Liberals Wonder Why Trump Supporters Are Loyal, Hint Check Birth Rates

Not more black...blacks won't benefit from it. Mexishit will for the most part. Oh and I am not a Trumpster but whatever helps your delusions. Wouldn't want you to read Jews own words or research their actions.
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
You know what's funny....

All this time I have heard from you dic suckers about how easy minorities have it in this everything is handed to you if you are a minority and that sounds awesome, if you believe it....

But....I am not really sure you believe it....because if that is what you think happens with minorities, why are you so scared to death of becoming one??

I am really wondering why all this panic from someone who is over 75% of the population??

Did something bad happen to minorities or something???
Those who are supreme should ALWAYS lead and control not some average IQ of 75 welfare recipient race and that's not even who will be in charge anyways. The Jew will control their little pet apes. The Jew wants whites completely wiped out because we are a threat to their goal of global domination.

Wow....just wow.
More and more WNs are infecting this forum.
Just pointing out facts. Racism is why Trump is president.
Racist Democrats are why Trump is president. Democrats must think Hispanics are superior, because they keep importing them from Central America.
I like how not one Trumper has spoke against any of your blatant Anti-Semitism yet....

Guess they are all busy on others posts about blacks attacking Jews and stuff.....

But according to you, its the Jews who are attacking whites so they can make America more black???

Not more black...blacks won't benefit from it. Mexishit will for the most part. Oh and I am not a Trumpster but whatever helps your delusions. Wouldn't want you to read Jews own words or research their actions.
I know you and word comprehension don't get along -- but I never called you a Trumper…..

I said that I noticed that not one Trumper spoke out against your blatant anti-Semitism, which tells me Trumpers don't mind anti-Semitism when its coming from a right wing dumb ass like yourself.....

and as for you not being a Trumper….according to you, you were a trumper….that is until you woke up as you said......
Was yes. Lot of people have me on ignore AND since its just now 4 in the afternoon lot of people are at work...give it time.
You know what's funny....

All this time I have heard from you dic suckers about how easy minorities have it in this everything is handed to you if you are a minority and that sounds awesome, if you believe it....

But....I am not really sure you believe it....because if that is what you think happens with minorities, why are you so scared to death of becoming one??

I am really wondering why all this panic from someone who is over 75% of the population??

Did something bad happen to minorities or something???
Those who are supreme should ALWAYS lead and control not some average IQ of 75 welfare recipient race and that's not even who will be in charge anyways. The Jew will control their little pet apes. The Jew wants whites completely wiped out because we are a threat to their goal of global domination.

They the Chosen probably are trying to wipe us out.

But, there's some major issues.

A.) Russia is more powerful than Israel.
Hence, the Kosher media going Russia, Russia, Russia.

B.) Once America collapses funding & support for Israel fades into oblivion.

C.) Without America, Russia will be the big dog.
Hence, the Kosher media going Russia, Russia, Russia.

D.) 57% of American Jews marry non-Jews.
Israel is 25% Arab.
They're in worse shape than us.
4-8 years?
Math not your strong suite?

Has nothing to do with math....... dope.

Most Americans have confidently expressed a desire to extend his WH occupancy....even to 12 years and beyond. The Left ignores the Constitution and due process.....maybe he should as well.

Of course, even if it doesn't happen, making you snowflakes wet your pants over it is priceless.
4-8 years?
Math not your strong suite?

Has nothing to do with math....... dope.

Most Americans have confidently expressed a desire to extend his WH occupancy....even to 12 years and beyond. The Left ignores the Constitution and due process.....maybe he should as well.

Of course, even if it doesn't happen, making you snowflakes wet your pants over it is priceless.
So, you hate the Constitution and our Founders then.

Good to know.
4-8 years?
Math not your strong suite?

Has nothing to do with math....... dope.

Most Americans have confidently expressed a desire to extend his WH occupancy....even to 12 years and beyond. The Left ignores the Constitution and due process.....maybe he should as well.

Of course, even if it doesn't happen, making you snowflakes wet your pants over it is priceless.
And LOL @ "most Americans".
And LOL @ "most Americans".
Did Trump not win the last presidential election?
It's more proof that Stephen Miller is right.


A Right Wing racist is exactly what Stephen Miller is and exactly what the (R) party represents.
And you guys own the antisemitism currently in the country
No, you guys do.
I know you are but what I am, is a poor argument. peewee
nation of Islam is a prime example of antisemitism.
It's the argument white like you use all the time. There is plenty of anti Semitism here by you stormfront readers. There are a lot of racists in the jewish religion. And I am not a member of the NOI.
New Video Released of Hasidic Jewish Man Attacked by Black Teens in NYC -- Teens Threw Chair at Him then Stalked Their Victim on Street (VIDEO)
How about the libs who want to flood America with unwhites?
Arent they anti white racists?
Stupid liberals don't even understand how they are being racist.
The guilt-ridden liberal whites are the worst
The guilt-ridden liberal whites are the worst
Anyone Who Doesn't Realize We Now Live in an Anti-White Reality is an Idiot

Not just anti white but anti Christian/Jew also
They are worried about the wrong religions.
They worry about what they have been taught to hate

if you are a liberal living in lib la la land it all makes perfect sense

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