Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

WaPo gave Trump four Pinocchios for saying crime in Germany has risen 10%. In the article, they cited a couple-year-old study done in Germany that said violent crime had increased... w a i t f o r i t... 10% !

Lol the reason for the four Pinocchio rating is bc a study they cited claimed crime (not specified as violent) in Germany is at a thirty year low.

Moral of this story? WaPo and the like will make Trump look as bad as possible even when unwarranted. Also WaPo doesnā€™t think their readership is too bright considering they provided a statistic to back up Trumpā€™s statement whilst dubbing that statement a bald-faced lie.

Trump said crime had risen 10% in Germany.

But it hadn't.

Violent crime had risen in one German state. Between 2015-2016.

But crime in Germany is down- and is at historically low levels.

Trump knows his followers are too gullible to know the difference or even care. Which is one of the reasons Trump attacks the media so often- because the Media does point out Trump's lies. Which he cannot stand.

So violent crime DID rise in Germany in fairly recent history (during the migrant crisis and 90% involving migrants, which is the reason he said it in the first place). He didnā€™t deserve four Pinocchios when thereā€™s a statistic backing up his statement, but the media knows his haters are so full of rancor that they can include a stat proving him right in an article where the purpose is to prove him wrong, and those who note the deception are left scratching their heads. This isnā€™t difficult to understand.
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....
I donā€™t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I donā€™t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you canā€™t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.

Obama lied more. Go pound salt.
Got a list?
252 Documented Examples of Barack Obamaā€™s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.

The following is a contribution from Dan from Squirrel Hill. The original title of the article is ā€œObama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.ā€ itā€™s lengthy, but is a ā€˜one-stop shopā€™ for all the dirty details on the Obama presidency.
Let's see, 252 vs 1726. But president Obama lied more.

Is this some.kinda conservative only math or what?

If you actually read the fact-checks of these supposed 1726 lies youā€™d see that, for a sizable portion of them, so-called ā€œjournalistsā€ twist things however much they have to in order to call what was said a lie.

Hereā€™s some light reading of the inaccuracies of one such fact check: ā€˜Washington Postā€™ Fact Check On Trump & Obama Immigration Policies Severely Flawed [Opinion]

The good news? Theyā€™re getting sloppy, by citing studies that prove Trumpā€™s statement had merit whilst assigning him four Pinocchios.

Analysis | President Trumpā€™s claim that crime is up in Germany

Has Trump lied as POTUS? Yep. Has he told 1726 lies? I highly, highly doubt it. But hey, if the obviously anti-Trump media says so, it must be true, right?
Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. Others countries are even worse. Be smart America!ā€
ā€” President Trump, in a tweet, June 19, 2018

ā€œCrime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!ā€
ā€”Trump, in a tweet, June 18, 2018

Trump alleged that crime is ā€œway upā€ or ā€œup 10% plusā€ in Germany, but he didnā€™t cite any source. Itā€™s also unclear what time periods he was comparing when he said ā€œup 10% plus.ā€

Meanwhile, the German government reports that crime dropped to a 25-year low in 2017.

ā€œAt roughly 5.76 million, the number of criminal offences committed in Germany is the lowest since 1992,ā€ Horst Seehofer, the German minister of the interior, said in a statement May 8. ā€œThis drop in crime is even more apparent in relation to the total population: fewer than 7,000 offences per 100,000 residents. That is the lowest rate in more than 30 years!ā€

Crime overall was down 9.6 percent from 2016, which included a 2.4 percent decrease in violent crimes. However, violent crimes had risen 6.7 percent between 2015 and 2016, as our colleague Adam Taylor reported.

Pretty straight forward- Trump lied.

The question is why you are just so willing to accept such casual lies from President Trump.

Yeah, I read the report and I agree Trump lied when he said ā€œcrime is way up.ā€ The report, however, chooses to focus on the ten percent statement for which evidence exists that violent crime did increase in the midst of the migrant crisis and 90% by migrants. Itā€™d have been nice if heā€™d clarified the dates but when do politicians do that? NEVER, yet of course you expect Trump to.
Here's a fairly complete list.

Donald Trump has said 1726 false things as U.S. president

It's starts on inauguration day with "it looked like rain" and "even the media said the crowd was massive" and goes right on through to "Washington Post employees want to go on strike because Bezos isnā€™t paying them enough. I think a really long strike would be a great idea" which was said a couple.of days ago.

Enjoy, it's a looooong read.

Really? You consider this a lie?

"The Heritage Foundation just came out recently, and they said that we've already implemented 64 percent of our top agenda items."

Source: Roundtable on tax reform in Las Vegas, Nevada

in fact: Trump was wrongly describing what Heritage, a conservative think tank, actually said (in February, four months prior). Thomas Binion, Heritage's director of congressional and executive branch relations, told the Washington Examiner that Trump had implemented 64 per cent of Heritage's policy recommendations, not 64 per cent of Trump's top agenda items. There is significant overlap between the two, but they are not the same thing.
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....
I donā€™t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I donā€™t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you canā€™t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe thereā€™s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Letā€™s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting heā€™s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
Not sure Iā€™d classify this as a lie... he never tried to tell anyone he wasnā€™t going to keep some aspects of Obamacare. By saying, ā€œObamacare is on its last legs,ā€ I take it to mean the aspects he DID eliminate that his base wanted to be rid of. Itā€™s no secret he kept the things he agreed with. If heā€™d said, ā€œObamacare in its entirety is on its last legs,ā€ or ā€œall of Obamacare is on its last legsā€ Iā€™d agree it was a lie.

ā€œObamacare is on its last legs.ā€

Source: Speech to Nevada Republican Party

in fact: Trump did repeal a central part of Obamacare: the "individual mandate," a requirement that Americans obtain health insurance or pay a financial penalty. But this does not mean Obamcare more broadly is on its last legs: its other components remain. Trump did not eliminate Obamacare's expansion of the Medicaid insurance program for low-income people, the federal and state Obamacare marketplaces that allow other uninsured people to buy insurance, and the subsidies that help many of them make the purchases. Nor did he touch various Obamacare rules for the insurance market, like its prohibition on insurers
Trump did not say the US is the only country that allows foreigners to apply for asylum, but rather weā€™re the only country that caters to people coming here illegally. I guess he needed to specify though... otherwise itā€™s a lie.

ā€œOur immigration laws are a laughingstock all over the world. Weā€™re the only people: people walk in, they put a foot in, uh, ā€˜Please, would you like to register.ā€™ Other countries they say get the hell out of there. They do that. They have to do that.ā€

Source: Speech to Nevada Republican Party

in fact: The U.S. is not the only country that allows people to claim asylum and signs them up for legal proceedings rather than immediately deporting them.
This is a matter of opinion...

ā€œSince Election Day, weā€™ve created -- and this is hard to believe because nobody -- the news back there -- fake news -- if I would have said this during the campaign, weā€™ve created 3.4 million new jobs, since Election Day, 3.4. If I would have said that during the campaign prior to the election without the numbers they would have said you have to be kidding.ā€

Source: Speech to Nevada Republican Party

in fact: It is not true that the media would have accused him of exaggerating if he said 3.4 million jobs would be created over this period (November 2018 through May 2018). That is a 19-month period. The number of jobs created over the previous 19 months, under Obama, was 4.1 million.


Moron, houses have roofs too. You wanna build a roof over the nation in order to make your ridiculous point?

That was obvious sarcasm you dumbass but the point still stands. Walls do work otherwise human beings wouldn't need them to keep strangers from stealing their stuff.
No, it was the obvious maximum level of "thought" the Right is capable of.

You're just making my point. The left intentionally misunderstands sarcasm in order to make the opposition look bad. Or are you really that stupid that you think walls serve no function other than to hold up a roof? Is this even a real conversation we're having right now?
Whoā€™s to say he wasnā€™t talking about trade in goods when he cited this figure? Again, when Trump doesnā€™t go into specifics, the ā€œfact-checkersā€ DO and in turn call the statement a lie.

ā€œWith the European Union, weā€™re losing, last year, $151 billion. One hundred fifty one billion.ā€

Source: Speech to Nevada Republican Party

in fact: The $151 billion figure counts only trade in goods and ignores trade in services, in which the U.S. has a significant surplus. Including all kinds of trade, the overall U.S. trade balance with the European Union in 2017 was a deficit of $102 billion, according to U.S. government statistics.
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....
I donā€™t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I donā€™t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you canā€™t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe thereā€™s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Letā€™s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting heā€™s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasnā€™t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portrayā€” the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1Ā½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned heā€™s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.
How do they know what Trump heard from whom? I recall that Obama told Trump that North Korea was going to be one of his biggest challenges.

Obama warned Trump that North Korea would be his biggest problem

"If you remember, a year and a half ago when Mike and I came into office and when this group came into office, everybody was talking about there's going to be a war -- going to be a war with North Korea. During the Obama years, that's all I heard about: war with North Korea."

Source: Remarks at Cabinet meeting

in fact: Perhaps some observers thought Trump would go to war with North Korea, but it is certainly false that "everybody" was saying this when he came into office or during the Obama era.

Trump had this fake magazine cover made up and then hung it in his golf courses. Every time someone passes by that magazine in his golf course, he's telling a lie.

Looking at my Avatar is Trump telling a lie.

Trump had this fake magazine cover made up and then hung it in his golf courses. Every time someone passes by that magazine in his golf course, he's telling a lie.

Looking at my Avatar is Trump telling a lie.

Quick, start the impeachment...dumbass.
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....
I donā€™t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I donā€™t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you canā€™t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe thereā€™s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Letā€™s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting heā€™s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasnā€™t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portrayā€” the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1Ā½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned heā€™s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

What? It wasnā€™t a big story when it occurred, maybe bc the press wasnā€™t out to get Obama and doing everything they could to find dirt of him. Even when the news DID come out... nothing compared to the hysterical condemnation of ā€œTrump, child kidnapperā€ and OMG it looks like heā€™s constructing ā€œconcentration camps!ā€ I donā€™t recall Obama having to publicly address this issue at all. There was no media hounding him and labeling him horribly inaccurate names even though children were getting mistreated under his rule.

Make all the excuses you want. If this had happened under Trump itā€™d be a whole different ballgame.
Everything on the list I posted can be independently verified as true.

You donā€™t even know if thatā€™s true. Youā€™re assuming... is assuming something is true wo evidence the same as lying?
Everything I looked at is verified, the paper publishing it says it is as well. Why don't you find one that isn't and show us.
Ohj and number 3 on your list, that US Steel isn't opening any plants do to the tariffs

US Steel planning to add more than 800 jobs this year

U.S. Steel to reopen dormant Illinois plant, credits proposed Trump tariffs

That's the 3rd one I've doesn't take much
#3. "United States Steel is now expanding and opening six new plants."

But it's not. It reopening one according to your link.

The actual quote: "in fact: At the time Trump spoke, U.S. Steel had only announced a major development at one facility since Trump introduced his steel tariffs: it said it was restarting two shuttered blast furnaces at its plant in Granite City, Illinois. Chuck Bradford, an industry analyst who follows U.S. Steel, said he was "not aware" of the company opening any other facilities. U.S. Steel did not respond to repeated requests for comment about this."


You haven't debunked anything.

Also Crepitus, not sure if youā€™ve gone through the list you provided, but there are instances of them debunking the same things more than once. One lie is one lie, not two or three or four lies. No wonder they were able to get to 1726 when they debunk the same lies over and over again!
I wonder if there is a single Trump voter who has the morals to care that Trump is constantly lying?

I do care about the lies he HAS told, not about the ones the media wants us to think he has told. Iā€™m more than happy admitting heā€™s lied, but the press loses credibility when they turn statements that arenā€™t lies and werenā€™t meant to be lies into lies. If going by their criteria of what makes a lie, no human ever tells the truth.
I like how one rightie bitches that the MSM didn't cover this story....
I donā€™t recall public outrage when this happened. The media protected Obama, end of story. But I donā€™t expect you to ever see it when you refuse to look at things objectively and are so much in denial you canā€™t even admit you refuse to see things objectively.

... while another rightie bitches about Democrats based on the very MSM story the first rightie says the MSM didn't cover in order to protect Obama.


Do you believe thereā€™s a difference between writing a few articles about something and writing thousands of articles about something, crying on air, riling up a resistance crowd and making sure every person in America knows something has occurred? Letā€™s not forget calling the pres a kidnapper/torturer of toddlers and suggesting heā€™s building concentration camps...

Yeah, the press handled these two stories exactly the same. LOL
The difference in coverage wasnā€™t Obama versus Trump, as you, Trump is always the victim, righties like to portrayā€” the difference was timing. The news reported on a Senate report 1Ā½ years after the fact. It was no longer a story other than the Senate was reporting on it. Whereas the story on Trump breaking up families was happening now. Current events always receive higher volumes of reporting than old ones. For example, James Fields, the rightie who ran over a group of protesters in Charlottesville.... YUGE story when it happened. I believe it was yesterday or the day before, the news mentioned heā€™s been indicted on some 30 counts of federal hate crimes..... barely talked about.

What? It wasnā€™t a big story when it occurred, maybe bc the press wasnā€™t out to get Obama and doing everything they could to find dirt of him. Even when the news DID come out... nothing compared to the hysterical condemnation of ā€œTrump, child kidnapperā€ and OMG it looks like heā€™s constructing ā€œconcentration camps!ā€ I donā€™t recall Obama having to publicly address this issue at all. There was no media hounding him and labeling him horribly inaccurate names even though children were getting mistreated under his rule.

Make all the excuses you want. If this had happened under Trump itā€™d be a whole different ballgame.
I like how you say, ā€˜make up all the excuses you want,ā€™ when thatā€™s all youā€™ve been doing in this thread. I suppose thatā€™s the voice of experience guiding you.

Regardless, that story was old news when it was reported.

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