Libs claim they never acted as if Obama was some kind of messiah to them.

Why not show more than one Liberal, Left winger, or democrat on this forum ever calling or referring to Obama as the "messiah"? Start with me, I'm a Liberal and have thousands of posts on this forum, then try the other forum I belonged to and find even ONE where I referred to him as such...................
Since you "folks" like to generalize so much about "The Libruls", why not start right here? :)

I created this thread and it isn't about us on this forum. Plenty of evidence has been given to prove beyond any doubt that the media desperately tried to portray Obama as something he clearly wasn't.

And that's something new? Please don't make me reach in my Bush Bag. Don't make me pull up all the video of a doddering Reagan who was so fried from Alzheimer's and yet the press kept their distance and hid the truth from us. Don't make me explain how Monica Lewinsky was not the first tart to blow a sitting POTUS. Please.
And that's something new? Please don't make me reach in my Bush Bag. Don't make me pull up all the video of a doddering Reagan who was so fried from Alzheimer's and yet the press kept their distance and hid the truth from us. Don't make me explain how Monica Lewinsky was not the first tart to blow a sitting POTUS. Please.

Wonderful to hear from someone who was standing close enough to inform us that Clinton was not standing at the time.
Why not show more than one Liberal, Left winger, or democrat on this forum ever calling or referring to Obama as the "messiah"? Start with me, I'm a Liberal and have thousands of posts on this forum, then try the other forum I belonged to and find even ONE where I referred to him as such...................
Since you "folks" like to generalize so much about "The Libruls", why not start right here? :)

I don't recall seeing anywhere in this thread or the other one the claim that all liberals did. But for you to deny that there weren't a large number of people in the media, and Dems, that tried to portray him as some type of messiah, then you are just refusing to open your eyes.

Please refer to this reply:

What definition of "messiah" are you using, the "Jesus" one or another definition?

to some he was the chosen one, to others, he could all but walk on water.
Louis Farrakhan – the hero of the Million Man March that Obama attended rather like unto Jesus seeking John the Baptist for baptism in the Jordan – said of his savior:“You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.”
Again we have a perfect example of how the Right lies! A perfect example of why you can never trust any "quote" from the Right, who always edit all quotes to change their context.

Farrakhan clearly called Obama the "HERALD" of the Messiah and NOT the Messiah itself!!!!!!

"Brothers and sisters, Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way."
- Louis Farrakhan, Saviours’ Day2008

When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.

NO lie there pissant. He called him the Messiah twice in the quote I furnished.
I don't recall seeing anywhere in this thread or the other one the claim that all liberals did. But for you to deny that there weren't a large number of people in the media, and Dems, that tried to portray him as some type of messiah, then you are just refusing to open your eyes.

Please refer to this reply:

What definition of "messiah" are you using, the "Jesus" one or another definition?

to some he was the chosen one, to others, he could all but walk on water.

Well, "some" is a more accurate and intelligent way to put it. I just think it's unintelligent and inaccurate to make a blanket generalization about "the Libruls", only to look pretty silly when one can't even back up their blanket generalizations about "The Libruls" when there are plenty on this very forum. I have yet to see anyone provide an example of even a large minority of "them" saying such things. :)
Why not show more than one Liberal, Left winger, or democrat on this forum ever calling or referring to Obama as the "messiah"? Start with me, I'm a Liberal and have thousands of posts on this forum, then try the other forum I belonged to and find even ONE where I referred to him as such...................
Since you "folks" like to generalize so much about "The Libruls", why not start right here? :)

I created this thread and it isn't about us on this forum. Plenty of evidence has been given to prove beyond any doubt that the media desperately tried to portray Obama as something he clearly wasn't.

Well, maybe I misunderstood the context of both your title and your closing line?

" Libs claim they never acted as if Obama was some kind of messiah to them."

You made a blanket generalization above, what other way can someone interpret that? If I said that "conservatives are racists", that's a pretty unfair and inaccurate blanket generalization, I am sure that I would be rightly called to task for that.

"The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such."
Who were you "talking" to here? It would seem to me that you were directing this towards the Liberal members of this forum.

If the shoe fits wear it, if not discard it. Problem solved
I think it's hilarious that right wingers who make these threads cry and sob like frightened babies when I quote their policies. Then they wail, "Why are you so mean to Republicans, WAHHHHH!".
Watch "Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be Next Messiah" on YouTube

The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such.

See this is how some people look like idiots; they take the comments of one or a few people and then assign it to a whole group of people. I'm a Liberal and I never thought that Obama was a "messiah", my wife is a Liberal and is a fan of Obama, she never said that he was a "messiah", numerous friends and associates of mine voted for Obama and guess what; I never heard them refer to him as their "messiah".

Actions speak louder than words. The names are changed but the message comes through.
See this is how some people look like idiots; they take the comments of one or a few people and then assign it to a whole group of people. I'm a Liberal and I never thought that Obama was a "messiah", my wife is a Liberal and is a fan of Obama, she never said that he was a "messiah", numerous friends and associates of mine voted for Obama and guess what; I never heard them refer to him as their "messiah".

This should be properly documented. Rare that Alzheimer's strike both members of a couple simultaneously.
Total Pubcrappe...ay caramba....amazing how much those idiot greedy billionnaires can put out- and the dupes can believe....READ SOMETHING. START WITH MY SIG, MORE FACT THAN years of Rush etc etc....
Watch "Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be Next Messiah" on YouTube

The truth is out in the open now so you can stop pretending you didn't look upon him as such.

Anyone who doubts the slavish affections the left poured onto Obama should watch how he is greeted at a Barnes & Noble store in NYC (I think) where he discusses Bill Ayers book, "Dreams From My Father."

Here is a link to the video of that event in 2004.

Book Discussion on [Dreams From My Father] - C-SPAN Video Library

And as you watch it keep in mind he is lying about his authorship of the book he is there to discuss and claim he wrote.

And he is adored by the crowd. Virtually worshipped.

He is THE worst kind of con man.

He has no 'tells.'

A tell in poker is a change in a player's behavior or demeanor that is claimed by some to give clues to that player's assessment of their hand. A player gains an advantage if they observe and understand the meaning of another player's tell, particularly if the tell is unconscious and reliable. Sometimes a player may fake a tell, hoping to induce their opponents to make poor judgments in response to the false tell. More often, people try to avoid giving out a tell, by maintaining a poker face regardless of how strong or weak their hand is.
Louis Farrakhan – the hero of the Million Man March that Obama attended rather like unto Jesus seeking John the Baptist for baptism in the Jordan – said of his savior:“You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.”
Again we have a perfect example of how the Right lies! A perfect example of why you can never trust any "quote" from the Right, who always edit all quotes to change their context.

Farrakhan clearly called Obama the "HERALD" of the Messiah and NOT the Messiah itself!!!!!!

"Brothers and sisters, Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way."
- Louis Farrakhan, Saviours’ Day2008

When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.

NO lie there pissant. He called him the Messiah twice in the quote I furnished.

He said no such thing in your HALF quote. He said Messiah was speaking not Obama was Messiah. In the whole quote he said Obama was the "HERALD" of the Messiah clearly establishing that the herald/Obama and the Messiah were two different entities, which is why the dishonest Right edited the full quote.

In fact, later in the speech he specifically says Obama is not the Messiah!!!!!!!

“The future is all about you, all about youth. You have to make decisions for your life, and you have to be informed to make the right decision. If the future is all about you individually, you plural, and it’s all about youth. The man that we call ‘The Saviour’ was born of the two people,” a Black father and a White Mother. ”

Sen. Obama “is not the Messiah for sure, but anytime, he gives you a sign of uniting races, ethnic groups, ideologies, religions and makes people feel a sense of oneness, that’s not necessarily Satan’s work, that is I believe the work of God."
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a's a duck!
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a's a duck!

But a failed Messiah ain't much of a Messiah. On that account those slavish libs are as so many rats upon discovering that the ship, she is sinking (Francophone rats?)!

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