Liking or disliking blacks is a preference, not hatred


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
You cannot force people to do stuff in this world that they don't want to do. When it comes to everything else in this world other than black people, you completely agree.

If I said to you, I don't want to live in cold weather, and I don't want to date fat women, and I don't want to eat seafood, your response would be, ok, big deal, so do whatever the heck you want to do.

But with black people? Oh no, you must like them! You must love them! We decree that you must live with and work with them and help them. If not you are...racist! Hitler! Satan! Worse then a murdering terrorist! etc. etc.

And isn't it interesting...the people who are the most vocal about this are the ones who, in their daily lives, generally don't even interact with black people. The richer and "whiter" you become in America, the more you insist that everyone else must love blacks.

It's your way of feeling good about yourselves, absolving your guilt, and offloading the problem onto somebody else. Well, enough of that, I say. If somebody likes blacks, more power to them, if somebody doesn't like blacks, more power to them.

Just let people make their decision, and move on.
You cannot force people to do stuff in this world that they don't want to do. When it comes to everything else in this world other than black people, you completely agree.

If I said to you, I don't want to live in cold weather, and I don't want to date fat women, and I don't want to eat seafood, your response would be, ok, big deal, so do whatever the heck you want to do.

But with black people? Oh no, you must like them! You must love them! We decree that you must live with and work with them and help them. If not you are...racist! Hitler! Satan! Worse then a murdering terrorist! etc. etc.

And isn't it interesting...the people who are the most vocal about this are the ones who, in their daily lives, generally don't even interact with black people. The richer and "whiter" you become in America, the more you insist that everyone else must love blacks.

It's your way of feeling good about yourselves, absolving your guilt, and offloading the problem onto somebody else. Well, enough of that, I say. If somebody likes blacks, more power to them, if somebody doesn't like blacks, more power to them.

Just let people make their decision, and move on.

This is some dumb shit.
There are nice people of every color and there are assholes of every color. I tend to like the nice ones and stay away from the assholes.
You cannot force people to do stuff in this world that they don't want to do. When it comes to everything else in this world other than black people, you completely agree.

If I said to you, I don't want to live in cold weather, and I don't want to date fat women, and I don't want to eat seafood, your response would be, ok, big deal, so do whatever the heck you want to do.

But with black people? Oh no, you must like them! You must love them! We decree that you must live with and work with them and help them. If not you are...racist! Hitler! Satan! Worse then a murdering terrorist! etc. etc.

And isn't it interesting...the people who are the most vocal about this are the ones who, in their daily lives, generally don't even interact with black people. The richer and "whiter" you become in America, the more you insist that everyone else must love blacks.

It's your way of feeling good about yourselves, absolving your guilt, and offloading the problem onto somebody else. Well, enough of that, I say. If somebody likes blacks, more power to them, if somebody doesn't like blacks, more power to them.

Just let people make their decision, and move on.

I do not care if you break bread with IM2 or not.

Life is about choices and if you do not want someone in your home, well that is your choice but yoi can not stop them from living next door, going to the same school, or daring someone you love if that person want to date someone that is black.

All you can do is not allow them within your own four walls...
You cannot force people to do stuff in this world that they don't want to do. When it comes to everything else in this world other than black people, you completely agree.

If I said to you, I don't want to live in cold weather, and I don't want to date fat women, and I don't want to eat seafood, your response would be, ok, big deal, so do whatever the heck you want to do.

But with black people? Oh no, you must like them! You must love them! We decree that you must live with and work with them and help them. If not you are...racist! Hitler! Satan! Worse then a murdering terrorist! etc. etc.

And isn't it interesting...the people who are the most vocal about this are the ones who, in their daily lives, generally don't even interact with black people. The richer and "whiter" you become in America, the more you insist that everyone else must love blacks.

It's your way of feeling good about yourselves, absolving your guilt, and offloading the problem onto somebody else. Well, enough of that, I say. If somebody likes blacks, more power to them, if somebody doesn't like blacks, more power to them.

Just let people make their decision, and move on.

Make your decision. I have no problem with that.

I do, however, have a problem when people are treated differently by our society based on the color of their skin. I do have a problem with the gov't preferring one race over another.
You cannot force people to do stuff in this world that they don't want to do. When it comes to everything else in this world other than black people, you completely agree.

If I said to you, I don't want to live in cold weather, and I don't want to date fat women, and I don't want to eat seafood, your response would be, ok, big deal, so do whatever the heck you want to do.

But with black people? Oh no, you must like them! You must love them! We decree that you must live with and work with them and help them. If not you are...racist! Hitler! Satan! Worse then a murdering terrorist! etc. etc.

And isn't it interesting...the people who are the most vocal about this are the ones who, in their daily lives, generally don't even interact with black people. The richer and "whiter" you become in America, the more you insist that everyone else must love blacks.

It's your way of feeling good about yourselves, absolving your guilt, and offloading the problem onto somebody else. Well, enough of that, I say. If somebody likes blacks, more power to them, if somebody doesn't like blacks, more power to them.

Just let people make their decision, and move on.

I do not care if you break bread with IM2 or not.

Life is about choices and if you do not want someone in your home, well that is your choice but yoi can not stop them from living next door, going to the same school, or daring someone you love if that person want to date someone that is black.

All you can do is not allow them within your own four walls...

This thread is pathetic and the OP lacks intelligence. We're not talking about who you decide to have as friends. But the right to deny people of opportunity because of race is.
I do not dislike black people. I am sick shit of them. If I could just never hear another one flap their thick lips it would be just fine.

The only ray of light out of the blackness is that some black people are getting just as sick shit of the endless gripe as I am.

I am taking it as a mission to keep them out of every part of my life or ignore them when I can't.
You cannot force people to do stuff in this world that they don't want to do. When it comes to everything else in this world other than black people, you completely agree.

If I said to you, I don't want to live in cold weather, and I don't want to date fat women, and I don't want to eat seafood, your response would be, ok, big deal, so do whatever the heck you want to do.

But with black people? Oh no, you must like them! You must love them! We decree that you must live with and work with them and help them. If not you are...racist! Hitler! Satan! Worse then a murdering terrorist! etc. etc.

And isn't it interesting...the people who are the most vocal about this are the ones who, in their daily lives, generally don't even interact with black people. The richer and "whiter" you become in America, the more you insist that everyone else must love blacks.

It's your way of feeling good about yourselves, absolving your guilt, and offloading the problem onto somebody else. Well, enough of that, I say. If somebody likes blacks, more power to them, if somebody doesn't like blacks, more power to them.

Just let people make their decision, and move on.
No one is trying to force you to like Black people. Personally I could give a fuck if a white person liked me or not. The only thing I ask is for whites not to whine when they get their asses kicked over being disrespectful.
I do not dislike black people. I am sick shit of them. If I could just never hear another one flap their thick lips it would be just fine.

The only ray of light out of the blackness is that some black people are getting just as sick shit of the endless gripe as I am.

I am taking it as a mission to keep them out of every part of my life or ignore them when I can't.

Like we care. We won't miss old airhead white women. So stay in your kitchen and do what your white man tells you.
I do not dislike black people. I am sick shit of them. If I could just never hear another one flap their thick lips it would be just fine.

The only ray of light out of the blackness is that some black people are getting just as sick shit of the endless gripe as I am.

I am taking it as a mission to keep them out of every part of my life or ignore them when I can't.

Like we care. We won't miss old airhead white women. So stay in your kitchen and do what your white man tells you.

I was thinking it was windy outside. But I think it was just a sigh of relief from millions of black people after Tipsy posted.
You cannot force people to do stuff in this world that they don't want to do. When it comes to everything else in this world other than black people, you completely agree.

If I said to you, I don't want to live in cold weather, and I don't want to date fat women, and I don't want to eat seafood, your response would be, ok, big deal, so do whatever the heck you want to do.

But with black people? Oh no, you must like them! You must love them! We decree that you must live with and work with them and help them. If not you are...racist! Hitler! Satan! Worse then a murdering terrorist! etc. etc.

And isn't it interesting...the people who are the most vocal about this are the ones who, in their daily lives, generally don't even interact with black people. The richer and "whiter" you become in America, the more you insist that everyone else must love blacks.

It's your way of feeling good about yourselves, absolving your guilt, and offloading the problem onto somebody else. Well, enough of that, I say. If somebody likes blacks, more power to them, if somebody doesn't like blacks, more power to them.

Just let people make their decision, and move on.

I think it is amusing that you put all the "rich white people" in the category of not interacting with blacks.
You cannot force people to do stuff in this world that they don't want to do. When it comes to everything else in this world other than black people, you completely agree.

If I said to you, I don't want to live in cold weather, and I don't want to date fat women, and I don't want to eat seafood, your response would be, ok, big deal, so do whatever the heck you want to do.

But with black people? Oh no, you must like them! You must love them! We decree that you must live with and work with them and help them. If not you are...racist! Hitler! Satan! Worse then a murdering terrorist! etc. etc.

And isn't it interesting...the people who are the most vocal about this are the ones who, in their daily lives, generally don't even interact with black people. The richer and "whiter" you become in America, the more you insist that everyone else must love blacks.

It's your way of feeling good about yourselves, absolving your guilt, and offloading the problem onto somebody else. Well, enough of that, I say. If somebody likes blacks, more power to them, if somebody doesn't like blacks, more power to them.

Just let people make their decision, and move on.

"If I said to you, I don't want to live in cold weather, and I don't want to date fat women, and I don't want to eat seafood, your response would be, ok, big deal, so do whatever the heck you want to do."

The problem with this analogy is that it is inaccurate. The reason people get crazy about the way blacks are treated is not the same thing. It would be you not liking cold weather, so no one gets to live where it snows. It would be you not wanting to eat seafood, and you try to stop others from eating it too. YOu don't want to date fat women? No one cares. YOu try to make live miserable for fat women, and people will care.
You cannot force people to do stuff in this world that they don't want to do. When it comes to everything else in this world other than black people, you completely agree.

If I said to you, I don't want to live in cold weather, and I don't want to date fat women, and I don't want to eat seafood, your response would be, ok, big deal, so do whatever the heck you want to do.

But with black people? Oh no, you must like them! You must love them! We decree that you must live with and work with them and help them. If not you are...racist! Hitler! Satan! Worse then a murdering terrorist! etc. etc.

And isn't it interesting...the people who are the most vocal about this are the ones who, in their daily lives, generally don't even interact with black people. The richer and "whiter" you become in America, the more you insist that everyone else must love blacks.

It's your way of feeling good about yourselves, absolving your guilt, and offloading the problem onto somebody else. Well, enough of that, I say. If somebody likes blacks, more power to them, if somebody doesn't like blacks, more power to them.

Just let people make their decision, and move on.

I think it is amusing that you put all the "rich white people" in the category of not interacting with blacks.

You now it's funny how I live in a small town and rich white people love associating with me. I grew up and went to school with most of them. I played sports with most of them. I dated a few of the rich white girls too. Dfens is just another.

I dont get why whites like Depens thinks Blacks care if he likes them or not? Can someone explain that one to me? I dont like many republicans so I limit my contact with them. If one wants to pay me for my the services my business provides I dont discriminate. If one sat next to me at a restaurant I probably wouldnt notice. If one shook my hand and said hello I would say hello back. Other than their political views they are pretty much like me...just more afraid of progress and change.
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I do not dislike black people. I am sick shit of them. If I could just never hear another one flap their thick lips it would be just fine.

The only ray of light out of the blackness is that some black people are getting just as sick shit of the endless gripe as I am.

I am taking it as a mission to keep them out of every part of my life or ignore them when I can't.
You still holding a grudge cause of the Black pimp that dumped you eh?
Jealous are you?
I do not dislike black people. I am sick shit of them. If I could just never hear another one flap their thick lips it would be just fine.

The only ray of light out of the blackness is that some black people are getting just as sick shit of the endless gripe as I am.

I am taking it as a mission to keep them out of every part of my life or ignore them when I can't.

Like we care. We won't miss old airhead white women. So stay in your kitchen and do what your white man tells you.

I was thinking it was windy outside. But I think it was just a sigh of relief from millions of black people after Tipsy posted.
As I say, segregation today. Segregation tomorrow. Segregation forever.
You cannot force people to do stuff in this world that they don't want to do. When it comes to everything else in this world other than black people, you completely agree.

If I said to you, I don't want to live in cold weather, and I don't want to date fat women, and I don't want to eat seafood, your response would be, ok, big deal, so do whatever the heck you want to do.

But with black people? Oh no, you must like them! You must love them! We decree that you must live with and work with them and help them. If not you are...racist! Hitler! Satan! Worse then a murdering terrorist! etc. etc.

And isn't it interesting...the people who are the most vocal about this are the ones who, in their daily lives, generally don't even interact with black people. The richer and "whiter" you become in America, the more you insist that everyone else must love blacks.

It's your way of feeling good about yourselves, absolving your guilt, and offloading the problem onto somebody else. Well, enough of that, I say. If somebody likes blacks, more power to them, if somebody doesn't like blacks, more power to them.

Just let people make their decision, and move on.

I do not care if you break bread with IM2 or not.

Life is about choices and if you do not want someone in your home, well that is your choice but yoi can not stop them from living next door, going to the same school, or daring someone you love if that person want to date someone that is black.

All you can do is not allow them within your own four walls...

This thread is pathetic and the OP lacks intelligence. We're not talking about who you decide to have as friends. But the right to deny people of opportunity because of race is.

You never stop beating that drum do ya?

"Oh my people were oppressed, whitey owes us".

It'll eat you slap up sooner or later.
I do not dislike black people. I am sick shit of them. If I could just never hear another one flap their thick lips it would be just fine.

The only ray of light out of the blackness is that some black people are getting just as sick shit of the endless gripe as I am.

I am taking it as a mission to keep them out of every part of my life or ignore them when I can't.

Like we care. We won't miss old airhead white women. So stay in your kitchen and do what your white man tells you.

I was thinking it was windy outside. But I think it was just a sigh of relief from millions of black people after Tipsy posted.
As I say, segregation today. Segregation tomorrow. Segregation forever.

You are welcome to segregate yourself all you want. But as one who fought against segregation, I can assure you that it will not be back as a function of the gov't on a large scale ever again.
I do not dislike black people. I am sick shit of them. If I could just never hear another one flap their thick lips it would be just fine.

The only ray of light out of the blackness is that some black people are getting just as sick shit of the endless gripe as I am.

I am taking it as a mission to keep them out of every part of my life or ignore them when I can't.

Like we care. We won't miss old airhead white women. So stay in your kitchen and do what your white man tells you.

I was thinking it was windy outside. But I think it was just a sigh of relief from millions of black people after Tipsy posted.
As I say, segregation today. Segregation tomorrow. Segregation forever.
Thats now what these girls say and they look much better than you. If all white girls looked like you I would supporting you in your quest for segregation. :laugh:


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