Liberals, what are your actual standards? What do you really believe?

Bully for you. I don't use this board as you seem to like to. I state a position, write (what I think are) intelligent and articulate points, and move on.

Opinions are so firmly baked in that I cannot see the virtue in attempting to actually change minds. If someone disagrees with me, they usually voice that disagreement in terms either so profanity laced they are instantly dismissed, or so poorly reasoned that the light of understanding cannot pass into their thick skulls.
Well said. And you might take note; my posts are not full of ad homiems.

"Damn. You're stupid as shit" betrays a very shallow mind.

Give me your suggested "intelligent" and "thoughtful" reply to your informing me that I'm a Trump supporter when I'm clearly not and never have been
Good thinking.

OK then, good thinking. What now?
If you're waiting for the bogus Free Market system to be equitable to labor, you will all too soon recognized the legitimacy of labor unions, collective bargaining and the strike. So-called Free Markets are not set up to be, or in business for anything like equality and justice.

Government issues marriage licenses and government dissolves the marriage contract. Churches, temples and mosques merely sanctify marriage for their followers. They serve simply ceremonial marriages.

Calling for government protection of bigotry and discrimination is something America simply should not and would not do.

I did not support Bill Clinton on "Don't ask, don't tell" because that policy was not fair or equitabl. I did not support Gov. Ted Strickland when he colluded with radical Republicans as they tore my pension apart. I'm a public servant, not the bad guy as those Republicans painted me.

What liberals on the board have you ever challenged. Who you silently didn't agree with in public office is clearly not what I asked you
You did not clearly ask that. By asked no who on the board I've called out is a Flame Zone caliber question.

That being said, I have called out some who have tried to politicize police killings.

Tissue? Are you serious? Read any of Lakota's threads. What a douche. Just admit you have no standards for yourself or Democrats. The truth is liberating

You have no idea what the truth is. I take Voltaire seriously when he puts people like you in your place.

Voltaire “I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it."

So there you go, I agree with him too

“Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it.”

You're incurious and full of arrogance. A bad combo.
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Interesting. Usually you don't have a meltdown until 2 or 3 posts in.

Ouch, and the bullet hits the bone. Got under your skin on that one. Thanks for letting me know

If that's what you want to believe. I think everyone is due their fantasies.

You're the one who started talking about feelings, Broom Hilda

Nope. I made an observation about the obvious...obvious to everyone but you.
What I Believe.....

I believe in rainbows and puppy dogs and fairy tales.

And I believe in the family - Mom and Dad and Grandma.. and Uncle Tom, who waves his penis.

And I believe 8 of the 10 Commandments.

And I believe in going to church every Sunday, unless there's a game on.

And I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, wholesome and natural things.. that money can buy.

And I believe it's derogatory to refer to a woman's breasts as "boobs", "jugs", "winnebagos" or "golden bozos".. and that you should only refer to them as "hooters".

And I believe you should put a woman on a pedestal.. high enough so you can look up her dress.

And I believe in equality, equality for everyone.. no matter how stupid they are, or how much better I am than they are.

And, people say I'm crazy for believing this, but I believe that robots are stealing my luggage.

And I believe I made a mistake when I bought a 30-story 1-bedroom apartment.

And I believe the Battle of the Network Stars should be fought with guns.

And I believe that Ronald Reagan can make this country what it once was - an arctic region covered with ice.

And, lastly, I believe that of all the evils on this earth, there is nothing worse than the music you're listening to right now. That's what I believe.

Steve Martin

What I Believe.....

I believe in rainbows and puppy dogs and fairy tales.

And I believe in the family - Mom and Dad and Grandma.. and Uncle Tom, who waves his penis.

And I believe 8 of the 10 Commandments.

And I believe in going to church every Sunday, unless there's a game on.

And I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, wholesome and natural things.. that money can buy.

And I believe it's derogatory to refer to a woman's breasts as "boobs", "jugs", "winnebagos" or "golden bozos".. and that you should only refer to them as "hooters".

And I believe you should put a woman on a pedestal.. high enough so you can look up her dress.

And I believe in equality, equality for everyone.. no matter how stupid they are, or how much better I am than they are.

And, people say I'm crazy for believing this, but I believe that robots are stealing my luggage.

And I believe I made a mistake when I bought a 30-story 1-bedroom apartment.

And I believe the Battle of the Network Stars should be fought with guns.

And I believe that Ronald Reagan can make this country what it once was - an arctic region covered with ice.

And, lastly, I believe that of all the evils on this earth, there is nothing worse than the music you're listening to right now. That's what I believe.

Steve Martin


He also believes in making sexual references about other people's daughters, which is why I have him on ignore. Unfortunately people sometimes quote him. I'd like to see him try that one in real life instead of on a message board. Maybe in a locker room ...

Looks like your skin is so thin you're in danger of bleeding to death without a mark on you. Can't you see that you're being mocked?

Why doesn't he "mock" some guys in a locker room and see how it turns out for him?

As for Trump, he's just mocking you. There, you have your answer. So you're voting for someone who attacks sexual assault victims and you're just voting against a card who is mocking you. Pretty pathetic
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Interesting. Usually you don't have a meltdown until 2 or 3 posts in.

Ouch, and the bullet hits the bone. Got under your skin on that one. Thanks for letting me know

If that's what you want to believe. I think everyone is due their fantasies.

You're the one who started talking about feelings, Broom Hilda

Nope. I made an observation about the obvious...obvious to everyone but you.

How do you get your head through doorways?
What I Believe.....

I believe in rainbows and puppy dogs and fairy tales.

And I believe in the family - Mom and Dad and Grandma.. and Uncle Tom, who waves his penis.

And I believe 8 of the 10 Commandments.

And I believe in going to church every Sunday, unless there's a game on.

And I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, wholesome and natural things.. that money can buy.

And I believe it's derogatory to refer to a woman's breasts as "boobs", "jugs", "winnebagos" or "golden bozos".. and that you should only refer to them as "hooters".

And I believe you should put a woman on a pedestal.. high enough so you can look up her dress.

And I believe in equality, equality for everyone.. no matter how stupid they are, or how much better I am than they are.

And, people say I'm crazy for believing this, but I believe that robots are stealing my luggage.

And I believe I made a mistake when I bought a 30-story 1-bedroom apartment.

And I believe the Battle of the Network Stars should be fought with guns.

And I believe that Ronald Reagan can make this country what it once was - an arctic region covered with ice.

And, lastly, I believe that of all the evils on this earth, there is nothing worse than the music you're listening to right now. That's what I believe.

Steve Martin

What I Believe.....

I believe in rainbows and puppy dogs and fairy tales.

And I believe in the family - Mom and Dad and Grandma.. and Uncle Tom, who waves his penis.

And I believe 8 of the 10 Commandments.

And I believe in going to church every Sunday, unless there's a game on.

And I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, wholesome and natural things.. that money can buy.

And I believe it's derogatory to refer to a woman's breasts as "boobs", "jugs", "winnebagos" or "golden bozos".. and that you should only refer to them as "hooters".

And I believe you should put a woman on a pedestal.. high enough so you can look up her dress.

And I believe in equality, equality for everyone.. no matter how stupid they are, or how much better I am than they are.

And, people say I'm crazy for believing this, but I believe that robots are stealing my luggage.

And I believe I made a mistake when I bought a 30-story 1-bedroom apartment.

And I believe the Battle of the Network Stars should be fought with guns.

And I believe that Ronald Reagan can make this country what it once was - an arctic region covered with ice.

And, lastly, I believe that of all the evils on this earth, there is nothing worse than the music you're listening to right now. That's what I believe.

Steve Martin


He also believes in making sexual references about other people's daughters, which is why I have him on ignore. Unfortunately people sometimes quote him. I'd like to see him try that one in real life instead of on a message board. Maybe in a locker room ...

Looks like your skin is so thin you're in danger of bleeding to death without a mark on you. Can't you see that you're being mocked?

Why doesn't he "mock" some guys in a locker room and see how it turns out for him?

As for Trump, he's just mocking you. There, you have your answer. So you're voting for someone who attacks sexual assault victims and you're just voting against a card who is mocking you. Pretty pathetic

1. Because he's not a Keyboard Kowboy like you.
2. You don't know who I voted for, asshat.
Like I said, incurious and arrogant.
So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Why would anyone answer your question? You are already locked in an echo chamber, as this post makes abundantly clear.
In other can't come up with a single standard that you would hold a Dumbocrat accountable to so you'll just insult the OP.

We are all in this together. You are every man for himself.
No, really, we're not. I don't get where you bat-shit crazy communists come up with this nonsense. There is a difference between what you want and what is reality. You may want us to be "all in this together" but we are not.

The United States was founded on the individual. After centuries of monarchies controlling everything and everyone, and everyone "being in it together" the brilliant founders came up with a new system where each of us could do our own way and do our own thing. And that's exactly what we're going to do. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
I notice liberals are running away and hiding. Despite their endless standards for Republicans, they can't name a standard they apply to themselves. That is the accurate answer, no answer

No, they probably just saw right through your obvious baiting. Only an idiot would actually believe that you are looking for a serious intellectual discussion.
Only an idiot would consider a question "baiting". It's a simple fucking question. The fact that is scares you so badly speaks volumes.
  • Thanks
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Why the fuck are you baiting liberals if you consider yourself one?
For starters, Kaz is not "baiting" you tool. This is a discussion board. If nobody is allowed to discuss anything without being accused of "baiting", the WTF is the point?!? Idiot.
"Liberals, what are your actual standards? What do you really believe?"

Just as there are no universally agreed standards and principles to which all conservatives ascribe, there is likely no such consistency among liberals.
Only an idiot would consider a question "baiting". It's a simple fucking question. The fact that is scares you so badly speaks volumes.

You can bait people with questions.

kaz motivation was not to debate in this thread. It was to let liberals wander into his snare so he could start flailing like a man baby. Have you read the thread? Has he attempted anything even slightly resembling intellectual discourse?
Only an idiot would consider a question "baiting". It's a simple fucking question. The fact that is scares you so badly speaks volumes.

You can bait people with questions.

kaz motivation was not to debate in this thread. It was to let liberals wander into his snare so he could start flailing like a man baby. Have you read the thread? Has he attempted anything even slightly resembling intellectual discourse?
How can he with people like you spouting off ignorant stuff? And here's the thing - if you truly thought he was baiting - why even weigh in? Why not just move on? Do you think anyone cares what your thoughts are about Kaz? I assure you, we don't.

Do you not realize how stupid you sound responding to a thread that you feel is designed for "baiting"? Furthermore, you're off topic by whining about Kaz's thread. Either answer the fucking question, or grow up, act like an adult, and move on.
"Liberals, what are your actual standards? What do you really believe?"

Just as there are no universally agreed standards and principles to which all conservatives ascribe, there is likely no such consistency among liberals.
Kaz didn't ask for a "universal". He wants to know your standards. Each person who read the thread and wants to engage.

Why is this so fucking hard for everyone? Is everyone on USMB just a brain-dead nitwit? You people can't possibly hold jobs if you're this fucking stupid.
How can he with people like you spouting off ignorant stuff? And here's the thing - if you truly thought he was baiting - why even weigh in? Why not just move on? Do you think anyone cares what your thoughts are about Kaz? I assure you, we don't.

Do you not realize how stupid you sound responding to a thread that you feel is designed for "baiting"? Furthermore, you're off topic by whining about Kaz's thread. Either answer the fucking question, or grow up, act like an adult, and move on.

Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Standards for Dims are like their view of the Constitution, their standards are living and breathing and ever changing, depending on which way the wind is blowing.
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat.

So you are liberal who always votes "D".

Thanks for that.
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...
Liberals have no standards, no real beliefs, they just accept what ever the Hive mind tells them to believe. No right no wrong. Unless the Hive mind decides something is one of those.
We are all in this together. You are every man for himself.
No, really, we're not. I don't get where you bat-shit crazy communists come up with this nonsense. There is a difference between what you want and what is reality. You may want us to be "all in this together" but we are not.

The United States was founded on the individual. After centuries of monarchies controlling everything and everyone, and everyone "being in it together" the brilliant founders came up with a new system where each of us could do our own way and do our own thing. And that's exactly what we're going to do. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Democracy is not every man for himself.

Ever hear of unions? Not every man for himself. And if if weren't for unions and liberal labor laws we wouldn't have a middle class. Or we would but it'd be a small one. The masses would be the working poor.

This is what 8 years of bush produced. And you know it otherwise you'd have nominated his brother.

Maybe if trump says it you'll believe
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...
Liberals have no standards, no real beliefs, they just accept what ever the Hive mind tells them to believe. No right no wrong. Unless the Hive mind decides something is one of those.
That's funny because every trumpeter I talk to has their right wing talking points down. You're all a bunch of Melania's reading a script

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