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Libertarians for Romney

Everyone hates Libertarianism when it is actually detailed what would happen in the real world if you freaks ever actually got your way.

And make no mistake. I am here to help.

Clearly your goal is the same as mine: to dissuade libertarians from the delusion that Republicans give a rat's ass about freedom or our values.

Not at all. I am here to illustrate that if Ron Paul had his way, he would permit that new combo drive-thru gay whorehouse ]/ discount crack / kiddie porn store to be erected right next to the new elementary school in your community.

Nobody accepts your freedom and values when the truth is actually known about you freaks.

Apparently another "conservative" who has no clue how a free market would operate.

Considering porn stores are legal anyway, how many of them are currently in business right next to a school ANYWHERE?
One point I would like to make is that the Libertarian philosophy is a few hundred years old. The libertarian party is 30 years old. I haven't examined their platform that closely because frankly you can't put libertarianism under one umbrella. In other words, Libertarianism is a name put onto a group of philosophies that have one general underlying commonality, which is a belief in smaller government, free markets and individual responsibility. The methodology and minutiae can be radically different. There are libertarian socialists for example. Just like in the republican party you have neocons and the tea party and big government statists and social conservatives and the religious right. I don't know the specifics of why any particular platform was voted down. I, myself am a Minarchist and subscribe to the idea that the state is a necessary evil but that its role should be restricted. I feel that my views more closely align with those of the republican platform or what it is touted as the platform anyway. There are elements in the GOP that I disagree with and I think they have lost touch with the roots of the party. This is why I am getting involved in the GOP and if anyone doesn't like it they can get involved and oppose me. The majority of the party sets the platform and I will work towards creating a majority of people who think like I do. That's what politics is all about.

Personally, I would support laws that protect the rights of individuals against descrimination or abuse. Others might disagree with me but that's why we discuss things like adults, at least some of us.
I'm a libertarian, of course being a person who respects freedom and stands for fiscal responsibility i can't vote for Romney.

Romney has as much chance of beating Obama as Paul does of beating Romney. None. I'm self aware of this, RomneyBots, not so much.
Not at all. I am here to illustrate that if Ron Paul had his way, he would permit that new combo drive-thru gay whorehouse / discount crack / kiddie porn store to be erected right next to the new elementary school in your community.

Nobody accepts your freedom and values when the truth is actually known about you freaks.
This is manic hyperbole worthy of rderp.

Yet you will not refute a word of it because it is absolutely true.

The average Liberal is less of a sick twist than one of you freaks.

Stop trying to obfuscate the intentions of true conservatives just because they don't fit your particular republican agenda. I understand why you don't like Paul supporters; you probably view them (and Paul) as nothing but divisive in the GOP, running adds exposing your mainstream candidates, at a time when republicans need to unite against Obama (as long as that means unite against Obama with YOUR guy.)

I'm pretty sure we both want what's best for our nation and it's future, and getting Obama out is definitely a must. But you really need to be more intellectually honest when you attack Paul. Anyone with an ounce of understanding knows that Paul is for states rights. which means all of those EVIL PRACTICES would still be illegal in the various states. And Paul doesn't get credit for this, either... it's not some grand ultra-Libertarian idea the evil Dr. Paul concocted that a few "freaks" have maniacally embraced - it's simply following the constitution. How radical...

Pretending the country would be overrun with kiddie porn, and drug abusers is pathetic fear-mongering, nothing more.
I'm pretty sure we both want what's best for our nation and it's future, and getting Obama out is definitely a must. But you really need to be more intellectually honest when you attack Paul. Anyone with an ounce of understanding knows that Paul is for states rights. which means all of those EVIL PRACTICES would still be illegal in the various states. And Paul doesn't get credit for this, either... it's not some grand ultra-Libertarian idea the evil Dr. Paul concocted that a few "freaks" have maniacally embraced - it's simply following the constitution. How radical...

LOL!!! "Intellectual honesty" and "evil practices" in all caps in the same post! Who's trying to fool who? Watch out for the proponents of "isms". People were given an earful about "EVIL" in 1917 and 1933, too.
Always the same chumps trying to tell others how libertarian ideology works. Aren't you fools tired of, well, making fools of yourselves?
Always the same chumps trying to tell others how libertarian ideology works. Aren't you fools tired of, well, making fools of yourselves?

The problem is that it isn't well thought out. Take the complaint, "we're not anarchists". That may be true, but when you think about a what a minarchist society would be like, who protects the weak? What happens is that they sell themselves to whomever can provide protection. So to escape anarchy a new feudalism is born where most owe their allegience to someone else who is free to cut you lose, if you disagree with what they do. The initial agreement may be the libertarian ideal of a contract between two people, but that's where it ends, because there's no real equality there.
Always the same chumps trying to tell others how libertarian ideology works. Aren't you fools tired of, well, making fools of yourselves?

Can't blame them, I do things I enjoy, and they seem to enjoy making asses themselves. Hence why they keep doing it.

Right now, us Paul supporters are insignificant to RomneyBots, but just wait when Romney gets his ass kicked by Obama how quick they are to blame his loss on Paul supporters.

It's gonna be fun :lol:
Always the same chumps trying to tell others how libertarian ideology works. Aren't you fools tired of, well, making fools of yourselves?

The problem is that it isn't well thought out. Take the complaint, "we're not anarchists". That may be true, but when you think about a what a minarchist society would be like, who protects the weak? What happens is that they sell themselves to whomever can provide protection. So to escape anarchy a new feudalism is born where most owe their allegience to someone else who is free to cut you lose, if you disagree with what they do. The initial agreement may be the libertarian ideal of a contract between two people, but that's where it ends, because there's no real equality there.

Thanks. I'll print out 3 sheets of this to wipe my ass with later after lunch. Did you think this hunk up yourself or was there help from somewhere?
Always the same chumps trying to tell others how libertarian ideology works. Aren't you fools tired of, well, making fools of yourselves?

Can't blame them, I do things I enjoy, and they seem to enjoy making asses themselves. Hence why they keep doing it.

Right now, us Paul supporters are insignificant to RomneyBots, but just wait when Romney gets his ass kicked by Obama how quick they are to blame his loss on Paul supporters.

It's gonna be fun :lol:

Of course they will blame us. But their squabbling, division creating nonsense will liekly only help build the liberty coalition in the GOP party for 2016. I'll bet half these neocons will flop back to us once we run the majority in the GOP.


For a sec, I thought maybe somebody was actually gonna try to make that case. Anyone who is FOR any degree of freedom cannot also be FOR Mittens. It's an oxymoron.

... Especially in view of the Bain/Romney-like hostile takeover attempt of CATO.
Always the same chumps trying to tell others how libertarian ideology works. Aren't you fools tired of, well, making fools of yourselves?

Can't blame them, I do things I enjoy, and they seem to enjoy making asses themselves. Hence why they keep doing it.

Right now, us Paul supporters are insignificant to RomneyBots, but just wait when Romney gets his ass kicked by Obama how quick they are to blame his loss on Paul supporters.

It's gonna be fun :lol:

Of course they will blame us. But their squabbling, division creating nonsense will liekly only help build the liberty coalition in the GOP party for 2016. I'll bet half these neocons will flop back to us once we run the majority in the GOP.

I wish i had your optimism :(.

Politicians are only seeing their money and power increase, I don't think they have any motivation to make real changes.
I think its interesting how sniper is so worried about protecting children (like I am as a libertarian), but doesn't seem to think it matters when children in foreign wars induced by the US die as collateral damage. Hypocrite....
Forgive us for not being too thrilled about voting for this guy:

No one is thrilled about it, Romney is a sack of shit.

BUT the nation is burning down, Obama is the most serious problem this nation has faced since the Civil War. Either Obama is stopped, or the concepts of individual liberty are gone, for good. We have ONE chance to at least slow the complete destruction of this nation, and god help us if we squander it.

And by the way, saying "losertarians" makes you sound like a little kid.

Agreed. I am a proud Libertarian.
I'm convinced of no such thing. Never have been. And this thread isn't about Ron Paul. I'm pointing at the that so-called libertarians who are now dumping their principles to vote for Romney out of cowardly fear, were never libertarians to begin with.

So lets say that you buy some very special water, from a rare spring in France. You vow to only drink it on special occasions,

One night, the couch is on fire. If something isn't done to douse the flames, the house WILL burn down. You can throw the water on it, but that will break your vow, and someone on the internet might say you were never a Libertarian. Or you can watch the house burn and congratulate yourself on how oh-so-wise you are...

Put the fucking fire out, dumbass.
They want us out of the Republican Party. Why should we give them what they want?

The crackpots posting here might want that, but the party establishment wants us to fall in line and vote for their puppets. We have to learn to refuse.

Paul Supporters: Beware the Third Party Trap by Ron Holland

Good article. I'm not necessarily suggesting a third party effort. And I'm not saying we should stop trying to change the Republican party from the inside (though we should also be doing the same thing to the Democrats, fwiw). But we should steadfastly refuse to cooperate with a Republican establishment that contradicts our values.

The qoute from the article sums up my views fairly nicely - if a tad over-dramatically:

We are not afraid to lose if losing means our integrity and principles remain with us. Our numbers have tripled in this election and we have already won. We have spread the message of individual liberty far and wide. Ron Paul has inspired the liberty movement in Africa, in Europe, even in Korea. Only a third of American colonists believed that the Revolutionary War was necessary and they changed the course of history forever.

It is our turn now to do the same. An election outcome will not change that. We are willing to lay down our lives for the cause of liberty if it is required of us and it may be. I welcome losing if the winning team is not supporting the principles this country was founded on.

But I will not go as a lamb to the slaughter and vote for someone who my heart, my gut and my reason tell me are not right for this country. Like Patrick Henry said, "I know not what course others will take but as for me, give me liberty or give me death"

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