Libs: You don't get to brag about Obama keeping us out of wars


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Time and time again; I see this talking point; that Obama is keeping us out of war. This is used as some sort of contrast between Romney and Obama. One big f'ing problem. We're still in Afghanistan for all of his term and we're still doing drone attacks all over the Middle East.
Well, sonny, Obama is just trying to clean up Boy George's mess - while whacking the evildoers and keeping America safe. It ain't rocket science...
No__ If he wanted to troops out of Afghanistan, he could get the troops on a plane. It ain't rocket science.
Well, sonny, Obama is just trying to clean up Boy George's mess....

....And, NO one fucks-up worse than....

Time and time again; I see this talking point; that Obama is keeping us out of war.

Could you show us where you see that "time and time again" please?

Because try as I might I cannot remember anyone saying that.
Besides cleaning up after the Bush debacles in Afghanistan and Iraq how many invasions and occupations has the CoC ordered?
I seem to recall that most complaints from the 'nuts around here regarding Libya were that Obama was leaving too much up to the Europeans, or our NATO allies.

I guess you're disappointed that he didn't take your advice and go in there unilaterally guns blazing, so now you'd be able to flip flop and accuse him of starting another war.
I heard a mind boggling interview with McCain this morning on Morning Joe,

about Afghanistan, McCain first said, if he'd been president he'd probably have had us out of there by now,

then, when he was asked but what would he do now, he said he'd ask the generals how many more troops they needed.

That's the nut we could have been suffering for 4 years with.
Time and time again; I see this talking point; that Obama is keeping us out of war. This is used as some sort of contrast between Romney and Obama. One big f'ing problem. We're still in Afghanistan for all of his term and we're still doing drone attacks all over the Middle East.

Are Obama supporters even claiming this? It's so demonstrably false (Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, etc...) that I can't see anybody making this claim.
Obama has not resolved the disastrous legacy of 'W.' Worse, in many ways he has merely continued down the same path. This is enough reason to not vote for him (N.D.A.A. would suffice on its own).

Rmoney only promises to be even more 'W.'-like.

Again, we come back to Someone Else.
2002 dead troops in Afghanistan

He's not keeping us safe either. Four dead Americans killed on US soil by terrorists on the anniversary of 9-11.
Time and time again; I see this talking point; that Obama is keeping us out of war. This is used as some sort of contrast between Romney and Obama. One big f'ing problem. We're still in Afghanistan for all of his term and we're still doing drone attacks all over the Middle East.

Are Obama supporters even claiming this? It's so demonstrably false (Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, etc...) that I can't see anybody making this claim.

Highl crimes and breaking international law by sending drones and mercenaries into more middle eastern countries, africa, etc... to kill "terrorists" and innocent civiliians is not high on the list of "we care" when it comes to Obama supporters. They were furious with Bush about it, but now that their man is doing the ordering of assassinations and the murder of innocents, it's no longer a priority.

It's one of the things I shame my LOLberal friends with on a regular basis when they try to say what a good job Obama is doing and why they think he should get four more years.
And by shame, what really happens is they shut the fuck up about it in my presence. They will still vote for this phony "peace prize winner".
Time and time again; I see this talking point; that Obama is keeping us out of war. This is used as some sort of contrast between Romney and Obama. One big f'ing problem. We're still in Afghanistan for all of his term and we're still doing drone attacks all over the Middle East.

Are Obama supporters even claiming this? It's so demonstrably false (Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, etc...) that I can't see anybody making this claim.

Highl crimes and breaking international law by sending drones and mercenaries into more middle eastern countries, africa, etc... to kill "terrorists" and innocent civiliians is not high on the list of "we care" when it comes to Obama supporters. They were furious with Bush about it, but now that their man is doing the ordering of assassinations and the murder of innocents, it's no longer a priority.

It's one of the things I shame my LOLberal friends with on a regular basis when they try to say what a good job Obama is doing and why they think he should get four more years.

Horse pucky. It's too bad GW didn't take the same type approach to attacking America's enemies, instead of a conventional invasion, occupation and attempted nation building. I'm all for targeted Drone strikes against a known target. However blind attack and targeting the first responders does not have my support, for what it's worth.
Time and time again; I see this talking point; that Obama is keeping us out of war. This is used as some sort of contrast between Romney and Obama. One big f'ing problem. We're still in Afghanistan for all of his term and we're still doing drone attacks all over the Middle East.

Are Obama supporters even claiming this? It's so demonstrably false (Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, etc...) that I can't see anybody making this claim.

Highl crimes and breaking international law by sending drones and mercenaries into more middle eastern countries, africa, etc... to kill "terrorists" and innocent civiliians is not high on the list of "we care" when it comes to Obama supporters. They were furious with Bush about it, but now that their man is doing the ordering of assassinations and the murder of innocents, it's no longer a priority.

It's one of the things I shame my LOLberal friends with on a regular basis when they try to say what a good job Obama is doing and why they think he should get four more years.

Well we're in complete agreement there. Many Obama supporters were vehemently "anti-war" when Bush was President, only to be silent while Obama has expanded Bush's policies. However, the claim is that they're all bragging about how Obama hasn't gotten us into any new wars, which I certainly haven't seen anybody but perhaps the most blindly obedient Obama supporters try to pass off. As I said, they've mostly simply been silent on the issue, or have become as hawkish as Republicans were under Bush.
nearly ALL Americans backed Bush going into Afganistan.

Why do you people fucking lie about everything?
Are Obama supporters even claiming this? It's so demonstrably false (Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, etc...) that I can't see anybody making this claim.

Highl crimes and breaking international law by sending drones and mercenaries into more middle eastern countries, africa, etc... to kill "terrorists" and innocent civiliians is not high on the list of "we care" when it comes to Obama supporters. They were furious with Bush about it, but now that their man is doing the ordering of assassinations and the murder of innocents, it's no longer a priority.

It's one of the things I shame my LOLberal friends with on a regular basis when they try to say what a good job Obama is doing and why they think he should get four more years.

Horse pucky. It's too bad GW didn't take the same type approach to attacking America's enemies, instead of a conventional invasion, occupation and attempted nation building. I'm all for targeted Drone strikes against a known target. However blind attack and targeting the first responders does not have my support, for what it's worth.

Yeah, "targeted" is a bit much. Targeted at innocent civilians that may or may not have an actual terrorist among them is about the extent of it.

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