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Like A Third World Country

Oh STFU you sanctimonious asshole.
Whens the last time you did a beach cleanup? How much money to you give to the CCA every year? How unrepublican of me.......
I simply stated a fact,liberal activist would have a shit fit. You want to turn into something else knock yourself out.

Quit being a dick. I said "Republicans". If you want to stand in for ALL Repubs, have at it.
Does a river clean up count with you? Last year.

But yea, you do come across as not giving a fuck. Even if you have enough sense to understand the problem these desal plants create.

The hated liberals did in fact cause these factors to be considered and they did cause a design of a system that they hope will mitigate some damage. But they are still building these plants. One in San Diego is coming on line soon. One will soon be started.

But what you call a "shit fit", I call a reasonable look at what damage could occur and how it could be dealt with.

Seems like you REPUBLICANS want to act first and when those unintended consequences rear their ugly head (and they will) and things go to hell in the proverbial handbasket, what you REPUBLICANS want to do is BLAME THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS. LMAO.

Stupid edge is blaming a drought on Democrats.
Its been detailed many times how politicians have made this worse... Try to keep up.
Dry Wells Plague California as Drought Has Water Tables Plunging


A tractor kicks up dust in Los Banos, California.

Near California’s Success Lake, more than 1,000 water wells have failed. Farmers are spending $750,000 to drill 1,800 feet down to keep fields from going fallow. Makeshift showers have sprouted near the church parking lot.

“The conditions are like a third-world country,” said Andrew Lockman, a manager at the Office of Emergency Services in Tulare County, in the heart of the state’s agricultural Central Valley about 175 miles (282 kilometers) north of Los Angeles.

As California enters the fourth year of a record drought, its residents and $43 billion agriculture industry have drawn groundwater so low that it’s beyond the reach of existing wells. That’s left thousands with dry taps and pushed farmers to dig deeper as Governor Jerry Brown, a 77-year-old Democrat, orders the first mandatory water rationing in state history.


All of this was foreseeable and preventable. ALL of it.

But dimocraps got in the way. I won't go into minute detail. Wouldn't do a lot of good. dimocraps would just start lying about it and I'm in no mood to swat down dimocrap lies all day.

Hint: First lie will be "Global Warming!!"

But you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to notice that everything, I mean EVERYTHING, they take charge of, every City, every State, every program from the War on Poverty to the CRA to Unions to Education to Alternative Energy boondoggles (and outright theft).....

Everything they touch -- Everything. Turns to shit.

lol, you can blame the Democrats but can't say how.

Alrdy have.....posted another link in this thread.....
lol, you can blame the Democrats but can't say how.



Stupidity is definitely a dimocrap attribute.

Is it possible.......Naw, no way.

It can't be contagious, can it?

I've explained it. Every bit of it.

Explaining it again won't do any good. Your stupidity and your lack of intelligence won't allow you to see the facts.

In Florida, we are prone to Hurricanes.

After Andrew, we increased the over-sight of Building Codes and their enforcement.

Can't stop Hurricanes but we can prepare for them.

Kalifornication is prone to droughts and receives very little rainfall to begin with.

dimocrap scum and environMENTALists have prevented the building of reservoirs and dams.

dimocrap scum and environMENTAList terrorists refuse to budge on sending most of Kalifornication's rainfall straight into the Ocean instead of trying to conserve it for dry times.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

It's just that simple.

ALL of them
Desalinization plants aren't that expensive, I don't understand why we don't just start building lots of them and solve the water problem permanently. Water bills are nothing. It wouldn't even double them. A whole hell of a lot less than the water bottles people keep buyying

Then of course you have to figure out what to do with the tons of salt you'll be producing as a byproduct.
You cant just dump it back in the ocean in one place,you'd have to spread it out to avoid killing off a substantial amount of marine life.

You realize the earth is a closed ecosystem? Of course you can dump it back in the ocean. Granted you don't want to do it right by the shore. The water you desalinate gets used, evaporates and rains back on the earth. It doesn't change the salt content of the oceans

Kalifornication is a HUGE economy with a population of 37 Milllion.

You don't change something that gigantic in a few years -- Or even a couple of decades. But once it starts its decline, once a place that size starts to gain momentum in a downward spiral there will be no recovery, IMO.

Ax Dee-Troit. They thought they were indestructible at one time.

Did you know (of course not, you're a dimocrap which means you're stupid) that Dee-Troit had the highest per capita GDP of ANY City on Earth in the 1960's?

Do you remember (you act like you're 12, so I doubt it) when GM and Dee-Troit and the Industrial Heartland thought it was INDESTRUCTIBLE?

I do. I lived it. I saw it. I remember it in the 50's and 60's and early 70's. I remember it vividly.

That area, Dee-Troit, Cleveland, etc, absolutely DWARFED Kalifornication in Size, wealth, GDP, earnings, wages, culture..... Everything

Then dimocrap scum took control. Now look at it.

I saw it coming and left in 1977.

If you still live in Kalifornication -- You're an idiot.

It's time to leave. dimocrap FILTH have FUCKED that State.

Whether you believe that or not is irrelevant. Truth does not require your belief. It just 'is'

LOL, so sure of yourself and your opinions, and yet, no evidence and no source material to offer probative evidence that anything you believe has any basis in reality. You're simply a loud mouth, bloviating partisanship bullshit and have no clue why California suffered such an economic crisis, nor how we have climbed out of it.

Sure, there are still issues, primarily pension reform, but as the stock market rises, so does the revenue in CalPers.

Our national economy is in better shape since Obama took over from Bush, and California is in much better economic shape now that Gov. Brown replaced his predecessor.

I don't much care where you live, but your hate for our great state is mindful of he comments made about California by Texans in my company during boot camp in 1967. Dumb doesn't fully describe how truly ignorant and arrogant those boys were.
Desalinization plants aren't that expensive
I am constantly amazed at the number of stupid things you manage to find to say.

What is that supposed to mean?

They are building a plant in California, the water is about double other sources. Water is practically free, double practically free is still nothing. Maybe you should have worked harder in school if you think water is expensive. Wow.

Nation s largest ocean desalination plant goes up near San Diego Future of the California coast - San Jose Mercury News
The water you desalinate gets used, evaporates and rains back on the earth. It doesn't change the salt content of the oceans

You need to head on out to Cali and straighten out those water people there. Seems you know something they don't.
Desalinization plants aren't that expensive, I don't understand why we don't just start building lots of them and solve the water problem permanently. Water bills are nothing. It wouldn't even double them. A whole hell of a lot less than the water bottles people keep buyying
Desalinization plants are not cheap and they do consume a lot of energy. They are not feasible in a large scale.

Nation s largest ocean desalination plant goes up near San Diego Future of the California coast - San Jose Mercury News
Desalinization plants aren't that expensive, I don't understand why we don't just start building lots of them and solve the water problem permanently. Water bills are nothing. It wouldn't even double them. A whole hell of a lot less than the water bottles people keep buyying
Desalinization plants are not cheap and they do consume a lot of energy. They are not feasible in a large scale.
Exactly...they have been discussed by our state government on and off for decades, they are not feasible at this time.

Nation s largest ocean desalination plant goes up near San Diego Future of the California coast - San Jose Mercury News
But but but

The Big Idea: California Is So Over
California’s drought and how it’s handled show just what kind of place the Golden State is becoming: feudal, super-affluent and with an impoverished interior.

California has met the future, and it really doesn’t work. As the mounting panic surrounding the drought suggests, the Golden State, once renowned for meeting human and geographic challenges, is losing its ability to cope with crises. As a result, the great American land of opportunity is devolving into something that resembles feudalism, a society dominated by rich and poor, with little opportunity for upward mobility for the state’s middle- and working classes.

The water situation reflects this breakdown in the starkest way. Everyone who follows California knew it was inevitable we would suffer a long-term drought. Most of the state—including the Bay Area as well as greater Los Angeles—is semi-arid, and could barely support more than a tiny fraction of its current population. California’s response to aridity has always been primarily an engineering one that followed the old Roman model of siphoning water from the high country to service cities and farms.

But since the 1970s, California’s water system has become the prisoner of politics and posturing. The great aqueducts connecting the population centers with the great Sierra snowpack are all products of an earlier era—the Los Angeles aqueduct (1913), Hetch-Hetchy (1923), the Central Valley Project (1937), and the California Aqueduct (1974). The primary opposition to expansion has been the green left, which rejects water storage projects as irrelevant.

Yet at the same time greens and their allies in academia and the mainstream pressare those most likely to see the current drought as part of a climate change-induced reduction in snowpack. That many scientists disagree with this assessment is almost beside the point. Whether climate change will make things better or worse is certainly an important concern, but California was going to have problems meeting its water needs under any circumstances.

Not Meeting the Challenges.

It’s not like we haven’t been around this particular block before. In the 1860s, a severe drought all but destroyed LA’s once-flourishing cattle industry. This drought was followed by torrential rains that caused their own havoc. The state has suffered three major droughts since I have lived here—in the mid ’70s, the mid ’80s and again today—but long ago (even before I got there) some real whoppers occurred, including dry periods that lasted upwards of 200 years.

This, like the threat of earthquakes, is part of the price we pay to live in this most beautiful and usually temperate of states. The real issue is how to meet this challenge, and here the response has been slow and lacking in vision. Not all of this is to be blamed on the greens, who dominate the state politically. California agriculture, for example, was among the last in the nation to agree to monitoring of groundwater. Farmers have also been slow to adjust their crops toward less water-dependent varieties; they continue to plant alfalfa, cotton, and other crops that may be better grown in more water-rich areas.

Many cities, too, have been slow to meet the challenge. Some long resisted metering of water use. Other places have been slow to encourage drought-resistant landscaping, which is already pretty de rigeur in more aridity-conscious desert cities like Tucson. This process may take time, but it is already showing value in places like Los Angeles where water agencies provide incentives.

But ultimately the responsibility for California’s future lies with our political leadership, who need to develop the kind of typically bold approaches past generations have embraced. One step would be building new storage capacity, which Governor Jerry Brown, after opposing it for years, has begun to admit is necessary. Desalinization, widely used in the even more arid Middle East, notably Israel, has been blocked by environmental interests but could tap a virtually unlimited supply of the wet stuff, and lies close to the state’s most densely populated areas. Essentially the state could build enough desalinization facilities, and the energy plants to run them, for less money than Brown wants to spend on his high-speed choo-choo to nowhere. This piece of infrastructure is so irrelevant to the state’s needs that even many progressives, such as Mother JonesKevin Drum, consider it a “ridiculous” waste of money.

We are producing a California that is the polar opposite of Pat Brown’s creation.
And there needs to be, at least for the short term, an end to dumping water into San Francisco Bay for the purpose of restoring a long-gone salmon run, or to the Delta, in order to save a bait-fish, the Delta smelt, which may already be close to extinct. This dumping of water has continued even as the state has faced a potentially crippling water shortage; nothing is too good for our fish, or to salve the hyper-heated consciousness of the environmental illuminati.

The Political Equation

ALL of it here

Joel Kotkin is the RC Hobbs Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University in Orange, California, and director of the Houston-based Center for Opportunity Urbanism. His last book, The New Class Conflict, was published by Telos Press Publishing in 2014.
Dry Wells Plague California as Drought Has Water Tables Plunging


A tractor kicks up dust in Los Banos, California.

Near California’s Success Lake, more than 1,000 water wells have failed. Farmers are spending $750,000 to drill 1,800 feet down to keep fields from going fallow. Makeshift showers have sprouted near the church parking lot.

“The conditions are like a third-world country,” said Andrew Lockman, a manager at the Office of Emergency Services in Tulare County, in the heart of the state’s agricultural Central Valley about 175 miles (282 kilometers) north of Los Angeles.

As California enters the fourth year of a record drought, its residents and $43 billion agriculture industry have drawn groundwater so low that it’s beyond the reach of existing wells. That’s left thousands with dry taps and pushed farmers to dig deeper as Governor Jerry Brown, a 77-year-old Democrat, orders the first mandatory water rationing in state history.


All of this was foreseeable and preventable. ALL of it.

But dimocraps got in the way. I won't go into minute detail. Wouldn't do a lot of good. dimocraps would just start lying about it and I'm in no mood to swat down dimocrap lies all day.

Hint: First lie will be "Global Warming!!"

But you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to notice that everything, I mean EVERYTHING, they take charge of, every City, every State, every program from the War on Poverty to the CRA to Unions to Education to Alternative Energy boondoggles (and outright theft).....

Everything they touch -- Everything. Turns to shit.
Droughts are nothing more than "mother nature". Floods are nothing more than "mother nature". Earthquakes are nothing more than "mother nature". Tornados are nothing more than "mother nature". So, exactly how can a political party be blamed? Can anyone be blamed? Are bright sunny days the fault of politicians? Who are you going to blame for the next big earthquake in California?

BS, IT CAN be the fault of a political party.... this is being hindered by THEIR GOVERNMENT in control of that state. they care more about a one inch FISH and seeing the land revert back to what it was. they've stop building dams to help with water and their government has allowed that state to go into third world status

Why do you post when you know nothing?

why do you post when all you do is spew hate. my guess is: because you are a LOSER in life and have a need to try and prop yourself up as someone superior over all others
it's not an admirable trait. it's pathetic

I don't hate you Stephanie, I pity you, you offer nothing more than an average parrot might do if given a cracker.
Dry Wells Plague California as Drought Has Water Tables Plunging


A tractor kicks up dust in Los Banos, California.

Near California’s Success Lake, more than 1,000 water wells have failed. Farmers are spending $750,000 to drill 1,800 feet down to keep fields from going fallow. Makeshift showers have sprouted near the church parking lot.

“The conditions are like a third-world country,” said Andrew Lockman, a manager at the Office of Emergency Services in Tulare County, in the heart of the state’s agricultural Central Valley about 175 miles (282 kilometers) north of Los Angeles.

As California enters the fourth year of a record drought, its residents and $43 billion agriculture industry have drawn groundwater so low that it’s beyond the reach of existing wells. That’s left thousands with dry taps and pushed farmers to dig deeper as Governor Jerry Brown, a 77-year-old Democrat, orders the first mandatory water rationing in state history.


All of this was foreseeable and preventable. ALL of it.

But dimocraps got in the way. I won't go into minute detail. Wouldn't do a lot of good. dimocraps would just start lying about it and I'm in no mood to swat down dimocrap lies all day.

Hint: First lie will be "Global Warming!!"

But you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to notice that everything, I mean EVERYTHING, they take charge of, every City, every State, every program from the War on Poverty to the CRA to Unions to Education to Alternative Energy boondoggles (and outright theft).....

Everything they touch -- Everything. Turns to shit.
Droughts are nothing more than "mother nature". Floods are nothing more than "mother nature". Earthquakes are nothing more than "mother nature". Tornados are nothing more than "mother nature". So, exactly how can a political party be blamed? Can anyone be blamed? Are bright sunny days the fault of politicians? Who are you going to blame for the next big earthquake in California?

BS, IT CAN be the fault of a political party.... this is being hindered by THEIR GOVERNMENT in control of that state. they care more about a one inch FISH and seeing the land revert back to what it was. they've stop building dams to help with water and their government has allowed that state to go into third world status

Why do you post when you know nothing?

why do you post when all you do is spew hate. my guess is: because you are a LOSER in life and have a need to try and prop yourself up as someone superior over all others
it's not an admirable trait. it's pathetic
So...you have nothing to say about Edgetho's posts? How very partisan, and typical of you.
From the article:
Of course, the rich and entitled, particularly in Silicon Valley have achieved unprecedented riches, but those middle-class Californians once served by Pat have largely been abandoned by his son. California, long a relative beacon of equality and opportunity, now has the fourth-highest rate of inequality in the country. For those who, like me, bought their first home over 30 years ago, high housing prices, exacerbated by regulation, are a personal piggybank. But it’s doubtful either of my daughters will ever be able to buy a house here.

all of it here:
The Big Idea California Is So Over - The Daily Beast
Desalinization plants aren't that expensive, I don't understand why we don't just start building lots of them and solve the water problem permanently. Water bills are nothing. It wouldn't even double them. A whole hell of a lot less than the water bottles people keep buyying
Desalinization plants are not cheap and they do consume a lot of energy. They are not feasible in a large scale.

Nation s largest ocean desalination plant goes up near San Diego Future of the California coast - San Jose Mercury News
Thanks for providing evidence of your own stupidity:


Almost every discussion about desalination begins and ends with cost.

Desalinated water typically costs about $2,000 an acre foot -- roughly the amount of water a family of five uses in a year. The cost is about double that of water obtained from building a new reservoir or recycling wastewater, according to a 2013 study from the state Department of Water Resources.

And its price tag is at least four times the cost of obtaining "new water" from conservation methods -- such as paying farmers to install drip irrigation, or providing rebates for homeowners to rip out lawns or buy water-efficient toilets.
Desalination could provide O.C. an infinite water supply but at a steep cost - The Orange County Register

The technology requires so much electricity, they point out, that the resulting water costs twice as much as water from other sources.

That’s not to mention the ecological impact of sucking in millions of gallons of seawater everyday packed with fish larvae and microorganisms. Or the dead zones created when brine twice as salty as ocean water is discharged after treatment.
The water you desalinate gets used, evaporates and rains back on the earth. It doesn't change the salt content of the oceans

You need to head on out to Cali and straighten out those water people there. Seems you know something they don't.

No, they know what I know

Nation s largest ocean desalination plant goes up near San Diego Future of the California coast - San Jose Mercury News
It IS interesting that I live just inland from Carlsbad and have heard nothing of this plant.
Desalinization plants aren't that expensive, I don't understand why we don't just start building lots of them and solve the water problem permanently. Water bills are nothing. It wouldn't even double them. A whole hell of a lot less than the water bottles people keep buyying

Then of course you have to figure out what to do with the tons of salt you'll be producing as a byproduct.
You cant just dump it back in the ocean in one place,you'd have to spread it out to avoid killing off a substantial amount of marine life.

You realize the earth is a closed ecosystem? Of course you can dump it back in the ocean. Granted you don't want to do it right by the shore. The water you desalinate gets used, evaporates and rains back on the earth. It doesn't change the salt content of the oceans

It may be a closed ecosystem but that doesnt change the fact that it would effect local marine life if you pumped concentrated salt water into an area.

Desalination plants reject slightly concentrated seawater called brine to the sea. The salt content of the brine is roughly 60g/l for a seawater at 40g/l. The temperature of the brine reject is slightly higher than that of the seawater - a few degrees Celsius. This excess salt concentration and temperature quickly vanish in the vicinity of the rejection point.

Sounds like they have it together but I'll leave it to an animal rights activist to do the grunt work...because you know they will and probably already have.
Its been detailed many times how politicians have made this worse... Try to keep up.
Dry Wells Plague California as Drought Has Water Tables Plunging


A tractor kicks up dust in Los Banos, California.

Near California’s Success Lake, more than 1,000 water wells have failed. Farmers are spending $750,000 to drill 1,800 feet down to keep fields from going fallow. Makeshift showers have sprouted near the church parking lot.

“The conditions are like a third-world country,” said Andrew Lockman, a manager at the Office of Emergency Services in Tulare County, in the heart of the state’s agricultural Central Valley about 175 miles (282 kilometers) north of Los Angeles.

As California enters the fourth year of a record drought, its residents and $43 billion agriculture industry have drawn groundwater so low that it’s beyond the reach of existing wells. That’s left thousands with dry taps and pushed farmers to dig deeper as Governor Jerry Brown, a 77-year-old Democrat, orders the first mandatory water rationing in state history.


All of this was foreseeable and preventable. ALL of it.

But dimocraps got in the way. I won't go into minute detail. Wouldn't do a lot of good. dimocraps would just start lying about it and I'm in no mood to swat down dimocrap lies all day.

Hint: First lie will be "Global Warming!!"

But you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to notice that everything, I mean EVERYTHING, they take charge of, every City, every State, every program from the War on Poverty to the CRA to Unions to Education to Alternative Energy boondoggles (and outright theft).....

Everything they touch -- Everything. Turns to shit.

lol, you can blame the Democrats but can't say how.

Alrdy have.....posted another link in this thread.....

Which were debunked last week in another drought thread.

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