Life in jail for rapist in a case that the extreme right said was made up.

Looks like a lot of these pos are jealous of the rapist.

Possibly. If the little girl hadn't become pregnant, and of her situation hadn't been made part of a national debate, he would almost certainly have got away with it. I bet he didn't just rape her once; he probably raped her several time, and would have raped her many more times. And got away with it.

It's very notable that nobody who was completely fine with the innocent child that resulted from that rape being put to death, seems to agree that the piece of shit rapist deserves death.

You're probably right about their motives. They probably don't want the rapist to die, because they'd very much like to be able to get away with doing the same thing.
when did anyone say she wasn’t raped? the sad part is it happened, the sadder part is it took so long to report it because he was an illegal, the saddest part is he was here
how many more people like him are here now due to xiden’s surge the border policy?

And sadder than any of that, an innocent child, conceived in that rape, had to die. The ten-year-old mother's body probably wasn't up to safely carrying that child to term, and without the abortion, both the mothers and baby would have likely died.

That subhuman piece-of-shit child rapist has the blood of its own innocent child, on its hands. It deserves to die, slowly and painfully.
She didn't have to go to another state, dumb ass......

We started by checking the text of the law. Yes, there is a medical emergency exception written in. The law then refers to Ohio Revised Code for a definition of “medical emergency.” According to paragraph F of ORC Section 2919.16:

She only went out of state because the mother didn’t want the rapist charged.
Her innocent child was also important.

Tragically, it was probably necessary to kill that child in order to save his mother. He did not deserve to die, but it was probably unavoidable.

Can you even think of bringing yourself to say that the subhuman piece of shit that raped that little girl deserves death as much as the innocent child did, that had to die to save his mother?
The legislators who dreamed up this shit law deserve jail as well.
Yes, we're all about protecting illegal alien child rapists. We love tranny groomers & cross dressing zoopheliacs like yourself, too. :rolleyes:
But ya'll got your infanticide & the Baby Butcher Death Cult celebrates another victory
You were doing your best to let the child he raped have an abortion. You were protecting a child rapist.,
If you bothered to read the OP you'd know he plead guilty and got life..

With a possibility of parole in as little as 25 years. It's young enough to have a pretty good chance of living that long, unless its fellow prisoners step up and deal appropriately with it. One can hope that they make the next 24 years as miserable as possible for it, and finally unalive it just before it becomes eligible for possible parole.
Ohio be naughty. Not as naughty as the BBC. Who did you wager on being the guy? I am betting it was Monty Don. Always gave me a creeper vibe.
Its shown up a discrepancy in the law. Its legal to fuck a 16 year old but nt buy nude pix off them. Crazy.
Its a llaa distaction from the failing govt. Look over here.
I hope its Nicholas Witchell the royal correspondent. Hes a lottle ginger scab.
Trump refused to fine employers. He's employed hundreds of them over the years.
haha he got the largest fine in US history! what the f are you talking about?? liar

xiden is the one that changed US policy to allow employers to hire employees

you lie and vote for this
Her innocent child was also important.

Tragically, it was probably necessary to kill that child in order to save his mother. He did not deserve to die, but it was probably unavoidable.

Can you even think of bringing yourself to say that the subhuman piece of shit that raped that little girl deserves death as much as the innocent child did, that had to die to save his mother?
The abortion is illegal in Ohio. What about that ?
A ten-year-old's body is unlikely to be sufficiently developed to safely carry a pregnancy to term. She's likely to be at much greater risk than an older girl, of dying in childbirth or suffering serious permanent harm. It's pretty rare for a ten-year-old even to be developed enough to be capable of becoming pregnant in the first place.

Now if it could be determined in the case of a particular ten-year-old girl that her body was up to the task of safely carrying the pregnancy to term, then I would be opposed to allowing her an abortion. Yes, I agree that that would be a terrible thing to make a girl that young have to go through, but not nearly terrible enough to justify killing another innocent child in order to avoid it.

But definitely the subhuman piece of shit that would rape a girl that young, he needs to die, as slowly and painfully as possible. As a society, we're too “civilized” to directly administer the sort of justice that such a piece of filth deserves, but put him in the general prison population, and let it be known among his fellow prisoners what he's in for, and they'll gladly take care of it.
Believing the girl couldn’t tolerate a full term pregnancy is not an immediate threat to her life.

The law requires there to be an immediate threat to her life in order to justify an abortion.

So again, the law would have forbidden the abortion.
The state laws are a continuation of the rape.. Lots of deflecting going on here. Olympic level.

You don't know shit about our laws, and being a British piece of shit, you have no standing to speak of them anyway. My ancestors fought and won two wars against yours, specifically to establish that nothing about American laws or governance is any of your fucking business.
The legislators who dreamed up this shit law deserve jail as well.

It takes a Tainted Tommy level of depravity and sociopathy to see protecting innocent children from those who want to murder them or sexually abuse them or otherwise harm them as something that should be regarded as a crime.

Of course, this ties in very nicely with your support of the Rotherham mobs in your own shithole country, and how you condemned one of your own countrymen for speaking out against them, doesn't it?

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