Liberals Wonder Why Trump Supporters Are Loyal, Hint Check Birth Rates

This has always been about race for the Trumpsters.
He's just enabled them to be more open about what they are.
People who don't want to go extinct...who knew that was a bad thing...
So you're afraid of "going extinct"?
Me personally? No. I am afraid of nothing. I would die for my people and I have always been that way. If it comes down to that I will take as many traitors with me as possible. But extinction is the Jews final goal for the white race and that's why they push for and their traitor politician pals sit back and allow the invasion of Europe and America and Canada, All the while making laws to punish those that DARE speak the truth about the Jewish involvement in the destruction of America,Canada,Australia and Europe.
Just to clarify, you think the Jews are trying to make white people extinct?
I don't think it, I know it. Look who was behind changing our immigration system in 1965...Sure Kennedy was the gentile face of it but look who endorsed it AND backed it in the senate and house. Here i'll help ya.

Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

Pretty easy stuff to google yourself. Now ask yourself WHY would they want to change the immigration system? Jews are supposedly white people right?

The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
If Liberals become the majority, America will go down hill fast.

<< Pew Research released a study this week that shows non-whites now account for the majority of the nation’s newborns. >>

Nonwhites Now Account for the Majority of the Nation’s Newborns - And K-12 Students in Public Schools
OK answer me this. HE himself from his own mouth promised to let in the MOST legal invaders EVER so why stick with him? Trump puts Jews and Israel first,corporations 2nd and workers a DISTANT DISTANT third. He only needs white working folks as long as they help him get elected he couldn't give 2 shits about us and some of us have woken up to that. True America is going straight to hell because WHITES are America and America is WHITES...without Whites America doesn't exist. Its just another 3rd world banana republic 1 party communist state where the founders progeny have 2nd class status until we get tired of it and fight back. Either destroy the system that's destroying us ON PURPOSE or become slaves or worse extinct.
Awww....2 white racists trying to out-racist each other.....

its adorable to watch....

View attachment 297402

Awwww you can use a Jewish Marxist slur against white people....congrats little darling.
This has always been about race for the Trumpsters.
He's just enabled them to be more open about what they are.
People who don't want to go extinct...who knew that was a bad thing...
So you're afraid of "going extinct"?
Me personally? No. I am afraid of nothing. I would die for my people and I have always been that way. If it comes down to that I will take as many traitors with me as possible. But extinction is the Jews final goal for the white race and that's why they push for and their traitor politician pals sit back and allow the invasion of Europe and America and Canada, All the while making laws to punish those that DARE speak the truth about the Jewish involvement in the destruction of America,Canada,Australia and Europe.
I like how not one Trumper has spoke against any of your blatant Anti-Semitism yet....

Guess they are all busy on others posts about blacks attacking Jews and stuff.....

But according to you, its the Jews who are attacking whites so they can make America more black???

Not more black...blacks won't benefit from it. Mexishit will for the most part. Oh and I am not a Trumpster but whatever helps your delusions. Wouldn't want you to read Jews own words or research their actions.
This has always been about race for the Trumpsters.
He's just enabled them to be more open about what they are.
People who don't want to go extinct...who knew that was a bad thing...
So you're afraid of "going extinct"?
Me personally? No. I am afraid of nothing. I would die for my people and I have always been that way. If it comes down to that I will take as many traitors with me as possible. But extinction is the Jews final goal for the white race and that's why they push for and their traitor politician pals sit back and allow the invasion of Europe and America and Canada, All the while making laws to punish those that DARE speak the truth about the Jewish involvement in the destruction of America,Canada,Australia and Europe.
Just to clarify, you think the Jews are trying to make white people extinct?
I don't think it, I know it. Look who was behind changing our immigration system in 1965...Sure Kennedy was the gentile face of it but look who endorsed it AND backed it in the senate and house. Here i'll help ya.

Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

Pretty easy stuff to google yourself. Now ask yourself WHY would they want to change the immigration system? Jews are supposedly white people right?

The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
If Liberals become the majority, America will go down hill fast.

<< Pew Research released a study this week that shows non-whites now account for the majority of the nation’s newborns. >>

Nonwhites Now Account for the Majority of the Nation’s Newborns - And K-12 Students in Public Schools
OK answer me this. HE himself from his own mouth promised to let in the MOST legal invaders EVER so why stick with him? Trump puts Jews and Israel first,corporations 2nd and workers a DISTANT DISTANT third. He only needs white working folks as long as they help him get elected he couldn't give 2 shits about us and some of us have woken up to that. True America is going straight to hell because WHITES are America and America is WHITES...without Whites America doesn't exist. Its just another 3rd world banana republic 1 party communist state where the founders progeny have 2nd class status until we get tired of it and fight back. Either destroy the system that's destroying us ON PURPOSE or become slaves or worse extinct.
Awww....2 white racists trying to out-racist each other.....

its adorable to watch....

View attachment 297402

Awwww you can use a Jewish Marxist slur against white people....congrats little darling.
Skimming over your linked article from "The Real Jew News", the point appears to be that the Jews want to essentially dilute Christianity out of America. Would that be a fair synopsis?
This has always been about race for the Trumpsters.
He's just enabled them to be more open about what they are.
People who don't want to go extinct...who knew that was a bad thing...
So you're afraid of "going extinct"?
Me personally? No. I am afraid of nothing. I would die for my people and I have always been that way. If it comes down to that I will take as many traitors with me as possible. But extinction is the Jews final goal for the white race and that's why they push for and their traitor politician pals sit back and allow the invasion of Europe and America and Canada, All the while making laws to punish those that DARE speak the truth about the Jewish involvement in the destruction of America,Canada,Australia and Europe.
I like how not one Trumper has spoke against any of your blatant Anti-Semitism yet....

Guess they are all busy on others posts about blacks attacking Jews and stuff.....

But according to you, its the Jews who are attacking whites so they can make America more black???

Not more black...blacks won't benefit from it. Mexishit will for the most part. Oh and I am not a Trumpster but whatever helps your delusions. Wouldn't want you to read Jews own words or research their actions.
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
People who don't want to go extinct...who knew that was a bad thing...
So you're afraid of "going extinct"?
Me personally? No. I am afraid of nothing. I would die for my people and I have always been that way. If it comes down to that I will take as many traitors with me as possible. But extinction is the Jews final goal for the white race and that's why they push for and their traitor politician pals sit back and allow the invasion of Europe and America and Canada, All the while making laws to punish those that DARE speak the truth about the Jewish involvement in the destruction of America,Canada,Australia and Europe.
Just to clarify, you think the Jews are trying to make white people extinct?
I don't think it, I know it. Look who was behind changing our immigration system in 1965...Sure Kennedy was the gentile face of it but look who endorsed it AND backed it in the senate and house. Here i'll help ya.

Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

Pretty easy stuff to google yourself. Now ask yourself WHY would they want to change the immigration system? Jews are supposedly white people right?

The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
If Liberals become the majority, America will go down hill fast.

<< Pew Research released a study this week that shows non-whites now account for the majority of the nation’s newborns. >>

Nonwhites Now Account for the Majority of the Nation’s Newborns - And K-12 Students in Public Schools
OK answer me this. HE himself from his own mouth promised to let in the MOST legal invaders EVER so why stick with him? Trump puts Jews and Israel first,corporations 2nd and workers a DISTANT DISTANT third. He only needs white working folks as long as they help him get elected he couldn't give 2 shits about us and some of us have woken up to that. True America is going straight to hell because WHITES are America and America is WHITES...without Whites America doesn't exist. Its just another 3rd world banana republic 1 party communist state where the founders progeny have 2nd class status until we get tired of it and fight back. Either destroy the system that's destroying us ON PURPOSE or become slaves or worse extinct.
Awww....2 white racists trying to out-racist each other.....

its adorable to watch....

View attachment 297402

Awwww you can use a Jewish Marxist slur against white people....congrats little darling.
Skimming over your linked article from "The Real Jew News", the point appears to be that the Jews want to essentially dilute Christianity out of America. Would that be a fair synopsis?
I would say its more eliminate white folks but christianity for the longest time is what bound white people together. Just like Judaism is what binds Jews all over the world together. They have been evicted from 109 countries and counting yet have remained essentially bound together as a race. Eliminate what binds a people together they are easier to destroy.
People who don't want to go extinct...who knew that was a bad thing...
So you're afraid of "going extinct"?
Me personally? No. I am afraid of nothing. I would die for my people and I have always been that way. If it comes down to that I will take as many traitors with me as possible. But extinction is the Jews final goal for the white race and that's why they push for and their traitor politician pals sit back and allow the invasion of Europe and America and Canada, All the while making laws to punish those that DARE speak the truth about the Jewish involvement in the destruction of America,Canada,Australia and Europe.
I like how not one Trumper has spoke against any of your blatant Anti-Semitism yet....

Guess they are all busy on others posts about blacks attacking Jews and stuff.....

But according to you, its the Jews who are attacking whites so they can make America more black???

Not more black...blacks won't benefit from it. Mexishit will for the most part. Oh and I am not a Trumpster but whatever helps your delusions. Wouldn't want you to read Jews own words or research their actions.
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
So you're afraid of "going extinct"?
Me personally? No. I am afraid of nothing. I would die for my people and I have always been that way. If it comes down to that I will take as many traitors with me as possible. But extinction is the Jews final goal for the white race and that's why they push for and their traitor politician pals sit back and allow the invasion of Europe and America and Canada, All the while making laws to punish those that DARE speak the truth about the Jewish involvement in the destruction of America,Canada,Australia and Europe.
I like how not one Trumper has spoke against any of your blatant Anti-Semitism yet....

Guess they are all busy on others posts about blacks attacking Jews and stuff.....

But according to you, its the Jews who are attacking whites so they can make America more black???

Not more black...blacks won't benefit from it. Mexishit will for the most part. Oh and I am not a Trumpster but whatever helps your delusions. Wouldn't want you to read Jews own words or research their actions.
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
You know what's funny....

All this time I have heard from you dic suckers about how easy minorities have it in this everything is handed to you if you are a minority and that sounds awesome, if you believe it....

But....I am not really sure you believe it....because if that is what you think happens with minorities, why are you so scared to death of becoming one??

I am really wondering why all this panic from someone who is over 75% of the population??

Did something bad happen to minorities or something???
Me personally? No. I am afraid of nothing. I would die for my people and I have always been that way. If it comes down to that I will take as many traitors with me as possible. But extinction is the Jews final goal for the white race and that's why they push for and their traitor politician pals sit back and allow the invasion of Europe and America and Canada, All the while making laws to punish those that DARE speak the truth about the Jewish involvement in the destruction of America,Canada,Australia and Europe.
I like how not one Trumper has spoke against any of your blatant Anti-Semitism yet....

Guess they are all busy on others posts about blacks attacking Jews and stuff.....

But according to you, its the Jews who are attacking whites so they can make America more black???

Not more black...blacks won't benefit from it. Mexishit will for the most part. Oh and I am not a Trumpster but whatever helps your delusions. Wouldn't want you to read Jews own words or research their actions.
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
You know what's funny....

All this time I have heard from you dic suckers about how easy minorities have it in this everything is handed to you if you are a minority and that sounds awesome, if you believe it....

But....I am not really sure you believe it....because if that is what you think happens with minorities, why are you so scared to death of becoming one??

I am really wondering why all this panic from someone who is over 75% of the population??

Did something bad happen to minorities or something???
Those who are supreme should ALWAYS lead and control not some average IQ of 75 welfare recipient race and that's not even who will be in charge anyways. The Jew will control their little pet apes. The Jew wants whites completely wiped out because we are a threat to their goal of global domination.
I like how not one Trumper has spoke against any of your blatant Anti-Semitism yet....

Guess they are all busy on others posts about blacks attacking Jews and stuff.....

But according to you, its the Jews who are attacking whites so they can make America more black???

Not more black...blacks won't benefit from it. Mexishit will for the most part. Oh and I am not a Trumpster but whatever helps your delusions. Wouldn't want you to read Jews own words or research their actions.
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
You know what's funny....

All this time I have heard from you dic suckers about how easy minorities have it in this everything is handed to you if you are a minority and that sounds awesome, if you believe it....

But....I am not really sure you believe it....because if that is what you think happens with minorities, why are you so scared to death of becoming one??

I am really wondering why all this panic from someone who is over 75% of the population??

Did something bad happen to minorities or something???
Those who are supreme should ALWAYS lead and control not some average IQ of 75 welfare recipient race and that's not even who will be in charge anyways. The Jew will control their little pet apes. The Jew wants whites completely wiped out because we are a threat to their goal of global domination.

Wow....just wow.
Not more black...blacks won't benefit from it. Mexishit will for the most part. Oh and I am not a Trumpster but whatever helps your delusions. Wouldn't want you to read Jews own words or research their actions.
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
You know what's funny....

All this time I have heard from you dic suckers about how easy minorities have it in this everything is handed to you if you are a minority and that sounds awesome, if you believe it....

But....I am not really sure you believe it....because if that is what you think happens with minorities, why are you so scared to death of becoming one??

I am really wondering why all this panic from someone who is over 75% of the population??

Did something bad happen to minorities or something???
Those who are supreme should ALWAYS lead and control not some average IQ of 75 welfare recipient race and that's not even who will be in charge anyways. The Jew will control their little pet apes. The Jew wants whites completely wiped out because we are a threat to their goal of global domination.

Wow....just wow.
Don't worry....

I am sure Trumpers will be here to denounce this Anti-Semitism any minute now.....

But for now, I will do my part to fight back against these Nazi racists......
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
You know what's funny....

All this time I have heard from you dic suckers about how easy minorities have it in this everything is handed to you if you are a minority and that sounds awesome, if you believe it....

But....I am not really sure you believe it....because if that is what you think happens with minorities, why are you so scared to death of becoming one??

I am really wondering why all this panic from someone who is over 75% of the population??

Did something bad happen to minorities or something???
Those who are supreme should ALWAYS lead and control not some average IQ of 75 welfare recipient race and that's not even who will be in charge anyways. The Jew will control their little pet apes. The Jew wants whites completely wiped out because we are a threat to their goal of global domination.

Wow....just wow.
Don't worry....

I am sure Trumpers will be here to denounce this Anti-Semitism any minute now.....

But for now, I will do my part to fight back against these Nazi racists......

You know, I keep hearing from USMB conservatives that we shouldn't concern ourselves with these Nazis, white supremacists and white nationalists because there aren't many of them. Well, there sure do seem to be a shit ton of them here...
So you're afraid of "going extinct"?
Me personally? No. I am afraid of nothing. I would die for my people and I have always been that way. If it comes down to that I will take as many traitors with me as possible. But extinction is the Jews final goal for the white race and that's why they push for and their traitor politician pals sit back and allow the invasion of Europe and America and Canada, All the while making laws to punish those that DARE speak the truth about the Jewish involvement in the destruction of America,Canada,Australia and Europe.
Just to clarify, you think the Jews are trying to make white people extinct?
I don't think it, I know it. Look who was behind changing our immigration system in 1965...Sure Kennedy was the gentile face of it but look who endorsed it AND backed it in the senate and house. Here i'll help ya.

Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

Pretty easy stuff to google yourself. Now ask yourself WHY would they want to change the immigration system? Jews are supposedly white people right?

The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
If Liberals become the majority, America will go down hill fast.

<< Pew Research released a study this week that shows non-whites now account for the majority of the nation’s newborns. >>

Nonwhites Now Account for the Majority of the Nation’s Newborns - And K-12 Students in Public Schools
OK answer me this. HE himself from his own mouth promised to let in the MOST legal invaders EVER so why stick with him? Trump puts Jews and Israel first,corporations 2nd and workers a DISTANT DISTANT third. He only needs white working folks as long as they help him get elected he couldn't give 2 shits about us and some of us have woken up to that. True America is going straight to hell because WHITES are America and America is WHITES...without Whites America doesn't exist. Its just another 3rd world banana republic 1 party communist state where the founders progeny have 2nd class status until we get tired of it and fight back. Either destroy the system that's destroying us ON PURPOSE or become slaves or worse extinct.
Awww....2 white racists trying to out-racist each other.....

its adorable to watch....

View attachment 297402

Awwww you can use a Jewish Marxist slur against white people....congrats little darling.
Skimming over your linked article from "The Real Jew News", the point appears to be that the Jews want to essentially dilute Christianity out of America. Would that be a fair synopsis?
I would say its more eliminate white folks but christianity for the longest time is what bound white people together. Just like Judaism is what binds Jews all over the world together. They have been evicted from 109 countries and counting yet have remained essentially bound together as a race. Eliminate what binds a people together they are easier to destroy.

This chicken shit idiocy belongs on the conspiracy forum, if anywhere.
I like how not one Trumper has spoke against any of your blatant Anti-Semitism yet....

Guess they are all busy on others posts about blacks attacking Jews and stuff.....

But according to you, its the Jews who are attacking whites so they can make America more black???

Not more black...blacks won't benefit from it. Mexishit will for the most part. Oh and I am not a Trumpster but whatever helps your delusions. Wouldn't want you to read Jews own words or research their actions.
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
You know what's funny....

All this time I have heard from you dic suckers about how easy minorities have it in this everything is handed to you if you are a minority and that sounds awesome, if you believe it....

But....I am not really sure you believe it....because if that is what you think happens with minorities, why are you so scared to death of becoming one??

I am really wondering why all this panic from someone who is over 75% of the population??

Did something bad happen to minorities or something???
Those who are supreme should ALWAYS lead and control ....n.

That leaves YOU to scrub the toilets.
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
You know what's funny....

All this time I have heard from you dic suckers about how easy minorities have it in this everything is handed to you if you are a minority and that sounds awesome, if you believe it....

But....I am not really sure you believe it....because if that is what you think happens with minorities, why are you so scared to death of becoming one??

I am really wondering why all this panic from someone who is over 75% of the population??

Did something bad happen to minorities or something???
Those who are supreme should ALWAYS lead and control not some average IQ of 75 welfare recipient race and that's not even who will be in charge anyways. The Jew will control their little pet apes. The Jew wants whites completely wiped out because we are a threat to their goal of global domination.

Wow....just wow.
Don't worry....

I am sure Trumpers will be here to denounce this Anti-Semitism any minute now.....

But for now, I will do my part to fight back against these Nazi racists...... ain't gonna do shit but whine like the little snowflake race traitor you are.
Me personally? No. I am afraid of nothing. I would die for my people and I have always been that way. If it comes down to that I will take as many traitors with me as possible. But extinction is the Jews final goal for the white race and that's why they push for and their traitor politician pals sit back and allow the invasion of Europe and America and Canada, All the while making laws to punish those that DARE speak the truth about the Jewish involvement in the destruction of America,Canada,Australia and Europe.
Just to clarify, you think the Jews are trying to make white people extinct?
I don't think it, I know it. Look who was behind changing our immigration system in 1965...Sure Kennedy was the gentile face of it but look who endorsed it AND backed it in the senate and house. Here i'll help ya.

Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

Pretty easy stuff to google yourself. Now ask yourself WHY would they want to change the immigration system? Jews are supposedly white people right?

The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
OK answer me this. HE himself from his own mouth promised to let in the MOST legal invaders EVER so why stick with him? Trump puts Jews and Israel first,corporations 2nd and workers a DISTANT DISTANT third. He only needs white working folks as long as they help him get elected he couldn't give 2 shits about us and some of us have woken up to that. True America is going straight to hell because WHITES are America and America is WHITES...without Whites America doesn't exist. Its just another 3rd world banana republic 1 party communist state where the founders progeny have 2nd class status until we get tired of it and fight back. Either destroy the system that's destroying us ON PURPOSE or become slaves or worse extinct.
Awww....2 white racists trying to out-racist each other.....

its adorable to watch....

View attachment 297402

Awwww you can use a Jewish Marxist slur against white people....congrats little darling.
Skimming over your linked article from "The Real Jew News", the point appears to be that the Jews want to essentially dilute Christianity out of America. Would that be a fair synopsis?
I would say its more eliminate white folks but christianity for the longest time is what bound white people together. Just like Judaism is what binds Jews all over the world together. They have been evicted from 109 countries and counting yet have remained essentially bound together as a race. Eliminate what binds a people together they are easier to destroy.

This chicken shit idiocy belongs on the conspiracy forum, if anywhere.
Oh shut up you little bitch. Don't like free speech then go whine on rev left or some bullshit commie forum.
It left you trying to play it off because you can't deny it.

I don't think you even have a clue what you're babbling about.....I certainly do not....

But I think I know whats chaffing your hide enormously.....and why you're beside yourself in anger.

The fact that your beloved President is going to be in the WH for another 4 - 8 years.
View attachment 297392
4-8 years?

Math not your strong suite?
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
You know what's funny....

All this time I have heard from you dic suckers about how easy minorities have it in this everything is handed to you if you are a minority and that sounds awesome, if you believe it....

But....I am not really sure you believe it....because if that is what you think happens with minorities, why are you so scared to death of becoming one??

I am really wondering why all this panic from someone who is over 75% of the population??

Did something bad happen to minorities or something???
Those who are supreme should ALWAYS lead and control not some average IQ of 75 welfare recipient race and that's not even who will be in charge anyways. The Jew will control their little pet apes. The Jew wants whites completely wiped out because we are a threat to their goal of global domination.

Wow....just wow.
Don't worry....

I am sure Trumpers will be here to denounce this Anti-Semitism any minute now.....

But for now, I will do my part to fight back against these Nazi racists...... ain't gonna do shit but whine like the little snowflake race traitor you are.
Just to clarify, you think the Jews are trying to make white people extinct?
I don't think it, I know it. Look who was behind changing our immigration system in 1965...Sure Kennedy was the gentile face of it but look who endorsed it AND backed it in the senate and house. Here i'll help ya.

Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

Pretty easy stuff to google yourself. Now ask yourself WHY would they want to change the immigration system? Jews are supposedly white people right?

The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Awww....2 white racists trying to out-racist each other.....

its adorable to watch....

View attachment 297402

Awwww you can use a Jewish Marxist slur against white people....congrats little darling.
Skimming over your linked article from "The Real Jew News", the point appears to be that the Jews want to essentially dilute Christianity out of America. Would that be a fair synopsis?
I would say its more eliminate white folks but christianity for the longest time is what bound white people together. Just like Judaism is what binds Jews all over the world together. They have been evicted from 109 countries and counting yet have remained essentially bound together as a race. Eliminate what binds a people together they are easier to destroy.

This chicken shit idiocy belongs on the conspiracy forum, if anywhere.
Oh shut up ......

How about NO, you spineless, brain dead douche bag?
I like how not one Trumper has spoke against any of your blatant Anti-Semitism yet....

Guess they are all busy on others posts about blacks attacking Jews and stuff.....

But according to you, its the Jews who are attacking whites so they can make America more black???

Not more black...blacks won't benefit from it. Mexishit will for the most part. Oh and I am not a Trumpster but whatever helps your delusions. Wouldn't want you to read Jews own words or research their actions.
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
You know what's funny....

All this time I have heard from you dic suckers about how easy minorities have it in this everything is handed to you if you are a minority and that sounds awesome, if you believe it....

But....I am not really sure you believe it....because if that is what you think happens with minorities, why are you so scared to death of becoming one??

I am really wondering why all this panic from someone who is over 75% of the population??

Did something bad happen to minorities or something???
Those who are supreme should ALWAYS lead and control not some average IQ of 75 welfare recipient race and that's not even who will be in charge anyways. The Jew will control their little pet apes. The Jew wants whites completely wiped out because we are a threat to their goal of global domination.

Blacks seem to be more racially conscience than Western Europeans.

Maybe Western Europeans are even more stupid than .....

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