Libs claim they never acted as if Obama was some kind of messiah to them.

Watch "Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be Next Messiah" on YouTube

The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such.

Libs claim they never acted as if Obama was some kind of messiah to them.


No moron, libs (as in the set of all liberals) never acted in concert on much of anything. Only the members of the hoi polloi conservative clan bleat together, vote together, walk the walk together and 'think' (belie that) believe the same as they drink the same sour grape Kool-Aid.
Watch "Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be Next Messiah" on YouTube

The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such.

Libs claim they never acted as if Obama was some kind of messiah to them.


No moron, libs (as in the set of all liberals) never acted in concert on much of anything. Only the members of the hoi polloi conservative clan bleat together, vote together, walk the walk together and 'think' (belie that) believe the same as they drink the same sour grape Kool-Aid.

yeah sure
I find your comment absurd. How did you come to this conclusion?

What part do you find absurd? That I was tired of Republican bungling? I know many of you conservatives never tire of it.

I say that Obama is similar to Bush, because he continued many of Bush's police state policies which I was hopeful that he would put an end to. Sadly, we still have the DHS, the TSA, domestic spying, and Gitmo.

You are then only person to ever call me a conservative. Frankly, I'm offended.

GWB was incompetent and authored the war on terror which is less successful than the war on drugs, which was even more absurd in practice than the invasion and occupation of Iraq [though an equal number of young Americans likely died as a result of both failed fiascos].

My apologies if I have incorrectly labeled you. I am in complete agreement with you regarding Bush's incompetence.
I think Obama is the one who wanted to be regarded as the new messiah. He talked of being the chosen one and made that comment about the earth healing or something to that effect. Matthews is the biggest worshipper of all with his tingling leg and talk about how Obama 'came to be amongst us.'

It's all insanity. Which publication took the picture where the light behind Obama resembles a halo around his head? There has been a lot of gushy nonsensical talk and it's certainly easy to get the impression that some really think he is holier than thou.
Flame thread. Right.

Nope, it's a thread about the op that seems to have upset some on the left. Just like EVERY OTHER thread that isnt pro Obama.

Take it as you will. They are Barbaras words not mine. :)

this isn't about obama gramps, it's about you saying liberals called obama their Messiah...

you are accusing liberals of calling obama their Messiah in the past and now reneging on it....

Liberals did not call obama their Messiah....rightwingers falsley SAY that liberals called obama Messiah.....

Now, you can say Liberals were quite pleased with no longer having a Bush in the Whitehouse or a republican in the whitehouse after the previous 8 years.....but no moreso than republicans being quite pleased when Bush, a republican, took the whitehouse over from clinton, a democrat....

Even if Hillary had won, the Dems would have been quite pleased with a sigh of relief that it was not another republican president, not another ''Bush''....or Bush was a LONG 8 years for most liberals with the repubs in the whitehouse....just as it may seem to those on the right, with dems/obama in the whitehouse

One of the hottest selling items at the Democratic National Convention is a 2013 calendar titled "Keep the Dream" that features 16 flattering photos of the First Family and their dogs. In honor of the President's birth month, a picture of Obama's birth certificate was used for August. The caption read "Heaven Sent" and proceeded to quote John 3:16 underneath.

[ame=]Jamie Foxx Calls Barack Obama Our "Lord And Savior" - YouTube[/ame]
Jamie Foxx Calls Barack Obama Our "Lord And Savior" .
Street vendors across downtown Charlotte are selling posters and artwork depicting President Obama as Jesus Christ and a fulfillment of prophecy.

One poster features an image of the president in prayer with the headline, “Prophecy Fulfilled.”

Obama Nativity Figurine Popular in Italian Shops | CNS News


Painting Depicts President Obama As Crucified Jesus Christ
Mmm, Mmmmm, Mmmmm!!
Some body was teaching these kids he was the messiah....

[ame=]School Kids Taught to Praise Obama - YouTube[/ame]
'Liberals think Obama is the Messiah'

The Echo-Chamber is actually the Rubber Room. Where these silly ideas bounce around endlessly. Occasionally someone opens window and they get out.

"Hey, you kids, Close that window"
[ame=]Obama Worship - YouTube[/ame]
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It was not just liberals that saw him as an icon. And I don't mean any disrespect when I use the word Icon. His campaign team successfully had many groups of people seeing him as a true change for the better. He was a young, intelligent articulate man of diversity and the antithesis of what we have seen since Kennedy. He was presented to the electorate as one who has no tolerance for partisanship; an open mind to social issues; and not part of the beltway click.

People were enamored by him.

He was the talk of the town, and thus why the right referred to him as the messiah of the left.
Faux made him the messiah & you boot lickers followed lock step . Oh poor repukes can not think for themselves .
[ame=]Parents of Indoctrinated Children in New Jersey Outraged over Barack Obama Worship Song - YouTube[/ame]
Principle of New Jersey school forced children to sing songs replacing Jesus' name with Obama's
Messiah or not ... I seem to recall a Time magazine cover ... all golden and glorious with ... rays of sunbeams? A glow of radiance? Whatever.

There are far better Blacks to look to as leaders and/or good role models than Barack Obama.
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

The Gospel According to Apostle Barack: In Search of a More Perfect Political Union as "Heaven Here on Earth" Paperback
Yes, Barack had worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people, especially those who elected him in 2008. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or "heaven here on earth" Then, as I began to contemplate ways to assist Barack in his 2012 re-election bid something miraculous happened. I felt God's (His) Spirit beckoning me in my dreams at night. Listening, cautiously, I learned that Jesus walked the earth to create a more civilized society, Martin (Luther King) walked the earth to create a more justified society, but, Apostle Barack, the name he was called in my dreams, would walk the earth to create a more equalized society, for the middle class and working poor. Apostle Barack, the next young leader with a new cause, had been taken to the mountaintop and allowed to see over the other side. He had the answers to unlock the kingdom of "heaven here on earth" for his followers. The answers were repeated - over and over - in speeches Barack had made from his presidential announcement to his inaugural address. Those speeches or his teachings contained the answers to the middle class and working poor people living in a "heaven here on earth" For when the answers were unlocked and enacted, Apostle Barack's vision of America would be realized.
[ame=]The Gospel According to Apostle Barack: In Search of a More Perfect Political Union as "Heaven Here on Earth": Barbara A. Thompson: 9781468587029: Books[/ame]

[ame=]Rep. Steve Cohen, Scum of the earth, compares Obama to Jesus - YouTube[/ame]
Louis Farrakhan – the hero of the Million Man March that Obama attended rather like unto Jesus seeking John the Baptist for baptism in the Jordan – said of his savior:“You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.”
Again we have a perfect example of how the Right lies! A perfect example of why you can never trust any "quote" from the Right, who always edit all quotes to change their context.

Farrakhan clearly called Obama the "HERALD" of the Messiah and NOT the Messiah itself!!!!!!

"Brothers and sisters, Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way."
- Louis Farrakhan, Saviours’ Day2008
Louis Farrakhan – the hero of the Million Man March that Obama attended rather like unto Jesus seeking John the Baptist for baptism in the Jordan – said of his savior:“You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.”
Again we have a perfect example of how the Right lies! A perfect example of why you can never trust any "quote" from the Right, who always edit all quotes to change their context.

Farrakhan clearly called Obama the "HERALD" of the Messiah and NOT the Messiah itself!!!!!!

"Brothers and sisters, Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way."
- Louis Farrakhan, Saviours’ Day2008

her·ald/ˈhɛrəld/ Show Spelled [her-uhld] Show IPA
a person or thing that precedes or comes before; forerunner; harbinger: the returning swallows, those heralds of spring.

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