Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

Who wants to talk about inaugural crowd size?

The nonsense you fools think is important hahahahaha.

noun: hyperbole; plural noun: hyperboles
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

And lest we the time he said that, the leftist lying press was circulating pictures of pre- and post- inauguration and identifying those pics as the inaugural crowd during the actual event.
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?

Is he out of office yet? There's still time to make Mexico pay for The Wall. Of course, if Democrats get their way he won't ever get funding for it, anyway, so this is more A Moot Point than A Lie.
Why not make them pay BEFORE we start construction?
Did you actually read your link?

First of all, Trump appears to have been repeating a claim from Mojtaba Zonnour, a member of the Iranian parliament and critic of the Iran deal.

Their issue is with Trump not addresses the nuances, i.e. whether he was referring to citizenship or obtaining a green card, and whether it was for children or Iranian government officials.

In 2015, the DHS granted citizenship to over 2,000 more Iranians than it did in 2014. Their point is that it wasn't some quid pro quo of the Iranian deal. Also: BFD.

They're saying it's a lie without disproving what he said. They even gave the caveat that their opinion may change if more information comes out -- which means they just weren't able to track down the actual number or reason, or get someone to go on the record to give up the ghost.

Try again.
You lie like Trump lies. There were not over 2,000 additional citizenships granted to Iranians in 2015 than 2014... there were 724.

Table 21. Persons Naturalized By Region And Country Of Birth: Fiscal Years 2014 To 2016
No post a few of his lies

lets look at them.
I just did. He claimed the biggest electoral college win since Reagan and he claimed he won the popular vote if not counting illegal votes.

G’head... give it your best shot...
Omg, like I said he exaggerates, but he did win. That's all you guys have is a difference in numbers. Show me something he said he would do but hasn't even tried to implement it. It's like talking to a 5 year old.
He claimed he legitimately won the popular vote. That’s not even an exaggeration— it’s an outright lie.

As far as him not doing what he promised, that’s impossible to state since he’s still president and can still work on accomplishing promises not yet kept.

Whatsammatter? Already giving up on showing he’s not the pathological liar he appears to be?
Dude we don't take him literally, he's a shit talker, we know this, apparently you don't.
this was his statement

Donald Trump: ‘I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally’

IF you deduct the millions that voted illegally. I doubt it, but it's possible, since your side likes to fuck around with votes so much.
You lie like Trump lies. There were not over 2,000 additional citizenships granted to Iranians in 2015 than 2014... there were 724.

Table 21. Persons Naturalized By Region And Country Of Birth: Fiscal Years 2014 To 2016
No post a few of his lies

lets look at them.
I just did. He claimed the biggest electoral college win since Reagan and he claimed he won the popular vote if not counting illegal votes.

G’head... give it your best shot...
Omg, like I said he exaggerates, but he did win. That's all you guys have is a difference in numbers. Show me something he said he would do but hasn't even tried to implement it. It's like talking to a 5 year old.
He claimed he legitimately won the popular vote. That’s not even an exaggeration— it’s an outright lie.

As far as him not doing what he promised, that’s impossible to state since he’s still president and can still work on accomplishing promises not yet kept.

Whatsammatter? Already giving up on showing he’s not the pathological liar he appears to be?
Dude we don't take him literally, he's a shit talker, we know this, apparently you don't.
this was his statement

Donald Trump: ‘I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally’

IF you deduct the millions that voted illegally. I doubt it, but it's possible, since your side likes to fuck around with votes so much.
Showing Trump to be delusional or an outright liar
You lie like Trump lies. There were not over 2,000 additional citizenships granted to Iranians in 2015 than 2014... there were 724.

Table 21. Persons Naturalized By Region And Country Of Birth: Fiscal Years 2014 To 2016
No post a few of his lies

lets look at them.
I just did. He claimed the biggest electoral college win since Reagan and he claimed he won the popular vote if not counting illegal votes.

G’head... give it your best shot...
Omg, like I said he exaggerates, but he did win. That's all you guys have is a difference in numbers. Show me something he said he would do but hasn't even tried to implement it. It's like talking to a 5 year old.
He claimed he legitimately won the popular vote. That’s not even an exaggeration— it’s an outright lie.

As far as him not doing what he promised, that’s impossible to state since he’s still president and can still work on accomplishing promises not yet kept.

Whatsammatter? Already giving up on showing he’s not the pathological liar he appears to be?
Dude we don't take him literally, he's a shit talker, we know this, apparently you don't.
this was his statement

Donald Trump: ‘I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally’

IF you deduct the millions that voted illegally. I doubt it, but it's possible, since your side likes to fuck around with votes so much.
Sans proof, it’s a lie. And I’ve seen more Trump voters arrested for voter fraud than Hillary voters in the 2016 elections n. So that kind of fucks your dementia too.

Regardless, there’s zero evidence that Hillary received 3 million or more illegal votes than Trump. Meaning he lied. Deal with it and stop making up such stupid excuses.
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?

Is he out of office yet? There's still time to make Mexico pay for The Wall. Of course, if Democrats get their way he won't ever get funding for it, anyway, so this is more A Moot Point than A Lie.
The pathological liar has had a year and a half to start collecting from Mexico and he ain't got a single dime. The pathological liar said Mexico would pay, not hard working American tax payers pay first and then Mexico, so the sociopathic liar lied.
The nonsense you fools think is important hahahahaha.

noun: hyperbole; plural noun: hyperboles
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

And lest we the time he said that, the leftist lying press was circulating pictures of pre- and post- inauguration and identifying those pics as the inaugural crowd during the actual event.
Prove it.
The nonsense you fools think is important hahahahaha.

noun: hyperbole; plural noun: hyperboles
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

And lest we the time he said that, the leftist lying press was circulating pictures of pre- and post- inauguration and identifying those pics as the inaugural crowd during the actual event.
Prove it.

What has Trump lied about .. seriously?

:lmao::laugh2: :lol:

Here are 10 pages of False:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

5 additional pages of Pants on Fire:
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

And a very funny column on the topic:
Trump told more than 2,000 lies in the past year. And so did I.
The lying fake news claiming lies. Whats wrong with that picture
YOU calling anyone on Earth a liar!
That’s funny.

Kaz is the only one on the forum whose name is synonymous with lying. It’s used as a verb — Kaz kazzes.
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
Right off the top of my head, he claimed he has written best-selling books, which is total horseshit.
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
Right off the top of my head, he claimed he has written best-selling books, which is total horseshit.
He has not even read a book
So you can't.

There's no reason to. Reasonable people recognize and correctly interpret hyperbole.

It's only half educated nitwits like you that don't understand it. You don't believe reality, period. I am certainly not going to waste time trying to educate you about hyperbole. Retards don't have a sense of humor in the first the conflate satire and hyperbole with lying. They just can't make the distinction.

Which is why they should probably be committed. People who either can't, or refuse to, understand the language that they have been speaking all their lives, pose a threat to themselves and others. At the very least, they shouldn't be granted licenses, or ever be allowed near a firearm.
So you can't.

There's no reason to. Reasonable people recognize and correctly interpret hyperbole.

It's only half educated nitwits like you that don't understand it. You don't believe reality, period. I am certainly not going to waste time trying to educate you about hyperbole. Retards don't have a sense of humor in the first the conflate satire and hyperbole with lying. They just can't make the distinction.

Which is why they should probably be committed. People who either can't, or refuse to, understand the language that they have been speaking all their lives, pose a threat to themselves and others. At the very least, they shouldn't be granted licenses, or ever be allowed near a firearm.
Trump has no perception of satire

When he said he saw thousands of Muslims dancing in NJ....that was not satire or hyperbole.....that was a lie

When he said 3 million illegals voted for Hillary......that was not satire or hyperbole.......that was a lie
Did any democrat leadership went this far as Trump?

It's a contrived question. Trump is trying to open markets. I'm not in favor of how he's doing it, but you're trying to make a false implication. It's butt obvious what you're doing. Have you stopped beating your wife?

You didn’t answer my question. Did any democrat leadership went this far as Trump?

No I have not hit my wife or any woman let alone beat my wife. She almost kick my ass from a lawsuit but those videos on those hotels proved my innocence. That was a separate story.

The other very pretty woman still with me.
Got pregnant and have a boy. I thought it was mine because of lots of hair and Mongolian spots. I ordered 2 separate DNA test. I was gearing for a very big fight sadly it wasn’t mine.

I directly answered your question. You're asking me if I stopped beating my wife. Or if Trump did. Whatever.

You're intentionally conflating the means versus the goal. If you're playing to the audience, I know what you are. If you're asking a genuine question, stop playing games.

Trump's goal is free trade. Obama believed in controlled trade. You're trying to obfuscate that by focusing on the strategy. It's a fail. And further proof you're not a genuine advocate of free trade, just a partisan Democrat leftist hack

No you didn’t answer my question. Let me repeat it again.
Did any of the democrats went this far as Trump?
Let me repeat it again. I just became a democrat that doesn’t mean I agree with all of Obama’s policies.

Trump wants a free trade. If I’m Mexico, Canadian or EU countries. Why the HELL should I agree with a bully? I am making billions $ now (those countries)I am winning now ( those countries). If agree with Trump I will lose billions. Why would they give that up? What do you expect them to say. FUCK TRUMP.

Right now those countries are not backing down. They are retaliating with no mercy. Results. You and I will be paying for higher prices. Thank you for your support.

As I said and asked repeatedly......... Give me one example who is supporting Trump ineptness trade war policy. Who?

Try again.

I'll repeat it again. The original goalpost was who was in favor of free trade, the goal.

25% tariffs on all imports of steel- 10% tariffs on all imports of Aluminum- in order to protect the profits of the steel and aluminum industry- and their employees- is the antithesis of 'free trade'

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