Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hol

The fascist press went after Nixon and drove him from office.


Nixon broke the laws and got kicked out. If that's your example of "fascist press" then by god we need more facist press to hold elected officials accountable for their actions.

Nixon was choir boy

...He was a conspirator in break in and wire fraud, topped off with full on obstruction of justice. These were well established facts and the guy was headed for jail if Ford wouldn't pardon him.

You sound insane.
When you watch the left riot over and over again. Burning, looting and destroying people's lives is there really any question it's a fight to the death?


Hyperbole much?


Who do you think you're fooling?
The fascist press went after Nixon and drove him from office.


Nixon broke the laws and got kicked out. If that's your example of "fascist press" then by god we need more facist press to hold elected officials accountable for their actions.

Nixon was choir boy

...He was a conspirator in break in and wire fraud, topped off with full on obstruction of justice. These were well established facts and the guy was headed for jail if Ford wouldn't pardon him.

You sound insane.

Obstruction of justice? You mean like ordering his AG to squash an investigation by the FBI because it might harm the prospects of the party? Or using the IRS to attack enemies? Or running guns to Mexican drug lords?
When you watch the left riot over and over again. Burning, looting and destroying people's lives is there really any question it's a fight to the death?


Hyperbole much?


Who do you think you're fooling?

Oh wow a picture! With a flip! and some fire! Mask too!

Get the army ready, we need to defend ourself across America.

Yeah, no one knows what the democrat brown shirts look like. :thup:
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.
I'm sure he'll lead it.....:lol:
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

The King of Fake News wants a media battle to the death?
Yeah....isn't that a HOOT? :rofl:
No, watch ... In another thread, RWs will tell their lie - that it's liberals who want violence.

From the start of the tee potty, RWs have constantly talked of killing Americans who disagree with them. They're even more open about it now and they now say they want to destroy the US.

They're very open in their adoration of Putin and their racism but the worst is their love of fascism.

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No, watch ... In another thread, RWs will tell their lie - that it's liberals who want violence.

From the start of the tee potty, RWs have constantly talked of killing Americans who disagree with them. They're even more open about it now and they now say they want to destroy the US.

They're very open in their adoration of Putin and their racism but the worst is their love of fascism.

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What RW's are you talking about that stated they want to kill people who disagree with them? And no, I"m not talking about bloggers either.
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

And then we wonder why the polarization in the US is getting wider and wider.
It's agitators like Limbaugh on both sides of the aisle that are the root of all this division.
The US grew to it's strength when there was bipartisanship and compromise. But that's all gone and America plummets downwards, both internally and on the world stage.
Now I know the haters just love this bullshit and they are more than happy to let their hate drive the US into the ground.
This also explains, why the independent/moderate demographic is the largest voting bloc and the GOP and Dems are shrinking. They are still grownups in this country.
The Rush Limbaugh's of the world and their easily manipulated followers, can kiss my ass.

Yeah, and you Nazis are so nice, always seeking to unify the nation.

Funny I listen to Rush all the time and I never hear what you George Soros paid progressive liberal Marxist socialist globalists hear.

I used to listen to Limbaugh but he is a lying fat Trump weasel. Completely dishonest.

Just what do you mean by "Completely dishonest"? Are you saying EVERY SINGLE WORD that comes out of his mouth is a LIE?
Please clarify as bombastic statements like that need more substantiation. I mean I really believe you listened to Rush but when you say "Completely dishonest"...hmmm
hyperbole, thy name is gross exaggerators!
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

He's already lost. He and the rest of the whacko conservative bubble media believe they have a moment where they can force ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC et al, the real news, out of business so that the fake news like Faux News, Breitbart, and con-talk-radio can take it's place. Unfortunately for Dimbaugh he has maybe 2-3 million viewers a day while ABC, NBC, and CBS EACH has 7-8 million viewers a day. Faux News has maybe 2 million.

Cons, in order for you to win any cultural war you have to actually be in the fight. You are the fringe in all areas. There is no conservative Hollywood, Rupert Murdoch and the rest of the wealthy right wing weirdos understand there are no creative people on the conservative side. All the most creative people, by a million miles, are liberal minded. Otherwise Murdoch and the other con golems would have tried to build a conservative Hollywood and would have been making con movies. But con movies don't sell. They have a tiny audience in this culture which is generally liberal.

There is no battle. Conservatives never make it as far as the playing field, they are forever stuck in traffic on the way to the stadium.

I gotta say, I think the rabid right is more dangerous than that. They want an end to a free media. They want a state controlled media- like Britbart, fox, info wars.

They admire Putin and the damage he has done to Russian economy. They knowingly voted for fascism and will again.

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Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

The King of Fake News wants a media battle to the death?

Rush is not news, he has an opinion radio show.
Once again the left guesses at conservatives opinions and as usual is wrong again. :)
Rush is calling on conservatives to get out there and battle with words the truth & facts not wrong headed liberal guesses on what conservative opinions mean.
He is not calling on people to take their guns and shoot to kill anyone.
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

He's already lost. He and the rest of the whacko conservative bubble media believe they have a moment where they can force ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC et al, the real news, out of business so that the fake news like Faux News, Breitbart, and con-talk-radio can take it's place. Unfortunately for Dimbaugh he has maybe 2-3 million viewers a day while ABC, NBC, and CBS EACH has 7-8 million viewers a day. Faux News has maybe 2 million.

Cons, in order for you to win any cultural war you have to actually be in the fight. You are the fringe in all areas. There is no conservative Hollywood, Rupert Murdoch and the rest of the wealthy right wing weirdos understand there are no creative people on the conservative side. All the most creative people, by a million miles, are liberal minded. Otherwise Murdoch and the other con golems would have tried to build a conservative Hollywood and would have been making con movies. But con movies don't sell. They have a tiny audience in this culture which is generally liberal.

There is no battle. Conservatives never make it as far as the playing field, they are forever stuck in traffic on the way to the stadium.

I gotta say, I think the rabid right is more dangerous than that. They want an end to a free media. They want a state controlled media- like Britbart, fox, info wars.

They admire Putin and the damage he has done to Russian economy. They knowingly voted for fascism and will again.

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They want news as news ,not propaganda machines for liberal ideology.
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

The King of Fake News wants a media battle to the death?

Rush is not news, he has an opinion radio show.
Once again the left guesses at conservatives opinions and as usual is wrong again. :)
Rush is calling on conservatives to get out there and battle with words the truth & facts not wrong headed liberal guesses on what conservative opinions mean.
He is not calling on people to take their guns and shoot to kill anyone.

So you admit that there is no unbiased media in existence that conservatives support.

Rush makes up his own truth, so can it with 'truth and facts' bullshit.
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

He's already lost. He and the rest of the whacko conservative bubble media believe they have a moment where they can force ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC et al, the real news, out of business so that the fake news like Faux News, Breitbart, and con-talk-radio can take it's place. Unfortunately for Dimbaugh he has maybe 2-3 million viewers a day while ABC, NBC, and CBS EACH has 7-8 million viewers a day. Faux News has maybe 2 million.

Cons, in order for you to win any cultural war you have to actually be in the fight. You are the fringe in all areas. There is no conservative Hollywood, Rupert Murdoch and the rest of the wealthy right wing weirdos understand there are no creative people on the conservative side. All the most creative people, by a million miles, are liberal minded. Otherwise Murdoch and the other con golems would have tried to build a conservative Hollywood and would have been making con movies. But con movies don't sell. They have a tiny audience in this culture which is generally liberal.

There is no battle. Conservatives never make it as far as the playing field, they are forever stuck in traffic on the way to the stadium.

I gotta say, I think the rabid right is more dangerous than that. They want an end to a free media. They want a state controlled media- like Britbart, fox, info wars.

They admire Putin and the damage he has done to Russian economy. They knowingly voted for fascism and will again.

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They want news as news ,not propaganda machines for liberal ideology.

And where is the 'news as news' in the media?
If Rush wants a battle to the death, I won't stand in the way of his wish. RIP Limbaugh.

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