Library of evidence Donald J Trump won easily in 2020.

If you dont get the connection between unknown random people collecting bundled ballots at apartments and other drop sites and then unknown random people STUFFING "drop boxes" with FILLED out ballots -- then you dont have a prayer of understanding of what I wrote.

And you cannot even DEFEND unknown random people who might be PAID as "ballot harvesters".

So everyone NOW KNOWS -- you dont have a CLUE about ballots being LEGAL document requiring chain of custody and you dont GIVE A LOOSE CRAP about election security.. Good luck supporting the DISMANTLING of election security in this country.

I'll check back with you after the Nov election see how you did DEFENDING ALL this shit.. CLEARLY Americans in the majority dont agree with how your party wants to make identification of voters a crime. And make balloting more like cashing a mass mailed pizza coupon. So you're in some kind of FRINGE mentally challenged minority.
I’m sorry is some one witnessing this? This is the person moving threads around.. anyone home?
Too big a job to even attempt to educate you

Apparently Liz is out on a limb with this WSJ Op-Ed because you are holding onto evidence that will break this thing wide open. It is so fascinating. Can’t wait until you release the Kraken Kourt Kases.

The committee has found no evidence to back Trump's fraud claims, and she said the former president knows he's lying.
Almost all members of Congress know this — although many lack the courage to say it out loud," Cheney wrote. "Mr. Trump knew it too, from his own campaign officials, from his own appointees at the Justice Department, and from the dozens of lawsuits he lost. Yet, Mr. Trump ignored the rulings of the courts and launched a massive campaign to mislead the public."
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What would happen to a thread STILL alleging the "Russian Collusion" theory TODAY in the Mod Room? I dont' know. Haven't polled ALL the mods -- but good chance it would end up RIGHT HERE.

We've been thru all this . From the "Release the Kraken" madness to the My Pillow Guy and his "packets" that fell from the sky and all the jazz about Dominion and the machines --- NONE OF THAT WAS THE REASON for the doubt and post election forensics.. They focused on the LAX SECURITY AND chain of evidence in the HANDLING of the mail-ins. That's where there ARE GIANT questions and real EVIDENCE.

But this thread did not open THAT way did it? It's kinda a Kraken magnet I think.

Unlike the fairy tales you blobbers keep telling, the Mueller report (by the blob's own DOJ) as well as the US Senate (under Republican Control) both issued reports that documented several meetings between Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and Russian Intel officials where information was shared. It also details how Russian entities hacked the computers of Democratic Party officials. I'm sure you can't see the connection with your head being so far up your ass.
Unlike the fairy tales you blobbers keep telling, the Mueller report (by the blob's own DOJ) as well as the US Senate (under Republican Control) both issued reports that documented several meetings between Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and Russian Intel officials where information was shared. It also details how Russian entities hacked the computers of Democratic Party officials. I'm sure you can't see the connection with your head being so far up your ass.

Yeah. Manafort gave a Russian businessman some insight into PROPRIETARY RNC/Trump Campaign POLLING DATA. You make it sound like the codes to the nuclear football.

1/2 of our Fortune 500 companies developed ties with Russia since the Soviet Union collapsed. NOT A CRIME to have Russian friends and business partners.

And that wasn't even the BEST LIES in all that PHONY info our OWN FBI USED to get the keys to the NSA Spy Machine by LYING and misrepresentation to the FISA court and LEAKING false information to the media.

Even a blind acorn finds a squirrel occasionally CandyCrush.
the LAX SECURITY AND chain of evidence in the HANDLING of the mail-ins. That's where there ARE GIANT questions and real EVIDENCE.
If there is evidence it’s about time Trump knew about it and called the biggest press conference of his life.. But there ain’t any is there?
Yeah. Manafort gave a Russian businessman some insight into PROPRIETARY RNC/Trump Campaign POLLING DATA. You make it sound like the codes to the nuclear football.
I did? Don't recall writing anything about a nuke football.
1/2 of our Fortune 500 companies developed ties with Russia since the Soviet Union collapsed. NOT A CRIME to have Russian friends and business partners.
Sharing campaign data with Russian intel who, in turn, hacks your political opponent is a bit different than "friends and business partners"....

That is what always gets me about you conspiracy guys...

You see conspiracy everywhere until a real life one drops in your lap. But since it involves your cult's denied.
Why don't you ask the electoral people to
Please link all your evidence that trump won where we can easily reference. Google is not our friend. They will hide all evidence. As proof with former testimony from Google workers.
We all have daily evidence that Donald Trump
The election results were clear and have been validated by republicans. Biden was inaugurated yet you dickheads are still flogging a dead horse as if it was a communist plot. Wake up to yourselves. Trump is gone and will never be back.
You bleeding hearts do you cause more damage that good by wanting that idiot returned.
I did? Don't recall writing anything about a nuke football.

Sharing campaign data with Russian intel who, in turn, hacks your political opponent is a bit different than "friends and business partners"....

That is what always gets me about you conspiracy guys...

You see conspiracy everywhere until a real life one drops in your lap. But since it involves your cult's denied.

Who did the Russians hack? Hillary's emails came from FOIA and domestic investigations. Podesta's phone hack was because he didn't care to PROTECT it from hacking. Who LEAKED PODESTAs emails to the public CandyHorn?

There's no definitive evidence that ANYTHING was shared with the American public from RUSSIANS LEAKING IT. VOX agrees with me. Podesta had incompetent IT staff and really bad password control. Wasn't a super hacker by the name of "fancy Bear"...

To the IT team’s credit, they did send along a legitimate Google link — not the original phishing email’s link — to change Podesta’s password and instructed him to add two factor-authentication to his account for an added level of password security. But the legitimate Google link didn’t seem to make it to Podesta, and instead he must have used the “poisoned link,” giving his password to hackers and opening up his personal email to unwelcomed eyes.

Seems like high ranking Dems have SUPER LARGE issues with security and classified info handling. Must be their attention is on more important things like polling and focus groups and making it rain enough cash paybacks to choke an economy.

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