Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

No, that's hyperbole.

Really? Then why didn’t the media cover this if they care so much about the treatment of immigrant children? If this had happened under Trump, you think they would have let it slide? & Minority Staff Report - Protecting Unaccompanied Alien Children from Trafficking and Other Abuses 2016-01-282.pdf

I don’t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I don’t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you can’t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.
What has that got to do with anything going on here? BTW, when the surge in unaccompanied minors happened a few years ago that kinda thing was big news. Right now the problem is not unaccompanied minors, but minors taken from their parents.

Do try to keep up.

You said it’s hyperbole that the media protected Obama, and I gave you an example of something that happened under his administration that I don’t recall them holding him accountable for, and which if the same thing happened under Trump they’d crucify him for. When you don’t want to engage (be proven wrong), you redirect and say things like, “that has nothing to do with this,” when it does have something to do with what we were talking about.

You have to be a troll purposely acting this way. No one is this stubbornly clueless.
You and see real other are trying desperately to change the subject. Stop it.

Thanks for proving me right. When you’re uncomfortable with where the conversation is going, you accuse that I’m trying to change the subject, instead of facing truths you’d rather not face. It’s pretty obvious.

You called a statement I made “hyperbole” and when I responded by backing up my statement to prove it’s not hyperbole, that’s changing the subject? LOL

For your sake, I really hope you’re a troll.
Actually yes, it is hyperbole, a gross exaggeration if what actukky happened, and you are using it to try to change the subject from tRump to President Obama.
Except of course- the Right Wing media did exactly that. Fox. Breitbart. Limbaugh.
They were all full of hysterical condemnation of Obama.

The thing is that Trump is President now- not Obama. And Trump is lying. Virtually every day.

A large part of Trump's lies are intended to discredit the media- and you are buying into it- because an honest media will always be Trump's enemy.

No kidding, does that "honest" media include CNN? You know, the ones that fed debate questions to Hillary.

Yes- indeed the 'honest' media includes CNN.

The difference between the honest media and Donald Trump is when the honest media reports something and it turns out to be incorrect- the media admits its mistake and retracts the story.

Trump of course- just doubles down and blames Hillary or Obama or the Democrats for his lies.

You know- like he blamed Clinton for his 5 years of being King Birther/liar.

Huge problem is CNN makes up BS stories, blows the hell out of them, and if a retraction is made it's buried somewhere where virtually no one sees or hears of a retraction....dumbass.

So you admit that CNN does make retractions. Something Trump never does- regardless of how much he has blown up one of his own BS stories.

I will be glad to compare CNN's record of accurately reporting stories- to the accuracy of Trump's tweets.

CNN does get some things wrong- has CNN made up stories out of thin air specifically to attack others- like Trump has? I am not aware of those- but again- I would be glad to compare the accuracy of CNN versus the accuracy of Donald Trump.

Lets start with Birtherism.

Donald Trump spent 5 years promoting BS birther stories, and blowing them up- and never issued a retraction.

Instead- when he suddenly announced he was no longer a Birther- he blamed it all on Clinton.

And you Trumpsters just accepted his 'non-retraction'

I am all for comparing the accuracy of CNN to Trump.

Go for it.

No, I agree, CNN does make retractions. Although, they build the BS up to a fever pitch and if and when they make a retraction it's embedded somewhere where no one usually sees it. How about using Time magazine as an example, front cover, Trump has split a family apart, Trump towering over a little girl. Most of us know by now that was a fake story and proven fake by the little girls parents. Was there a retraction? Personally I don't know, certainly wasn't one on the front cover of a Time magazine. BTW, before you or some other lefty plan on explaining how Time is not CNN or CNN is not Time, save the BS, Time was used as an example....dumbass.

I am more than happy to compare the honesty of Trump versus the honesty of Trump- when it comes to the issue of the border and child separation.

Time Magazine cover is an excellent place to start. Did Time Magazine make a false statement on the cover?

So no false statement but it is a photo shopped image- yes- President Trump didn't actually stand in front of that little girl. Do you think that Time was trying to fool you into thinking that he was in front of the little girl- or was this intended to be 'representational'?

What was the fake story of this cover?

Perhaps you are confusing this cover- with the photo behind it:

Now that photo is a true photo- but it is not a photo of a child who was actually separated- because of Trump's policies- from her parents.

And that was originally misstated- and corrected:
Correction (Posted June 19): The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she was taken from the scene. The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together.

So Time did retract the original mistaken statement- but not the cover- because the cover was not a mistake

Now let us compare Time's actions with Trump and those of his administration

“I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”
— President Trump, in remarks to reporters at the White House, June 15

“We have the worst immigration laws in the entire world. Nobody has such sad, such bad and, actually, in many cases, such horrible and tough — you see about child separation, you see what’s going on there.”
— Trump, in remarks at the White House, June 18

“Because of the Flores consent decree and a 9th Circuit Court decision, ICE can only keep families detained together for a very short period of time.”
— Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in a speech in Bozeman, Mont., June 7

“It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”
— White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, at a news briefing, June 14

“We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period.”
— Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, on Twitter, June 17
Analysis | The facts about Trump’s policy of separating families at the border

As we found out when Trump signed his executive order ending the policies- those statements were all false.

And Trump has never retracted his claims blaming the actions of his own administration- on the Democrats.

Who was more honest when it came to describing the situation at the border- Trump or Time?
No kidding, does that "honest" media include CNN? You know, the ones that fed debate questions to Hillary.

Yes- indeed the 'honest' media includes CNN.

The difference between the honest media and Donald Trump is when the honest media reports something and it turns out to be incorrect- the media admits its mistake and retracts the story.

Trump of course- just doubles down and blames Hillary or Obama or the Democrats for his lies.

You know- like he blamed Clinton for his 5 years of being King Birther/liar.

Huge problem is CNN makes up BS stories, blows the hell out of them, and if a retraction is made it's buried somewhere where virtually no one sees or hears of a retraction....dumbass.

So you admit that CNN does make retractions. Something Trump never does- regardless of how much he has blown up one of his own BS stories.

I will be glad to compare CNN's record of accurately reporting stories- to the accuracy of Trump's tweets.

CNN does get some things wrong- has CNN made up stories out of thin air specifically to attack others- like Trump has? I am not aware of those- but again- I would be glad to compare the accuracy of CNN versus the accuracy of Donald Trump.

Lets start with Birtherism.

Donald Trump spent 5 years promoting BS birther stories, and blowing them up- and never issued a retraction.

Instead- when he suddenly announced he was no longer a Birther- he blamed it all on Clinton.

And you Trumpsters just accepted his 'non-retraction'

I am all for comparing the accuracy of CNN to Trump.

Go for it.

No, I agree, CNN does make retractions. Although, they build the BS up to a fever pitch and if and when they make a retraction it's embedded somewhere where no one usually sees it. How about using Time magazine as an example, front cover, Trump has split a family apart, Trump towering over a little girl. Most of us know by now that was a fake story and proven fake by the little girls parents. Was there a retraction? Personally I don't know, certainly wasn't one on the front cover of a Time magazine. BTW, before you or some other lefty plan on explaining how Time is not CNN or CNN is not Time, save the BS, Time was used as an example....dumbass.

I am more than happy to compare the honesty of Trump versus the honesty of Trump- when it comes to the issue of the border and child separation.

Time Magazine cover is an excellent place to start. Did Time Magazine make a false statement on the cover?

So no false statement but it is a photo shopped image- yes- President Trump didn't actually stand in front of that little girl. Do you think that Time was trying to fool you into thinking that he was in front of the little girl- or was this intended to be 'representational'?

What was the fake story of this cover?

Perhaps you are confusing this cover- with the photo behind it:

Now that photo is a true photo- but it is not a photo of a child who was actually separated- because of Trump's policies- from her parents.

And that was originally misstated- and corrected:
Correction (Posted June 19): The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she was taken from the scene. The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together.

So Time did retract the original mistaken statement- but not the cover- because the cover was not a mistake

Now let us compare Time's actions with Trump and those of his administration

“I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”
— President Trump, in remarks to reporters at the White House, June 15

“We have the worst immigration laws in the entire world. Nobody has such sad, such bad and, actually, in many cases, such horrible and tough — you see about child separation, you see what’s going on there.”
— Trump, in remarks at the White House, June 18

“Because of the Flores consent decree and a 9th Circuit Court decision, ICE can only keep families detained together for a very short period of time.”
— Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in a speech in Bozeman, Mont., June 7

“It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”
— White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, at a news briefing, June 14

“We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period.”
— Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, on Twitter, June 17
Analysis | The facts about Trump’s policy of separating families at the border

As we found out when Trump signed his executive order ending the policies- those statements were all false.

And Trump has never retracted his claims blaming the actions of his own administration- on the Democrats.

Who was more honest when it came to describing the situation at the border- Trump or Time?

WTF, can't make any sense out of your post.
No, that's hyperbole.

Really? Then why didn’t the media cover this if they care so much about the treatment of immigrant children? If this had happened under Trump, you think they would have let it slide? & Minority Staff Report - Protecting Unaccompanied Alien Children from Trafficking and Other Abuses 2016-01-282.pdf

I don’t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I don’t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you can’t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.
What has that got to do with anything going on here? BTW, when the surge in unaccompanied minors happened a few years ago that kinda thing was big news. Right now the problem is not unaccompanied minors, but minors taken from their parents.

Do try to keep up.

You said it’s hyperbole that the media protected Obama, and I gave you an example of something that happened under his administration that I don’t recall them holding him accountable for, and which if the same thing happened under Trump they’d crucify him for. When you don’t want to engage (be proven wrong), you redirect and say things like, “that has nothing to do with this,” when it does have something to do with what we were talking about.

You have to be a troll purposely acting this way. No one is this stubbornly clueless.
Obama was anti American and lied about it. He was a fan of the racist Louie Farrakhan and attended an anti American church.
Donnie Dirt Bag IS anti-American and lies about it. Tramp worships the murderer Putin and is proud of it.

You have no proof of any of that, I gave you the sad facts about Obama. You lefties have all the crazies.....You own that bitch Maxine Waters.

They don’t need proof when the anti-Trump media says it’s true. “Kidnapper Trump” or his building of “concentration camps” aren’t true but look at all the simpletons who believe it. Sad.
The Trumpkins don't need proof when Trump says it- they believe it is true

“I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”
— President Trump, in remarks to reporters at the White House, June 15

The simpletons just believe it when Trump speaks.
Yes- indeed the 'honest' media includes CNN.

The difference between the honest media and Donald Trump is when the honest media reports something and it turns out to be incorrect- the media admits its mistake and retracts the story.

Trump of course- just doubles down and blames Hillary or Obama or the Democrats for his lies.

You know- like he blamed Clinton for his 5 years of being King Birther/liar.

Huge problem is CNN makes up BS stories, blows the hell out of them, and if a retraction is made it's buried somewhere where virtually no one sees or hears of a retraction....dumbass.

So you admit that CNN does make retractions. Something Trump never does- regardless of how much he has blown up one of his own BS stories.

I will be glad to compare CNN's record of accurately reporting stories- to the accuracy of Trump's tweets.

CNN does get some things wrong- has CNN made up stories out of thin air specifically to attack others- like Trump has? I am not aware of those- but again- I would be glad to compare the accuracy of CNN versus the accuracy of Donald Trump.

Lets start with Birtherism.

Donald Trump spent 5 years promoting BS birther stories, and blowing them up- and never issued a retraction.

Instead- when he suddenly announced he was no longer a Birther- he blamed it all on Clinton.

And you Trumpsters just accepted his 'non-retraction'

I am all for comparing the accuracy of CNN to Trump.

Go for it.

No, I agree, CNN does make retractions. Although, they build the BS up to a fever pitch and if and when they make a retraction it's embedded somewhere where no one usually sees it. How about using Time magazine as an example, front cover, Trump has split a family apart, Trump towering over a little girl. Most of us know by now that was a fake story and proven fake by the little girls parents. Was there a retraction? Personally I don't know, certainly wasn't one on the front cover of a Time magazine. BTW, before you or some other lefty plan on explaining how Time is not CNN or CNN is not Time, save the BS, Time was used as an example....dumbass.

I am more than happy to compare the honesty of Trump versus the honesty of Trump- when it comes to the issue of the border and child separation.

Time Magazine cover is an excellent place to start. Did Time Magazine make a false statement on the cover?

So no false statement but it is a photo shopped image- yes- President Trump didn't actually stand in front of that little girl. Do you think that Time was trying to fool you into thinking that he was in front of the little girl- or was this intended to be 'representational'?

What was the fake story of this cover?

Perhaps you are confusing this cover- with the photo behind it:

Now that photo is a true photo- but it is not a photo of a child who was actually separated- because of Trump's policies- from her parents.

And that was originally misstated- and corrected:
Correction (Posted June 19): The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she was taken from the scene. The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together.

So Time did retract the original mistaken statement- but not the cover- because the cover was not a mistake

Now let us compare Time's actions with Trump and those of his administration

“I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”
— President Trump, in remarks to reporters at the White House, June 15

“We have the worst immigration laws in the entire world. Nobody has such sad, such bad and, actually, in many cases, such horrible and tough — you see about child separation, you see what’s going on there.”
— Trump, in remarks at the White House, June 18

“Because of the Flores consent decree and a 9th Circuit Court decision, ICE can only keep families detained together for a very short period of time.”
— Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in a speech in Bozeman, Mont., June 7

“It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”
— White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, at a news briefing, June 14

“We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period.”
— Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, on Twitter, June 17
Analysis | The facts about Trump’s policy of separating families at the border

As we found out when Trump signed his executive order ending the policies- those statements were all false.

And Trump has never retracted his claims blaming the actions of his own administration- on the Democrats.

Who was more honest when it came to describing the situation at the border- Trump or Time?

WTF, can't make any sense out of your post.
Of course you can't.
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe there’s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Let’s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting he’s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasn’t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portray— the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned he’s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

What? It wasn’t a big story when it occurred, maybe bc the press wasn’t out to get Obama and doing everything they could to find dirt of him. Even when the news DID come out... nothing compared to the hysterical condemnation of “Trump, child kidnapper” .

Except of course- the Right Wing media did exactly that. Fox. Breitbart. Limbaugh.
They were all full of hysterical condemnation of Obama.

The thing is that Trump is President now- not Obama. And Trump is lying. Virtually every day.

A large part of Trump's lies are intended to discredit the media- and you are buying into it- because an honest media will always be Trump's enemy.

“Honest media” LOL. You’re funny.

This thread is about Lying Don.

Always glad to compare the honesty of the media to Lying Don any time.
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe there’s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Let’s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting he’s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasn’t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portray— the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned he’s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

and OMG it looks like he’s constructing “concentration camps!” I don’t recall Obama having to publicly address this issue at all. There was no media hounding him and labeling him horribly inaccurate names even though children were getting mistreated under his rule.


Were over 2,000 children separated from their parents at the border under the Obama administration?


Trump's policies did just that. His decision to prosecute every person accused of illegally crossing the border- and his decision to separate the children from their parents resulted in just that.

And Trump of course- predictably- blamed the Democrats for his own policies.

But we know they were his own policies- because he ended them with a single pen stroke.

If you can’t admit a large part of the mainstream media gave Obama a pass for something they’d never in a million years give Trump a pass for, you’re ignoring reality. Their selective reporting has little to do with Trump’s lies and everything to do w their abject bias..

Not sure why you want to change the subject from my pointing out Trump's specific actual lies- to trying to bring in Obama and blaming the media.

So once again:

Were over 2,000 children separated from their parents at the border under the Obama administration?


Trump's policies did just that. His decision to prosecute every person accused of illegally crossing the border- and his decision to separate the children from their parents resulted in just that.

And Trump of course- predictably- blamed the Democrats for his own policies.

But we know they were his own policies- because he ended them with a single pen stroke
Repercussions..... YOU will pay a higher prices just everything you need or eat in your daily life. From the food you eat, health care, brake jobs to your bottled water, housings, cars, rentals etc etc etc
Of course you are Trumpy you don’t care. Nice job.
And before trump to democrats? Not a word from you

Did any democrat leadership went this far as Trump?

It's a contrived question. Trump is trying to open markets. I'm not in favor of how he's doing it, but you're trying to make a false implication. It's butt obvious what you're doing. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You didn’t answer my question. Did any democrat leadership went this far as Trump?

No I have not hit my wife or any woman let alone beat my wife. She almost kick my ass from a lawsuit but those videos on those hotels proved my innocence. That was a separate story.

The other very pretty woman still with me.
Got pregnant and have a boy. I thought it was mine because of lots of hair and Mongolian spots. I ordered 2 separate DNA test. I was gearing for a very big fight sadly it wasn’t mine.

I directly answered your question. You're asking me if I stopped beating my wife. Or if Trump did. Whatever.

You're intentionally conflating the means versus the goal. If you're playing to the audience, I know what you are. If you're asking a genuine question, stop playing games.

Trump's goal is free trade. Obama believed in controlled trade. You're trying to obfuscate that by focusing on the strategy. It's a fail. And further proof you're not a genuine advocate of free trade, just a partisan Democrat leftist hack

No you didn’t answer my question. Let me repeat it again.
Did any of the democrats went this far as Trump?
Let me repeat it again. I just became a democrat that doesn’t mean I agree with all of Obama’s policies.

Trump wants a free trade. If I’m Mexico, Canadian or EU countries. Why the HELL should I agree with a bully? I am making billions $ now (those countries)I am winning now ( those countries). If agree with Trump I will lose billions. Why would they give that up? What do you expect them to say. FUCK TRUMP.

Right now those countries are not backing down. They are retaliating with no mercy. Results. You and I will be paying for higher prices. Thank you for your support.

As I said and asked repeatedly......... Give me one example who is supporting Trump ineptness trade war policy. Who?

Try again.
GM warns tariff could force job cuts, raise cost of cars

GM warns tariff could force job cuts, raise cost of cars

By Julia Horowitz and Peter Valdes-Dapena June 29, 2018: 6:17 PM ET
General Motors is warning the Trump administration that proposed tariffs could force the company to cut jobs and raise the price of cars, perhaps by thousands of dollars.
The warning, made in a filing Friday with the Commerce Department, comes as America's manufacturers raise serious concerns about the president's trade policies, which they say could jeopardize their businesses at home.
This week, Harley Davidson said it will shift some production out of the United States due to retaliatory tariffs from Europe. Small companies have flooded the Commerce Department with pleas to get out from under steel and aluminum tariffs.
GM warns tariff could force job cuts, raise cost of cars

GM warns tariff could force job cuts, raise cost of cars

By Julia Horowitz and Peter Valdes-Dapena June 29, 2018: 6:17 PM ET
General Motors is warning the Trump administration that proposed tariffs could force the company to cut jobs and raise the price of cars, perhaps by thousands of dollars.
The warning, made in a filing Friday with the Commerce Department, comes as America's manufacturers raise serious concerns about the president's trade policies, which they say could jeopardize their businesses at home.
This week, Harley Davidson said it will shift some production out of the United States due to retaliatory tariffs from Europe. Small companies have flooded the Commerce Department with pleas to get out from under steel and aluminum tariffs.

Trump INEPTNESS on trade wars.

Proves he has nothing to do with the current economic boom of this country.
GM warns tariff could force job cuts, raise cost of cars

GM warns tariff could force job cuts, raise cost of cars

By Julia Horowitz and Peter Valdes-Dapena June 29, 2018: 6:17 PM ET
General Motors is warning the Trump administration that proposed tariffs could force the company to cut jobs and raise the price of cars, perhaps by thousands of dollars.
The warning, made in a filing Friday with the Commerce Department, comes as America's manufacturers raise serious concerns about the president's trade policies, which they say could jeopardize their businesses at home.
This week, Harley Davidson said it will shift some production out of the United States due to retaliatory tariffs from Europe. Small companies have flooded the Commerce Department with pleas to get out from under steel and aluminum tariffs.

Trump INEPTNESS on trade wars.

Proves he has nothing to do with the current economic boom of this country.

Oh I think that there is a relationship.

Business's loved the tax cut- the economy was already gathering momentum under Obama- the tax cuts clearly provided more stimulai and frankly the optimism by the business community that Trump was going to evicerate regulations that protect the environment and consumers.

However, now we have Trump's Trade War- and look what it is doing to American business's.

Trump might manage to actually kill this economic recovery if he keeps flailing about with his Trade war.
And before trump to democrats? Not a word from you

Did any democrat leadership went this far as Trump?

It's a contrived question. Trump is trying to open markets. I'm not in favor of how he's doing it, but you're trying to make a false implication. It's butt obvious what you're doing. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You didn’t answer my question. Did any democrat leadership went this far as Trump?

No I have not hit my wife or any woman let alone beat my wife. She almost kick my ass from a lawsuit but those videos on those hotels proved my innocence. That was a separate story.

The other very pretty woman still with me.
Got pregnant and have a boy. I thought it was mine because of lots of hair and Mongolian spots. I ordered 2 separate DNA test. I was gearing for a very big fight sadly it wasn’t mine.

I directly answered your question. You're asking me if I stopped beating my wife. Or if Trump did. Whatever.

You're intentionally conflating the means versus the goal. If you're playing to the audience, I know what you are. If you're asking a genuine question, stop playing games.

Trump's goal is free trade. Obama believed in controlled trade. You're trying to obfuscate that by focusing on the strategy. It's a fail. And further proof you're not a genuine advocate of free trade, just a partisan Democrat leftist hack

No you didn’t answer my question. Let me repeat it again.
Did any of the democrats went this far as Trump?
Let me repeat it again. I just became a democrat that doesn’t mean I agree with all of Obama’s policies.

Trump wants a free trade. If I’m Mexico, Canadian or EU countries. Why the HELL should I agree with a bully? I am making billions $ now (those countries)I am winning now ( those countries). If agree with Trump I will lose billions. Why would they give that up? What do you expect them to say. FUCK TRUMP.

Right now those countries are not backing down. They are retaliating with no mercy. Results. You and I will be paying for higher prices. Thank you for your support.

As I said and asked repeatedly......... Give me one example who is supporting Trump ineptness trade war policy. Who?

Try again.

I'll repeat it again. The original goalpost was who was in favor of free trade, the goal. Trump is, the Democrats aren't. Or at least you weren't until the day Trump took office, and you won't be again the day he leaves.

You are asking me about the METHOD to achieve free trade. That is called moving the goalposts. I can't believe you don't get that. You really are just flat out stupid.

Trump is for free trade, but I disagree with his methods to get it. Democrats are just flat out anti-free trade. You just have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Explain what is unclear about that even to a moron like you
Trump is for free trade, but I disagree with his methods to get it.
Yes they are NOT the ACTIONS of a Free Trader!!!!!
A real free trader knows not to impose tariffs even if others do because they only hurt those who impose them, and eventually the imposers will realize it. As tariffs hurt the comparative advantage of free trade for the imposer, a truly smart free trader will resist copying them, which means, Canada, China, the EU are just as STUPID as Donnie Dirt Bag!!!!!
Trump is for free trade, but I disagree with his methods to get it.
Yes they are NOT the ACTIONS of a Free Trader!!!!!
A real free trader knows not to impose tariffs even if others do because they only hurt those who impose them, and eventually the imposers will realize it. As tariffs hurt the comparative advantage of free trade for the imposer, a truly smart free trader will resist copying them, which means, Canada, China, the EU are just as STUPID as Donnie Dirt Bag!!!!!

The opinion on free trade of someone who was against free trade until the day Trump took office and will oppose it again the day he leaves isn't relevant. Your position, your post, it's just hatred of Trump. You're an angry, spiteful, hate filled little man
The opinion on free trade of someone who was against free trade until the day Trump took office and will oppose it again the day he leaves isn't relevant. Your position, your post, it's just hatred of Trump. You're an angry, spiteful, hate filled little man
You know you need to come up with some new lies, you already used this one earlier in this year and I shoved it down your worthless lying scum CON$ervoFascist mouth then! You would think you would have learned your lesson by now!!! Ahhh, but CON$ervoFascist scum NEVER learn.
Steel and Aluminum: Economics or Politics

As you remember I posted a link to a search of all the times I supported free trade using the Law Of Comparative Advantage going back to 2010 just in the Politics forum only.
Here it is again:"comparative+advantage"&o=relevance&c[node]=19&c[user][0]=13101

Here is the one from 2010:
Former NM Gov. Gary Johnson's CPAC Speech
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The opinion on free trade of someone who was against free trade until the day Trump took office and will oppose it again the day he leaves isn't relevant. Your position, your post, it's just hatred of Trump. You're an angry, spiteful, hate filled little man
You know you need to come up with some new lies, you already used this one earlier in this year and I shoved it down your worthless lying scum CON$ervoFascist mouth then! You would think you would have learned your lesson by now!!! Ahhh, but CON$ervoFascist scum NEVER learn.
Steel and Aluminum: Economics or Politics

As you remember I posted a link to a search of all the times I supported free trade using the Law Of Comparative Advantage going back to 2010 just in the Politics forum only.
Here it is again:"comparative+advantage"&o=relevance&c[node]=19&c[user][0]=13101

Here is the one from 2010:
Former NM Gov. Gary Johnson's CPAC Speech

That you believe in the law of comparative advantage doesn't prove that you don't support tariffs. Leftists argue contradictory positions often. You had many, many chances to disavow tariffs, and even you couldn't find one where you did
The opinion on free trade of someone who was against free trade until the day Trump took office and will oppose it again the day he leaves isn't relevant. Your position, your post, it's just hatred of Trump. You're an angry, spiteful, hate filled little man
You know you need to come up with some new lies, you already used this one earlier in this year and I shoved it down your worthless lying scum CON$ervoFascist mouth then! You would think you would have learned your lesson by now!!! Ahhh, but CON$ervoFascist scum NEVER learn.
Steel and Aluminum: Economics or Politics

As you remember I posted a link to a search of all the times I supported free trade using the Law Of Comparative Advantage going back to 2010 just in the Politics forum only.
Here it is again:"comparative+advantage"&o=relevance&c[node]=19&c[user][0]=13101

Here is the one from 2010:
Former NM Gov. Gary Johnson's CPAC Speech

That you believe in the law of comparative advantage doesn't prove that you don't support tariffs. Leftists argue contradictory positions often. You had many, many chances to disavow tariffs, and even you couldn't find one where you did
That is exactly what the Law of Comparative disavows, tariffs!
Why don't YOU find one place where I support tariffs since that is YOUR lie!!!!!

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