Life of the mother is not a reason to kill the baby in the womb......what 1,000 Doctors say....

I would agree that if there is a risk of death to the mother, and she is amicable to termination of the pregnancy, then so be it. There shouldn't be a need to get govt involved either.

That said, the circumstance is probably so rare that it's not a real issue. The bottom line is that the abortion is beyond barbaric itself. It's an act of a savage criminal.


Exceedingly rare, and I don't know a Christian pro-lifer who thinks ectopic pregnancy even counts. The implanted embryo has virtually no chance of viability, but a great chance of exploding the mother's fallopian tube, filling her abdomen with blood, and then potentially killing her. In which case, both the embryo AND the mother die.

(This post is not really for you; you know this. But for other readers)
the baby inside her isnt her body,,

It will never stop amazing me that people insisted with "ACCEPT THE SCIENCE" when it came to the shoddy mRNA vaccines, but a statement as simple as this is just a science bridge--too--far for them.

To put a finer point on it:

Because I'm the dying breed of American that cherishes individual rights, Idc what you do with "your body". Take your uterus out and make it into earrings or a wig, liberal women, idc.

Just don't kill YOUR. BABY. Which is a separate individual than you.
Birth = death. Only women of a certain age can give birth. Logic would simply let them decide. They are the only population concerned, the only one's who decide whether or not to cause someone to be born and then die.

No, he can never have the same rights prior to birth. Again, she faces all the risks including mortality. That’s not emotional. So now you have 3 people claiming rights to her body!
No, She had every right not to become pregnant, why do you continue to skip over facts. She, and the male participant, should have been more responsible, but you should not be able to negate his rights.
Birth = death. Only women of a certain age can give birth. Logic would simply let them decide. They are the only population concerned, the only one's who decide whether or not to cause someone to be born and then die.
We let them decide they had sex and got pregnant killing the child makes no sense
No, She had every right not to become pregnant, why do you continue to skip over facts. She, and the male participant, should have been more responsible, but you should not be able to negate his rights.
She had every right not to become pregnant, why do you continue to skip over facts

Is this Adult conversation?

This needs to be said

That is so damned fucking stupid, I'm obliged to assume you were pithed at birth.

Tell me I'm wrong.
I'm cornfused by this thread--- I've not followed it, but isn't each pregnancy situation unique? I mean, how can anyone have a blanket policy for anything when each problem pregnancy should be looked at individually on how to best deliver or terminate the pregnancy as is the case while best protecting the mother?

I mean, what is the logic of killing one of them just to save the life of the other? The mother can always have another child whereas the child has not even been born, so, wouldn't that mean that in areas of doubt or when it is an exclusive or, the mother's life must take precedent?
I'm cornfused by this thread--- I've not followed it, but isn't each pregnancy situation unique? I mean, how can anyone have a blanket policy for anything when each problem pregnancy should be looked at individually on how to best deliver or terminate the pregnancy as is the case while best protecting the mother?

I mean, what is the logic of killing one of them just to save the life of the other? The mother can always have another child whereas the child has not even been born, so, wouldn't that mean that in areas of doubt or when it is an exclusive or, the mother's life must take precedent?
Self evidently, yes.
Did you cast two votes for the guy whom Gary Cohn described as having "the IQ of an inbred tanning bed"?
I don’t know who that is, but the answer is no.

Did you vote for Obama, Hillary, or objectively the worst President we’ve ever had (the current one)? Because damn, living in glass houses, with the glass melting AND cracked, don’t throw stones…
I don’t know who that is, but the answer is no.

Did you vote for Obama, Hillary, or objectively the worst President we’ve ever had (the current one)? Because damn, living in glass houses, with the glass melting AND cracked, don’t throw stones…
If you don't know who it is, how can the answer be "No".......unless, of course, you are one of those imbeciles who piss&moan but won't vote....

But NEVER EVER use the word "objective" to qualify anything you think...

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