Libs playing fast and loose with COVID 19 numbers

Here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, they have been doing death-harvesting, reassigning deaths from other causes to the Wuhan Flu.

Franklin County went from no deaths to 10 overnight, even though the coroner knows nothing about them and the coroner is required to be notified. Similarly, the Mercer County coroner knows nothing about death reported here for COVID, he was never told.

blah,blahblah! The truth is all these numbers are estiamates and not very good ones because we do not have adequate testing. Quit acting like estimations are written in stone they are estimations and any one who is an adult should realize this. To pu it simply no one knows at this point what the real numbers are.
The one thing we know is that when in doubt, if there is any chance, BLAME IT ON COVID. Based on this and numerous other incidences, the safe bet is that the real number of deaths from Covid is like lt much closer to only 25,000.
it is all a fucking guess at this point. I do not like making estimates based on next to no reliable data. I think what needs to be done here is similar to what is required in the aprraisal reporting regulations. In that area you state the case for your value estimation and then there is a a reporting reqirement where you must explain the strength of your data. There were times when I would have to appraise a property in a small village where there had not been a sale in eight years. i would give a value based on best evidence and then go on to explain that the evidence basically sucks so buyer beware. That is where we are on these estimations at this point all estimates are buyer beware.
it's how they do all other deaths. why do you think you need something different here? every h1n1 death was an estimate.
I think we need some thing different because the average person does not know that these are estimations being thrown around. If we require the scientists to explain the strength in thier data estimates people will not be walking around vewing estimates as facts. Do you not think people would understand what is going on better if the scientists explained how early on we are and how much we realy do not know or is the public to big of babies to deal with it? I feel we can deal with it and I would like to be deciding my own risks and planning how to mitigate them while knowing how good the estimations are. We could avoid a lot of arguing and make better plans if we realy understood what is known. Right now people seem to be from the sky is falling to no problem here, we should be some where in between.
well they said so on TV. they said "probable" whatever the hell that even means. In other words, if someone died, it must be wuhan caused. 3700 deaths were added to NY. due to that statement.
Here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, they have been doing death-harvesting, reassigning deaths from other causes to the Wuhan Flu.

Franklin County went from no deaths to 10 overnight, even though the coroner knows nothing about them and the coroner is required to be notified. Similarly, the Mercer County coroner knows nothing about death reported here for COVID, he was never told.

blah,blahblah! The truth is all these numbers are estiamates and not very good ones because we do not have adequate testing. Quit acting like estimations are written in stone they are estimations and any one who is an adult should realize this. To pu it simply no one knows at this point what the real numbers are.
The one thing we know is that when in doubt, if there is any chance, BLAME IT ON COVID. Based on this and numerous other incidences, the safe bet is that the real number of deaths from Covid is like lt much closer to only 25,000.
it is all a fucking guess at this point. I do not like making estimates based on next to no reliable data. I think what needs to be done here is similar to what is required in the aprraisal reporting regulations. In that area you state the case for your value estimation and then there is a a reporting reqirement where you must explain the strength of your data. There were times when I would have to appraise a property in a small village where there had not been a sale in eight years. i would give a value based on best evidence and then go on to explain that the evidence basically sucks so buyer beware. That is where we are on these estimations at this point all estimates are buyer beware.

Its a guess as to how many people will be dead from this by August based on models.

But if they are already deceased, we should have a firm number, not a "guess"
ya, if you belive crime shows that results come back that quick. They do not come back very quick. How many coroners do you have in your county. I can not seem to find a stat on how many man hours are in a typical autopsy but lets just say we had a 100 deaths in your county in a week how many man hours would thaqt be and how many labs would have to be sent out to determine the exact cause of death. I have heard of law suites where it tooks six months in some cases to determine a single cause of death. The stats we are seeing at this point are based on preliminary reports.

The coroner and his staff doesn't have to do an autopsy on every one who dies to determine "cause of death" Most folks don't get autopsies. If there is a law suit, sure they are going to do it, a lot of money on stake
I'm still waiting for one fact.

I do know that Chicago spent 20 million dollars to convert the McCormick Place Auditorium to a hospital last month and through right now, hasn't seen one patient.
I work for a hospital and we get notices daily of new cases and deaths. It’s funny to get a notification and then go home at night and see the local news media report numbers 20/30 cases higher.

they sure are invested in fear porn.

Yea they are just making this shit up, the next right wing propaganda will be Democrats created this virus.
I work for a hospital and we get notices daily of new cases and deaths. It’s funny to get a notification and then go home at night and see the local news media report numbers 20/30 cases higher.

they sure are invested in fear porn.

Yea they are just making this shit up, the next right wing propaganda will be Democrats created this virus.
no China did. but thanks for asking.
Science should never be used for calculating facts. If we are not careful people will demand math is believed. All loyal tea bagger trumpoholics know science and math can never be trusted.
Science should never be used for calculating facts. If we are not careful people will demand math is believed. All loyal tea bagger trumpoholics know science and math can never be trusted.
Science doesn’t keep you loons from claiming multiple genders....or denying basic biology.
There was a guy killed in an auto accident in Jacksonville about a month ago. He was t-boned on the driver's side and was dead at the scene.

However, since he had previously tested positive for Covid-19, his was reported as a Covid-19 related death...

Not that we don't believe you, could you post his name?
Here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, they have been doing death-harvesting, reassigning deaths from other causes to the Wuhan Flu.

Franklin County went from no deaths to 10 overnight, even though the coroner knows nothing about them and the coroner is required to be notified. Similarly, the Mercer County coroner knows nothing about death reported here for COVID, he was never told.

blah,blahblah! The truth is all these numbers are estiamates and not very good ones because we do not have adequate testing. Quit acting like estimations are written in stone they are estimations and any one who is an adult should realize this. To pu it simply no one knows at this point what the real numbers are.
The one thing we know is that when in doubt, if there is any chance, BLAME IT ON COVID. Based on this and numerous other incidences, the safe bet is that the real number of deaths from Covid is like lt much closer to only 25,000.
it is all a fucking guess at this point. I do not like making estimates based on next to no reliable data. I think what needs to be done here is similar to what is required in the aprraisal reporting regulations. In that area you state the case for your value estimation and then there is a a reporting reqirement where you must explain the strength of your data. There were times when I would have to appraise a property in a small village where there had not been a sale in eight years. i would give a value based on best evidence and then go on to explain that the evidence basically sucks so buyer beware. That is where we are on these estimations at this point all estimates are buyer beware.
it's how they do all other deaths. why do you think you need something different here? every h1n1 death was an estimate.
I think we need some thing different because the average person does not know that these are estimations being thrown around. If we require the scientists to explain the strength in thier data estimates people will not be walking around vewing estimates as facts. Do you not think people would understand what is going on better if the scientists explained how early on we are and how much we realy do not know or is the public to big of babies to deal with it? I feel we can deal with it and I would like to be deciding my own risks and planning how to mitigate them while knowing how good the estimations are. We could avoid a lot of arguing and make better plans if we realy understood what is known. Right now people seem to be from the sky is falling to no problem here, we should be some where in between.
well they said so on TV. they said "probable" whatever the hell that even means. In other words, if someone died, it must be wuhan caused. 3700 deaths were added to NY. due to that statement.
I am sure they had some requirements to make such a determination but those requirements are changing and again based on preliminary reports it will take months to accurately determine the true cuase of the death. Hell it was not to long ago we figured out how this shit kills you. The truth is we do not know even one millionth of what we will know in a years time currently. It's just the way it is and it is realy no ones fault just the human condition at this point.Maybe with AI we become quicker and also maybe AI just decides we suck and kills us. Welcome to this thing we call life.
There was a guy killed in an auto accident in Jacksonville about a month ago. He was t-boned on the driver's side and was dead at the scene.

However, since he had previously tested positive for Covid-19, his was reported as a Covid-19 related death...

Not that we don't believe you, could you post his name?

It was a report on the local Jax radio station (WOKV-104.5FM). I certainly don't recall the victim's name...
I work for a hospital and we get notices daily of new cases and deaths. It’s funny to get a notification and then go home at night and see the local news media report numbers 20/30 cases higher.

they sure are invested in fear porn.

You should post dates and time for such. It would make you sound credible.
I might if I cared what you thought. Since I don’t...
So, you're a liar.
Here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, they have been doing death-harvesting, reassigning deaths from other causes to the Wuhan Flu.

Franklin County went from no deaths to 10 overnight, even though the coroner knows nothing about them and the coroner is required to be notified. Similarly, the Mercer County coroner knows nothing about death reported here for COVID, he was never told.

I expected no less and no more from the inherently crooked and dishonest assholes. Whenever they open their mouths, they're lying. That much you can take to the bank.
Here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, they have been doing death-harvesting, reassigning deaths from other causes to the Wuhan Flu.

Franklin County went from no deaths to 10 overnight, even though the coroner knows nothing about them and the coroner is required to be notified. Similarly, the Mercer County coroner knows nothing about death reported here for COVID, he was never told.

blah,blahblah! The truth is all these numbers are estiamates and not very good ones because we do not have adequate testing. Quit acting like estimations are written in stone they are estimations and any one who is an adult should realize this. To pu it simply no one knows at this point what the real numbers are.
The one thing we know is that when in doubt, if there is any chance, BLAME IT ON COVID. Based on this and numerous other incidences, the safe bet is that the real number of deaths from Covid is like lt much closer to only 25,000.
it is all a fucking guess at this point. I do not like making estimates based on next to no reliable data. I think what needs to be done here is similar to what is required in the aprraisal reporting regulations. In that area you state the case for your value estimation and then there is a a reporting reqirement where you must explain the strength of your data. There were times when I would have to appraise a property in a small village where there had not been a sale in eight years. i would give a value based on best evidence and then go on to explain that the evidence basically sucks so buyer beware. That is where we are on these estimations at this point all estimates are buyer beware.
it's how they do all other deaths. why do you think you need something different here? every h1n1 death was an estimate.
I think we need some thing different because the average person does not know that these are estimations being thrown around. If we require the scientists to explain the strength in thier data estimates people will not be walking around vewing estimates as facts. Do you not think people would understand what is going on better if the scientists explained how early on we are and how much we realy do not know or is the public to big of babies to deal with it? I feel we can deal with it and I would like to be deciding my own risks and planning how to mitigate them while knowing how good the estimations are. We could avoid a lot of arguing and make better plans if we realy understood what is known. Right now people seem to be from the sky is falling to no problem here, we should be some where in between.
well they said so on TV. they said "probable" whatever the hell that even means. In other words, if someone died, it must be wuhan caused. 3700 deaths were added to NY. due to that statement.
I am sure they had some requirements to make such a determination but those requirements are changing and again based on preliminary reports it will take months to accurately determine the true cuase of the death. Hell it was not to long ago we figured out how this shit kills you. The truth is we do not know even one millionth of what we will know in a years time currently. It's just the way it is and it is realy no ones fault just the human condition at this point.Maybe with AI we become quicker and also maybe AI just decides we suck and kills us. Welcome to this thing we call life.
you're still missing the details of fact, 30 million have lost their jobs, confined to their homes, for less than .001 deaths in the country. It is my expert opinion that 30 million is greater than 30 thousand, and it's time to open up the country and let the herd immunity begin. the number of deaths was far to great staying inside. what a flop and disgusting.

Also, the gestation is 14 days, we've had it here for over 60 days, the spread is done, you should actually learn how this all works. I know the governors don't. If you got it and didn't know it, you can't get it again. The experts said that. so if all 330 million are exposed as you feel they have been because you want to test them, than 30 days ago, the spread was dead. That's just fact.
There was a guy killed in an auto accident in Jacksonville about a month ago. He was t-boned on the driver's side and was dead at the scene.

However, since he had previously tested positive for Covid-19, his was reported as a Covid-19 related death...

Not that we don't believe you, could you post his name?

It was a report on the local Jax radio station (WOKV-104.5FM). I certainly don't recall the victim's name...
Your information comes from "talk radio?" That sounds credible. :icon_rolleyes:
Here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, they have been doing death-harvesting, reassigning deaths from other causes to the Wuhan Flu.

Franklin County went from no deaths to 10 overnight, even though the coroner knows nothing about them and the coroner is required to be notified. Similarly, the Mercer County coroner knows nothing about death reported here for COVID, he was never told.

blah,blahblah! The truth is all these numbers are estiamates and not very good ones because we do not have adequate testing. Quit acting like estimations are written in stone they are estimations and any one who is an adult should realize this. To pu it simply no one knows at this point what the real numbers are.
The one thing we know is that when in doubt, if there is any chance, BLAME IT ON COVID. Based on this and numerous other incidences, the safe bet is that the real number of deaths from Covid is like lt much closer to only 25,000.
it is all a fucking guess at this point. I do not like making estimates based on next to no reliable data. I think what needs to be done here is similar to what is required in the aprraisal reporting regulations. In that area you state the case for your value estimation and then there is a a reporting reqirement where you must explain the strength of your data. There were times when I would have to appraise a property in a small village where there had not been a sale in eight years. i would give a value based on best evidence and then go on to explain that the evidence basically sucks so buyer beware. That is where we are on these estimations at this point all estimates are buyer beware.
it's how they do all other deaths. why do you think you need something different here? every h1n1 death was an estimate.
I think we need some thing different because the average person does not know that these are estimations being thrown around. If we require the scientists to explain the strength in thier data estimates people will not be walking around vewing estimates as facts. Do you not think people would understand what is going on better if the scientists explained how early on we are and how much we realy do not know or is the public to big of babies to deal with it? I feel we can deal with it and I would like to be deciding my own risks and planning how to mitigate them while knowing how good the estimations are. We could avoid a lot of arguing and make better plans if we realy understood what is known. Right now people seem to be from the sky is falling to no problem here, we should be some where in between.
well they said so on TV. they said "probable" whatever the hell that even means. In other words, if someone died, it must be wuhan caused. 3700 deaths were added to NY. due to that statement.
I am sure they had some requirements to make such a determination but those requirements are changing and again based on preliminary reports it will take months to accurately determine the true cuase of the death. Hell it was not to long ago we figured out how this shit kills you. The truth is we do not know even one millionth of what we will know in a years time currently. It's just the way it is and it is realy no ones fault just the human condition at this point.Maybe with AI we become quicker and also maybe AI just decides we suck and kills us. Welcome to this thing we call life.
you're still missing the details of fact, 30 million have lost their jobs, confined to their homes, for less than .001 deaths in the country. It is my expert opinion that 30 million is greater than 30 thousand, and it's time to open up the country and let the herd immunity begin. the number of deaths was far to great staying inside. what a flop and disgusting.

Also, the gestation is 14 days, we've had it here for over 60 days, the spread is done, you should actually learn how this all works. I know the governors don't.

As of yesterday, 41,758 AMERICANS died because the asswipePINO failed to act. And you don't think that a big deal?
I work for a hospital and we get notices daily of new cases and deaths. It’s funny to get a notification and then go home at night and see the local news media report numbers 20/30 cases higher.

they sure are invested in fear porn.

You should post dates and time for such. It would make you sound credible.
I might if I cared what you thought. Since I don’t...
So, you're a liar.
I realize lefties think they should all be catered too. didn’t start caring between the last time you asked and now.
Here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, they have been doing death-harvesting, reassigning deaths from other causes to the Wuhan Flu.

Franklin County went from no deaths to 10 overnight, even though the coroner knows nothing about them and the coroner is required to be notified. Similarly, the Mercer County coroner knows nothing about death reported here for COVID, he was never told.

blah,blahblah! The truth is all these numbers are estiamates and not very good ones because we do not have adequate testing. Quit acting like estimations are written in stone they are estimations and any one who is an adult should realize this. To pu it simply no one knows at this point what the real numbers are.
The one thing we know is that when in doubt, if there is any chance, BLAME IT ON COVID. Based on this and numerous other incidences, the safe bet is that the real number of deaths from Covid is like lt much closer to only 25,000.
it is all a fucking guess at this point. I do not like making estimates based on next to no reliable data. I think what needs to be done here is similar to what is required in the aprraisal reporting regulations. In that area you state the case for your value estimation and then there is a a reporting reqirement where you must explain the strength of your data. There were times when I would have to appraise a property in a small village where there had not been a sale in eight years. i would give a value based on best evidence and then go on to explain that the evidence basically sucks so buyer beware. That is where we are on these estimations at this point all estimates are buyer beware.
it's how they do all other deaths. why do you think you need something different here? every h1n1 death was an estimate.
I think we need some thing different because the average person does not know that these are estimations being thrown around. If we require the scientists to explain the strength in thier data estimates people will not be walking around vewing estimates as facts. Do you not think people would understand what is going on better if the scientists explained how early on we are and how much we realy do not know or is the public to big of babies to deal with it? I feel we can deal with it and I would like to be deciding my own risks and planning how to mitigate them while knowing how good the estimations are. We could avoid a lot of arguing and make better plans if we realy understood what is known. Right now people seem to be from the sky is falling to no problem here, we should be some where in between.
well they said so on TV. they said "probable" whatever the hell that even means. In other words, if someone died, it must be wuhan caused. 3700 deaths were added to NY. due to that statement.
I am sure they had some requirements to make such a determination but those requirements are changing and again based on preliminary reports it will take months to accurately determine the true cuase of the death. Hell it was not to long ago we figured out how this shit kills you. The truth is we do not know even one millionth of what we will know in a years time currently. It's just the way it is and it is realy no ones fault just the human condition at this point.Maybe with AI we become quicker and also maybe AI just decides we suck and kills us. Welcome to this thing we call life.
you're still missing the details of fact, 30 million have lost their jobs, confined to their homes, for less than .001 deaths in the country. It is my expert opinion that 30 million is greater than 30 thousand, and it's time to open up the country and let the herd immunity begin. the number of deaths was far to great staying inside. what a flop and disgusting.

Also, the gestation is 14 days, we've had it here for over 60 days, the spread is done, you should actually learn how this all works. I know the governors don't. If you got it and didn't know it, you can't get it again. The experts said that. so if all 330 million are exposed as you feel they have been because you want to test them, than 30 days ago, the spread was dead. That's just fact.
We are still arguing on how many days it lives on a surface. Ya I know the economic impact, I am feeling it as we speak. It boils down to this , we have quarinteened in the past and we are now doing it again. It is one of the tools we have in the tool belt. Are they right to have done so I do not fucking know and neighter do they. All I got to say is it is a good time to not be in charge I am glad I am not making the decisions. None of the options in our tool belt right now are good ones. For me I feel like I would rather be out and running but I do not get sick often.
Here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, they have been doing death-harvesting, reassigning deaths from other causes to the Wuhan Flu.

Franklin County went from no deaths to 10 overnight, even though the coroner knows nothing about them and the coroner is required to be notified. Similarly, the Mercer County coroner knows nothing about death reported here for COVID, he was never told.

blah,blahblah! The truth is all these numbers are estiamates and not very good ones because we do not have adequate testing. Quit acting like estimations are written in stone they are estimations and any one who is an adult should realize this. To pu it simply no one knows at this point what the real numbers are.
The one thing we know is that when in doubt, if there is any chance, BLAME IT ON COVID. Based on this and numerous other incidences, the safe bet is that the real number of deaths from Covid is like lt much closer to only 25,000.
it is all a fucking guess at this point. I do not like making estimates based on next to no reliable data. I think what needs to be done here is similar to what is required in the aprraisal reporting regulations. In that area you state the case for your value estimation and then there is a a reporting reqirement where you must explain the strength of your data. There were times when I would have to appraise a property in a small village where there had not been a sale in eight years. i would give a value based on best evidence and then go on to explain that the evidence basically sucks so buyer beware. That is where we are on these estimations at this point all estimates are buyer beware.
it's how they do all other deaths. why do you think you need something different here? every h1n1 death was an estimate.
I think we need some thing different because the average person does not know that these are estimations being thrown around. If we require the scientists to explain the strength in thier data estimates people will not be walking around vewing estimates as facts. Do you not think people would understand what is going on better if the scientists explained how early on we are and how much we realy do not know or is the public to big of babies to deal with it? I feel we can deal with it and I would like to be deciding my own risks and planning how to mitigate them while knowing how good the estimations are. We could avoid a lot of arguing and make better plans if we realy understood what is known. Right now people seem to be from the sky is falling to no problem here, we should be some where in between.
well they said so on TV. they said "probable" whatever the hell that even means. In other words, if someone died, it must be wuhan caused. 3700 deaths were added to NY. due to that statement.
I am sure they had some requirements to make such a determination but those requirements are changing and again based on preliminary reports it will take months to accurately determine the true cuase of the death. Hell it was not to long ago we figured out how this shit kills you. The truth is we do not know even one millionth of what we will know in a years time currently. It's just the way it is and it is realy no ones fault just the human condition at this point.Maybe with AI we become quicker and also maybe AI just decides we suck and kills us. Welcome to this thing we call life.
you're still missing the details of fact, 30 million have lost their jobs, confined to their homes, for less than .001 deaths in the country. It is my expert opinion that 30 million is greater than 30 thousand, and it's time to open up the country and let the herd immunity begin. the number of deaths was far to great staying inside. what a flop and disgusting.

Also, the gestation is 14 days, we've had it here for over 60 days, the spread is done, you should actually learn how this all works. I know the governors don't.

As of yesterday, 41,758 AMERICANS died because the asswipePINO failed to act. And you don't think that a big deal?

88,000 people croak EVERY year in America due to booze. Several times that many assume room temperature because of cigarettes. Should America shut down those industries to "save lives"? I don't think so, because a lot of people like to have an adult beverage or puff on a pell mell. Same here, let the people risk it if they want to. If you disagree, you can stay hermetically sealed inside your home with masks and cans of lysol until judgment day for all I care
they just said they furloughed nurses for Children's hospital in Chicago, and we have McCormick place all set up to handle its overflow. But What? 20 million dollars for that conversion and they're now furloughing? Only a leftist enjoys this kind of news and would prefer more nurses get laid off.
There was a guy killed in an auto accident in Jacksonville about a month ago. He was t-boned on the driver's side and was dead at the scene.

However, since he had previously tested positive for Covid-19, his was reported as a Covid-19 related death...

Not that we don't believe you, could you post his name?

It was a report on the local Jax radio station (WOKV-104.5FM). I certainly don't recall the victim's name...
Your information comes from "talk radio?" That sounds credible. :icon_rolleyes:
so you don't think radio stations report news? weather? fk dude, guess what, they do!!! especially local fking news. what the fk is so wrong with you?

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