Libs declare war on jerry Seinfeld

This is about his show 20 years ago? Or something current? If we're gonna raise current objections to old tv shows how about we go after Archie Bunker while we're at it? :)

It's about a current project. Seinfeld said that his only criteria he was looking for in a comedian candidate was being funny. That's racist.
racism is racism.

why does the right ALWAYS knee jerk defend any racist thing?
There are lots of stories attacking Seinfeld, this was just one example I posted. Libs are very upset at him.

They are upset with him because he won't promote the values of the church of LGBT. It's that and NOT race they are upset about. Race and the church of LGBT couldn't be farther apart intellectually.

If I was black or hispanic etc., I'd be very angry about being compared to anal sex.

Most networks are being bought out by gay activists or their money at least. The Daily Show suffered similarly when Jon Stewart went on a rampage for about a year and a half rabidly promoting gay stuff. His "funny" factor dropped off dramatically and so did his ratings. Comedians who adopt a rigid PC role and who don't practice equal-opportunity parody are no longer comedians and should get out of the business. They simply aren't funny anymore.
Seinfeld will have to produce a show within the year with a large black/hispanic cast or be fined 10% of his Seinfeld show money....

NAACP says that's not good enough... they want Jerry to tape an apology that will
start every show that will have him admitting he's a racist and he asks forgiveness.


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