privledges enjoyed by their fellow citizens.

That means they can love who they love, come home safely from their workplace, breathe clean air, drink safe clean water and develop their opportunities on clean soil. They must earn the same wage for the same work, have personal control of their bodies, including their reproductive systems,

Fair enough. And what Democrats have you ever held accountable for not doing that?

This standard of equality has been abandoned by contemporary Conservative and Trumpian Americans. Why wouldn't Conservatives view equality and their prime directive?

They do, you just don't understand how they view it compared to you. They look at equality of opportunity. You look at equality of results. I agree with them on that
If you actually believed that, you would not oppose pay equity, marriage equity or environmental equity. You pay lip service, but no action.

Of course I support "equal pay." Free markets are the best way to ensure that. You don't support free pay, you support socialism and using women as an excuse to transfer more market place control to government.

I support marriage equality. Government marriage should not exist for anyone. Again, government is just an excuse to exert government control over our lives. You're just making up your shit now obviously. Yes, there are liberals and Trump supporters, you stupid fuck. Stop wasting my time by telling me what I think when obviously you don't know

I don't know what environmental equity I oppose, can you clarify what I think for me?

As for lip service, again, you're just making up your shit as you go. Let me know what I think again since I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

Now instead of telling me what I think, how about if you answer the question? "what Democrats have you ever held accountable for not doing that?"
If you're waiting for the bogus Free Market system to be equitable to labor, you will all too soon recognized the legitimacy of labor unions, collective bargaining and the strike. So-called Free Markets are not set up to be, or in business for anything like equality and justice.

Government issues marriage licenses and government dissolves the marriage contract. Churches, temples and mosques merely sanctify marriage for their followers. They serve simply ceremonial marriages.

Calling for government protection of bigotry and discrimination is something America simply should not and would not do.

I did not support Bill Clinton on "Don't ask, don't tell" because that policy was not fair or equitabl. I did not support Gov. Ted Strickland when he colluded with radical Republicans as they tore my pension apart. I'm a public servant, not the bad guy as those Republicans painted me.

What liberals on the board have you ever challenged. Who you silently didn't agree with in public office is clearly not what I asked you
You did not clearly ask that. By asked no who on the board I've called out is a Flame Zone caliber question.

That being said, I have called out some who have tried to politicize police killings.

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