Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

Defending Liar in Chief small hands Donnie orange doofus regarding his compulsive serial lying is silly and dumb. His prolific lying is now legendary and will be his legacy forever.

Trump is a great President.....Hillary lost......Nothing will change that. Sorry......

Trump so far is a mediocre President- perhaps he will get better- hopefully he will not plunge us into a war- and we wont' go full out Trade War because of him- but time will tell.

Hillary lost.

And Trump is a liar- the most openly lying President in my lifetime.
uh wrong, he's the most transparent President of your lifetime


I would like to see his tax returns.

Like every other President has shown us.

God you Trumpsters are gullible idiots.
He tells us how he makes decisions, he has open meetings with cameras, wtf do you want?

What are you expecting to see in his taxes??????? Why do you care so much?
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?
O... that's the good part! .. We don't just get one big check... How much more fun to get billions and billions of tiny little checks every time a tangible crosses the border... lol

How much have we gotten so far with these “tiny little checks”?

What is a “tangible”?

No one gives a shit. We want the wall. You want to bicker

No Trumpsters give a shit- you don't care how much Trump lies as long as you get your precious little wall.
Ohj and number 3 on your list, that US Steel isn't opening any plants do to the tariffs

US Steel planning to add more than 800 jobs this year

U.S. Steel to reopen dormant Illinois plant, credits proposed Trump tariffs

That's the 3rd one I've doesn't take much

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

Harley is opening overseas, farmers are taking a hit,
That wasn't the point....try and pay we've seen these doomsday projections before......end up as nothing....
You mean like the end of the Bush administration? That was nothing? You sure about that?
No just in the Trump administration. you guys have been making mountains out of mole hills every day

omg Trump called him rocket man!
omg Trump said he had a bigger button
omg Trump is putting on tarriffs
omg Trump pulled out of the Paris Accords
omg Trump pulled out of TPP
omg Trump pulled out of the Iran deal
omg Trump cut taxes
omg Trump put a conservative on the bench
omg Trump removed MLK's bust (which was a LIE!)
omg Trump said the klan AND antifa/BLM were basically shitty
omg Trump told Treudeau to fuck off (not a direct quote, you have to do this for lefties, or they'll fact check you)

That's a small portion that I can remember..I mean it's one after the other....every day the end of the Earth with you guys. I mean no wonder you lefties commit suicide, you worry about EVERYTHING


Why do you think this excuses all of Trump's lies?
This has nothing to do with lies, we were on a different topic....I've got a thread with you already on the lies.
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?
O... that's the good part! .. We don't just get one big check... How much more fun to get billions and billions of tiny little checks every time a tangible crosses the border... lol

How much have we gotten so far with these “tiny little checks”?

What is a “tangible”?

No one gives a shit. We want the wall. You want to bicker

No Trumpsters give a shit- you don't care how much Trump lies as long as you get your precious little wall.
you really hate that wall....and yeah we want the wall.......and no we don't care about him talking about crowd size and the so called lies, since none of them matter.
Defending Liar in Chief small hands Donnie orange doofus regarding his compulsive serial lying is silly and dumb. His prolific lying is now legendary and will be his legacy forever.

Trump is a great President.....Hillary lost......Nothing will change that. Sorry......

Trump so far is a mediocre President- perhaps he will get better- hopefully he will not plunge us into a war- and we wont' go full out Trade War because of him- but time will tell.

Hillary lost.

And Trump is a liar- the most openly lying President in my lifetime.
uh wrong, he's the most transparent President of your lifetime


I would like to see his tax returns.

Like every other President has shown us.

God you Trumpsters are gullible idiots.
He tells us how he makes decisions, he has open meetings with cameras, wtf do you want?

What are you expecting to see in his taxes??????? Why do you care so much?

You are the one who claimed/lied that he was the most transparent President in history.

I just showed that he isn't- that he is the least transparent in modern history when it comes to his taxes.

I know that the facts upset Trumpsters but you were wrong/lied- take your pick.
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.

Trumpian lions are funny.

The question is what HASN’T he lied about, nutcase
Wow another brilliant post by you actually ever contribute to a conversation, of just repeat talking points?
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?
O... that's the good part! .. We don't just get one big check... How much more fun to get billions and billions of tiny little checks every time a tangible crosses the border... lol

How much have we gotten so far with these “tiny little checks”?

What is a “tangible”?

No one gives a shit. We want the wall. You want to bicker

No Trumpsters give a shit- you don't care how much Trump lies as long as you get your precious little wall.
you really hate that wall....and yeah we want the wall.......and no we don't care about him talking about crowd size and the so called lies, since none of them matter.

I don't hate his wall- why would I hate such a pathetic campaign promise as that?

And of course you don't care about any of his lies.

Trumpsters have no moral standards.
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?

President Trump always said that Mexico will help pay for the wall *OR* there will be repercussions like tariffs, etc.


Repercussions..... YOU will pay a higher prices just everything you need or eat in your daily life. From the food you eat, health care, brake jobs to your bottled water, housings, cars, rentals etc etc etc
Of course you are Trumpy you don’t care. Nice job.
Trump is a great President.....Hillary lost......Nothing will change that. Sorry......

Trump so far is a mediocre President- perhaps he will get better- hopefully he will not plunge us into a war- and we wont' go full out Trade War because of him- but time will tell.

Hillary lost.

And Trump is a liar- the most openly lying President in my lifetime.
uh wrong, he's the most transparent President of your lifetime


I would like to see his tax returns.

Like every other President has shown us.

God you Trumpsters are gullible idiots.
He tells us how he makes decisions, he has open meetings with cameras, wtf do you want?

What are you expecting to see in his taxes??????? Why do you care so much?

You are the one who claimed/lied that he was the most transparent President in history.

I just showed that he isn't- that he is the least transparent in modern history when it comes to his taxes.

I know that the facts upset Trumpsters but you were wrong/lied- take your pick.
We don't give a fuck about his taxes, if there was an issue, Obamas IRS would have leaked it......just ask Rachel Maddow.......she still is cleaning up that egg on her face.

And yes he is very transparent, OPEN MEETINGS--doesn't get more transparent. He also talks about how he makes his he didn't know about the child tax credit until Ivanka told him.......that is an openness that is refreshing and helps us understand the information and process better, not hiding and denying everything like that last administration.
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?

President Trump always said that Mexico will help pay for the wall *OR* there will be repercussions like tariffs, etc.


Repercussions..... YOU will pay a higher prices just everything you need or eat in your daily life. From the food you eat, health care, brake jobs to your bottled water, housings, cars, rentals etc etc etc
Of course you are Trumpy you don’t care. Nice job.
No we don't care, because the economy will shift to reflect that. Better to have a sound border and immigration policy than a few cents of some lettuce.
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“We’re the highest-taxed nation in the world”

in terms of the corporate tax rate, 100% correct. He should have clarified his comment
Trump has told that lie MULTIPLE times. Not just once.

Over and over and over he lies.

Stop drinking his piss. You look like a fool.

I am pretty sure he was talking about the corporate tax rate. Can you post the entire quote? or do you only have the out of context part given to you by your handlers?

We didn't have the highest corp rate.
Thats a lie

Trump had this fake magazine cover made up and then hung it in his golf courses. Every time someone passes by that magazine in his golf course, he's telling a lie.

Looking at my Avatar is Trump telling a lie.

Quick, start the impeachment...dumbass.
Then you admit he's a liar?

Many of Trump's lies are complicated and difficult to explain.

But every one gets a picture.
Even with it right there, staring at them, into their faces, USMB Republicans still deny Trump lies. But look, it's RIGHT THERE!
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?

President Trump always said that Mexico will help pay for the wall *OR* there will be repercussions like tariffs, etc.


Repercussions..... YOU will pay a higher prices just everything you need or eat in your daily life. From the food you eat, health care, brake jobs to your bottled water, housings, cars, rentals etc etc etc
Of course you are Trumpy you don’t care. Nice job.
And before trump to democrats? Not a word from you
Obama lies...

252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.

1) Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval

In June 2011, U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) said that Obama had violated the Constitution when he launched military operations in Libya without Congressional approval.


2) Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton – just like Bush did

In May 2010, it was reported that the Obama administration had selected KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011, just hours after the Justice Department had said it would pursue a lawsuit accusing the Houston-based company of using kickbacks to get foreign contracts.

3) Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn’t have any

While running for President, Obama had promised that, unlike Bush, he would not have any lobbyists working in his administration. However, by February 2010, he had more than 40 lobbyists working in his administration.

4) Has close ties to Wall St., but pretends to support Occupy Wall St.

Although Obama claims to support the Occupy Wall St. movement, the truth is that he has raised more money from Wall St. than any other candidate during the last 20 years. In early 2012, Obama held a fundraiser where Wall St. investment bankers and hedge fund managers each paid $35,800 to attend. In October 2011, Obama hired Broderick Johnson, a longtime Wall Street lobbyist, to be his new senior campaign adviser. Johnson had worked as a lobbyist for JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Fannie Mae, Comcast, Microsoft, and the oil industry.

5) Broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay

Tip of the iceberg. There is much, much more at the link. Get ready for the butt-hurt TDSers to trash my link.

From Infowars? Really?

Trump had this fake magazine cover made up and then hung it in his golf courses. Every time someone passes by that magazine in his golf course, he's telling a lie.

Looking at my Avatar is Trump telling a lie.

Quick, start the impeachment...dumbass.
Then you admit he's a liar?

Many of Trump's lies are complicated and difficult to explain.

But every one gets a picture.
Even with it right there, staring at them, into their faces, USMB Republicans still deny Trump lies. But look, it's RIGHT THERE!
I cant read it. Too fuzzy
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?

President Trump always said that Mexico will help pay for the wall *OR* there will be repercussions like tariffs, etc.


Repercussions..... YOU will pay a higher prices just everything you need or eat in your daily life. From the food you eat, health care, brake jobs to your bottled water, housings, cars, rentals etc etc etc
Of course you are Trumpy you don’t care. Nice job.
And before trump to democrats? Not a word from you

Did any democrat leadership went this far as Trump?
Robbing Peter to pay Paul

Harley is opening overseas, farmers are taking a hit,
That wasn't the point....try and pay we've seen these doomsday projections before......end up as nothing....
You mean like the end of the Bush administration? That was nothing? You sure about that?
No just in the Trump administration. you guys have been making mountains out of mole hills every day

omg Trump called him rocket man!
omg Trump said he had a bigger button
omg Trump is putting on tarriffs
omg Trump pulled out of the Paris Accords
omg Trump pulled out of TPP
omg Trump pulled out of the Iran deal
omg Trump cut taxes
omg Trump put a conservative on the bench
omg Trump removed MLK's bust (which was a LIE!)
omg Trump said the klan AND antifa/BLM were basically shitty
omg Trump told Treudeau to fuck off (not a direct quote, you have to do this for lefties, or they'll fact check you)

That's a small portion that I can remember..I mean it's one after the other....every day the end of the Earth with you guys. I mean no wonder you lefties commit suicide, you worry about EVERYTHING


Why do you think this excuses all of Trump's lies?
This has nothing to do with lies, we were on a different topic....I've got a thread with you already on the lies.

Of course you want to talk about anything but Trump's lies.

Imagine all of us 'lefties' worrying about a Trade war......certainly no Trumpster would ever care about a Trade war
Trump so far is a mediocre President- perhaps he will get better- hopefully he will not plunge us into a war- and we wont' go full out Trade War because of him- but time will tell.

Hillary lost.

And Trump is a liar- the most openly lying President in my lifetime.
uh wrong, he's the most transparent President of your lifetime


I would like to see his tax returns.

Like every other President has shown us.

God you Trumpsters are gullible idiots.
He tells us how he makes decisions, he has open meetings with cameras, wtf do you want?

What are you expecting to see in his taxes??????? Why do you care so much?

You are the one who claimed/lied that he was the most transparent President in history.

I just showed that he isn't- that he is the least transparent in modern history when it comes to his taxes.

I know that the facts upset Trumpsters but you were wrong/lied- take your pick.
We don't give a fuck about his taxes
And yes he is very transparent,

Except of course- he is not 'very transparent' as I just pointed out.

I know you don't give a fuck about anything that Trump does or says other than to applaud wildly.

But your claim that Trump is the 'most transparent President in history' is just demonstrably false- and you continuing to say it just shows you will lie to protect your Dear Leader.
Donnie will be known as Liar in Chief forever. Will be his #1 legacy. No one compares. Scammer carnival barker con man.
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?

President Trump always said that Mexico will help pay for the wall *OR* there will be repercussions like tariffs, etc.


Repercussions..... YOU will pay a higher prices just everything you need or eat in your daily life. From the food you eat, health care, brake jobs to your bottled water, housings, cars, rentals etc etc etc
Of course you are Trumpy you don’t care. Nice job.
No we don't care, because the economy will shift to reflect that. Better to have a sound border and immigration policy than a few cents of some lettuce.

Of course you don’t care. You just love Trump no matter how much smegma coming off from his mouth.

You are only picking on lettuce couple of cents.
How did you came up with that figure? How about the rest of the commodities that I mentioned above?
If you think prices are high now. Think again.
Are you speaking for the rest of poor Americans?

On top of that. Aside from Trump lap dog inner circles. Can you name me one that supports Trump trade war policies?

Harley Davidson motors is the first casualty. Nail industry in US will become instinct..... thus will trigger higher housing and rental cost.

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