Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

Defending Liar in Chief small hands Donnie orange doofus regarding his compulsive serial lying is silly and dumb. His prolific lying is now legendary and will be his legacy forever.

Trump is a great President.....Hillary lost......Nothing will change that. Sorry......

Trump so far is a mediocre President- perhaps he will get better- hopefully he will not plunge us into a war- and we wont' go full out Trade War because of him- but time will tell.

Hillary lost.

And Trump is a liar- the most openly lying President in my lifetime.
uh wrong, he's the most transparent President of your lifetime

Did he sleep with Stormy Daniels? There seems to be at least 3 different stories.

You mean like Monica Lewinski, Paula Jones, Kathleen Wiley, Juanita Brodderick, Jennifer Flowers?

Sorry guy, I forgot you're a flaming hypocrite who hates women and manipulates them for your political goals. Never mind
Repercussions..... YOU will pay a higher prices just everything you need or eat in your daily life. From the food you eat, health care, brake jobs to your bottled water, housings, cars, rentals etc etc etc
Of course you are Trumpy you don’t care. Nice job.
And before trump to democrats? Not a word from you

Did any democrat leadership went this far as Trump?

It's a contrived question. Trump is trying to open markets. I'm not in favor of how he's doing it, but you're trying to make a false implication. It's butt obvious what you're doing. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You didn’t answer my question. Did any democrat leadership went this far as Trump?

No I have not hit my wife or any woman let alone beat my wife. She almost kick my ass from a lawsuit but those videos on those hotels proved my innocence. That was a separate story.

The other very pretty woman still with me.
Got pregnant and have a boy. I thought it was mine because of lots of hair and Mongolian spots. I ordered 2 separate DNA test. I was gearing for a very big fight sadly it wasn’t mine.

Trump's goal is free trade. Obama believed in controlled trade.

No Trump's goal is not free trade.

Trump didn't impose 25% tariffs on steel from every other country because his goal was free trade.

His goal was to support the American steel industry and the jobs of American steel workers.

That is the opposite of 'free trade'.

Trump absolutely believes in controlled trade also- and many of those goals I agree with- but to proclaim his goal is 'free trade' is just a lie.
Got a list?
252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.

The following is a contribution from Dan from Squirrel Hill. The original title of the article is “Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.” it’s lengthy, but is a ‘one-stop shop’ for all the dirty details on the Obama presidency.
Let's see, 252 vs 1726. But president Obama lied more.

Is this some.kinda conservative only math or what?

If you actually read the fact-checks of these supposed 1726 lies you’d see that, for a sizable portion of them, so-called “journalists” twist things however much they have to in order to call what was said a lie.

Here’s some light reading of the inaccuracies of one such fact check: ‘Washington Post’ Fact Check On Trump & Obama Immigration Policies Severely Flawed [Opinion]

The good news? They’re getting sloppy, by citing studies that prove Trump’s statement had merit whilst assigning him four Pinocchios.

Analysis | President Trump’s claim that crime is up in Germany

Has Trump lied as POTUS? Yep. Has he told 1726 lies? I highly, highly doubt it. But hey, if the obviously anti-Trump media says so, it must be true, right?
Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. Others countries are even worse. Be smart America!”
— President Trump, in a tweet, June 19, 2018

“Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!”
—Trump, in a tweet, June 18, 2018

Trump alleged that crime is “way up” or “up 10% plus” in Germany, but he didn’t cite any source. It’s also unclear what time periods he was comparing when he said “up 10% plus.”

Meanwhile, the German government reports that crime dropped to a 25-year low in 2017.

“At roughly 5.76 million, the number of criminal offences committed in Germany is the lowest since 1992,” Horst Seehofer, the German minister of the interior, said in a statement May 8. “This drop in crime is even more apparent in relation to the total population: fewer than 7,000 offences per 100,000 residents. That is the lowest rate in more than 30 years!”

Crime overall was down 9.6 percent from 2016, which included a 2.4 percent decrease in violent crimes. However, violent crimes had risen 6.7 percent between 2015 and 2016, as our colleague Adam Taylor reported.

Pretty straight forward- Trump lied.

The question is why you are just so willing to accept such casual lies from President Trump.

Yeah, I read the report and I agree Trump lied when he said “crime is way up.” The report, however, chooses to focus on the ten percent statement for which evidence exists that violent crime did increase in the midst of the migrant crisis and 90% by migrants. It’d have been nice if he’d clarified the dates but when do politicians do that? NEVER, yet of course you expect Trump to.
Keep defending this liar.
O... that's the good part! .. We don't just get one big check... How much more fun to get billions and billions of tiny little checks every time a tangible crosses the border... lol

How much have we gotten so far with these “tiny little checks”?

What is a “tangible”?

No one gives a shit. We want the wall. You want to bicker

No Trumpsters give a shit- you don't care how much Trump lies as long as you get your precious little wall.
you really hate that wall....and yeah we want the wall.......and no we don't care about him talking about crowd size and the so called lies, since none of them matter.

So a lie you don’t care about is not a lie? I didn’t care about Obama saying “you can keep your doctor”…I didn’t have a family doctor at the time. So that excuses it, right?

Do you remember the first time you sold out women? You're OK with a sexual predator.

If you were a real woman with a conscience and a sense of humanity, the idea of consent would be critical to you. Trump gave it, Slick didn't, and you go down on Slick
The Liar in Chief.

Determined to undermine American's faith in any institution that might be his enemy- the FBI, the judiciary, the press.

He lies in order to confuse his gullible followers.

And they love it.
252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.

The following is a contribution from Dan from Squirrel Hill. The original title of the article is “Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.” it’s lengthy, but is a ‘one-stop shop’ for all the dirty details on the Obama presidency.
Let's see, 252 vs 1726. But president Obama lied more.

Is this some.kinda conservative only math or what?

If you actually read the fact-checks of these supposed 1726 lies you’d see that, for a sizable portion of them, so-called “journalists” twist things however much they have to in order to call what was said a lie.

Here’s some light reading of the inaccuracies of one such fact check: ‘Washington Post’ Fact Check On Trump & Obama Immigration Policies Severely Flawed [Opinion]

The good news? They’re getting sloppy, by citing studies that prove Trump’s statement had merit whilst assigning him four Pinocchios.

Analysis | President Trump’s claim that crime is up in Germany

Has Trump lied as POTUS? Yep. Has he told 1726 lies? I highly, highly doubt it. But hey, if the obviously anti-Trump media says so, it must be true, right?
Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. Others countries are even worse. Be smart America!”
— President Trump, in a tweet, June 19, 2018

“Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!”
—Trump, in a tweet, June 18, 2018

Trump alleged that crime is “way up” or “up 10% plus” in Germany, but he didn’t cite any source. It’s also unclear what time periods he was comparing when he said “up 10% plus.”

Meanwhile, the German government reports that crime dropped to a 25-year low in 2017.

“At roughly 5.76 million, the number of criminal offences committed in Germany is the lowest since 1992,” Horst Seehofer, the German minister of the interior, said in a statement May 8. “This drop in crime is even more apparent in relation to the total population: fewer than 7,000 offences per 100,000 residents. That is the lowest rate in more than 30 years!”

Crime overall was down 9.6 percent from 2016, which included a 2.4 percent decrease in violent crimes. However, violent crimes had risen 6.7 percent between 2015 and 2016, as our colleague Adam Taylor reported.

Pretty straight forward- Trump lied.

The question is why you are just so willing to accept such casual lies from President Trump.

Yeah, I read the report and I agree Trump lied when he said “crime is way up.” The report, however, chooses to focus on the ten percent statement for which evidence exists that violent crime did increase in the midst of the migrant crisis and 90% by migrants. It’d have been nice if he’d clarified the dates but when do politicians do that? NEVER, yet of course you expect Trump to.
Keep defending this liar.

How much have we gotten so far with these “tiny little checks”?

What is a “tangible”?

No one gives a shit. We want the wall. You want to bicker

No Trumpsters give a shit- you don't care how much Trump lies as long as you get your precious little wall.
you really hate that wall....and yeah we want the wall.......and no we don't care about him talking about crowd size and the so called lies, since none of them matter.

So a lie you don’t care about is not a lie? I didn’t care about Obama saying “you can keep your doctor”…I didn’t have a family doctor at the time. So that excuses it, right?

Do you remember the first time you sold out women? You're OK with a sexual predator.

If you were a real woman with a conscience and a sense of humanity, the idea of consent would be critical to you. Trump gave it, Slick didn't, and you go down on Slick

Do you remember the first time you sold out women? Your okay with a sexual predator- Donald Trump.

Remember Donald Trump is the one who not only admitted sexually molesting women- he bragged about it.
Let's see, 252 vs 1726. But president Obama lied more.

Is this some.kinda conservative only math or what?

If you actually read the fact-checks of these supposed 1726 lies you’d see that, for a sizable portion of them, so-called “journalists” twist things however much they have to in order to call what was said a lie.

Here’s some light reading of the inaccuracies of one such fact check: ‘Washington Post’ Fact Check On Trump & Obama Immigration Policies Severely Flawed [Opinion]

The good news? They’re getting sloppy, by citing studies that prove Trump’s statement had merit whilst assigning him four Pinocchios.

Analysis | President Trump’s claim that crime is up in Germany

Has Trump lied as POTUS? Yep. Has he told 1726 lies? I highly, highly doubt it. But hey, if the obviously anti-Trump media says so, it must be true, right?
Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. Others countries are even worse. Be smart America!”
— President Trump, in a tweet, June 19, 2018

“Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!”
—Trump, in a tweet, June 18, 2018

Trump alleged that crime is “way up” or “up 10% plus” in Germany, but he didn’t cite any source. It’s also unclear what time periods he was comparing when he said “up 10% plus.”

Meanwhile, the German government reports that crime dropped to a 25-year low in 2017.

“At roughly 5.76 million, the number of criminal offences committed in Germany is the lowest since 1992,” Horst Seehofer, the German minister of the interior, said in a statement May 8. “This drop in crime is even more apparent in relation to the total population: fewer than 7,000 offences per 100,000 residents. That is the lowest rate in more than 30 years!”

Crime overall was down 9.6 percent from 2016, which included a 2.4 percent decrease in violent crimes. However, violent crimes had risen 6.7 percent between 2015 and 2016, as our colleague Adam Taylor reported.

Pretty straight forward- Trump lied.

The question is why you are just so willing to accept such casual lies from President Trump.

Yeah, I read the report and I agree Trump lied when he said “crime is way up.” The report, however, chooses to focus on the ten percent statement for which evidence exists that violent crime did increase in the midst of the migrant crisis and 90% by migrants. It’d have been nice if he’d clarified the dates but when do politicians do that? NEVER, yet of course you expect Trump to.
Keep defending this liar.

Mirror? You think I'm defending Cheeto Jesus.
Here's a fairly complete list.

Donald Trump has said 1726 false things as U.S. president

It's starts on inauguration day with "it looked like rain" and "even the media said the crowd was massive" and goes right on through to "Washington Post employees want to go on strike because Bezos isn’t paying them enough. I think a really long strike would be a great idea" which was said a couple.of days ago.

Enjoy, it's a looooong read.

Really? You consider this a lie?

"The Heritage Foundation just came out recently, and they said that we've already implemented 64 percent of our top agenda items."

Source: Roundtable on tax reform in Las Vegas, Nevada

in fact: Trump was wrongly describing what Heritage, a conservative think tank, actually said (in February, four months prior). Thomas Binion, Heritage's director of congressional and executive branch relations, told the Washington Examiner that Trump had implemented 64 per cent of Heritage's policy recommendations, not 64 per cent of Trump's top agenda items. There is significant overlap between the two, but they are not the same thing.
Yes, it's a lie. Didn't you read what you posted?
If you actually read the fact-checks of these supposed 1726 lies you’d see that, for a sizable portion of them, so-called “journalists” twist things however much they have to in order to call what was said a lie.

Here’s some light reading of the inaccuracies of one such fact check: ‘Washington Post’ Fact Check On Trump & Obama Immigration Policies Severely Flawed [Opinion]

The good news? They’re getting sloppy, by citing studies that prove Trump’s statement had merit whilst assigning him four Pinocchios.

Analysis | President Trump’s claim that crime is up in Germany

Has Trump lied as POTUS? Yep. Has he told 1726 lies? I highly, highly doubt it. But hey, if the obviously anti-Trump media says so, it must be true, right?
Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. Others countries are even worse. Be smart America!”
— President Trump, in a tweet, June 19, 2018

“Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!”
—Trump, in a tweet, June 18, 2018

Trump alleged that crime is “way up” or “up 10% plus” in Germany, but he didn’t cite any source. It’s also unclear what time periods he was comparing when he said “up 10% plus.”

Meanwhile, the German government reports that crime dropped to a 25-year low in 2017.

“At roughly 5.76 million, the number of criminal offences committed in Germany is the lowest since 1992,” Horst Seehofer, the German minister of the interior, said in a statement May 8. “This drop in crime is even more apparent in relation to the total population: fewer than 7,000 offences per 100,000 residents. That is the lowest rate in more than 30 years!”

Crime overall was down 9.6 percent from 2016, which included a 2.4 percent decrease in violent crimes. However, violent crimes had risen 6.7 percent between 2015 and 2016, as our colleague Adam Taylor reported.

Pretty straight forward- Trump lied.

The question is why you are just so willing to accept such casual lies from President Trump.

Yeah, I read the report and I agree Trump lied when he said “crime is way up.” The report, however, chooses to focus on the ten percent statement for which evidence exists that violent crime did increase in the midst of the migrant crisis and 90% by migrants. It’d have been nice if he’d clarified the dates but when do politicians do that? NEVER, yet of course you expect Trump to.
Keep defending this liar.

Mirror? You think I'm defending Cheeto Jesus.

Um .. no. You're defending the Nazi Democrat party
The one take-away from this thread ....

There is literally nothing Trump could do that would cause him to lose any support from these sycophants. There is no crime he could commit ... no person he could kill ... no man, woman or child with whom he could cheat. I have no doubt he could get caught paying for Stormy Daniels to abort his child in the 8th month and not lose a single supporter -- they would say the baby deserved it for being too close to the pussy of a porn star. He could nuke England and not lose a single supporter -- they would say England deserved it for allowing too many Muslims in. He could get caught having sex with a porcupine and not lose a single supporter -- they would say the porcupine deserved it for being too Liberal.

The right has now become a Trump polyp.
O... that's the good part! .. We don't just get one big check... How much more fun to get billions and billions of tiny little checks every time a tangible crosses the border... lol

How much have we gotten so far with these “tiny little checks”?

What is a “tangible”?

No one gives a shit. We want the wall. You want to bicker

No Trumpsters give a shit- you don't care how much Trump lies as long as you get your precious little wall.
you really hate that wall....and yeah we want the wall.......and no we don't care about him talking about crowd size and the so called lies, since none of them matter.

So a lie you don’t care about is not a lie? I didn’t care about Obama saying “you can keep your doctor”…I didn’t have a family doctor at the time. So that excuses it, right?

So you didn't care about whether Obama lied to other people, only to you. Wow, that's narcisistic ...
If you actually read the fact-checks of these supposed 1726 lies you’d see that, for a sizable portion of them, so-called “journalists” twist things however much they have to in order to call what was said a lie.

Here’s some light reading of the inaccuracies of one such fact check: ‘Washington Post’ Fact Check On Trump & Obama Immigration Policies Severely Flawed [Opinion]

The good news? They’re getting sloppy, by citing studies that prove Trump’s statement had merit whilst assigning him four Pinocchios.

Analysis | President Trump’s claim that crime is up in Germany

Has Trump lied as POTUS? Yep. Has he told 1726 lies? I highly, highly doubt it. But hey, if the obviously anti-Trump media says so, it must be true, right?
Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. Others countries are even worse. Be smart America!”
— President Trump, in a tweet, June 19, 2018

“Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!”
—Trump, in a tweet, June 18, 2018

Trump alleged that crime is “way up” or “up 10% plus” in Germany, but he didn’t cite any source. It’s also unclear what time periods he was comparing when he said “up 10% plus.”

Meanwhile, the German government reports that crime dropped to a 25-year low in 2017.

“At roughly 5.76 million, the number of criminal offences committed in Germany is the lowest since 1992,” Horst Seehofer, the German minister of the interior, said in a statement May 8. “This drop in crime is even more apparent in relation to the total population: fewer than 7,000 offences per 100,000 residents. That is the lowest rate in more than 30 years!”

Crime overall was down 9.6 percent from 2016, which included a 2.4 percent decrease in violent crimes. However, violent crimes had risen 6.7 percent between 2015 and 2016, as our colleague Adam Taylor reported.

Pretty straight forward- Trump lied.

The question is why you are just so willing to accept such casual lies from President Trump.

Yeah, I read the report and I agree Trump lied when he said “crime is way up.” The report, however, chooses to focus on the ten percent statement for which evidence exists that violent crime did increase in the midst of the migrant crisis and 90% by migrants. It’d have been nice if he’d clarified the dates but when do politicians do that? NEVER, yet of course you expect Trump to.
Keep defending this liar.

Mirror? You think I'm defending Cheeto Jesus.
No, you're defending your Messiah. Adolph Hitler. You're a fascist
So then you admit Donnie Dirt Bag was LYING when he said his "extreme vetting" was already implemented more than a year ago!
Pres. Trump was telling the truth as he always does 100% of the time.

And implemented the ban just like he said he would, but the courts shut it down. ... :cool:
But they gave the pathological liar MORE than the time he said he needed to implement his HATE plan. Then he said he did it before the court had acted, which now you say was a lie and still needs to be implemented.

Donald J. Trump


In any event we are EXTREME VETTING people coming into the U.S. in order to help keep our country safe. The courts are slow and political!

6:44 AM - Jun 5, 2017

Trump had this fake magazine cover made up and then hung it in his golf courses. Every time someone passes by that magazine in his golf course, he's telling a lie.

Looking at my Avatar is Trump telling a lie.

Quick, start the impeachment...dumbass.
Then you admit he's a liar?

Many of Trump's lies are complicated and difficult to explain.

But every one gets a picture.

Yup, sounds like impeachment any day now.
Do you believe there’s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Let’s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting he’s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasn’t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portray— the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned he’s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

What? It wasn’t a big story when it occurred, maybe bc the press wasn’t out to get Obama and doing everything they could to find dirt of him. Even when the news DID come out... nothing compared to the hysterical condemnation of “Trump, child kidnapper” .

Except of course- the Right Wing media did exactly that. Fox. Breitbart. Limbaugh.
They were all full of hysterical condemnation of Obama.

The thing is that Trump is President now- not Obama. And Trump is lying. Virtually every day.

A large part of Trump's lies are intended to discredit the media- and you are buying into it- because an honest media will always be Trump's enemy.

No kidding, does that "honest" media include CNN? You know, the ones that fed debate questions to Hillary.

Yes- indeed the 'honest' media includes CNN.

The difference between the honest media and Donald Trump is when the honest media reports something and it turns out to be incorrect- the media admits its mistake and retracts the story.

Trump of course- just doubles down and blames Hillary or Obama or the Democrats for his lies.

You know- like he blamed Clinton for his 5 years of being King Birther/liar.

Huge problem is CNN makes up BS stories, blows the hell out of them, and if a retraction is made it's buried somewhere where virtually no one sees or hears of a retraction....dumbass.
The difference in coverage wasn’t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portray— the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned he’s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

What? It wasn’t a big story when it occurred, maybe bc the press wasn’t out to get Obama and doing everything they could to find dirt of him. Even when the news DID come out... nothing compared to the hysterical condemnation of “Trump, child kidnapper” .

Except of course- the Right Wing media did exactly that. Fox. Breitbart. Limbaugh.
They were all full of hysterical condemnation of Obama.

The thing is that Trump is President now- not Obama. And Trump is lying. Virtually every day.

A large part of Trump's lies are intended to discredit the media- and you are buying into it- because an honest media will always be Trump's enemy.

No kidding, does that "honest" media include CNN? You know, the ones that fed debate questions to Hillary.

Yes- indeed the 'honest' media includes CNN.

The difference between the honest media and Donald Trump is when the honest media reports something and it turns out to be incorrect- the media admits its mistake and retracts the story.

Trump of course- just doubles down and blames Hillary or Obama or the Democrats for his lies.

You know- like he blamed Clinton for his 5 years of being King Birther/liar.

Huge problem is CNN makes up BS stories, blows the hell out of them, and if a retraction is made it's buried somewhere where virtually no one sees or hears of a retraction....dumbass.
Oh? You have some examples of these “BS stories” CNN makes up?
What? It wasn’t a big story when it occurred, maybe bc the press wasn’t out to get Obama and doing everything they could to find dirt of him. Even when the news DID come out... nothing compared to the hysterical condemnation of “Trump, child kidnapper” .

Except of course- the Right Wing media did exactly that. Fox. Breitbart. Limbaugh.
They were all full of hysterical condemnation of Obama.

The thing is that Trump is President now- not Obama. And Trump is lying. Virtually every day.

A large part of Trump's lies are intended to discredit the media- and you are buying into it- because an honest media will always be Trump's enemy.

No kidding, does that "honest" media include CNN? You know, the ones that fed debate questions to Hillary.

Yes- indeed the 'honest' media includes CNN.

The difference between the honest media and Donald Trump is when the honest media reports something and it turns out to be incorrect- the media admits its mistake and retracts the story.

Trump of course- just doubles down and blames Hillary or Obama or the Democrats for his lies.

You know- like he blamed Clinton for his 5 years of being King Birther/liar.

Huge problem is CNN makes up BS stories, blows the hell out of them, and if a retraction is made it's buried somewhere where virtually no one sees or hears of a retraction....dumbass.
Oh? You have some examples of these “BS stories” CNN makes up?

CNN blatantly lies to America, claiming there are no 'sanctuary cities'

Opinion | Three CNN employees resign over retracted story on Russia ties

FAKE NEWS: CNN Caught Lying (to Trump) About Inauguration Day Ratings
Except of course- the Right Wing media did exactly that. Fox. Breitbart. Limbaugh.
They were all full of hysterical condemnation of Obama.

The thing is that Trump is President now- not Obama. And Trump is lying. Virtually every day.

A large part of Trump's lies are intended to discredit the media- and you are buying into it- because an honest media will always be Trump's enemy.

No kidding, does that "honest" media include CNN? You know, the ones that fed debate questions to Hillary.

Yes- indeed the 'honest' media includes CNN.

The difference between the honest media and Donald Trump is when the honest media reports something and it turns out to be incorrect- the media admits its mistake and retracts the story.

Trump of course- just doubles down and blames Hillary or Obama or the Democrats for his lies.

You know- like he blamed Clinton for his 5 years of being King Birther/liar.

Huge problem is CNN makes up BS stories, blows the hell out of them, and if a retraction is made it's buried somewhere where virtually no one sees or hears of a retraction....dumbass.
Oh? You have some examples of these “BS stories” CNN makes up?

CNN blatantly lies to America, claiming there are no 'sanctuary cities'

Opinion | Three CNN employees resign over retracted story on Russia ties

FAKE NEWS: CNN Caught Lying (to Trump) About Inauguration Day Ratings

I got only as far as the first example in that video where one CNN anchor says a claim about Hillary hadn't been confirmed yet while another anchor confirmed it .... but there are no dates on those clips. How do you know the denial didn't come before the confirmation?
No kidding, does that "honest" media include CNN? You know, the ones that fed debate questions to Hillary.

Yes- indeed the 'honest' media includes CNN.

The difference between the honest media and Donald Trump is when the honest media reports something and it turns out to be incorrect- the media admits its mistake and retracts the story.

Trump of course- just doubles down and blames Hillary or Obama or the Democrats for his lies.

You know- like he blamed Clinton for his 5 years of being King Birther/liar.

Huge problem is CNN makes up BS stories, blows the hell out of them, and if a retraction is made it's buried somewhere where virtually no one sees or hears of a retraction....dumbass.
Oh? You have some examples of these “BS stories” CNN makes up?

CNN blatantly lies to America, claiming there are no 'sanctuary cities'

Opinion | Three CNN employees resign over retracted story on Russia ties

FAKE NEWS: CNN Caught Lying (to Trump) About Inauguration Day Ratings

I got only as far as the first example in that video where one CNN anchor says a claim about Hillary hadn't been confirmed yet while another anchor confirmed it .... but there are no dates on those clips. How do you know the denial didn't come before the confirmation?

Huh? They denied the lie before they confirmed the lie?

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