Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

What is most puzzling about Trumps lies is that he is not very good at it. Given his prolific tendency to lie, you would think he would get better at it

But Trumps lies are so obviously lies and so easy to disprove.
Almost like the lies a child makes
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
Here’s another, from just yesterday...

Trump falsely claims Obama gave citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during nuclear deal talks
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
Here’s another, from just yesterday...

Trump falsely claims Obama gave citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during nuclear deal talks
Once again highlighting what a bad liar Trump is

It is a fact that is easily verified. Trump does not even bother to ask

Did you actually read your link?

First of all, Trump appears to have been repeating a claim from Mojtaba Zonnour, a member of the Iranian parliament and critic of the Iran deal.

Their issue is with Trump not addresses the nuances, i.e. whether he was referring to citizenship or obtaining a green card, and whether it was for children or Iranian government officials.

In 2015, the DHS granted citizenship to over 2,000 more Iranians than it did in 2014. Their point is that it wasn't some quid pro quo of the Iranian deal. Also: BFD.

They're saying it's a lie without disproving what he said. They even gave the caveat that their opinion may change if more information comes out -- which means they just weren't able to track down the actual number or reason, or get someone to go on the record to give up the ghost.

Try again.
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?

Is he out of office yet? There's still time to make Mexico pay for The Wall. Of course, if Democrats get their way he won't ever get funding for it, anyway, so this is more A Moot Point than A Lie.
What is most puzzling about Trumps lies is that he is not very good at it. Given his prolific tendency to lie, you would think he would get better at it

But Trumps lies are so obviously lies and so easy to disprove.
Almost like the lies a child makes
He doesn't lie, he exaggerates, like the locker room talk, he's a man's man, he talks a lot of shit. But he also backs it up.
What did he lie about
I've seen these lists and debunked them. most of the times it's they're opening 6 factories when it may only be 2. the point is still true, even if the numbers are off.
Show me where he really lied about something.
The one take-away from this thread ....

There is literally nothing Trump could do that would cause him to lose any support from these sycophants. There is no crime he could commit ... no person he could kill ... no man, woman or child with whom he could cheat. I have no doubt he could get caught paying for Stormy Daniels to abort his child in the 8th month and not lose a single supporter -- they would say the baby deserved it for being too close to the pussy of a porn star. He could nuke England and not lose a single supporter -- they would say England deserved it for allowing too many Muslims in. He could get caught having sex with a porcupine and not lose a single supporter -- they would say the porcupine deserved it for being too Liberal.

The right has now become a Trump polyp.

Just curious: did eight years of liberals kissing Obama's ass bother you as much, or were you too busy kissing it yourself that you didn't realize you were creating a precedent?

The concept of "people ignoring and making excuses for politicians they like" didn't start with Trump.
What is most puzzling about Trumps lies is that he is not very good at it. Given his prolific tendency to lie, you would think he would get better at it

But Trumps lies are so obviously lies and so easy to disprove.
Almost like the lies a child makes
He doesn't lie, he exaggerates, like the locker room talk, he's a man's man, he talks a lot of shit. But he also backs it up.
What did he lie about
I've seen these lists and debunked them. most of the times it's they're opening 6 factories when it may only be 2. the point is still true, even if the numbers are off.
Show me where he really lied about something.

Exactly. Part of me thinks liberals understand that but they're so eager to settle his hash because they haven't gotten over the fact that he beat Hilldog.

There's a difference between telling a wholesale lie and exaggerating some shit, or being even being disingenuous. Trump's supporters care about him keeping his promises, or at least attempting to, but they don't hang on to every word he says to ensure it's factually correct. People...don't talk or act like that. I'd be way more accepting of that standard if the left did that with any politician they like.

Hillary lied before Congress about details of her private e-mail server, which is essentially perjury. I don't hear too many of you hoes calling for her to be locked up.

Did you actually read your link?

First of all, Trump appears to have been repeating a claim from Mojtaba Zonnour, a member of the Iranian parliament and critic of the Iran deal.

Their issue is with Trump not addresses the nuances, i.e. whether he was referring to citizenship or obtaining a green card, and whether it was for children or Iranian government officials.

In 2015, the DHS granted citizenship to over 2,000 more Iranians than it did in 2014. Their point is that it wasn't some quid pro quo of the Iranian deal. Also: BFD.

They're saying it's a lie without disproving what he said. They even gave the caveat that their opinion may change if more information comes out -- which means they just weren't able to track down the actual number or reason, or get someone to go on the record to give up the ghost.

Try again.
You lie like Trump lies. There were not over 2,000 additional citizenships granted to Iranians in 2015 than 2014... there were 724.

Table 21. Persons Naturalized By Region And Country Of Birth: Fiscal Years 2014 To 2016
What is most puzzling about Trumps lies is that he is not very good at it. Given his prolific tendency to lie, you would think he would get better at it

But Trumps lies are so obviously lies and so easy to disprove.
Almost like the lies a child makes
He doesn't lie, he exaggerates, like the locker room talk, he's a man's man, he talks a lot of shit. But he also backs it up.
What did he lie about
I've seen these lists and debunked them. most of the times it's they're opening 6 factories when it may only be 2. the point is still true, even if the numbers are off.
Show me where he really lied about something.
He backs it up??


When did he back up his lie about having the biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan?

Bush41, Clinton (twice) and Obama (twice) all had bigger electoral college wins. Only Bush43 (twice) fared worse than Trump.

When did trump back that up?
The one take-away from this thread ....

There is literally nothing Trump could do that would cause him to lose any support from these sycophants. There is no crime he could commit ... no person he could kill ... no man, woman or child with whom he could cheat. I have no doubt he could get caught paying for Stormy Daniels to abort his child in the 8th month and not lose a single supporter -- they would say the baby deserved it for being too close to the pussy of a porn star. He could nuke England and not lose a single supporter -- they would say England deserved it for allowing too many Muslims in. He could get caught having sex with a porcupine and not lose a single supporter -- they would say the porcupine deserved it for being too Liberal.

The right has now become a Trump polyp.

Just curious: did eight years of liberals kissing Obama's ass bother you as much, or were you too busy kissing it yourself that you didn't realize you were creating a precedent?

The concept of "people ignoring and making excuses for politicians they like" didn't start with Trump.
Many turned away from Obama. And while all politicians lie, none lie with the frequency of Trump. Not even close.

He claimed he won the popular vote if discounting illegal votes.

Prove it. Prove there were more than 3,000,000 illegal votes for Hillary (and don’t forget to subtract the ones for Trump).

Did you actually read your link?

First of all, Trump appears to have been repeating a claim from Mojtaba Zonnour, a member of the Iranian parliament and critic of the Iran deal.

Their issue is with Trump not addresses the nuances, i.e. whether he was referring to citizenship or obtaining a green card, and whether it was for children or Iranian government officials.

In 2015, the DHS granted citizenship to over 2,000 more Iranians than it did in 2014. Their point is that it wasn't some quid pro quo of the Iranian deal. Also: BFD.

They're saying it's a lie without disproving what he said. They even gave the caveat that their opinion may change if more information comes out -- which means they just weren't able to track down the actual number or reason, or get someone to go on the record to give up the ghost.

Try again.
You lie like Trump lies. There were not over 2,000 additional citizenships granted to Iranians in 2015 than 2014... there were 724.

Table 21. Persons Naturalized By Region And Country Of Birth: Fiscal Years 2014 To 2016
No post a few of his lies

lets look at them.
What is most puzzling about Trumps lies is that he is not very good at it. Given his prolific tendency to lie, you would think he would get better at it

But Trumps lies are so obviously lies and so easy to disprove.
Almost like the lies a child makes
He doesn't lie, he exaggerates, like the locker room talk, he's a man's man, he talks a lot of shit. But he also backs it up.
What did he lie about
I've seen these lists and debunked them. most of the times it's they're opening 6 factories when it may only be 2. the point is still true, even if the numbers are off.
Show me where he really lied about something.
He backs it up??


When did he back up his lie about having the biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan?

Bush41, Clinton (twice) and Obama (twice) all had bigger electoral college wins. Only Bush43 (twice) fared worse than Trump.

When did trump back that up?
Nope, but he won, you thought Hillary would kill him, and he got 309 EVs, he beat her bad. And in 2020, he's gonna obliterate the dem.

He does back it up.
he's either done what he said or tried to get congress to pass it.
Show me what he promised that he hasn't tried to get going?

Did you actually read your link?

First of all, Trump appears to have been repeating a claim from Mojtaba Zonnour, a member of the Iranian parliament and critic of the Iran deal.

Their issue is with Trump not addresses the nuances, i.e. whether he was referring to citizenship or obtaining a green card, and whether it was for children or Iranian government officials.

In 2015, the DHS granted citizenship to over 2,000 more Iranians than it did in 2014. Their point is that it wasn't some quid pro quo of the Iranian deal. Also: BFD.

They're saying it's a lie without disproving what he said. They even gave the caveat that their opinion may change if more information comes out -- which means they just weren't able to track down the actual number or reason, or get someone to go on the record to give up the ghost.

Try again.
You lie like Trump lies. There were not over 2,000 additional citizenships granted to Iranians in 2015 than 2014... there were 724.

Table 21. Persons Naturalized By Region And Country Of Birth: Fiscal Years 2014 To 2016
No post a few of his lies

lets look at them.
I just did. He claimed the biggest electoral college win since Reagan and he claimed he won the popular vote if not counting illegal votes.

G’head... give it your best shot...
What is most puzzling about Trumps lies is that he is not very good at it. Given his prolific tendency to lie, you would think he would get better at it

But Trumps lies are so obviously lies and so easy to disprove.
Almost like the lies a child makes
He doesn't lie, he exaggerates, like the locker room talk, he's a man's man, he talks a lot of shit. But he also backs it up.
What did he lie about
I've seen these lists and debunked them. most of the times it's they're opening 6 factories when it may only be 2. the point is still true, even if the numbers are off.
Show me where he really lied about something.
He backs it up??


When did he back up his lie about having the biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan?

Bush41, Clinton (twice) and Obama (twice) all had bigger electoral college wins. Only Bush43 (twice) fared worse than Trump.

When did trump back that up?
Nope, but he won, you thought Hillary would kill him, and he got 309 EVs, he beat her bad. And in 2020, he's gonna obliterate the dem.

He does back it up.
he's either done what he said or tried to get congress to pass it.
Show me what he promised that he hasn't tried to get going?
We know he won. That wasn’t his lie. His lie was having the biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan.

Did you actually read your link?

First of all, Trump appears to have been repeating a claim from Mojtaba Zonnour, a member of the Iranian parliament and critic of the Iran deal.

Their issue is with Trump not addresses the nuances, i.e. whether he was referring to citizenship or obtaining a green card, and whether it was for children or Iranian government officials.

In 2015, the DHS granted citizenship to over 2,000 more Iranians than it did in 2014. Their point is that it wasn't some quid pro quo of the Iranian deal. Also: BFD.

They're saying it's a lie without disproving what he said. They even gave the caveat that their opinion may change if more information comes out -- which means they just weren't able to track down the actual number or reason, or get someone to go on the record to give up the ghost.

Try again.
You lie like Trump lies. There were not over 2,000 additional citizenships granted to Iranians in 2015 than 2014... there were 724.

Table 21. Persons Naturalized By Region And Country Of Birth: Fiscal Years 2014 To 2016
No post a few of his lies

lets look at them.
I just did. He claimed the biggest electoral college win since Reagan and he claimed he won the popular vote if not counting illegal votes.

G’head... give it your best shot...
Omg, like I said he exaggerates, but he did win. That's all you guys have is a difference in numbers. Show me something he said he would do but hasn't even tried to implement it. It's like talking to a 5 year old.

Did you actually read your link?

First of all, Trump appears to have been repeating a claim from Mojtaba Zonnour, a member of the Iranian parliament and critic of the Iran deal.

Their issue is with Trump not addresses the nuances, i.e. whether he was referring to citizenship or obtaining a green card, and whether it was for children or Iranian government officials.

In 2015, the DHS granted citizenship to over 2,000 more Iranians than it did in 2014. Their point is that it wasn't some quid pro quo of the Iranian deal. Also: BFD.

They're saying it's a lie without disproving what he said. They even gave the caveat that their opinion may change if more information comes out -- which means they just weren't able to track down the actual number or reason, or get someone to go on the record to give up the ghost.

Try again.
You lie like Trump lies. There were not over 2,000 additional citizenships granted to Iranians in 2015 than 2014... there were 724.

Table 21. Persons Naturalized By Region And Country Of Birth: Fiscal Years 2014 To 2016
No post a few of his lies

lets look at them.
I just did. He claimed the biggest electoral college win since Reagan and he claimed he won the popular vote if not counting illegal votes.

G’head... give it your best shot...
Omg, like I said he exaggerates, but he did win. That's all you guys have is a difference in numbers. Show me something he said he would do but hasn't even tried to implement it. It's like talking to a 5 year old.
He claimed he legitimately won the popular vote. That’s not even an exaggeration— it’s an outright lie.

As far as him not doing what he promised, that’s impossible to state since he’s still president and can still work on accomplishing promises not yet kept.

Whatsammatter? Already giving up on showing he’s not the pathological liar he appears to be?

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