Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

Ohj and number 3 on your list, that US Steel isn't opening any plants do to the tariffs

US Steel planning to add more than 800 jobs this year

U.S. Steel to reopen dormant Illinois plant, credits proposed Trump tariffs

That's the 3rd one I've doesn't take much

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

Harley is opening overseas, farmers are taking a hit,
That wasn't the point....try and pay we've seen these doomsday projections before......end up as nothing....
It is the point

Trumps trade policies are

We are not better off
No it isn't, you cant even read or follow a's not about the worthiness of trade..Jesus you guys are so stupid.
It had to do with did Trump lie about US Steel opening plants, my post showed that they are opening plants and that the paper lied about it, not Trump.

They are purposely playing stupid I think. I have a hard time believing anyone is this moronic. They say, “okay prove it.” You prove it and they say, “that has nothing to do with this,” and you’re left banging your head against the wall.
You failed to prove your point and your link had nothing to do with the OP
I wonder if there is a single Trump voter who has the morals to care that Trump is constantly lying?

I do care about the lies he HAS told, not about the ones the media wants us to think he has told. I’m more than happy admitting he’s lied, but the press loses credibility when they turn statements that aren’t lies and weren’t meant to be lies into lies. If going by their criteria of what makes a lie, no human ever tells the truth.
Trump tells all kinds of lies
He does not discriminate

Some are just based on bad information
Some are just because he is not too intelligent
Some are because he thinks nobody will check his information
Some just make no freak’n sense
Here's a fairly complete list.

Donald Trump has said 1726 false things as U.S. president

It's starts on inauguration day with "it looked like rain" and "even the media said the crowd was massive" and goes right on through to "Washington Post employees want to go on strike because Bezos isn’t paying them enough. I think a really long strike would be a great idea" which was said a couple.of days ago.

Enjoy, it's a looooong read.

Really? You consider this a lie?

"The Heritage Foundation just came out recently, and they said that we've already implemented 64 percent of our top agenda items."

Source: Roundtable on tax reform in Las Vegas, Nevada

in fact: Trump was wrongly describing what Heritage, a conservative think tank, actually said (in February, four months prior). Thomas Binion, Heritage's director of congressional and executive branch relations, told the Washington Examiner that Trump had implemented 64 per cent of Heritage's policy recommendations, not 64 per cent of Trump's top agenda items. There is significant overlap between the two, but they are not the same thing.
Do you realize your rebuttal had nothing to do with what he posted?
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....
I don’t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I don’t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you can’t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe there’s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Let’s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting he’s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasn’t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portray— the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned he’s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

What? It wasn’t a big story when it occurred, maybe bc the press wasn’t out to get Obama and doing everything they could to find dirt of him. Even when the news DID come out... nothing compared to the hysterical condemnation of “Trump, child kidnapper” and OMG it looks like he’s constructing “concentration camps!” I don’t recall Obama having to publicly address this issue at all. There was no media hounding him and labeling him horribly inaccurate names even though children were getting mistreated under his rule.

Make all the excuses you want. If this had happened under Trump it’d be a whole different ballgame.
I like how you say, ‘make up all the excuses you want,’ when that’s all you’ve been doing in this thread. I suppose that’s the voice of experience guiding you.

Regardless, that story was old news when it was reported.

It doesn’t matter that it was old news, but if that’s what you have to tell yourself in order to deny reality, okie dokie. And I don’t care if you think I’m making excuses. I was asked to debunk items on the list Crepitus supplied and that’s what I’m doing.

Trump’s actual lies speak for themselves. The media’s actions of turning EVERY damn thing he says into a lie speaks for itself. Have a lovely day!
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe there’s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Let’s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting he’s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasn’t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portray— the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned he’s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

What? It wasn’t a big story when it occurred, maybe bc the press wasn’t out to get Obama and doing everything they could to find dirt of him. Even when the news DID come out... nothing compared to the hysterical condemnation of “Trump, child kidnapper” and OMG it looks like he’s constructing “concentration camps!” I don’t recall Obama having to publicly address this issue at all. There was no media hounding him and labeling him horribly inaccurate names even though children were getting mistreated under his rule.

Make all the excuses you want. If this had happened under Trump it’d be a whole different ballgame.
I like how you say, ‘make up all the excuses you want,’ when that’s all you’ve been doing in this thread. I suppose that’s the voice of experience guiding you.

Regardless, that story was old news when it was reported.

It doesn’t matter that it was old news, but if that’s what you have to tell yourself in order to deny reality, okie dokie. And I don’t care if you think I’m making excuses. I was asked to debunk items on the list Crepitus supplied and that’s what I’m doing.

Trump’s actual lies speak for themselves. The media’s actions of turning EVERY damn thing he says into a lie speaks for itself. Have a lovely day!
No, you’re just making up excuses .... and then projecting that onto me.

Carry on.
I wonder if there is a single Trump voter who has the morals to care that Trump is constantly lying?

I do care about the lies he HAS told, not about the ones the media wants us to think he has told. I’m more than happy admitting he’s lied, but the press loses credibility when they turn statements that aren’t lies and weren’t meant to be lies into lies. If going by their criteria of what makes a lie, no human ever tells the truth.

So you admit that Trump has lost all of his credibility from his lies- you just think that some of the things that have been claimed to be lies- are not lies.

So what about his 5 years of claiming that President Obama didn't have a birth certificate and might have been born in Kenya?


Or Media turning Trump's statements into lies?
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....
I don’t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I don’t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you can’t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe there’s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Let’s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting he’s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasn’t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portray— the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned he’s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

What? It wasn’t a big story when it occurred, maybe bc the press wasn’t out to get Obama and doing everything they could to find dirt of him. Even when the news DID come out... nothing compared to the hysterical condemnation of “Trump, child kidnapper” .

Except of course- the Right Wing media did exactly that. Fox. Breitbart. Limbaugh.
They were all full of hysterical condemnation of Obama.

The thing is that Trump is President now- not Obama. And Trump is lying. Virtually every day.

A large part of Trump's lies are intended to discredit the media- and you are buying into it- because an honest media will always be Trump's enemy.
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....
I don’t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I don’t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you can’t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe there’s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Let’s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting he’s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasn’t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portray— the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned he’s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

and OMG it looks like he’s constructing “concentration camps!” I don’t recall Obama having to publicly address this issue at all. There was no media hounding him and labeling him horribly inaccurate names even though children were getting mistreated under his rule.


Were over 2,000 children separated from their parents at the border under the Obama administration?


Trump's policies did just that. His decision to prosecute every person accused of illegally crossing the border- and his decision to separate the children from their parents resulted in just that.

And Trump of course- predictably- blamed the Democrats for his own policies.

But we know they were his own policies- because he ended them with a single pen stroke.
WaPo gave Trump four Pinocchios for saying crime in Germany has risen 10%. In the article, they cited a couple-year-old study done in Germany that said violent crime had increased... w a i t f o r i t... 10% !

Lol the reason for the four Pinocchio rating is bc a study they cited claimed crime (not specified as violent) in Germany is at a thirty year low.

Moral of this story? WaPo and the like will make Trump look as bad as possible even when unwarranted. Also WaPo doesn’t think their readership is too bright considering they provided a statistic to back up Trump’s statement whilst dubbing that statement a bald-faced lie.

Trump said crime had risen 10% in Germany.

But it hadn't.

Violent crime had risen in one German state. Between 2015-2016.

But crime in Germany is down- and is at historically low levels.

Trump knows his followers are too gullible to know the difference or even care. Which is one of the reasons Trump attacks the media so often- because the Media does point out Trump's lies. Which he cannot stand.

So violent crime DID rise in Germany in fairly recent history (during the migrant crisis and 90% involving migrants, which is the reason he said it in the first place). He didn’t deserve four Pinocchios when there’s a statistic backing up his statement, but the media knows his haters are so full of rancor that they can include a stat proving him right in an article where the purpose is to prove him wrong, and those who note the deception are left scratching their heads. This isn’t difficult to understand.

Wow- you still dance around trying to rationalize why Trump wasn't lying- when I have shown you specifically and exactly how Trump lied.

Let me do it again:

Trump said crime had risen 10% in Germany.

But it hadn't.

Violent crime had risen in one German state. Between 2015-2016.

But crime in Germany is down- and is at historically low levels. Even violent crime is down.

Trump knows his followers are too gullible to know the difference or even care.
And you just keep demonstrating how true my statement is.
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe there’s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Let’s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting he’s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasn’t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portray— the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned he’s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

What? It wasn’t a big story when it occurred, maybe bc the press wasn’t out to get Obama and doing everything they could to find dirt of him. Even when the news DID come out... nothing compared to the hysterical condemnation of “Trump, child kidnapper” and OMG it looks like he’s constructing “concentration camps!” I don’t recall Obama having to publicly address this issue at all. There was no media hounding him and labeling him horribly inaccurate names even though children were getting mistreated under his rule.

Make all the excuses you want. If this had happened under Trump it’d be a whole different ballgame.
I like how you say, ‘make up all the excuses you want,’ when that’s all you’ve been doing in this thread. I suppose that’s the voice of experience guiding you.

Regardless, that story was old news when it was reported.

It doesn’t matter that it was old news, but if that’s what you have to tell yourself in order to deny reality, okie dokie. And I don’t care if you think I’m making excuses. I was asked to debunk items on the list Crepitus supplied and that’s what I’m doing.

Trump’s actual lies speak for themselves. The media’s actions of turning EVERY damn thing he says into a lie speaks for itself. Have a lovely day!
The media is overwhelmed with false information out of Trump

It has gotten to where everything out of the Trump administration must be treated as a lie
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....
I don’t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I don’t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you can’t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe there’s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Let’s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting he’s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasn’t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portray— the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned he’s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

What? It wasn’t a big story when it occurred, maybe bc the press wasn’t out to get Obama and doing everything they could to find dirt of him. Even when the news DID come out... nothing compared to the hysterical condemnation of “Trump, child kidnapper” .

Except of course- the Right Wing media did exactly that. Fox. Breitbart. Limbaugh.
They were all full of hysterical condemnation of Obama.

The thing is that Trump is President now- not Obama. And Trump is lying. Virtually every day.

A large part of Trump's lies are intended to discredit the media- and you are buying into it- because an honest media will always be Trump's enemy.

No kidding, does that "honest" media include CNN? You know, the ones that fed debate questions to Hillary.
Obama was anti American and lied about it. He was a fan of the racist Louie Farrakhan and attended an anti American church.
Donnie Dirt Bag IS anti-American and lies about it. Tramp worships the murderer Putin and is proud of it.
Trump has only called for the banning or restricted travel from 6 of them until a better vetting system is put in place
Which the pathological liar said would take 120 days to develop his "extreme vetting" plan, that was more than a full year ago. Just another proven lie!
Ok, so explain to me this "real math" where 252 is greater than 1726.

I'll wait. Use diagrams if needed.

No math needed given the media (people supplying these stats) seek to ruin Trump and protected Obama. That’s just a fact (with the exception of Fox News).
No, that's hyperbole.

Really? Then why didn’t the media cover this if they care so much about the treatment of immigrant children? If this had happened under Trump, you think they would have let it slide? & Minority Staff Report - Protecting Unaccompanied Alien Children from Trafficking and Other Abuses 2016-01-282.pdf

I don’t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I don’t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you can’t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.
What has that got to do with anything going on here? BTW, when the surge in unaccompanied minors happened a few years ago that kinda thing was big news. Right now the problem is not unaccompanied minors, but minors taken from their parents.

Do try to keep up.

You said it’s hyperbole that the media protected Obama, and I gave you an example of something that happened under his administration that I don’t recall them holding him accountable for, and which if the same thing happened under Trump they’d crucify him for. When you don’t want to engage (be proven wrong), you redirect and say things like, “that has nothing to do with this,” when it does have something to do with what we were talking about.

You have to be a troll purposely acting this way. No one is this stubbornly clueless.
Obama was anti American and lied about it. He was a fan of the racist Louie Farrakhan and attended an anti American church.
Donnie Dirt Bag IS anti-American and lies about it. Tramp worships the murderer Putin and is proud of it.

You have no proof of any of that, I gave you the sad facts about Obama. You lefties have all the crazies.....You own that bitch Maxine Waters.
Which the pathological liar said would take 120 days to develop his "extreme vetting" plan, that was more than a full year ago. Just another proven lie!
Just because it's taken longer than Pres. Trump thought to implement a vetting plan, doesn't make him a liar.

He made an educated guess, but was too optimistic.

All things considered, it's really not that big of a deal. .... :cool:

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