Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

What is most puzzling about Trumps lies is that he is not very good at it. Given his prolific tendency to lie, you would think he would get better at it

But Trumps lies are so obviously lies and so easy to disprove.
Almost like the lies a child makes

Trump is of the camp that believes that a lie repeated often enough and with enough conviction- will convince the people he needs to convince.

After all- Trumpkins don't really care whether Trump is lying or not.
What is most puzzling about Trumps lies is that he is not very good at it. Given his prolific tendency to lie, you would think he would get better at it

But Trumps lies are so obviously lies and so easy to disprove.
Almost like the lies a child makes
He doesn't lie, he exaggerates, like the locker room talk, he's a man's man, he talks a lot of shit. But he also backs it up.
What did he lie about

Really? I will just go with one topic- that he lied about for 5 years- until he got the Republican nomination- and then blamed his lies on Clinton. A selection of Trump's Birther lies.

1. "Why doesn't he show his birth certificate? There's something on that birth certificate that he doesn't like."
- March 23, 2011, on "The View"
2. "He's spent millions of dollars trying to get away from this issue. Millions of dollars in legal fees trying to get away from this issue. And I'll tell you what, I brought it up, just routinely, and all of a sudden a lot facts are emerging and I'm starting to wonder myself whether or not he was born in this country."
- March 28, 2011, on Fox News
3. "He doesn't have a birth certificate, or if he does, there's something on that certificate that is very bad for him. Now, somebody told me -- and I have no idea if this is bad for him or not, but perhaps it would be -- that where it says 'religion,' it might have 'Muslim.' And if you're a Muslim, you don't change your religion, by the way."
- March 30, 2011, on The Laura Ingraham Show
4. "I have people that have been studying [Obama's birth certificate] and they cannot believe what they're finding ... I would like to have him show his birth certificate, and can I be honest with you, I hope he can. Because if he can't, if he can't, if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility ... then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics."
- April 7, 2011, on NBC's "Today" show
5. "His grandmother in Kenya said, 'Oh, no, he was born in Kenya and I was there and I witnessed the birth.' She's on tape. I think that tape's going to be produced fairly soon. Somebody is coming out with a book in two weeks, it will be very interesting."
- April 7, 2011, on MSNBC's "Morning Joe"
Note: On April 27, 2011, President Obama made public his long form birth certificate. The Trump campaign in his statement portrayed this as the event that resolved the situation.
"Having successfully obtained President Obama's birth certificate when others could not, Mr. Trump believes that President Obama was born in the United States," Miller said.
But as the following comments demonstrate, whatever he thought personally, Trump continued to gin up birther issues for years after.
6. "He didn't know he was running for president, so he told the truth. The literary agent wrote down what he said ... He said he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia ... Now they're saying it was a mistake. Just like his Kenyan grandmother said he was born in Kenya, and she pointed down the road to the hospital, and after people started screaming at her, she said, 'Oh, I mean Hawaii.' Give me a break."
- May 24, 2012, interview with The Daily Beast's Lloyd Grove, responding to an erroneous report about Obama
7. "A lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate. ... Many people do not think it was authentic. His mother was not in the hospital. There are many other things that came out. And frankly if you would report it accurately I think you'd probably get better ratings than you're getting."
- May 29, 2012, to CNN's Wolf Blitzer
8. "An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud."
An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 6, 2012
- August 6, 2012, in a tweet more than a year after Obama released his longform birth certificate
9. "Was it a birth certificate? You tell me. Some people say that was not his birth certificate. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. I'm saying I don't know. Nobody knows."
- August 2013, to ABC News
10. "How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama's 'birth certificate' died in plane crash today. All others lived."
How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama's "birth certificate" died in plane crash today. All others lived

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 12, 2013
- December 12, 2013, in tweet about the death of Loretta Fuddy.
11. "Well, I don't know -- did he do it? ... Well, a lot of people don't agree with you and a lot of people feel it wasn't a proper certificate."
-May 2014, in an interview with TV3's Colette Fitzpatrick in Ireland, Trump first contested whether Obama had released his birth certificate, then questioned whether its legitimacy.
12. "There are three things that could happen. And one of them did happen. He was perhaps born in Kenya. Very simple, OK? He was perhaps born in this country. But said he was born in Kenya because if you say you were born in Kenya, you got aid and you got into colleges. People were doing that. So perhaps he was born in this country, and that has a very big chance. Or, you know, who knows?"
- May 27, 2014, in remarks at the National Press Club
13. "Who knows about Obama? ... Who knows, who knows? Who cares right now?... I have my own theory on Obama. Someday I will write a book, I will do another book, and it will do very successfully."
- January 6, 2016, in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
14. "I'll answer that question at the right time. I just don't want to answer it yet ... I don't talk about it anymore. The reason I don't is because then everyone is going to be talking about it as opposed to jobs, the military, the vets, security.
The one take-away from this thread ....

There is literally nothing Trump could do that would cause him to lose any support from these sycophants. There is no crime he could commit ... no person he could kill ... no man, woman or child with whom he could cheat. I have no doubt he could get caught paying for Stormy Daniels to abort his child in the 8th month and not lose a single supporter -- they would say the baby deserved it for being too close to the pussy of a porn star. He could nuke England and not lose a single supporter -- they would say England deserved it for allowing too many Muslims in. He could get caught having sex with a porcupine and not lose a single supporter -- they would say the porcupine deserved it for being too Liberal.

The right has now become a Trump polyp.

Just curious: did eight years of liberals kissing Obama's ass bother you as much, or were you too busy kissing it yourself that you didn't realize you were creating a precedent?

The concept of "people ignoring and making excuses for politicians they like" didn't start with Trump.

Ah yes- its the old 'blame it on Obama' excuse.

Why would that excuse you kissing Trump's ass? Why do you think that makes it a precedent for you kissing Trump's ass?

Did you actually read your link?

First of all, Trump appears to have been repeating a claim from Mojtaba Zonnour, a member of the Iranian parliament and critic of the Iran deal.

Their issue is with Trump not addresses the nuances, i.e. whether he was referring to citizenship or obtaining a green card, and whether it was for children or Iranian government officials.

In 2015, the DHS granted citizenship to over 2,000 more Iranians than it did in 2014. Their point is that it wasn't some quid pro quo of the Iranian deal. Also: BFD.

They're saying it's a lie without disproving what he said. They even gave the caveat that their opinion may change if more information comes out -- which means they just weren't able to track down the actual number or reason, or get someone to go on the record to give up the ghost.

Try again.
You lie like Trump lies. There were not over 2,000 additional citizenships granted to Iranians in 2015 than 2014... there were 724.

Table 21. Persons Naturalized By Region And Country Of Birth: Fiscal Years 2014 To 2016
No post a few of his lies

lets look at them.
I just did. He claimed the biggest electoral college win since Reagan and he claimed he won the popular vote if not counting illegal votes.

G’head... give it your best shot...
Omg, like I said he exaggerates, but he did win. That's all you guys have is a difference in numbers. Show me something he said he would do but hasn't even tried to implement it. It's like talking to a 5 year old.
We have actually done this several times already in this thread- not our fault you didn't read the rest of it- but here is an easy one

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Declare China a currency manipulator

In his 100-day contract with voters to "Make America Great Again," Trump said he would issue seven actions to protect American workers. Among them: "I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator."
What has Trump lied about .. seriously?

:lmao::laugh2: :lol:

Here are 10 pages of False:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

5 additional pages of Pants on Fire:
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

And a very funny column on the topic:
Trump told more than 2,000 lies in the past year. And so did I.
The lying fake news claiming lies. Whats wrong with that picture

Contards defending the liar in Chief- the biggest generator of fake news in America.

Whats not typical with this picture?
What has Trump lied about .. seriously?

:lmao::laugh2: :lol:

Here are 10 pages of False:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

5 additional pages of Pants on Fire:
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

And a very funny column on the topic:
Trump told more than 2,000 lies in the past year. And so did I.
The lying fake news claiming lies. Whats wrong with that picture
YOU calling anyone on Earth a liar!

Yep. Unlike leftists, I'm very honest. That was your question? Seriously?
What has Trump lied about .. seriously?

:lmao::laugh2: :lol:

Here are 10 pages of False:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

5 additional pages of Pants on Fire:
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

And a very funny column on the topic:
Trump told more than 2,000 lies in the past year. And so did I.
The lying fake news claiming lies. Whats wrong with that picture

Kaz is a man's man according to buckeye- since kaz talks so much shit.
What has Trump lied about .. seriously?

:lmao::laugh2: :lol:

Here are 10 pages of False:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

5 additional pages of Pants on Fire:
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

And a very funny column on the topic:
Trump told more than 2,000 lies in the past year. And so did I.
The lying fake news claiming lies. Whats wrong with that picture
YOU calling anyone on Earth a liar!

Yep. Unlike leftists, I'm very honest. That was your question? Seriously?

yeah- which is why kazzing has its own meaning here at USMB. very honest.....
What has Trump lied about .. seriously?

:lmao::laugh2: :lol:

Here are 10 pages of False:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

5 additional pages of Pants on Fire:
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

And a very funny column on the topic:
Trump told more than 2,000 lies in the past year. And so did I.
The lying fake news claiming lies. Whats wrong with that picture
YOU calling anyone on Earth a liar!

Yep. Unlike leftists, I'm very honest. That was your question? Seriously?
Sure, like Tramp you are the most "HONEST" liar in the history of lying. :cuckoo:
What has Trump lied about .. seriously?

:lmao::laugh2: :lol:

Here are 10 pages of False:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

5 additional pages of Pants on Fire:
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

And a very funny column on the topic:
Trump told more than 2,000 lies in the past year. And so did I.
The lying fake news claiming lies. Whats wrong with that picture
YOU calling anyone on Earth a liar!

Yep. Unlike leftists, I'm very honest. That was your question? Seriously?
Sure, like Tramp you are the most "HONEST" liar in the history of lying. :cuckoo:

Like what? Yes, I don't believe in the inherent truth of socialism. I believe in the lie that the people can make better decisions over our own lives than government can make for us.

Fact is, that isn't a lie. Your view that government can make better decisions for us is the lie
There's no reason to.
Of coarse there is. This is a debate website. You're obligated to provide citations for your claims. If you don't, then this is just your opinion and not a fact.

Reasonable people recognize and correctly interpret hyperbole.
I am a reasonable person and I definitely recognize yours.

It's only half educated nitwits like you that don't understand it. You don't believe reality, period. I am certainly not going to waste time trying to educate you about hyperbole. Retards don't have a sense of humor in the first the conflate satire and hyperbole with lying. They just can't make the distinction.
I suppose if I asked you to provide an example of what you consider "reality", you would not answer that either?

Which is why they should probably be committed.
So should people with bad grammar.
" the conflate satire..."?

People who either can't, or refuse to, understand the language that they have been speaking all their lives, pose a threat to themselves and others.
So you're saying since you don't know the difference between "the" and "they", you're a threat to society?

At the very least, they shouldn't be granted licenses, or ever be allowed near a firearm.
I'm not a gun guy and I could care less about the 2nd amendment.

Stop wasting peoples time. If you don't want to debate, then go the fuck away! Or, as you would say...
"...go they fuck away..."
Where is the check from Mexico to pay for the wall?

Is he out of office yet? There's still time to make Mexico pay for The Wall. Of course, if Democrats get their way he won't ever get funding for it, anyway, so this is more A Moot Point than A Lie.


laughing obama.gif

Did you actually read your link?

First of all, Trump appears to have been repeating a claim from Mojtaba Zonnour, a member of the Iranian parliament and critic of the Iran deal.

Their issue is with Trump not addresses the nuances, i.e. whether he was referring to citizenship or obtaining a green card, and whether it was for children or Iranian government officials.

In 2015, the DHS granted citizenship to over 2,000 more Iranians than it did in 2014. Their point is that it wasn't some quid pro quo of the Iranian deal. Also: BFD.

They're saying it's a lie without disproving what he said. They even gave the caveat that their opinion may change if more information comes out -- which means they just weren't able to track down the actual number or reason, or get someone to go on the record to give up the ghost.

Try again.
You lie like Trump lies. There were not over 2,000 additional citizenships granted to Iranians in 2015 than 2014... there were 724.

Table 21. Persons Naturalized By Region And Country Of Birth: Fiscal Years 2014 To 2016
No post a few of his lies

lets look at them.
I just did. He claimed the biggest electoral college win since Reagan and he claimed he won the popular vote if not counting illegal votes.

G’head... give it your best shot...
Omg, like I said he exaggerates, but he did win. That's all you guys have is a difference in numbers. Show me something he said he would do but hasn't even tried to implement it. It's like talking to a 5 year old.

Define the word "lie" then.
Trump has no perception of satire

When he said he saw thousands of Muslims dancing in NJ....that was not satire or hyperbole.....that was a lie

When he said 3 million illegals voted for Hillary......that was not satire or hyperbole.......that was a lie
But when he said he could grab women by the pussy...

...don't tell me that's a lie!
There's no reason to.
Of coarse there is. This is a debate website. You're obligated to provide citations for your claims. If you don't, then this is just your opinion and not a fact.

Reasonable people recognize and correctly interpret hyperbole.
I am a reasonable person and I definitely recognize yours.

It's only half educated nitwits like you that don't understand it. You don't believe reality, period. I am certainly not going to waste time trying to educate you about hyperbole. Retards don't have a sense of humor in the first the conflate satire and hyperbole with lying. They just can't make the distinction.
I suppose if I asked you to provide an example of what you consider "reality", you would not answer that either?

Which is why they should probably be committed.
So should people with bad grammar.
" the conflate satire..."?

People who either can't, or refuse to, understand the language that they have been speaking all their lives, pose a threat to themselves and others.
So you're saying since you don't know the difference between "the" and "they", you're a threat to society?

At the very least, they shouldn't be granted licenses, or ever be allowed near a firearm.
I'm not a gun guy and I could care less about the 2nd amendment.

Stop wasting peoples time. If you don't want to debate, then go the fuck away! Or, as you would say...
"...go they fuck away..."

Those are typos that involve the *y* key, you assmonkey.
Trump has no perception of satire

When he said he saw thousands of Muslims dancing in NJ....that was not satire or hyperbole.....that was a lie

When he said 3 million illegals voted for Hillary......that was not satire or hyperbole.......that was a lie
But when he said he could grab women by the pussy...

...don't tell me that's a lie!

Also hyperbole.

Pretty typical of men. Not that you would know.

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