Libs are so insane that OPRAH is now an enemy because she said she was "HOPEFUL"


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Let that one marinate.....Libs have decided that OPRAH WINFREY is their enemy because she said she was "HOPEFUL" after seeing Obama and Trump meeting at the WHITE HOUSE.

They now HATE their African American FEMALE culture warrior.

Just awesome!
It's not news that conservatives think of Oprah is "the enemy", as they've always despised her. After all, she's an independent intelligent woman, so of course they hate her.

Liberals, no. It's only conservatives screaming that.

So, which of your cult masters fed you the kook story that liberals are saying that, and why did you fall for it?
It's not news that conservatives think of Oprah is "the enemy", as they've always despised her. After all, she's an independent intelligent woman, so of course they hate her.

Liberals, no. It's only conservatives screaming that.

So, which of your cult masters fed you the kook story that liberals are saying that, and why did you fall for it?

Oprah explains her controversial Trump tweet, calls for 'civility'

"Everybody take a deep breath! #HopeLives!" she tweeted about the president-elect's meeting with Obama, to the dismay of some of her followers, who slammed her for being sympathetic towards Trump.

The USA fucking jackass.
It's not news that conservatives think of Oprah is "the enemy", as they've always despised her. After all, she's an independent intelligent woman, so of course they hate her.

Liberals, no. It's only conservatives screaming that.

So, which of your cult masters fed you the kook story that liberals are saying that, and why did you fall for it?

Oprah explains her controversial Trump tweet, calls for 'civility'

"Everybody take a deep breath! #HopeLives!" she tweeted about the president-elect's meeting with Obama, to the dismay of some of her followers, who slammed her for being sympathetic towards Trump.

The USA fucking jackass.
Denial is all these idiots have.

there is no dealing with fuck nuts like that

some day the nasty infestation will have to be reduced
Here you guys go....

ABC this one carefully, MAMOOTH...

This is from that NEO-CON outlet.......ABC NEWS. :badgrin:

GOT DAM.....why are so many of you liberals so stupid? Don't you get tired of being wrong?

TOOTH...I don't accept your apology for being so fucking condescending while being so fucking wrong. Use this as a GROWING are not nearly as smart as you think you are.

Oprah Winfrey Explains Positive Donald Trump, Obama Tweet

Fans and other celebs reacted negatively to Winfrey's post, tweeting their disapproval.

"I'm stumped honestly. Want to assume she means something deep," wrote Shaun King, a New York Daily News columnist and Black Lives Matter activist.

Some others joked about this not being their "favorite thing."

And more got a bit nasty in voicing their displeasure.
I heard the libs this morning on the Stephanie Miller radio show losing their shit about it.

These folks are "Not my president" dyed in the wool libber radio show talkies, if you don't know who they are. I listen to it, or grab portions, most mornings on my commute. last wednesday was a funeral broadcast.

Today they were apoplectic about anyone, including Oprah, whose goal is not to oppose Trump on anything and everything for the next 4 years. just stunned that the big O would be anything but knives and bullets at the ready.

It is hilarious. they have learned nothing, NOTHING from this. LOL
Really . Cherry picked tweets . You can pick a freak out tweet on anything you want .
What happened to my buddy "MAMOOTH"?

It's not very liberal to talk a bunch of utter bullshit and then disappear when you are proven WRONG, is it?

Maybe that's exactly what it is....LIBERAL.
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5 mins away from boycotting everything associated with Oprah!
— Ms.T (@totallygreen03) November 12, 2016

Might be time for women to stop worshiping Oprah.
— kel (@viewtoakel) November 12, 2016

— GIGG Diesel (@shaqfromthejack) November 12, 2016

@angela_rye Who trusts Oprah anyway? I never did. She's a dandelion. Wherever the wind blows, she goes. Same with other hype chasers.
— Albert E. Russell (@chemrussell) November 12, 2016

Wellp. They took Oprah from us.
— Kodak White
(@GrandePadre_) November 12, 2016

@Oprah I'm with the 60million+ who did not vote for Trump
— Shirley Moore (@cocoanutcake) November 12, 2016

Might have to revoke Oprah's black/common sense license
— Ty (@tyrannusxwiz) November 12, 2016
I heard the libs this morning on the Stephanie Miller radio show losing their shit about it.

These folks are "Not my president" dyed in the wool libber radio show talkies, if you don't know who they are. I listen to it, or grab portions, most mornings on my commute. last wednesday was a funeral broadcast.

Today they were apoplectic about anyone, including Oprah, whose goal is not to oppose Trump on anything and everything for the next 4 years. just stunned that the big O would be anything but knives and bullets at the ready.

It is hilarious. they have learned nothing, NOTHING from this. LOL

They should DEFINITELY double down on their losing strategy.
Look at this HATEFUL woman, trying to unite America!

Democrats need to reject her.

Oprah, you are always welcome to become a conservative. We will show you love! :smiliehug:
It's not news that conservatives think of Oprah is "the enemy", as they've always despised her. After all, she's an independent intelligent woman, so of course they hate her.

Liberals, no. It's only conservatives screaming that.

So, which of your cult masters fed you the kook story that liberals are saying that, and why did you fall for it?

See how this asshole talked absolute SHIT and was 100% INCORRECT.

This is CLASSIC LIBERALISM. They are light on FACTS and heavy on the BULLSHIT.
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It's not news that conservatives think of Oprah is "the enemy", as they've always despised her. After all, she's an independent intelligent woman, so of course they hate her.

Liberals, no. It's only conservatives screaming that.

So, which of your cult masters fed you the kook story that liberals are saying that, and why did you fall for it?

What? I want names of cons hating Oprah? I personally have a lot of respect for her
What happened to my buddy "MAMOOTH"?

I'm here laughing hard at you,. loser. After all, only the biggest type of loser brags about how he has zero life outside of a message board. We get it. Your fat ass never leaves the chair, and you're proud of that. The whole concept of "work" is entirely alien to you.

Me, I never whine at people just because they don't stick around a thread. I understand that people have real lives. Well, most people. You, clearly not. Now, let's see, what exactly are you whining about? Let me go up and check. Oh, there it is.

In your OP, you lied big and claimed all liberals were saying Oprah was the enemy.

I called you out on that BS.

You couldn't back up that BS claim, so you backpedaled mightily, and linked to how a few people "showed disapproval" of Oprah. That's quite lame, trying to pretend that a few people "showing disapproval" means all liberals were saying Oprah was the enemy.

Angus, you got some 'splainin to do. Why did you lie, and why did you try to cover up the lie with more BS? Next time, when you're down in a liar-hole, stop digging.
Libs tarded out so badly on Oprah that she had to walk her comments back and specify that SHE is happy, she wasn't speaking for everyone.

Fucking Oprah....the left is so distraught they are attacking Oprah. :420:

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