Life of the mother is not a reason to kill the baby in the womb......what 1,000 Doctors say....

This young girl made no choice.

I'm pro-life but the uncaring attitude of many who claim to be is something I'll never understand.

It wasn’t necessary.

Killing the innocent because of something bad their father did will never be justifiable.

You can’t do it.
What happened to the right of self defense.

If the threat to the mothers life came from an armed gunman, you would say she had the right to kill him, without even blinking an eye.

If because of medical complication the fetus was killing the mother, and could not be safely removed intact, why shouldn't the same principle hold.
That isn’t self-defense.

If the pregnancy is ectopic, and the kid is doomed and the mom will likely die, that’s one thing. That’s still not “self-defense,” though - the kid isn’t attacking anyone.

Ectopic pregnancies aren’t even part of the discussion when talking about abortion bans though. Never have been.

Outside of things like ectopic pregnancies, lifesaving emergency medical triage requiring ending a pregnancy before the age of viability is exceedingly rare, basically theoretical.

And also illegal nowhere, and not something we are talking about when banning elective abortion.
That may be the stupidest remark I have heard on this debate ever
It's amazing how these bed wetters actually get dumber as the years go by. 40 years ago many democrat voters might have punched you if you accused them of grooming or even support a fag wedding. Now this generation of vacuous parasites would follow the meat puppet faggot in a massive self immolation protest over freaks in women's sports.

Unfortunately obozo isn't all that devoted to other people's deviance, he just wants his own kept in the closet with Mike's anal beads.

Anyway, it's funny to me that NO ONE outside of the fringes of the pro-life effort is even trying to take this "loop hole" away. Like i've said millions of times, I really don't want the sort of sociopath slut that would have an abortion and act like it was a biopsy to have children. I think having an abortion of convenience should mandate sterilization. Exterminating liberal genetic waste is a noble cause, but we can't let them go full hitler even on themselves.
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She was 10. Huge risk to her life at 10. I'm Pro-life but you have to right to save your life.
Lina Medina was 5, she was fine, the kid was fine, Lina is still alive right now in her 90s, her son died of something unrelated in his 40s or 50s, and she had other kids.

Mere risk does not justify, sorry.

But if all we can do is ban the other 99%, then I’ll accept the “exception…” and then immediately start campaigning for the legislature to remove the exception, but in the meantime that’s the majority of kids being protected.
Subordinated to your absolute rights under the 2nd Amendment.

But it's more about their health & welfare.
Shooting kids means you go to prison for life, get executed, or most likely don’t survive to see a cell.

But keep mouthing off in retarded ignorance, please do.

The more you talk, the more you hurt your own case - always.
B.S She knew the risks going in that should not negate life or the fathers parental rights, the fact that she carries it deals not in the real of biological reproduction only in the emotional.
No, he can never have the same rights prior to birth. Again, she faces all the risks including mortality. That’s not emotional. So now you have 3 people claiming rights to her body!
Trump's rape trial is not the topic of this thread

Technically neither is the morality of posters, but since some MAGAt asshole made an issue of it, I thought it appropriate to put his asshole comment in context.

Of course that sparked a wave of denial, so some facty things had to be introduced.

Maybe if someone put a tighter rein on these fucking MAGAts.
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