Life of the mother is not a reason to kill the baby in the womb......what 1,000 Doctors say....

If he would have killed the baby on the OTHER side of the cervix and then delivered it dead it would have been perfectly legal.

Did pknopp not know this or was he/she extreme trolling? The poster claimed that late term abortions don't happen in the US--that I'm lying. Yeah. Right!

8 months.
here is where you said they dont when its that far along,,,

so back it up or explain why you lied??
Ah, ok. I was wrong. I can admit that. I should have researched first, which I did, later. It seems that it is very rare and when happens, it is for severe fetal defects and the effects on the woman‘s health/life (pre-eclampsia). Do you disagree?
Ah, ok. I was wrong. I can admit that. I should have researched first, which I did, later. It seems that it is very rare and when happens, it is for severe fetal defects and the effects on the woman‘s health/life (pre-eclampsia). Do you disagree?
I am amazed that you didnt know that since you and I have discussed that exact topic,,
I didnt give an example,, I asked a hypothetical question,,,
In another conversation, didn’t you give one example of an abortion at 8 months for a fetus with severe defects? If not you, then it was someone else. Does it matter?

Life of the mother is not a reason to kill the baby in the womb......​

I disagree

The mother has as much right to live as the unborn child

In our selfish Me-First culture lib women would not dream of dying to save their child

But conservative women often do put the child first
In another conversation, didn’t you give one example of an abortion at 8 months for a fetus with severe defects? If not you, then it was someone else. Does it matter?
if I am thinking right I did ask you a question based on a comment you made,,,
Either way, I was wrong in saying it doesn’t happen at 8 months. I concede that.
I will say I am glad you are against killing the child if it doesnt need to be,,

it eliminates my previous thought that you had a blood lust for dead children,,

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