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Its been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that both Clinton and Trump lie like its second nature. How is it any of you supporting them are morally outraged at the lies of the other but don't care about your candidates lies?

I don't support either candidate, I think they are both terribly corrupt and disingenuous. But the Clintons are a known quantity and I suspect Hillary's administration would be much like Bill's, all the while they will continue to enrich themselves as they have done before. Bill Clinton left this country in better shape when he left office, unlike Bush.

Trump has absolutely no diplomacy skills for dealing with both Congress or foreign powers. He is erratic, unstable, thin-skinned, financially irresponsible and going on trial for $40M in fraud in a few months. He'll spend all of his time with petty fights and retributions instead of running the country, which is not like running one of the many casinos of his that went into bankruptcy.

He'll let his daughter Ivanka make decisions when he doesn't feel like it and I guess that will be O.K. as long as she's not "bleeding from her whatever" at the time.


How did the Clinton's enrich themselves while in the White House when they left the White House with no money...
(Albeit they had the ability to make money).... This doesn't sound like people enriched themselves...

And before you go believing any thing about the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons have given millions to the Foundation and don't even take a Salary..
But this brainchild by Bill is a different type a charity, take at the link below.
Inside the Clinton Foundation's work in Africa

I know a fair bit about Aid in Africa (I have lived there for a year) and the way they approached it is incredibly smart and humble at the same time... They should get great credit for it...
If you proceed from the starting point of politicians being liars, you are able to just move the topic off the table. If you dig deep enough on any one, you can find a time when they stretched the truth I suppose. So put that off the table right away because when you have lies or "partial truths" or "half truths" or whatever euphemism you wish to use, there are scant differences between them.

Just for the record...

Clinton said she was under Sniper Fire in Bosnia. This is disputed by people who are there.
Trump said that he had a letter from the NFL. This is disputed by the NFL.
Clinton said that she had the flu. This is disputed by people usually not collapsing from the flu who are fine 3 hours later and fine a few hours before it.
Trump said the Bible was his favorite book. This is disputed by the 50+ years of public life where no mention was made of any such admiration except for himself.

I consider all of the above to be untruthful, aka lies, or whatever you want to call them. We could match one to the other for hours.

So it's off the table. The next thing to realize from a pragmatic point of view is that you will either have a President Clinton or a President Trump. That is the mathematical certainty of the situation. All others need not exist; thank you for your service and adding to the national debate but you're no longer a factor.

Who would you rather have?
I think you should hire someone with experience for the most important job in the world and that would be Ms. Clinton.
I think you should hire someone with some workable policies that have a shot at getting passed and that would be Ms. Clinton.
I think you should hire someone with endorsements from those who have served at the highest levels of the government and that would be Ms. Clinton.

I will admit, I'm at a loss to figure out what, if anything, Mr. Trump offers to his followers. His plans are not only DOA in the Congress, they are not effective remedies for their intended purpose. His ridiculous outbursts and insults have cheapened our electoral process. Fact checkers have pretty much given up on trying to issue corrections since it is clear that the candidate has no interest in accuracy or, sadly, truthfulness. And it isn't a matter of differing opinions among economists or analysts. The CBO even has weighed in on how irresponsible it is.
Clinton said she was under Sniper Fire in Bosnia. This is disputed by people who are there.
Trump said that he had a letter from the NFL. This is disputed by the NFL.
Clinton said that she had the flu. This is disputed by people usually not collapsing from the flu who are fine 3 hours later and fine a few hours before it.
Trump said the Bible was his favorite book. This is disputed by the 50+ years of public life where no mention was made of any such admiration except for himself.

Candy there is a few differences...

Clinton said the Sniper fire thing 8 years ago about an event that happened 20 years ago... She retracted her statement...
Trump said his a couple of weeks ago...
You say all Politicians lie but they have to go back 8 years for hers...

As for the flu, he was dead right... And this is from someone who has had pneumonia 3 times in the last decade... Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli. Pneumonia is a medical condition (not a disease) of which is usually brought on by something else like Flu (this is how I got Pneumonia)....

A bad Flu can bring on Pnemonia... You can fix the Pnemonia and still have the Flu... So no lie there...
Its been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that both Clinton and Trump lie like its second nature. How is it any of you supporting them are morally outraged at the lies of the other but don't care about your candidates lies?
It’s been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that Clinton is by far the better candidate and that the likes of Trump has no business being president.

Moreover, a presidential administration is much more than just its president – it’s the various administrators who implement the actual policy, it’s the judicial appointments to the Federal courts – the Supreme Court in particular, and it’s the advisors who guide the president with regard to developing policies both foreign and domestic.

A Trump ‘administration’ would be populated with Bush era retreads pursuing a failed, wrongheaded agenda, who would appoint conservative ideologues to the Supreme Court hostile to the civil rights and protected liberties of all Americans, and who would likely escalate American involvement in the ME.

It’s been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that Trump as ‘president’ would be an unmitigated disaster.

Placing your question in the context of these facts renders your question ridiculous and devoid of merit
Which of hitlery lies inspires you most?
Its been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that both Clinton and Trump lie like its second nature. How is it any of you supporting them are morally outraged at the lies of the other but don't care about your candidates lies?
It’s been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that Clinton is by far the better candidate and that the likes of Trump has no business being president.

Moreover, a presidential administration is much more than just its president – it’s the various administrators who implement the actual policy, it’s the judicial appointments to the Federal courts – the Supreme Court in particular, and it’s the advisors who guide the president with regard to developing policies both foreign and domestic.

A Trump ‘administration’ would be populated with Bush era retreads pursuing a failed, wrongheaded agenda, who would appoint conservative ideologues to the Supreme Court hostile to the civil rights and protected liberties of all Americans, and who would likely escalate American involvement in the ME.

It’s been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that Trump as ‘president’ would be an unmitigated disaster.

Placing your question in the context of these facts renders your question ridiculous and devoid of merit
Which of hitlery lies inspires you most?

Lets make clear to the wilfully ignorant here...

Every fact checker has Clinton as be far most honest candidate left in the race. Trump is the most dishonest person to run for President according to fact checkers...

This is simple...

Trump is far more dishonest than Clinton... And this has been verified by independent bodies...

So if you want to run this campaign on honesty then Clinton wins by a landslide...
Its been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that both Clinton and Trump lie like its second nature. How is it any of you supporting them are morally outraged at the lies of the other but don't care about your candidates lies?
It’s been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that Clinton is by far the better candidate and that the likes of Trump has no business being president.

Moreover, a presidential administration is much more than just its president – it’s the various administrators who implement the actual policy, it’s the judicial appointments to the Federal courts – the Supreme Court in particular, and it’s the advisors who guide the president with regard to developing policies both foreign and domestic.

A Trump ‘administration’ would be populated with Bush era retreads pursuing a failed, wrongheaded agenda, who would appoint conservative ideologues to the Supreme Court hostile to the civil rights and protected liberties of all Americans, and who would likely escalate American involvement in the ME.

It’s been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that Trump as ‘president’ would be an unmitigated disaster.

Placing your question in the context of these facts renders your question ridiculous and devoid of merit
Which of hitlery lies inspires you most?

Lets make clear to the wilfully ignorant here...

Every fact checker has Clinton as be far most honest candidate left in the race. Trump is the most dishonest person to run for President according to fact checkers...

This is simple...

Trump is far more dishonest than Clinton... And this has been verified by independent bodies...

So if you want to run this campaign on honesty then Clinton wins by a landslide...
Which one of her lies inspires you most?
Its been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that both Clinton and Trump lie like its second nature. How is it any of you supporting them are morally outraged at the lies of the other but don't care about your candidates lies?
It’s been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that Clinton is by far the better candidate and that the likes of Trump has no business being president.

Moreover, a presidential administration is much more than just its president – it’s the various administrators who implement the actual policy, it’s the judicial appointments to the Federal courts – the Supreme Court in particular, and it’s the advisors who guide the president with regard to developing policies both foreign and domestic.

A Trump ‘administration’ would be populated with Bush era retreads pursuing a failed, wrongheaded agenda, who would appoint conservative ideologues to the Supreme Court hostile to the civil rights and protected liberties of all Americans, and who would likely escalate American involvement in the ME.

It’s been proven beyond a shadow or a doubt that Trump as ‘president’ would be an unmitigated disaster.

Placing your question in the context of these facts renders your question ridiculous and devoid of merit
Which of hitlery lies inspires you most?

Lets make clear to the wilfully ignorant here...

Every fact checker has Clinton as be far most honest candidate left in the race. Trump is the most dishonest person to run for President according to fact checkers...

This is simple...

Trump is far more dishonest than Clinton... And this has been verified by independent bodies...

So if you want to run this campaign on honesty then Clinton wins by a landslide...
Which one of her lies inspires you most?

Repeating propaganda doesn't make it any more true...
Clinton said she was under Sniper Fire in Bosnia. This is disputed by people who are there.
Trump said that he had a letter from the NFL. This is disputed by the NFL.
Clinton said that she had the flu. This is disputed by people usually not collapsing from the flu who are fine 3 hours later and fine a few hours before it.
Trump said the Bible was his favorite book. This is disputed by the 50+ years of public life where no mention was made of any such admiration except for himself.

Candy there is a few differences...

Clinton said the Sniper fire thing 8 years ago about an event that happened 20 years ago... She retracted her statement...
Trump said his a couple of weeks ago...
You say all Politicians lie but they have to go back 8 years for hers...

As for the flu, he was dead right... And this is from someone who has had pneumonia 3 times in the last decade... Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli. Pneumonia is a medical condition (not a disease) of which is usually brought on by something else like Flu (this is how I got Pneumonia)....

A bad Flu can bring on Pnemonia... You can fix the Pnemonia and still have the Flu... So no lie there...

Retracting a lie still leaves the lie. Would you feel the same about Trump simply saying he "retracts his 10 year assault on Obama's birth certificate" or however long it was? Nixon's press secretary used the word "inoperable" to describe his comments defending the administration before it really blew up in their face...did that satisfy you?

As for pneumonia; one can certainly see how it rings hollow if you blame pneumonia for a fainting spell (or whatever the clinical name for involuntarily falling to the ground if it were not for someone clutching you)....IF you're fine a few hours before, have this spell, and are fine a few hours after. I don't think it was pneumonia. Whatever it was, on her worst day, she is still 20 times more qualified than Mr. Trump on his best; and Trump doesn't have many best days or best hours for that matter.

The tell-tale sign to me was best described by Mac1958 ; lets say that this is a one-off event that, the staff is shocked to shit that their boss is feeling faint, about to collapse, and so on and so fourth.... I know if it were my boss and I was in the car with him, I'd tell the driver to take us to the ER right away. The fact that they went to Chelsea's apartment is pretty much proof that this is an event they are aware of in the very least. The bottom line though is that she is back on the trail, making sense, and looks great.

As everyone knows, I'm four square behind HRC for President but you really have to worry about your credibility when you don't question the Clinton narrative on this matter. On the sniper issue...sure every one tries to inflate their resume around the edges. It's still a lie. I wouldn't worry too much about her spinning yarns when she is trying to put together a coalition to further hem in North Korea or where ever. Trump? Trump has never had to own up to his lies before. He doesn't find it very comfortable.

That's a GOP smear apparently. You have to be blind sheep or liars yourself to claim Hillary isn't a liar. Heck she was lying about her health LAST WEEK. And she had no reason to!
What utter bull crud from you Avatar....that's twisted. How in the world can you say she lied last week about her health.....she did not lie by not telling the whole world she had Pneumonia on Friday....she just didn't tell anyone....she didn't lie about anything.... she WANTED to be at the 9/11 ceremony, and felt she should be there....where is this LIE you so easily shoot out that she did?

You are part of the problem Avatar..... calling everything under the sun a lie, when it was not a lie,

is a LIE....so what does that make you?
Clinton said she was under Sniper Fire in Bosnia. This is disputed by people who are there.
Trump said that he had a letter from the NFL. This is disputed by the NFL.
Clinton said that she had the flu. This is disputed by people usually not collapsing from the flu who are fine 3 hours later and fine a few hours before it.
Trump said the Bible was his favorite book. This is disputed by the 50+ years of public life where no mention was made of any such admiration except for himself.

Candy there is a few differences...

Clinton said the Sniper fire thing 8 years ago about an event that happened 20 years ago... She retracted her statement...
Trump said his a couple of weeks ago...
You say all Politicians lie but they have to go back 8 years for hers...

As for the flu, he was dead right... And this is from someone who has had pneumonia 3 times in the last decade... Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli. Pneumonia is a medical condition (not a disease) of which is usually brought on by something else like Flu (this is how I got Pneumonia)....

A bad Flu can bring on Pnemonia... You can fix the Pnemonia and still have the Flu... So no lie there...

Retracting a lie still leaves the lie. Would you feel the same about Trump simply saying he "retracts his 10 year assault on Obama's birth certificate" or however long it was? Nixon's press secretary used the word "inoperable" to describe his comments defending the administration before it really blew up in their face...did that satisfy you?

As for pneumonia; one can certainly see how it rings hollow if you blame pneumonia for a fainting spell (or whatever the clinical name for involuntarily falling to the ground if it were not for someone clutching you)....IF you're fine a few hours before, have this spell, and are fine a few hours after. I don't think it was pneumonia. Whatever it was, on her worst day, she is still 20 times more qualified than Mr. Trump on his best; and Trump doesn't have many best days or best hours for that matter.

The tell-tale sign to me was best described by Mac1958 ; lets say that this is a one-off event that, the staff is shocked to shit that their boss is feeling faint, about to collapse, and so on and so fourth.... I know if it were my boss and I was in the car with him, I'd tell the driver to take us to the ER right away. The fact that they went to Chelsea's apartment is pretty much proof that this is an event they are aware of in the very least. The bottom line though is that she is back on the trail, making sense, and looks great.

As everyone knows, I'm four square behind HRC for President but you really have to worry about your credibility when you don't question the Clinton narrative on this matter. On the sniper issue...sure every one tries to inflate their resume around the edges. It's still a lie. I wouldn't worry too much about her spinning yarns when she is trying to put together a coalition to further hem in North Korea or where ever. Trump? Trump has never had to own up to his lies before. He doesn't find it very comfortable.

No Problem , I know you are behind HRC...

Of course is a lie 8 years on... But I am just point out that Trump had 3 pants on fires in one week, The Trumpettes like to say Clinton is a Pathological liar and have to use something that was said 8 years ago, to prove she lies...
The scale of lying Trump is at has never been seen before by anyone running for a major office...

As for the Pneumonia... First off you don't know you have pneumonia until you are told, through wishful thinking and stubbornness you are putting down to a chest infection (& Flu)... Then there is activity while having it... While having pneumonia I went on an all weerkend Stag Party and survived... After the annoying coughing (which drink helps suppress) you can do most things but you sweat a lot and you are weaker... You sleep at night and your bedcloths would be drenched when you wake up...
A warm day in formal clothes would be killer, it would be like suffocating... You just need to sit down, cool down and regain your energy, dehydration is the main evil, you are drinking like a racehorse... The main reason to bring someone into hospital is to give them IV which is better at fighting dehydration.

"Patients who lose enough extracellular fluid (ECF) volume develop skin tenting (loss of skin elasticity), flat neck veins, and orthostatic or frank tachycardia and dizziness or fainting when standing up due to orthostatic hypotension, are often said to be dehydrated or dry. This is incorrect since these findings are not signs of dehydration and indicate ECF depletion, or hypovolemia for short.[8]"

Look at the pictures of her before and after she left... I say she have a IV in Chelsea's, that is why she comes out looking so well... IF you want to see what IV can do in 48 hrs look at this...


That is the same guy 48 hrs apart...

I lost 30 lbs in one bout of Pneumonia... So this is all very plausible...

Sit at the end line of a Triathlon on a warm day and see them faint and be back on their feet in 20 min like nothing happened...
Clinton said she was under Sniper Fire in Bosnia. This is disputed by people who are there.
Trump said that he had a letter from the NFL. This is disputed by the NFL.
Clinton said that she had the flu. This is disputed by people usually not collapsing from the flu who are fine 3 hours later and fine a few hours before it.
Trump said the Bible was his favorite book. This is disputed by the 50+ years of public life where no mention was made of any such admiration except for himself.

Candy there is a few differences...

Clinton said the Sniper fire thing 8 years ago about an event that happened 20 years ago... She retracted her statement...
Trump said his a couple of weeks ago...
You say all Politicians lie but they have to go back 8 years for hers...

As for the flu, he was dead right... And this is from someone who has had pneumonia 3 times in the last decade... Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli. Pneumonia is a medical condition (not a disease) of which is usually brought on by something else like Flu (this is how I got Pneumonia)....

A bad Flu can bring on Pnemonia... You can fix the Pnemonia and still have the Flu... So no lie there...

Retracting a lie still leaves the lie. Would you feel the same about Trump simply saying he "retracts his 10 year assault on Obama's birth certificate" or however long it was? Nixon's press secretary used the word "inoperable" to describe his comments defending the administration before it really blew up in their face...did that satisfy you?

As for pneumonia; one can certainly see how it rings hollow if you blame pneumonia for a fainting spell (or whatever the clinical name for involuntarily falling to the ground if it were not for someone clutching you)....IF you're fine a few hours before, have this spell, and are fine a few hours after. I don't think it was pneumonia. Whatever it was, on her worst day, she is still 20 times more qualified than Mr. Trump on his best; and Trump doesn't have many best days or best hours for that matter.

The tell-tale sign to me was best described by Mac1958 ; lets say that this is a one-off event that, the staff is shocked to shit that their boss is feeling faint, about to collapse, and so on and so fourth.... I know if it were my boss and I was in the car with him, I'd tell the driver to take us to the ER right away. The fact that they went to Chelsea's apartment is pretty much proof that this is an event they are aware of in the very least. The bottom line though is that she is back on the trail, making sense, and looks great.

As everyone knows, I'm four square behind HRC for President but you really have to worry about your credibility when you don't question the Clinton narrative on this matter. On the sniper issue...sure every one tries to inflate their resume around the edges. It's still a lie. I wouldn't worry too much about her spinning yarns when she is trying to put together a coalition to further hem in North Korea or where ever. Trump? Trump has never had to own up to his lies before. He doesn't find it very comfortable.

No Problem , I know you are behind HRC...

Of course is a lie 8 years on... But I am just point out that Trump had 3 pants on fires in one week, The Trumpettes like to say Clinton is a Pathological liar and have to use something that was said 8 years ago, to prove she lies...
The scale of lying Trump is at has never been seen before by anyone running for a major office...

As for the Pneumonia... First off you don't know you have pneumonia until you are told, through wishful thinking and stubbornness you are putting down to a chest infection (& Flu)... Then there is activity while having it... While having pneumonia I went on an all weerkend Stag Party and survived... After the annoying coughing (which drink helps suppress) you can do most things but you sweat a lot and you are weaker... You sleep at night and your bedcloths would be drenched when you wake up...
A warm day in formal clothes would be killer, it would be like suffocating... You just need to sit down, cool down and regain your energy, dehydration is the main evil, you are drinking like a racehorse... The main reason to bring someone into hospital is to give them IV which is better at fighting dehydration.

"Patients who lose enough extracellular fluid (ECF) volume develop skin tenting (loss of skin elasticity), flat neck veins, and orthostatic or frank tachycardia and dizziness or fainting when standing up due to orthostatic hypotension, are often said to be dehydrated or dry. This is incorrect since these findings are not signs of dehydration and indicate ECF depletion, or hypovolemia for short.[8]"

Look at the pictures of her before and after she left... I say she have a IV in Chelsea's, that is why she comes out looking so well... IF you want to see what IV can do in 48 hrs look at this...


That is the same guy 48 hrs apart...

I lost 30 lbs in one bout of Pneumonia... So this is all very plausible...

Sit at the end line of a Triathlon on a warm day and see them faint and be back on their feet in 20 min like nothing happened...

Very true; pneumonia is a mother
Clinton said she was under Sniper Fire in Bosnia. This is disputed by people who are there.
Trump said that he had a letter from the NFL. This is disputed by the NFL.
Clinton said that she had the flu. This is disputed by people usually not collapsing from the flu who are fine 3 hours later and fine a few hours before it.
Trump said the Bible was his favorite book. This is disputed by the 50+ years of public life where no mention was made of any such admiration except for himself.

Candy there is a few differences...

Clinton said the Sniper fire thing 8 years ago about an event that happened 20 years ago... She retracted her statement...
Trump said his a couple of weeks ago...
You say all Politicians lie but they have to go back 8 years for hers...

As for the flu, he was dead right... And this is from someone who has had pneumonia 3 times in the last decade... Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli. Pneumonia is a medical condition (not a disease) of which is usually brought on by something else like Flu (this is how I got Pneumonia)....

A bad Flu can bring on Pnemonia... You can fix the Pnemonia and still have the Flu... So no lie there...

Retracting a lie still leaves the lie. Would you feel the same about Trump simply saying he "retracts his 10 year assault on Obama's birth certificate" or however long it was? Nixon's press secretary used the word "inoperable" to describe his comments defending the administration before it really blew up in their face...did that satisfy you?

As for pneumonia; one can certainly see how it rings hollow if you blame pneumonia for a fainting spell (or whatever the clinical name for involuntarily falling to the ground if it were not for someone clutching you)....IF you're fine a few hours before, have this spell, and are fine a few hours after. I don't think it was pneumonia. Whatever it was, on her worst day, she is still 20 times more qualified than Mr. Trump on his best; and Trump doesn't have many best days or best hours for that matter.

The tell-tale sign to me was best described by Mac1958 ; lets say that this is a one-off event that, the staff is shocked to shit that their boss is feeling faint, about to collapse, and so on and so fourth.... I know if it were my boss and I was in the car with him, I'd tell the driver to take us to the ER right away. The fact that they went to Chelsea's apartment is pretty much proof that this is an event they are aware of in the very least. The bottom line though is that she is back on the trail, making sense, and looks great.

As everyone knows, I'm four square behind HRC for President but you really have to worry about your credibility when you don't question the Clinton narrative on this matter. On the sniper issue...sure every one tries to inflate their resume around the edges. It's still a lie. I wouldn't worry too much about her spinning yarns when she is trying to put together a coalition to further hem in North Korea or where ever. Trump? Trump has never had to own up to his lies before. He doesn't find it very comfortable.

No Problem , I know you are behind HRC...

Of course is a lie 8 years on... But I am just point out that Trump had 3 pants on fires in one week, The Trumpettes like to say Clinton is a Pathological liar and have to use something that was said 8 years ago, to prove she lies...
The scale of lying Trump is at has never been seen before by anyone running for a major office...

As for the Pneumonia... First off you don't know you have pneumonia until you are told, through wishful thinking and stubbornness you are putting down to a chest infection (& Flu)... Then there is activity while having it... While having pneumonia I went on an all weerkend Stag Party and survived... After the annoying coughing (which drink helps suppress) you can do most things but you sweat a lot and you are weaker... You sleep at night and your bedcloths would be drenched when you wake up...
A warm day in formal clothes would be killer, it would be like suffocating... You just need to sit down, cool down and regain your energy, dehydration is the main evil, you are drinking like a racehorse... The main reason to bring someone into hospital is to give them IV which is better at fighting dehydration.

"Patients who lose enough extracellular fluid (ECF) volume develop skin tenting (loss of skin elasticity), flat neck veins, and orthostatic or frank tachycardia and dizziness or fainting when standing up due to orthostatic hypotension, are often said to be dehydrated or dry. This is incorrect since these findings are not signs of dehydration and indicate ECF depletion, or hypovolemia for short.[8]"

Look at the pictures of her before and after she left... I say she have a IV in Chelsea's, that is why she comes out looking so well... IF you want to see what IV can do in 48 hrs look at this...


That is the same guy 48 hrs apart...

I lost 30 lbs in one bout of Pneumonia... So this is all very plausible...

Sit at the end line of a Triathlon on a warm day and see them faint and be back on their feet in 20 min like nothing happened...

Very true; pneumonia is a mother

Pneumonia is more annoying now than dangerous even at Clinton's age... Clinton is in fairly good nick...

With IVs, Steroids, Antibiotics, nebulizers, (Vicks Vapor rub bowel and towel is as good as any of them) the risk is marginal for healthy people... But the dehydration has to watched closely...

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