Liberty dying on the alter of PC

I look back at some of these and I admit some are cringe worthy, but its not mine or anyone else's job to deny others the right to view them. It most certainly is not the Government's place either.
They keep me laughing for the most part. What the PC crowd does not realize is people are going to hate whatever it is they think they hate until something or someone can show them differently. My dad would spout racial shit but one day I asked him about one of his favorite people who was black as he spouted off. He told me that was different. I told him so it is actually the person not the color of their skin? He mulled that over for awhile and decided for himself it is the person's character that counts.

But he still didn't see himself as free unless he could sling "ni99er" at any moment? Amazing.
He was born and raised without the PG bullshit and all of the race baiting crap that is tossed around these days. We all have to make those decisions on PC and manners for ourselves at some point in life. Personally if someone has crappy mannerisms I don't care what they profess to be I do not have to like them.

Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Jim crow was a Liberal institution not a conservative one.

That's a silly road to run down, I'll not be joining you in your partisanshithead diversion. Jim Crow was an extension of enslavement and all of america stood by and reaped the benefits.
I look back at some of these and I admit some are cringe worthy, but its not mine or anyone else's job to deny others the right to view them. It most certainly is not the Government's place either.
They keep me laughing for the most part. What the PC crowd does not realize is people are going to hate whatever it is they think they hate until something or someone can show them differently. My dad would spout racial shit but one day I asked him about one of his favorite people who was black as he spouted off. He told me that was different. I told him so it is actually the person not the color of their skin? He mulled that over for awhile and decided for himself it is the person's character that counts.

But he still didn't see himself as free unless he could sling "ni99er" at any moment? Amazing.
He was born and raised without the PG bullshit and all of the race baiting crap that is tossed around these days. We all have to make those decisions on PC and manners for ourselves at some point in life. Personally if someone has crappy mannerisms I don't care what they profess to be I do not have to like them.

Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Actually he more like saw the idiots that burned down and destroyed their own neighborhoods in Watts and then afterward tried to blame all of the whites for what they did to themselves.

Well I think we all know gorwing up in america that blacks are responsible for everything and whites are blameless in all. And really, as long as we have someone to blame, no one has to do anything and no one is responsible for this miserable excuse for a society.
They keep me laughing for the most part. What the PC crowd does not realize is people are going to hate whatever it is they think they hate until something or someone can show them differently. My dad would spout racial shit but one day I asked him about one of his favorite people who was black as he spouted off. He told me that was different. I told him so it is actually the person not the color of their skin? He mulled that over for awhile and decided for himself it is the person's character that counts.

But he still didn't see himself as free unless he could sling "ni99er" at any moment? Amazing.
He was born and raised without the PG bullshit and all of the race baiting crap that is tossed around these days. We all have to make those decisions on PC and manners for ourselves at some point in life. Personally if someone has crappy mannerisms I don't care what they profess to be I do not have to like them.

Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Jim crow was a Liberal institution not a conservative one.

That's a silly road to run down, I'll not be joining you in your partisanshithead diversion. Jim Crow was an extension of enslavement and all of america stood by and reaped the benefits.
I do not desire to go down your road either so why bother and waste your time.
Whatever happened to, "you can't please everyone, so please yourself"?

The problem with PC is that it is not against insensitivity, it's against white, male and heterosexual.

Nah, not at all, but apparently a lot of white male heterosexuals, and some transexuals I guess, need to be able to freely demonize others to feel "free" and whole.
I don't do any of that but if I take it into my mind to its not anyone's fucking right to tell me otherwise

Then accept their "fucking right" to serve you up the same padnah.
But he still didn't see himself as free unless he could sling "ni99er" at any moment? Amazing.
He was born and raised without the PG bullshit and all of the race baiting crap that is tossed around these days. We all have to make those decisions on PC and manners for ourselves at some point in life. Personally if someone has crappy mannerisms I don't care what they profess to be I do not have to like them.

Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Jim crow was a Liberal institution not a conservative one.

That's a silly road to run down, I'll not be joining you in your partisanshithead diversion. Jim Crow was an extension of enslavement and all of america stood by and reaped the benefits.
I do not desire to go down your road either so why bother and waste your time.

You should try thinking outside the partisanshithead perceptual reality some day. Things get much clearer.
The PC culture is slowly taking small chunks of our freedoms this will continue until nothing remains Those of us who believe in the Constitution need to fight against these intrusions by any means violently if necessary.

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
Benjamin Franklin

Publishers are hiring 'sensitivity readers' to flag potentially offensive content
$en$itive i$$ue$ are a ba$ic concern for all good bu$ine$$ owner$ and inve$tor$. With the Internet, you are free to write and publi$h anything you like, but if you want to make money at it, you might con$ider your reader$. Ma$$ marketing is a big deal. Why $ell only a thou$and book$ when you can $ell million$ by changing a few word$ in your book?

$ure, you can write a book titled "Why ¢unt$ are ruining our world", but good luck making a million buck$ off of it. If you do, it better be fucking funny!

Ye$, PCi$m i$ rampant in the clo$ed world of academia, but fuck those a$$hole$. Almo$t every PC $tudent prote$tor leave$ academia and grow$ into a real world per$on working in a real world job. If you want to run around $houting "Fucking ¢unt$!!" whenever you like, you are free to do $o. However, if you are fired, don't blame it on being "PC". IMHO, blame it on a lack of common $en$e.
Whatever happened to, "you can't please everyone, so please yourself"?

The problem with PC is that it is not against insensitivity, it's against white, male and heterosexual.
In the end it effects everyone but the sheep.

In other words, you're upset because you're not allowed to be rude, offensive or treat others badly. When I was growing up, that was called "having good manners".
He was born and raised without the PG bullshit and all of the race baiting crap that is tossed around these days. We all have to make those decisions on PC and manners for ourselves at some point in life. Personally if someone has crappy mannerisms I don't care what they profess to be I do not have to like them.

Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Jim crow was a Liberal institution not a conservative one.

That's a silly road to run down, I'll not be joining you in your partisanshithead diversion. Jim Crow was an extension of enslavement and all of america stood by and reaped the benefits.
I do not desire to go down your road either so why bother and waste your time.

You should try thinking outside the partisanshithead perceptual reality some day. Things get much clearer.
You can think whatever you like but things are not always going to be from that limited view that you appear to have now.
They keep me laughing for the most part. What the PC crowd does not realize is people are going to hate whatever it is they think they hate until something or someone can show them differently. My dad would spout racial shit but one day I asked him about one of his favorite people who was black as he spouted off. He told me that was different. I told him so it is actually the person not the color of their skin? He mulled that over for awhile and decided for himself it is the person's character that counts.

But he still didn't see himself as free unless he could sling "ni99er" at any moment? Amazing.
He was born and raised without the PG bullshit and all of the race baiting crap that is tossed around these days. We all have to make those decisions on PC and manners for ourselves at some point in life. Personally if someone has crappy mannerisms I don't care what they profess to be I do not have to like them.

Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Actually he more like saw the idiots that burned down and destroyed their own neighborhoods in Watts and then afterward tried to blame all of the whites for what they did to themselves.

Well I think we all know gorwing up in america that blacks are responsible for everything and whites are blameless in all. And really, as long as we have someone to blame, no one has to do anything and no one is responsible for this miserable excuse for a society.
Whatever happened to, "you can't please everyone, so please yourself"?

The problem with PC is that it is not against insensitivity, it's against white, male and heterosexual.
In the end it effects everyone but the sheep.

In other words, you're upset because you're not allowed to be rude, offensive or treat others badly. When I was growing up, that was called "having good manners".
If it pleases me absolutely, but who decides what is offensive ? The word what aggravates me so you can't use it anymore.. do you see where shit like this can end ?
Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Jim crow was a Liberal institution not a conservative one.

That's a silly road to run down, I'll not be joining you in your partisanshithead diversion. Jim Crow was an extension of enslavement and all of america stood by and reaped the benefits.
I do not desire to go down your road either so why bother and waste your time.

You should try thinking outside the partisanshithead perceptual reality some day. Things get much clearer.
You can think whatever you like but things are not always going to be from that limited view that you appear to have now.

It saves me from the illusions of this society and its political and economic system. I prefer coherence to emotional manipulation.
Jim crow was a Liberal institution not a conservative one.

That's a silly road to run down, I'll not be joining you in your partisanshithead diversion. Jim Crow was an extension of enslavement and all of america stood by and reaped the benefits.
I do not desire to go down your road either so why bother and waste your time.

You should try thinking outside the partisanshithead perceptual reality some day. Things get much clearer.
You can think whatever you like but things are not always going to be from that limited view that you appear to have now.

It saves me from the illusions of this society and its political and economic system. I prefer coherence to emotional manipulation.
Keep telling yourself that if it helps.
They keep me laughing for the most part. What the PC crowd does not realize is people are going to hate whatever it is they think they hate until something or someone can show them differently. My dad would spout racial shit but one day I asked him about one of his favorite people who was black as he spouted off. He told me that was different. I told him so it is actually the person not the color of their skin? He mulled that over for awhile and decided for himself it is the person's character that counts.

But he still didn't see himself as free unless he could sling "ni99er" at any moment? Amazing.
He was born and raised without the PG bullshit and all of the race baiting crap that is tossed around these days. We all have to make those decisions on PC and manners for ourselves at some point in life. Personally if someone has crappy mannerisms I don't care what they profess to be I do not have to like them.

Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Actually he more like saw the idiots that burned down and destroyed their own neighborhoods in Watts and then afterward tried to blame all of the whites for what they did to themselves.

Well I think we all know gorwing up in america that blacks are responsible for everything and whites are blameless in all. And really, as long as we have someone to blame, no one has to do anything and no one is responsible for this miserable excuse for a society.
The PC culture is slowly taking small chunks of our freedoms this will continue until nothing remains Those of us who believe in the Constitution need to fight against these intrusions by any means violently if necessary.

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
Benjamin Franklin

Publishers are hiring 'sensitivity readers' to flag potentially offensive content
$en$itive i$$ue$ are a ba$ic concern for all good bu$ine$$ owner$ and inve$tor$. With the Internet, you are free to write and publi$h anything you like, but if you want to make money at it, you might con$ider your reader$. Ma$$ marketing is a big deal. Why $ell only a thou$and book$ when you can $ell million$ by changing a few word$ in your book?

$ure, you can write a book titled "Why ¢unt$ are ruining our world", but good luck making a million buck$ off of it. If you do, it better be fucking funny!

Ye$, PCi$m i$ rampant in the clo$ed world of academia, but fuck those a$$hole$. Almo$t every PC $tudent prote$tor leave$ academia and grow$ into a real world per$on working in a real world job. If you want to run around $houting "Fucking ¢unt$!!" whenever you like, you are free to do $o. However, if you are fired, don't blame it on being "PC". IMHO, blame it on a lack of common $en$e.
I don't see this generation growing into real world people, not with the elite on the left and the established "right" feeding these kids delusions.
But he still didn't see himself as free unless he could sling "ni99er" at any moment? Amazing.
He was born and raised without the PG bullshit and all of the race baiting crap that is tossed around these days. We all have to make those decisions on PC and manners for ourselves at some point in life. Personally if someone has crappy mannerisms I don't care what they profess to be I do not have to like them.

Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Actually he more like saw the idiots that burned down and destroyed their own neighborhoods in Watts and then afterward tried to blame all of the whites for what they did to themselves.

Well I think we all know gorwing up in america that blacks are responsible for everything and whites are blameless in all. And really, as long as we have someone to blame, no one has to do anything and no one is responsible for this miserable excuse for a society.
Whatever happened to, "you can't please everyone, so please yourself"?

The problem with PC is that it is not against insensitivity, it's against white, male and heterosexual.
In the end it effects everyone but the sheep.

In other words, you're upset because you're not allowed to be rude, offensive or treat others badly. When I was growing up, that was called "having good manners".
If it pleases me absolutely, but who decides what is offensive ? The word what aggravates me so you can't use it anymore.. do you see where shit like this can end ?

What is it you need to say?
He was born and raised without the PG bullshit and all of the race baiting crap that is tossed around these days. We all have to make those decisions on PC and manners for ourselves at some point in life. Personally if someone has crappy mannerisms I don't care what they profess to be I do not have to like them.

Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Actually he more like saw the idiots that burned down and destroyed their own neighborhoods in Watts and then afterward tried to blame all of the whites for what they did to themselves.

Well I think we all know gorwing up in america that blacks are responsible for everything and whites are blameless in all. And really, as long as we have someone to blame, no one has to do anything and no one is responsible for this miserable excuse for a society.
Whatever happened to, "you can't please everyone, so please yourself"?

The problem with PC is that it is not against insensitivity, it's against white, male and heterosexual.
In the end it effects everyone but the sheep.

In other words, you're upset because you're not allowed to be rude, offensive or treat others badly. When I was growing up, that was called "having good manners".
If it pleases me absolutely, but who decides what is offensive ? The word what aggravates me so you can't use it anymore.. do you see where shit like this can end ?

What is it you need to say?
Whatever I want whenever I want as long as it does not deprive life or liberties from others.
Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Actually he more like saw the idiots that burned down and destroyed their own neighborhoods in Watts and then afterward tried to blame all of the whites for what they did to themselves.

Well I think we all know gorwing up in america that blacks are responsible for everything and whites are blameless in all. And really, as long as we have someone to blame, no one has to do anything and no one is responsible for this miserable excuse for a society.
Whatever happened to, "you can't please everyone, so please yourself"?

The problem with PC is that it is not against insensitivity, it's against white, male and heterosexual.
In the end it effects everyone but the sheep.

In other words, you're upset because you're not allowed to be rude, offensive or treat others badly. When I was growing up, that was called "having good manners".
If it pleases me absolutely, but who decides what is offensive ? The word what aggravates me so you can't use it anymore.. do you see where shit like this can end ?

What is it you need to say?
Whatever I want whenever I want as long as it does not deprive life or liberties from others.
I'm asking for examples. What do you want to say that you feel constrained to? And where?

Does your employer allow you to say anything you wants whenever and wherever you want? Do you want your liberty there?
Ah, so raise up under Jim Crow before there was all this race baiting stuff.
Actually he more like saw the idiots that burned down and destroyed their own neighborhoods in Watts and then afterward tried to blame all of the whites for what they did to themselves.

Well I think we all know gorwing up in america that blacks are responsible for everything and whites are blameless in all. And really, as long as we have someone to blame, no one has to do anything and no one is responsible for this miserable excuse for a society.
Whatever happened to, "you can't please everyone, so please yourself"?

The problem with PC is that it is not against insensitivity, it's against white, male and heterosexual.
In the end it effects everyone but the sheep.

In other words, you're upset because you're not allowed to be rude, offensive or treat others badly. When I was growing up, that was called "having good manners".
If it pleases me absolutely, but who decides what is offensive ? The word what aggravates me so you can't use it anymore.. do you see where shit like this can end ?

What is it you need to say?
Whatever I want whenever I want as long as it does not deprive life or liberties from others.

But yet you rail against other people objecting to what YOU say. How are you any different from them?

It is impossible to go through life without giving offense to someone, unless you never say anything to anyone. The only thing a person can do is to treat others the way YOU would like to be treated.
Actually he more like saw the idiots that burned down and destroyed their own neighborhoods in Watts and then afterward tried to blame all of the whites for what they did to themselves.

Well I think we all know gorwing up in america that blacks are responsible for everything and whites are blameless in all. And really, as long as we have someone to blame, no one has to do anything and no one is responsible for this miserable excuse for a society.
In the end it effects everyone but the sheep.

In other words, you're upset because you're not allowed to be rude, offensive or treat others badly. When I was growing up, that was called "having good manners".
If it pleases me absolutely, but who decides what is offensive ? The word what aggravates me so you can't use it anymore.. do you see where shit like this can end ?

What is it you need to say?
Whatever I want whenever I want as long as it does not deprive life or liberties from others.

But yet you rail against other people objecting to what YOU say. How are you any different from them?

It is impossible to go through life without giving offense to someone, unless you never say anything to anyone. The only thing a person can do is to treat others the way YOU would like to be treated.

Yeah we don't do a lotta that in america do we. Notice how he's here where what he says can't be directly traced back to him. Quite a line in the "PC" sand.
The PC culture is slowly taking small chunks of our freedoms this will continue until nothing remains Those of us who believe in the Constitution need to fight against these intrusions by any means violently if necessary.

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
Benjamin Franklin

Publishers are hiring 'sensitivity readers' to flag potentially offensive content

What freedoms have you been deprived of by so-called PC?
Well I think we all know gorwing up in america that blacks are responsible for everything and whites are blameless in all. And really, as long as we have someone to blame, no one has to do anything and no one is responsible for this miserable excuse for a society.

You don't know shit about growing up in America if that is what you think. Growing up in America for MOST people was about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for ones actions, and the CONTENT of ones CHARACTER. The liberal agenda to divide the nation into small sects to blame each other for some perceived wrong by other groups is at the heart of PC, and is a complete fabrication. The facts are far from the ideas driven by PC, and statistically extremely devoid of factual evidence.

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