Liberals, what are your actual standards? What do you really believe?

The middle class that was huge booming and the envy of the rest of the world was due to unions.

Again you ignorant fool, this is completely false.The middle class arose as Americans specialized in the crops they grew and the crafts they pursued, selling the product of their labor on the open market instead of laboring for sustenance. This was known as the "market revolution."

Take a history class.

We can agree to disagree. And I know what you are saying and I get that you are correct too.

But don't discount the impact unions had. They literally made the middle class here in Michigan. Those unions are all but gone now. Even the unions that are left took huge concessions. And waves have gone down. Waves did not go up. Companies came back to Michigan but don't pay what they used to. Right to work lowers wages.

Collective bargaining good

Unions have nothing to do with the rise of the middle class. Unions formed first in Europe and spread to America as industrialization dominated the large cities. Unions are a form of collectivism that offsets corporations, another form of collectivism, in a healthy capitalist economy. Monopolies in corporations such as the old AT&T or in unions such as the AFL/CIO destroy an economy, but in a free market, both unions and corporations offer a healthy economy.
What I Believe.....

I believe in rainbows and puppy dogs and fairy tales.

And I believe in the family - Mom and Dad and Grandma.. and Uncle Tom, who waves his penis.

And I believe 8 of the 10 Commandments.

And I believe in going to church every Sunday, unless there's a game on.

And I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, wholesome and natural things.. that money can buy.

And I believe it's derogatory to refer to a woman's breasts as "boobs", "jugs", "winnebagos" or "golden bozos".. and that you should only refer to them as "hooters".

And I believe you should put a woman on a pedestal.. high enough so you can look up her dress.

And I believe in equality, equality for everyone.. no matter how stupid they are, or how much better I am than they are.

And, people say I'm crazy for believing this, but I believe that robots are stealing my luggage.

And I believe I made a mistake when I bought a 30-story 1-bedroom apartment.

And I believe the Battle of the Network Stars should be fought with guns.

And I believe that Ronald Reagan can make this country what it once was - an arctic region covered with ice.

And, lastly, I believe that of all the evils on this earth, there is nothing worse than the music you're listening to right now. That's what I believe.

Steve Martin

What I Believe.....

I believe in rainbows and puppy dogs and fairy tales.

And I believe in the family - Mom and Dad and Grandma.. and Uncle Tom, who waves his penis.

And I believe 8 of the 10 Commandments.

And I believe in going to church every Sunday, unless there's a game on.

And I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, wholesome and natural things.. that money can buy.

And I believe it's derogatory to refer to a woman's breasts as "boobs", "jugs", "winnebagos" or "golden bozos".. and that you should only refer to them as "hooters".

And I believe you should put a woman on a pedestal.. high enough so you can look up her dress.

And I believe in equality, equality for everyone.. no matter how stupid they are, or how much better I am than they are.

And, people say I'm crazy for believing this, but I believe that robots are stealing my luggage.

And I believe I made a mistake when I bought a 30-story 1-bedroom apartment.

And I believe the Battle of the Network Stars should be fought with guns.

And I believe that Ronald Reagan can make this country what it once was - an arctic region covered with ice.

And, lastly, I believe that of all the evils on this earth, there is nothing worse than the music you're listening to right now. That's what I believe.

Steve Martin


He also believes in making sexual references about other people's daughters, which is why I have him on ignore. Unfortunately people sometimes quote him. I'd like to see him try that one in real life instead of on a message board. Maybe in a locker room ...

Looks like your skin is so thin you're in danger of bleeding to death without a mark on you. Can't you see that you're being mocked?

Why doesn't he "mock" some guys in a locker room and see how it turns out for him?

As for Trump, he's just mocking you. There, you have your answer. So you're voting for someone who attacks sexual assault victims and you're just voting against a card who is mocking you. Pretty pathetic

1. Because he's not a Keyboard Kowboy like you.

That doesn't even make sense. He makes sexual references to people on the Internet about our daughters but doesn't in locker rooms because he's "not a Keyboard Kowboy?"

It would clearly be the reverse, Pocahontas. Didn't think that one through, did you?

2. You don't know who I voted for, asshat

Haven't seen your avatar lately, have you, princess

Like I said, incurious and arrogant.

The chick who claims to speak for the entire board is calling me "arrogant." That's classic.

Obviously you only speak for the leftists
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Only an idiot would consider a question "baiting". It's a simple fucking question. The fact that is scares you so badly speaks volumes.

You can bait people with questions.

kaz motivation was not to debate in this thread. It was to let liberals wander into his snare so he could start flailing like a man baby. Have you read the thread? Has he attempted anything even slightly resembling intellectual discourse?

I gave you all the chance to prove me wrong. It would have been easy if I was wrong. But you can't because I'm right, so you're going the deflection route instead.

And your hypocrisy over all the crap you write in the lie that you're an anarchist is just cosmic
I notice liberals are running away and hiding. Despite their endless standards for Republicans, they can't name a standard they apply to themselves. That is the accurate answer, no answer

No, they probably just saw right through your obvious baiting. Only an idiot would actually believe that you are looking for a serious intellectual discussion.
Only an idiot would consider a question "baiting". It's a simple fucking question. The fact that is scares you so badly speaks volumes.

It's a question asked with arrogance and obvious, seething bias, in case that escaped you.

Ironically again you're proving my point. A standard you never apply to yourself or other Democrats suddenly emerges from you ...
Kaz said:
I gave you all the chance to prove me wrong. It would have been easy if I was wrong. But you can't because I'm right, so you're going the deflection route instead.


And your hypocrisy over all the crap you write in the lie that you're an anarchist is just cosmic

Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say.

Tissue, loser?

I know what your sole moral "principle" is, it being "The ends always justify the means, but only for my own side". You've demonstrated that over and over. If any sleaze tactic or authoritarian thuggery pushes the aims of DerPartyRepublikkan, you auto-justify it as good and holy. You even try to pretend you're not a loyal party apparatchik with the libertarian charade, but nobody buys it. And then you get so butthurt when everyone laughs at you.

In contrast, we liberals are people of absolute morality. We don't have different standards for ourselves. And that's why conservatives hate us liberals so. The pure shining light of our moral absolutism causes them physical pain, much like sunlight burning a vampire, so the conservatives lash out at the source of that pain.

I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

And we're saying you're projecting your own completely amoral lifestyle on to your moral betters.

Here's a thought. If you're not lying, name a standard I hold that I don't apply to myself. Got the guts to answer, or will you do your usual squeal and run?

What principles do you believe in.

Here are few examples, all of which will be completely foreign to you.

Don't lie.

Don't steal.

Don't assault people.

Don't be a dick.

Clean up your own messes.

Do your share of the work.

Don't betray your country.

That was easy. And boy howdy does it make you look bad. After all, Trump violates all of those tenets, and most conservatives still adore him. Conservatives plainly don't apply any of those standards to themselves. Democrats do. Moral high ground to the Democrats, as usual.

Now, if I'm wrong about you being a butthurt hypocrite, it should be no problem for you to explain why it's okay that most conservatives suck the ass of a moral leper like Trump. So do so. Or just cry out some insults.
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say.

Tissue, loser?

I know what your sole moral "principle" is, it being "The ends always justify the means, but only for my own side". You've demonstrated that over and over. If any sleaze tactic or authoritarian thuggery pushes the aims of DerPartyRepublikkan, you auto-justify it as good and holy. You even try to pretend you're not a loyal party apparatchik with the libertarian charade, but nobody buys it. And then you get so butthurt when everyone laughs at you.

In contrast, we liberals are people of absolute morality. We don't have different standards for ourselves. And that's why conservatives hate us liberals so. The pure shining light of our moral absolutism causes them physical pain, much like sunlight burning a vampire, so the conservatives lash out at the source of that pain.

I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

And we're saying you're projecting your own completely amoral lifestyle on to your moral betters.

Here's a thought. If you're not lying, name a standard I hold that I don't apply to myself. Got the guts to answer, or will you do your usual squeal and run?

What principles do you believe in.

Here are few examples, all of which will be completely foreign to you.

Don't lie.

Don't steal.

Don't assault people.

Don't be a dick.

Clean up your own messes.

Do your share of the work.

Don't betray your country.

That was easy. And boy howdy does it make you look bad. After all, Trump violates all of those tenets, and most conservatives still adore him. Conservatives plainly don't apply any of those standards to themselves. Democrats do. Moral high ground to the Democrats, as usual.

Now, if I'm wrong about you being a butthurt hypocrite, it should be no problem for you to explain why it's okay that most conservatives suck the ass of a moral leper like Trump. So do so. Or just cry out some insults.
That rules out both main party candidates. Guess you won't be voting Trump or Hillary.
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say.

Tissue, loser?

I know what your sole moral "principle" is, it being "The ends always justify the means, but only for my own side". You've demonstrated that over and over. If any sleaze tactic or authoritarian thuggery pushes the aims of DerPartyRepublikkan, you auto-justify it as good and holy. You even try to pretend you're not a loyal party apparatchik with the libertarian charade, but nobody buys it. And then you get so butthurt when everyone laughs at you.

In contrast, we liberals are people of absolute morality. We don't have different standards for ourselves. And that's why conservatives hate us liberals so. The pure shining light of our moral absolutism causes them physical pain, much like sunlight burning a vampire, so the conservatives lash out at the source of that pain.

I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

And we're saying you're projecting your own completely amoral lifestyle on to your moral betters.

Here's a thought. If you're not lying, name a standard I hold that I don't apply to myself. Got the guts to answer, or will you do your usual squeal and run?

What principles do you believe in.

Here are few examples, all of which will be completely foreign to you.

Don't lie.

Don't steal.

Don't assault people.

Don't be a dick.

Clean up your own messes.

Do your share of the work.

Don't betray your country.

That was easy. And boy howdy does it make you look bad. After all, Trump violates all of those tenets, and most conservatives still adore him. Conservatives plainly don't apply any of those standards to themselves. Democrats do. Moral high ground to the Democrats, as usual.

Now, if I'm wrong about you being a butthurt hypocrite, it should be no problem for you to explain why it's okay that most conservatives suck the ass of a moral leper like Trump. So do so. Or just cry out some insults.

You're a cardboard cutout. You insult me all the way through the post then whine about insults. Yet another demonstration of my point, you don't apply my standards to yourself.

As to your view of liberals, you belong in a mental hospital
Kaz said:
I gave you all the chance to prove me wrong. It would have been easy if I was wrong. But you can't because I'm right, so you're going the deflection route instead.


And your hypocrisy over all the crap you write in the lie that you're an anarchist is just cosmic


Actually all you have to do is show standards you have for Republicans that you speak up and hold Democrats to as well. Easy as pie, except that I'm right, you don't ...
You're a cardboard cutout.

Awwww, you poor baby, are you crying and running now? Looks like I get to carve another notch in my wimp-smacking stick. If I apologize for being such a mean ol' poopyhead liberal, will you come back?

You insult me all the way through the post

And I did a damn good job of it, judging by your weepy tone.

then whine about insults.

No, I never did that once. You're just lying because you're so butthurt. Which illustrates another of my points, that you tend to lie about everything.

So, let's go over again what you're trying to run from.

I named a bunch of positions liberals hold and apply to themselves. You wouldn't address it, even though you claimed over and over that you desperately wanted to discuss such things.

I asked you what positions liberals supposedly hold and don't apply to themselves. All you could do in response was lie and say liberals whine about being insulted.

I asked why you don't say conservatives are like that, given they how they so proudly support a complete human shitstain like Trump. You refused to even acknowledge the question.

So, were you a eunuch before you joined the cult, or was castration part of the initiation ceremony?
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say.

Tissue, loser?

I know what your sole moral "principle" is, it being "The ends always justify the means, but only for my own side". You've demonstrated that over and over. If any sleaze tactic or authoritarian thuggery pushes the aims of DerPartyRepublikkan, you auto-justify it as good and holy. You even try to pretend you're not a loyal party apparatchik with the libertarian charade, but nobody buys it. And then you get so butthurt when everyone laughs at you.

In contrast, we liberals are people of absolute morality. We don't have different standards for ourselves. And that's why conservatives hate us liberals so. The pure shining light of our moral absolutism causes them physical pain, much like sunlight burning a vampire, so the conservatives lash out at the source of that pain.

I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

And we're saying you're projecting your own completely amoral lifestyle on to your moral betters.

Here's a thought. If you're not lying, name a standard I hold that I don't apply to myself. Got the guts to answer, or will you do your usual squeal and run?

What principles do you believe in.

Here are few examples, all of which will be completely foreign to you.

Don't lie.

Don't steal.

Don't assault people.

Don't be a dick.

Clean up your own messes.

Do your share of the work.

Don't betray your country.

That was easy. And boy howdy does it make you look bad. After all, Trump violates all of those tenets, and most conservatives still adore him. Conservatives plainly don't apply any of those standards to themselves. Democrats do. Moral high ground to the Democrats, as usual.

Now, if I'm wrong about you being a butthurt hypocrite, it should be no problem for you to explain why it's okay that most conservatives suck the ass of a moral leper like Trump. So do so. Or just cry out some insults.


You lie incessantly. Your entire party is based on stealing from those who produce to bribe those who don't produce to support power for your corrupt party.

Hillary openly sent her goons out to incite violence at Trump campaigns.

While subjective, Obama is arguably the biggest dick in history, though I admit that twinks really irritate me.

Hillary engaged in treason and you love her.

CLEARLY you have no values and violate the ones you tried to copy from the decent people.
You lie incessantly. Your entire party is based on stealing from those who produce to bribe those who don't produce to support power for your corrupt party.

No, we still will not let you freeload, no matter how much you cry at us. If you want the benefits of a modern society, you have to contribute.

Hillary openly sent her goons out to incite violence at Trump campaigns.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

You're literally nuts. Your only purpose on earth now is to serve as a lesson to others, of what happens when a person gives their allegiance to a hate-cult.
And if if weren't for unions and liberal labor laws we wouldn't have a middle class. Or we would but it'd be a small one. The masses would be the working poor.
Boy - someone has really bought into the left-wing propaganda! :lol:

Sweetie...if unions produced the middle-class then we wouldn't see nothing but extreme poverty everywhere liberal policy is implemented and extreme prosperity everywhere that conservative policy is implemented. After over 60 years of a Dumbocrat mayor and over 60 years of a Dumbocrat-controlled city council, and the largest, most powerful unions in the world (the UAW), Detroit has had to file bankruptcy. That's right, the entire damn city had to file bankruptcy.

Your entire false narrative doesn't hold up under reality.
You're a cardboard cutout.

Awwww, you poor baby, are you crying and running now? Looks like I get to carve another notch in my wimp-smacking stick. If I apologize for being such a mean ol' poopyhead liberal, will you come back?

You insult me all the way through the post

And I did a damn good job of it, judging by your weepy tone.

then whine about insults.

No, I never did that once. You're just lying because you're so butthurt. Which illustrates another of my points, that you tend to lie about everything.

So, let's go over again what you're trying to run from.

I named a bunch of positions liberals hold and apply to themselves. You wouldn't address it, even though you claimed over and over that you desperately wanted to discuss such things.

I asked you what positions liberals supposedly hold and don't apply to themselves. All you could do in response was lie and say liberals whine about being insulted.

I asked why you don't say conservatives are like that, given they how they so proudly support a complete human shitstain like Trump. You refused to even acknowledge the question.

So, were you a eunuch before you joined the cult, or was castration part of the initiation ceremony?

Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say.

Tissue, loser?

I know what your sole moral "principle" is, it being "The ends always justify the means, but only for my own side". You've demonstrated that over and over. If any sleaze tactic or authoritarian thuggery pushes the aims of DerPartyRepublikkan, you auto-justify it as good and holy. You even try to pretend you're not a loyal party apparatchik with the libertarian charade, but nobody buys it. And then you get so butthurt when everyone laughs at you.

In contrast, we liberals are people of absolute morality. We don't have different standards for ourselves. And that's why conservatives hate us liberals so. The pure shining light of our moral absolutism causes them physical pain, much like sunlight burning a vampire, so the conservatives lash out at the source of that pain.

I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

And we're saying you're projecting your own completely amoral lifestyle on to your moral betters.

Here's a thought. If you're not lying, name a standard I hold that I don't apply to myself. Got the guts to answer, or will you do your usual squeal and run?

What principles do you believe in.

Here are few examples, all of which will be completely foreign to you.

Don't lie.

Don't steal.

Don't assault people.

Don't be a dick.

Clean up your own messes.

Do your share of the work.

Don't betray your country.

That was easy. And boy howdy does it make you look bad. After all, Trump violates all of those tenets, and most conservatives still adore him. Conservatives plainly don't apply any of those standards to themselves. Democrats do. Moral high ground to the Democrats, as usual.

Now, if I'm wrong about you being a butthurt hypocrite, it should be no problem for you to explain why it's okay that most conservatives suck the ass of a moral leper like Trump. So do so. Or just cry out some insults.
I don't believe either candidate belongs anywhere near the whitehouse. I cannot vote for a corrupt Clinton or a loudmouth arrogant jerk who mocks disabled people. I will vote third party.....and in my eyes there isn't much of a big deal in the outcome.
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Trump proudly admits to breaking 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10 again and again. It's not a morality code to Trump, it's a bucket list.

Going after someone's wife. Banging a Playboy centerfold while is wife was pregnant. Stiffing (or as we call it, stealing) his workers, sexual assault and on and on.........

Perhaps you should worry more about your kind. I thought the GOP was the "Party of God". And God would be very, very disappointed.

I'm a Republican! Ouch! Stewie, you're such a wit. That one stung. I wonder why Republicans can grasp not Republican and not Democrat and you can't. I'm thinking they're smarter than you.

And my question had nothing to do with Trump, it was to you. And you whiffed on it. So how do you apply any standards to yourself and Democrats? I'm saying you have no standards you apply. So far you haven't been able to come up with any either.
You only have to read the Democratic platform.
Democrats work to get everyone medical care - Republicans say let them die or we can't help everyone.

Democrats believe education is the path to get one of 5.8 million unfilled jobs. Republicans want to abolish the Department of Education.

Democrats believe people should be able to get an education without extreme debt. Republicans mock education.

Democrats believe we should let women make their own decisions about their body.
Republicans believe a woman's body is owned by the state.

Democrats believe we should help children. Daycare, healthcare, education, and so on.
Republicans only want to help the fetus. After that, fuck it. It's not mine.

Democrats believe disaster victims should be helped.
Republicans believe disaster victims cost to much and should be on their own.

Democrats believe BP should have paid until the entire Gulf is cleaned up.
Republicans blocked Obama from investigating the gulf and citizens should have paid for it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work.
Republicans believe a woman can't do work the same quality as a man.

Democrats believe everyone should have a vote.
Republicans practice voter suppression.

I could go on endlessly with this. And remember, I have video and audio and quotes to back up every single thing I say.
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Trump proudly admits to breaking 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10 again and again. It's not a morality code to Trump, it's a bucket list.

Going after someone's wife. Banging a Playboy centerfold while is wife was pregnant. Stiffing (or as we call it, stealing) his workers, sexual assault and on and on.........

Perhaps you should worry more about your kind. I thought the GOP was the "Party of God". And God would be very, very disappointed.

I'm a Republican! Ouch! Stewie, you're such a wit. That one stung. I wonder why Republicans can grasp not Republican and not Democrat and you can't. I'm thinking they're smarter than you.

And my question had nothing to do with Trump, it was to you. And you whiffed on it. So how do you apply any standards to yourself and Democrats? I'm saying you have no standards you apply. So far you haven't been able to come up with any either.
You only have to read the Democratic platform.
Democrats work to get everyone medical care - Republicans say let them die or we can't help everyone.

Democrats believe education is the path to get one of 5.8 million unfilled jobs. Republicans want to abolish the Department of Education.

Democrats believe people should be able to get an education without extreme debt. Republicans mock education.

Democrats believe we should let women make their own decisions about their body.
Republicans believe a woman's body is owned by the state.

Democrats believe we should help children. Daycare, healthcare, education, and so on.
Republicans only want to help the fetus. After that, fuck it. It's not mine.

Democrats believe disaster victims should be helped.
Republicans believe disaster victims cost to much and should be on their own.

Democrats believe BP should have paid until the entire Gulf is cleaned up.
Republicans blocked Obama from investigating the gulf and citizens should have paid for it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work.
Republicans believe a woman can't do work the same quality as a man.

Democrats believe everyone should have a vote.
Republicans practice voter suppression.

I could go on endlessly with this. And remember, I have video and audio and quotes to back up every single thing I say.

Sure, so now show where you hold Democrats to that standard
I don't believe either candidate belongs anywhere near the whitehouse. I cannot vote for a corrupt Clinton or a loudmouth arrogant jerk who mocks disabled people. I will vote third party.....and in my eyes there isn't much of a big deal in the outcome.
Yea, vote for the guy that can't name a single world leader anywhere in the world.

So is Hillary corrupt? Or persecuted?
Here's the challenge, liberals. I'm calling you amoral liars on everything you say. I'm saying you have no standards that you apply ... to yourself. So this thread is easy. That is if you have any morality at all.

What principles do you believe in. Here's what you mean. That means you would apply them to yourself, and you would apply them to other Democrats. My contention is there are no standards that you apply to yourselves. So, here's your chance. Prove me wrong. Name the standards. Name standards that if another Democrat said you'd lose it. You'd call them out and blast them.

So? Go ahead, you have no chance at this question, you're amoral lying intellectual whores. Your chance to prove me wrong. Go to it ...

Trump proudly admits to breaking 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10 again and again. It's not a morality code to Trump, it's a bucket list.

Going after someone's wife. Banging a Playboy centerfold while is wife was pregnant. Stiffing (or as we call it, stealing) his workers, sexual assault and on and on.........

Perhaps you should worry more about your kind. I thought the GOP was the "Party of God". And God would be very, very disappointed.

I'm a Republican! Ouch! Stewie, you're such a wit. That one stung. I wonder why Republicans can grasp not Republican and not Democrat and you can't. I'm thinking they're smarter than you.

And my question had nothing to do with Trump, it was to you. And you whiffed on it. So how do you apply any standards to yourself and Democrats? I'm saying you have no standards you apply. So far you haven't been able to come up with any either.
You only have to read the Democratic platform.
Democrats work to get everyone medical care - Republicans say let them die or we can't help everyone.

Democrats believe education is the path to get one of 5.8 million unfilled jobs. Republicans want to abolish the Department of Education.

Democrats believe people should be able to get an education without extreme debt. Republicans mock education.

Democrats believe we should let women make their own decisions about their body.
Republicans believe a woman's body is owned by the state.

Democrats believe we should help children. Daycare, healthcare, education, and so on.
Republicans only want to help the fetus. After that, fuck it. It's not mine.

Democrats believe disaster victims should be helped.
Republicans believe disaster victims cost to much and should be on their own.

Democrats believe BP should have paid until the entire Gulf is cleaned up.
Republicans blocked Obama from investigating the gulf and citizens should have paid for it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work.
Republicans believe a woman can't do work the same quality as a man.

Democrats believe everyone should have a vote.
Republicans practice voter suppression.

I could go on endlessly with this. And remember, I have video and audio and quotes to back up every single thing I say.

Sure, so now show where you hold Democrats to that standard
There are two sides to everything. I just showed both sides. For instance, equal pay. It was the very first piece of legislation Obama signed when he went into office.

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