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Life on Alert in an Israeli Town

That's what's on tv in Palestinian territories, to kill the monkey Jews.

Is it really all that shocking that you don't hear bout israeli racism?

To you, it doesn't exist. You know, kinda like concentration camps in the American vocuabulary in the 1940s
No, you post what you accept as evidence. There's a difference between what you'll accept as truthful and non-biased, and what most of the rest of us will accept.

The secret to really winning an argument (not just in your head) is to use sources and evidence that the OTHER side will accept.

Otherwise, time to re-think your stance.

See above.

I don't care if your standard for evidence is a ghost in the sky. I'm fully aware of the validity of evidence and post accordingly. Maybe YOU can post your own instead of crying about mine?
That isn't evidence that means anything, except that there are tensions between the two. It doesn't "prove" anything else...
Is it really all that shocking that you don't hear bout israeli racism?

To you, it doesn't exist. You know, kinda like concentration camps in the American vocuabulary in the 1940s

Perhaps not. I tried to read something other than Wiki about Dan Bar-Tal studies, but it's all pay. I wouldn't brush it off, just don't have a lot to go on here.

Then when I see the poll from 12/07, can't help wondering what the results would have been before the summer of '06? Considering what's been going on regarding not only Gaza, but Syria/Lebanon, can you really blame the common Israeli citizen? Then there were those that I'm sure were certain, in fact many still are, that a two-state solution was the answer. So the Palestinians elect Hamas representatives. Not exactly a sign of wanting peace.
That isn't evidence that means anything, except that there are tensions between the two. It doesn't "prove" anything else...

what it proves is that there is just as much heat coming from israel as there are muslim sesame street ripoffs and that YOU won't hear about it while being peppered with excuses for hating muslims. THAT is a lesson strait out of WW2

If it takes a person to wrangle the sun for you to finally get to the point where you admit that jews are just as human as the rest of us then so be it. Like Ive said before, even hitler had his fanboys.
Perhaps not. I tried to read something other than Wiki about Dan Bar-Tal studies, but it's all pay. I wouldn't brush it off, just don't have a lot to go on here.

Then when I see the poll from 12/07, can't help wondering what the results would have been before the summer of '06? Considering what's been going on regarding not only Gaza, but Syria/Lebanon, can you really blame the common Israeli citizen? Then there were those that I'm sure were certain, in fact many still are, that a two-state solution was the answer. So the Palestinians elect Hamas representatives. Not exactly a sign of wanting peace.

neither are APARTHIED WALLS but, I guess, enablers get that moniker for a reason. Like I said, is it a SHOCKER that you don't see the oncoming traffick in this two way street? Tell me that this is NOT an example of one sided propaganda used to demonize pals so that treating them like shit is an easier horse pill to swallow. Any criticism of Israel illicits the same "blame some muslims first" reaction DESPITE the fact that israel plays the same games.

GENDER segregation? EVIL MUSLIMS.. (but don't tell anyone that israel lets its ultra orthodox population make bitches sit in the back of THEIR busses)

Teaching kids to HATE? EVIL MUSLIMS.. (but don't tell anyone that israel is a festering bastion of anti-arab racism complete with it's own arab hating lessons for the kiddies)

VIOLENCE? kassams and ROCKS versus bulldozers, tanks, fully armed military and off the table NUKES

yet IM the racist somehow. Face it, jews are just as human as the rest of us dirty fucking scummy non-chosen goyim. It's true.
It proves it for you. It isn't sufficient evidence to prove it for me. I'd need a lot more information about the polls and who conducted them and who they polled and so on.

Generally, I just don't trust polls. I don't know what the Center for Anti-Racism is, and I don't know Haifa University, nor do I know who actually was involved in polling.
It proves it for you. It isn't sufficient evidence to prove it for me. I'd need a lot more information about the polls and who conducted them and who they polled and so on.

Generally, I just don't trust polls. I don't know what the Center for Anti-Racism is, and I don't know Haifa University, nor do I know who actually was involved in polling.

Of COURSE not, Allie. You'd need to see a jew decapitate and then skullfuck the hemmoraging neck of a two yar old arab child before you even came CLOSE to being fair with the jews and pals.

and, even then, you'd insist that the pal baby probably had a bomb stuck up it's ass and the israeli had every right to DEFEND himself from exploding babies.

It's not just a matter of polls. There is more on that page than polls. Try reading it. There are examples of ISRAELI literature that clearly dehumanizes pals while you insist that pals are evil for doing the same. Maybe if you took jews off of that pedestal... I mean, just because jebus was jewish doesn't mean that his chosen are infallable. You DO remember the pharisees and saducees, right? Stop polishing the turd and think about the humanity instead of how nice it would be for jews to claim temple mount so that your jebus can finally come back.
Yeah, well unless you can provide evidence of your colorful daydream, I don't accept it on your say so, or the say so of polls from odd sources.
I did provide evidence. You choose not to read it.

Like I said, I expect as much from you. Intellectual laziness and an common denominator messiah goes a long way in facilitating your chosen race to worship..
You provide the same so-called evidence every single time. I've told you repeatedly, it isn't acceptable. I suspect it's biased, and you haven't told me anything to make me think differently, nor have you provided any other evidence which could be considered neutral or objective...or pointed me in any direction so I could do so.

Your sources suck. If everything you say is true, if it's such a huge glaring issue, then you should be able to find somebody who's objective to second your opinion. You wouldn't have to keep trotting out the same handful of soldiers.
what you "suspect" and what you are too stupid to comprehend are often not the same beast. Can you prove bias outside of "it's making my BRAIN hurt"? If so, then stop teasing me and provide me YOUR evidence otherwise. But, that's kinda of a running joke by now, isnt it?

yea, we see how the slightest criticism of anything remotely jewish is taken, don't we? As if you consider anything once the Scarlet A is applied anyway. it's like your version of the bloody marker on the very first passover.

Hell, you probably don't even realize that it's exaclty this kinf od AUTOMATIC bias for anything jewish that facilitates your hatred of arabs even if you dont realize that you are no more less hateful than the next ******-joke telling closet racist.

hey, beleive what you want to. yes yes. JEWS are infalable and totally sinnless! They ARE the ethnicity of your own messiah, after all. Yahweh DID make them chosen so they probably ARE superhuman and impervious to the same human range of hateful emotions as your quickdraw scapegoat the pals.

there. feel better?
You know, when I see your foul mouthed crap, I quit reading after about the second line.

But no, your stupid "proof" doesn't make my brain hurt. You make my brain hurt, because you're impossible to have a discussion with. Listen to the words that are coming out of my....fingers.

The information is biased. Find different proof. If as you say it's such an obvious thing, that shouldn't be any problem. But if you keep posting the same obviously pro-Pal crap, while spewing your hatred of all things Israeli all over the place, don't expect anybody to take you seriously.

Go after objective sources, or only preach to your minions.
Yea.. im sure you DO quit reading since my vocabulary probably sends you to dictionary.com more often than your hand touched a dictionary in your entire secondary education.

Im sure you WOULD find it impossible to discuss anything with someone that knows what valid evidence looks like. Sorry if my source is not as profound as posting abortion stats from a pro life website. Like I said, if YOU can provide evidence otherwise then so it. Im DARING you to post opposition beyond your lame fucking opinion. If YOU refuse to believe that jews in israel are capable of the same range of human emotions, INCLUDING RACISM AND HATRED OF ARABS, then that is your own fucking problem. I'll be over here with the non-racists who put ethnicity on even ground rather than the eternal "my messiah was jewish" dogma junky desire to polish israels turd.

BIASED? prove it. Wiki sure is a bastion of jew hating racists, lemme tellya. just like the BBC... Reuters... Amnesty Internantional... The Red Cross... Yea, ALL biased because Allie is to ofucking lazy to provide evidence otherwise. Hell, you COULD have pointed out SPECIFICALLY what was biased.. but, we both know that you didn't read any of it and you are claiming bias as a reflex thanks to your dogma junky common denominator.

indeed, we've SEEN what objective looks like when DARING to criticize anything jewish, eh? Hell, if you were told that concentration camps existed in 1951 then it was just a matter of german hating bias too, im sure. After all, they ARE the chosen race! master race.. chosen race... hey, whats good for the goose was antisemitism for the gander, wasnt it?
I'm not stupid, and your vocabulary is not extensive, unless you count the four-letter-words and the imaginary ways in which you use them. I take it you've run out of intelligent things to say, or you wouldn't be reduced to such stale insults.

I read your crap. It doesn't prove anything, except, as I said, there are tensions between the two groups.

Wow. That's an eye-opener.
the tell me specifically what you have a problem with in my posted evidence.

I DARE you to list off the things that indicate bias to you. Don't give me some lame assed shit like your previous post. Actually go point by point and tell me where you see the bias rather than trying to wash your gory hands like pontius pilate with the insinuated Scarlet A.

OR, prove my point. Your call.

And, Allie, you couldn't keep up with my vocab if I sent you an oxygen tank, a wheel chair and a pack of fucking stallions to hold on to. It's why you fail to actually address my evidence beyond the most superficial accusation of bias. It's why I PWN you daily. It's why you hear this same thing from directions other than where Im standing.

But, I digress, stop being lazy and show your accusation of bias.

and if screaming "bias" isn't this seasons conservative buzz word.
the tell me specifically what you have a problem with in my posted evidence.

I DARE you to list off the things that indicate bias to you. Don't give me some lame assed shit like your previous post. Actually go point by point and tell me where you see the bias rather than trying to wash your gory hands like pontius pilate with the insinuated Scarlet A.

OR, prove my point. Your call.

And, Allie, you couldn't keep up with my vocab if I sent you an oxygen tank, a wheel chair and a pack of fucking stallions to hold on to. It's why you fail to actually address my evidence beyond the most superficial accusation of bias. It's why I PWN you daily. It's why you hear this same thing from directions other than where Im standing.

But, I digress, stop being lazy and show your accusation of bias.

and if screaming "bias" isn't this seasons conservative buzz word.

I already did. I have a problem with the sources I don't recognize, and the method, which isn't explained. All that you've provided comes from Arab sources.

Get real.
aparteid?, that is an anti semetic statement against the jews.

you are an apologist for the palestinians, and their terrorists.

your criticism is constantly of israel, and its silly.

neither are APARTHIED WALLS but, I guess, enablers get that moniker for a reason. Like I said, is it a SHOCKER that you don't see the oncoming traffick in this two way street? Tell me that this is NOT an example of one sided propaganda used to demonize pals so that treating them like shit is an easier horse pill to swallow. Any criticism of Israel illicits the same "blame some muslims first" reaction DESPITE the fact that israel plays the same games.

me: when you say apartied, which is a complete lie, that is anti semetic of you

GENDER segregation? EVIL MUSLIMS.. (but don't tell anyone that israel lets its ultra orthodox population make bitches sit in the back of THEIR busses)

me: the ultra orthodox are only part of the population and have nothing to do with the isralies fighting terrorism

Teaching kids to HATE? EVIL MUSLIMS.. (but don't tell anyone that israel is a festering bastion of anti-arab racism complete with it's own arab hating lessons for the kiddies)

me: that is a lie, most jews want piece, i have been there, my father was born and lived there, you are a liar and an anti semite

VIOLENCE? kassams and ROCKS versus bulldozers, tanks, fully armed military and off the table NUKES

me: liar, its guns, bombs, money from all over the world, hezbollah, hamas, islamic jihad, vs israel.

me: you are very anti semetic to me, you are not against an israeli policy, you are against israel itself

yet IM the racist somehow. Face it, jews are just as human as the rest of us dirty fucking scummy non-chosen goyim. It's true.

me: your an idiot, the rest of the world allowed to jews to be shot in the head, and now the palestinians who are nothing but arabs wont allow anyone other then arabs to live where jews were first

me: you make me sick

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