Liberty dying on the alter of PC

But yet you rail against other people objecting to what YOU say. How are you any different from them?

It is impossible to go through life without giving offense to someone, unless you never say anything to anyone. The only thing a person can do is to treat others the way YOU would like to be treated.

So if I am offended when a black person at work takes the Lords name in Vain I can have him fired, Is that your position?

Sure, go have a black guy fired, are you free now?

One line statement with no qualifying direction. IE The idea that any company would fire an offensive black man for any vile or disgusting thing he did other than a physical crime is ludicrous. The FACTS are that the friends were fired for the satisfaction of some other person. That is WRONG in my view. Do you think THEY should have been fired? If you do I see you as part of one of the problems with this country that needs to be addressed.
Vile things can get you fired regardless of your race, etc... To satisfy some bullshit that one does not like in another person's personal views or PC thought crimes on political views would be wrong.
Choose your employer more carefully.
The PC culture is slowly taking small chunks of our freedoms this will continue until nothing remains Those of us who believe in the Constitution need to fight against these intrusions by any means violently if necessary.

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
Benjamin Franklin

Publishers are hiring 'sensitivity readers' to flag potentially offensive content
I'd like to add another Founding Father's observation: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.
Its a good quote the thing is Mr Jefferson never personally got his hands dirty. Those who have to spill the blood just want it to be worth it.

But of course, the founders didn't even do their own labor, much less their own killin'. Kinda like the global captialists of today who foment war for control over resources. And as for ramping the massed up to go to war; easy. Mame up shit and push mindfuck patriotism.
Vile things can get you fired regardless of your race, etc... To satisfy some bullshit that one does not like in another person's personal views or PC thought crimes on political views would be wrong.
Wow. That's quite a confession. So a Christian baker shouldn't be allowed to fire a worker who is found to out be a politically active gay who publicly brags about working at a Christian bakery? Sorry, but I disagree. Private business owners, IMO, have a right to hire and fire whom they please.

But of course, the founders didn't even do their own labor, much less their own killin'. Kinda like the global captialists of today who foment war for control over resources. And as for ramping the massed up to go to war; easy. Mame up shit and push mindfuck patriotism.
If you are talking about the signers of the Declaration of Independence, then I agree most were prominent men. OTOH, if you are talking about those who fought against the British, then you are wrong.
Well I think we all know gorwing up in america that blacks are responsible for everything and whites are blameless in all. And really, as long as we have someone to blame, no one has to do anything and no one is responsible for this miserable excuse for a society.

You don't know shit about growing up in America if that is what you think. Growing up in America for MOST people was about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for ones actions, and the CONTENT of ones CHARACTER. The liberal agenda to divide the nation into small sects to blame each other for some perceived wrong by other groups is at the heart of PC, and is a complete fabrication. The facts are far from the ideas driven by PC, and statistically extremely devoid of factual evidence.
Agreed. It should be about personal responsibility and character, but many Democrats exist upon an agenda of blaming whites for the actions of black criminals. IMHO, the real problem is twofold; creating a culture of dependence upon government handouts and refusing to do what is needed to correct that dependency thus solving most of the problems in American ghettos.

No one really expects america and american society to ever take any responsibility for anything. Some of us just refuse to allow it to hide from what it has done and what it is. So be prepared to continue to have to lie, blame a particular party, and black folk, and anyone else you need to to maintain your denial. No one minds, they will merely remind.
But of course, the founders didn't even do their own labor, much less their own killin'. Kinda like the global captialists of today who foment war for control over resources. And as for ramping the massed up to go to war; easy. Mame up shit and push mindfuck patriotism.
If you are talking about the signers of the Declaration of Independence, then I agree most were prominent men. OTOH, if you are talking about those who fought against the British, then you are wrong.

Those would be the ones the founders refused to allow to vote.
Choose your employer more carefully.
Are you agreeing employers have a right to pick and choose who they hire and fire?

I'm saying the individual will probably have less to whine, bitch, and moan about if he/she finds a place of employment that is more suited to his/her prejudices than if he/she takes a position and then hopes to change that organization. If you need to ba able to say "ni99er" at work amnytime you like, find a place to work where they're into that sort of thing; you'll feel more at home.
Vile things can get you fired regardless of your race, etc... To satisfy some bullshit that one does not like in another person's personal views or PC thought crimes on political views would be wrong.
Wow. That's quite a confession. So a Christian baker shouldn't be allowed to fire a worker who is found to out be a politically active gay who publicly brags about working at a Christian bakery? Sorry, but I disagree. Private business owners, IMO, have a right to hire and fire whom they please.

Maybe I did not write that in a way that makes sense to you. As an employer and owner of a business I can fire your ass for any cause within the limits of the law. That means I can fire or let you go even if I simply just don't like your manners or looks. I do not have to call you a "fucking queer" to do that. I can just say you irritate me. Employment is "at will" because people do get to make choices where they work. They are not supposed to be forced to work for anyone.

A business owner owns the business so IMO, they should be allowed to set the terms of their business and who they will do work for. Personally over the years there have been a lot of things I won't do for others for various reasons whatever they may be. I learned early on I did not like working for people I suspected of being assholes. That is why I went to work for myself and ran my own businesses. In today's business climate if I was subjected to the whims of those whom I wouldn't hire previously or do work for I would simply find a way to avoid the conflict or hassle of dealing with them by doing something else. The dude or dudette in your photo most likely wouldn't stand a chance of getting onto the payroll where I signed the checks and made the approvals of hires. I do not care for beards would be adequate enough to turn him away at the door.
Vile things can get you fired regardless of your race, etc... To satisfy some bullshit that one does not like in another person's personal views or PC thought crimes on political views would be wrong.
Wow. That's quite a confession. So a Christian baker shouldn't be allowed to fire a worker who is found to out be a politically active gay who publicly brags about working at a Christian bakery? Sorry, but I disagree. Private business owners, IMO, have a right to hire and fire whom they please.

Maybe I did not write that in a way that makes sense to you. As an employer and owner of a business I can fire your ass for any cause within the limits of the law. That means I can fire or let you go even if I simply just don't like your manners or looks. I do not have to call you a "fucking queer" to do that. I can just say you irritate me. Employment is "at will" because people do get to make choices where they work. They are not supposed to be forced to work for anyone.

A business owner owns the business so IMO, they should be allowed to set the terms of their business and who they will do work for. Personally over the years they have been a lot of things I won't do for others for various reasons whatever they may be. I learned early on I did not like working for people I suspected of being assholes. That is why I went to work for myself and ran my own businesses. In today's business climate if I was subjected to the whims of those whom I wouldn't hire previously or do work for I would simply find a way to avoid the conflict or hassle of dealing with them by doing something else. The dude or dudette in your photo most likely wouldn't stand a chance of getting onto the payroll where I signed the checks and made the approvals of hires. I do not care for beards would be adequate enough to turn him away at the door.

So basically what I see in this is that you decided you would rather be an asshole who hired people, as opposed to being a person who worked for an asshole who hired people. Did that capture it?
Vile things can get you fired regardless of your race, etc... To satisfy some bullshit that one does not like in another person's personal views or PC thought crimes on political views would be wrong.
Wow. That's quite a confession. So a Christian baker shouldn't be allowed to fire a worker who is found to out be a politically active gay who publicly brags about working at a Christian bakery? Sorry, but I disagree. Private business owners, IMO, have a right to hire and fire whom they please.

Maybe I did not write that in a way that makes sense to you. As an employer and owner of a business I can fire your ass for any cause within the limits of the law. That means I can fire or let you go even if I simply just don't like your manners or looks. I do not have to call you a "fucking queer" to do that. I can just say you irritate me. Employment is "at will" because people do get to make choices where they work. They are not supposed to be forced to work for anyone.

A business owner owns the business so IMO, they should be allowed to set the terms of their business and who they will do work for. Personally over the years they have been a lot of things I won't do for others for various reasons whatever they may be. I learned early on I did not like working for people I suspected of being assholes. That is why I went to work for myself and ran my own businesses. In today's business climate if I was subjected to the whims of those whom I wouldn't hire previously or do work for I would simply find a way to avoid the conflict or hassle of dealing with them by doing something else. The dude or dudette in your photo most likely wouldn't stand a chance of getting onto the payroll where I signed the checks and made the approvals of hires. I do not care for beards would be adequate enough to turn him away at the door.

So basically what I see in this is that you decided you would rather be an asshole who hired people, as opposed to being a person who worked for an asshole who hired people. Did that capture it?
You can take it or capture it however you like. Your precepts and mine do not always jive.
Vile things can get you fired regardless of your race, etc... To satisfy some bullshit that one does not like in another person's personal views or PC thought crimes on political views would be wrong.
Wow. That's quite a confession. So a Christian baker shouldn't be allowed to fire a worker who is found to out be a politically active gay who publicly brags about working at a Christian bakery? Sorry, but I disagree. Private business owners, IMO, have a right to hire and fire whom they please.

Maybe I did not write that in a way that makes sense to you. As an employer and owner of a business I can fire your ass for any cause within the limits of the law. That means I can fire or let you go even if I simply just don't like your manners or looks. I do not have to call you a "fucking queer" to do that. I can just say you irritate me. Employment is "at will" because people do get to make choices where they work. They are not supposed to be forced to work for anyone.

A business owner owns the business so IMO, they should be allowed to set the terms of their business and who they will do work for. Personally over the years they have been a lot of things I won't do for others for various reasons whatever they may be. I learned early on I did not like working for people I suspected of being assholes. That is why I went to work for myself and ran my own businesses. In today's business climate if I was subjected to the whims of those whom I wouldn't hire previously or do work for I would simply find a way to avoid the conflict or hassle of dealing with them by doing something else. The dude or dudette in your photo most likely wouldn't stand a chance of getting onto the payroll where I signed the checks and made the approvals of hires. I do not care for beards would be adequate enough to turn him away at the door.

So basically what I see in this is that you decided you would rather be an asshole who hired people, as opposed to being a person who worked for an asshole who hired people. Did that capture it?
You can take it or capture it however you like. Your precepts and mine do not always jive.

Thanks, I'll take you at your word, you're an asshole to work for.
Vile things can get you fired regardless of your race, etc... To satisfy some bullshit that one does not like in another person's personal views or PC thought crimes on political views would be wrong.
Wow. That's quite a confession. So a Christian baker shouldn't be allowed to fire a worker who is found to out be a politically active gay who publicly brags about working at a Christian bakery? Sorry, but I disagree. Private business owners, IMO, have a right to hire and fire whom they please.

Maybe I did not write that in a way that makes sense to you. As an employer and owner of a business I can fire your ass for any cause within the limits of the law. That means I can fire or let you go even if I simply just don't like your manners or looks. I do not have to call you a "fucking queer" to do that. I can just say you irritate me. Employment is "at will" because people do get to make choices where they work. They are not supposed to be forced to work for anyone.

A business owner owns the business so IMO, they should be allowed to set the terms of their business and who they will do work for. Personally over the years they have been a lot of things I won't do for others for various reasons whatever they may be. I learned early on I did not like working for people I suspected of being assholes. That is why I went to work for myself and ran my own businesses. In today's business climate if I was subjected to the whims of those whom I wouldn't hire previously or do work for I would simply find a way to avoid the conflict or hassle of dealing with them by doing something else. The dude or dudette in your photo most likely wouldn't stand a chance of getting onto the payroll where I signed the checks and made the approvals of hires. I do not care for beards would be adequate enough to turn him away at the door.

So basically what I see in this is that you decided you would rather be an asshole who hired people, as opposed to being a person who worked for an asshole who hired people. Did that capture it?
You can take it or capture it however you like. Your precepts and mine do not always jive.

Thanks, I'll take you at your word, you're an asshole to work for.
No not at all my husband is the one who assumed the asshole role so I did not have to. He was good at it!
Well the idea of censorship is alive and well here too, but the idea that is absolutely a fact is political correctness IS in complete opposition to actual liberty and freedom of expression. The fact that anyone can be fired for an act that is not physically confrontational ONLY if it offends certain groups of people is UNCONSTITUTIONAL like hate crimes as they are enforced are UNCONSTITUTIONAL BECAUSE of PC.
Wow. That's quite a confession. So a Christian baker shouldn't be allowed to fire a worker who is found to out be a politically active gay who publicly brags about working at a Christian bakery? Sorry, but I disagree. Private business owners, IMO, have a right to hire and fire whom they please.

Maybe I did not write that in a way that makes sense to you. As an employer and owner of a business I can fire your ass for any cause within the limits of the law. That means I can fire or let you go even if I simply just don't like your manners or looks. I do not have to call you a "fucking queer" to do that. I can just say you irritate me. Employment is "at will" because people do get to make choices where they work. They are not supposed to be forced to work for anyone.

A business owner owns the business so IMO, they should be allowed to set the terms of their business and who they will do work for. Personally over the years they have been a lot of things I won't do for others for various reasons whatever they may be. I learned early on I did not like working for people I suspected of being assholes. That is why I went to work for myself and ran my own businesses. In today's business climate if I was subjected to the whims of those whom I wouldn't hire previously or do work for I would simply find a way to avoid the conflict or hassle of dealing with them by doing something else. The dude or dudette in your photo most likely wouldn't stand a chance of getting onto the payroll where I signed the checks and made the approvals of hires. I do not care for beards would be adequate enough to turn him away at the door.

So basically what I see in this is that you decided you would rather be an asshole who hired people, as opposed to being a person who worked for an asshole who hired people. Did that capture it?
You can take it or capture it however you like. Your precepts and mine do not always jive.

Thanks, I'll take you at your word, you're an asshole to work for.
No not at all my husband is the one who assumed the asshole role so I did not have to. He was good at it!

So this is bullshit then:

That is why I went to work for myself and ran my own businesses. In today's business climate if I was subjected to the whims of those whom I wouldn't hire previously or do work for I would simply find a way to avoid the conflict or hassle of dealing with them by doing something else.
Maybe I did not write that in a way that makes sense to you. As an employer and owner of a business I can fire your ass for any cause within the limits of the law. That means I can fire or let you go even if I simply just don't like your manners or looks. I do not have to call you a "fucking queer" to do that. I can just say you irritate me. Employment is "at will" because people do get to make choices where they work. They are not supposed to be forced to work for anyone.

A business owner owns the business so IMO, they should be allowed to set the terms of their business and who they will do work for. Personally over the years they have been a lot of things I won't do for others for various reasons whatever they may be. I learned early on I did not like working for people I suspected of being assholes. That is why I went to work for myself and ran my own businesses. In today's business climate if I was subjected to the whims of those whom I wouldn't hire previously or do work for I would simply find a way to avoid the conflict or hassle of dealing with them by doing something else. The dude or dudette in your photo most likely wouldn't stand a chance of getting onto the payroll where I signed the checks and made the approvals of hires. I do not care for beards would be adequate enough to turn him away at the door.

So basically what I see in this is that you decided you would rather be an asshole who hired people, as opposed to being a person who worked for an asshole who hired people. Did that capture it?
You can take it or capture it however you like. Your precepts and mine do not always jive.

Thanks, I'll take you at your word, you're an asshole to work for.
No not at all my husband is the one who assumed the asshole role so I did not have to. He was good at it!

So this is bullshit then:

That is why I went to work for myself and ran my own businesses. In today's business climate if I was subjected to the whims of those whom I wouldn't hire previously or do work for I would simply find a way to avoid the conflict or hassle of dealing with them by doing something else.
Why in your limited mind is it wrong?
Well the idea of censorship is alive and well here too, but the idea that is absolutely a fact is political correctness IS in complete opposition to actual liberty and freedom of expression. The fact that anyone can be fired for an act that is not physically confrontational ONLY if it offends certain groups of people is UNCONSTITUTIONAL like hate crimes as they are enforced are UNCONSTITUTIONAL BECAUSE of PC.

You're a prisoner in your own land aren't you. What would you like to say that you feel you cannot because of this vast PC conspiracy?
So basically what I see in this is that you decided you would rather be an asshole who hired people, as opposed to being a person who worked for an asshole who hired people. Did that capture it?
You can take it or capture it however you like. Your precepts and mine do not always jive.

Thanks, I'll take you at your word, you're an asshole to work for.
No not at all my husband is the one who assumed the asshole role so I did not have to. He was good at it!

So this is bullshit then:

That is why I went to work for myself and ran my own businesses. In today's business climate if I was subjected to the whims of those whom I wouldn't hire previously or do work for I would simply find a way to avoid the conflict or hassle of dealing with them by doing something else.
Why in your limited mind is it wrong?

As you stated, your husband did this. And you're a by proxy asshole.
You can take it or capture it however you like. Your precepts and mine do not always jive.

Thanks, I'll take you at your word, you're an asshole to work for.
No not at all my husband is the one who assumed the asshole role so I did not have to. He was good at it!

So this is bullshit then:

That is why I went to work for myself and ran my own businesses. In today's business climate if I was subjected to the whims of those whom I wouldn't hire previously or do work for I would simply find a way to avoid the conflict or hassle of dealing with them by doing something else.
Why in your limited mind is it wrong?

As you stated, your husband did this. And you're a by proxy asshole.
Sure if you consider in that manner and by proxy my supers did a portion of the supervision work and the employees did the the work that they were hired to do. That is the way it works when a person takes the initiative to build their own business from the beginning. As the business grows the owner gets to be the one to delegate whomever they feel is best for all of tasks in a business enterprise to be accomplished. If that makes me an asshole in your mind so be it.
What freedoms have you been deprived of by so-called PC?

Freedom of speech, freedom from harassment, freedom from assault, freedom from BEING OFFENDED, freedom from financial extortion, freedom from intimidation, freedom to exercise ones rights equally, freedom FROM association, MORE AND MORE.

Name something you've personally been stopped from doing.
I'll field this one.

I'm an artist, a creative personality, like Hitler. I've been deprived of love, a normal career, -at times- a home, dignity and respect.

I have been basically marched to Golgotha and I'm facing crucifixion.

I'VE missed out on NOT being brutalized and destroyed.

I think you also missed out on coherent use of the English language.
Why should she or anyone else care what you think. <there was I PC enough for you?

If you didn't care you wouldn't have asked that question.

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