Limbaugh crybaby: NY has audited him 12 years in a row

Yep, just post that he deserves simply because you listen to the drive by media and they tell you to hate. You miss the big picture though, if they can audit Rush because of who he is they can do it to you. Everyone should be afraid of a government that selectively applys the law as a form of intimidation. It does matter if we are on two different sides of an issue.


Thank god we finally got rid of Bush!
Thank god we finally got rid of Bush!

Bush has nothing to do with the conversation.

And if I were Rush, Id be speaking out against the abuses of government if im auditted 12 years in a row too. They know he doesnt live in NY. There is no point to do it.
The guy has a forum where he tells people constantly that taxation is an evil liberal plot.

So the answer is no, I do not think auditing a known lying sack of hate like that fucking pig is being vindictive.

I think it's insuring that the guy isn't also tax cheat, as well as the proven, lying, drug addicted, human piece of excrement he's already proven himself to be.

well, at least you've maintained your objectivity.
that's good to know, too.
as long as it's someone you don't like, let loose the dogs of govt.
i'll remember this the next time you're up on your soapbox telling everyone what blind partisans they are.

exactly, editic admits he loves this solely for political reasons...

Yes, I think Limbough is fucking pig.

12 years in a row is clearly vindictive.

Very likely. Depands on whether they consistently found problems with his taxes, though.

i highly doubt the irs audits anyone that many years in a row.

They do.

if i was audited that many times in a row i would talk about it too.

Me too

it is not whining to say the government is picking you out...the day that talking about government action like this becomes whining or illegal is the day we cease to be the USofA. perhaps that is what davids wants....

Right... it's not whining.

Pigs squeal.
well, at least you've maintained your objectivity.
that's good to know, too.
as long as it's someone you don't like, let loose the dogs of govt.
i'll remember this the next time you're up on your soapbox telling everyone what blind partisans they are.

Yes, I think Limbough is fucking pig.

Very likely. Depands on whether they consistently found problems with his taxes, though.

They do.

Me too

it is not whining to say the government is picking you out...the day that talking about government action like this becomes whining or illegal is the day we cease to be the USofA. perhaps that is what davids wants....

Right... it's not whining.

Pigs squeal.

Well you've shot your 'getting things right' perspective all to hell. Seems you haven't a problem with the government being able to 'target' people using justice department and IRS for their own purposes. Just wait, I'm certain we will see much more of this in the years to come.

BTW, if Limbaugh was audited all those years, it wasn't just Democrats. Just saying.
A known drug addict and proven lying multimillionaire gets audited?

Gee, I wonder why?

How many times has Obama and his current cabnet been audited do you think? All liars and cheats...hell, Oblah blah is even a druggie to boot.
Since New York is overwhelmingly Democratic, my hunch is that this is politically motivated. The IRS has too much power.

It definately is politically motivated. I also find it amusing that the self proclaimed "fair" party has no problem with this type of harrassment when it is used against people they don't agree with. Figures.
Did anyone here that ex Marine bitch slap Rush on his call in show the other day?
The guy has a forum where he tells people constantly that taxation is an evil liberal plot.

So the answer is no, I do not think auditing a known lying sack of hate like that fucking pig is being vindictive.

I think it's insuring that the guy isn't also tax cheat, as well as the proven, lying, drug addicted, human piece of excrement he's already proven himself to be.

well, at least you've maintained your objectivity.
that's good to know, too.
as long as it's someone you don't like, let loose the dogs of govt.
i'll remember this the next time you're up on your soapbox telling everyone what blind partisans they are.

exactly, editic admits he loves this solely for political reasons...

12 years in a row is clearly vindictive. i highly doubt the irs audits anyone that many years in a row. if i was audited that many times in a row i would talk about it too. it is not whining to say the government is picking you out...the day that talking about government action like this becomes whining or illegal is the day we cease to be the USofA. perhaps that is what davids wants....

Of course Editec makes excuses for all the current Liberals that got caught ACTUALLY cheating on taxes. Go figure.

I would suggest, based on the problems discovered trying to seat Democrats to high Government positions that the IRS should begin yearly audits of any Democrat in a political position higher then dog catcher.
well, at least you've maintained your objectivity.
that's good to know, too.
as long as it's someone you don't like, let loose the dogs of govt.
i'll remember this the next time you're up on your soapbox telling everyone what blind partisans they are.

exactly, editic admits he loves this solely for political reasons...

12 years in a row is clearly vindictive. i highly doubt the irs audits anyone that many years in a row. if i was audited that many times in a row i would talk about it too. it is not whining to say the government is picking you out...the day that talking about government action like this becomes whining or illegal is the day we cease to be the USofA. perhaps that is what davids wants....

Of course Editec makes excuses for all the current Liberals that got caught ACTUALLY cheating on taxes. Go figure.

I would suggest, based on the problems discovered trying to seat Democrats to high Government positions that the IRS should begin yearly audits of any Democrat in a political position higher then dog catcher.
better yet, why not just do all democrats
exactly, editic admits he loves this solely for political reasons...

12 years in a row is clearly vindictive. i highly doubt the irs audits anyone that many years in a row. if i was audited that many times in a row i would talk about it too. it is not whining to say the government is picking you out...the day that talking about government action like this becomes whining or illegal is the day we cease to be the USofA. perhaps that is what davids wants....

Of course Editec makes excuses for all the current Liberals that got caught ACTUALLY cheating on taxes. Go figure.

I would suggest, based on the problems discovered trying to seat Democrats to high Government positions that the IRS should begin yearly audits of any Democrat in a political position higher then dog catcher.
better yet, why not just do all democrats

After hearing their own leadership telling them paying taxes was voluntary, you are probably right.
Of course Editec makes excuses for all the current Liberals that got caught ACTUALLY cheating on taxes. Go figure.

I would suggest, based on the problems discovered trying to seat Democrats to high Government positions that the IRS should begin yearly audits of any Democrat in a political position higher then dog catcher.
better yet, why not just do all democrats

After hearing their own leadership telling them paying taxes was voluntary, you are probably right.
AhI is that fat pig some of you so admire getting audited?

And the fact that both Republican administrations AND Democratic ones are doing this auditing doesn't wake any of you up about why this is happening, either, does it?

Of course it doesn't.

You would have to have a fucking clue to understand why this is happening to that pig.

And let's face it, most of you wouldn't take a clue if it was handed to you on a silver platter.

You wallow in your ignorance like that pig you all so love wallows in his filthy hypocrisy
Just curious, how many of Bush's appointee potentials got caught cheating on taxes?
Linda Chavez (Labor Sec) is the only one I can remember off the cuff, and her situation is one worth fining out about. As I recall it, she didn't pay an illegal immigrant, but gave her some money to help her out of dire straits, and that was enough to sink her appointment to Labor. She was savaged by the Ds and withdrew; not similar to the present administration, since Republicans are being pretty much compliant. But, they might as well raise hell, because they will be labelled obstructionists and tax cheats themselves soon enough.
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AhI is that fat pig some of you so admire getting audited?

And the fact that both Republican administrations AND Democratic ones are doing this auditing doesn't wake any of you up about why this is happening, either, does it?

Of course it doesn't.

You would have to have a fucking clue to understand why this is happening to that pig.

And let's face it, most of you wouldn't take a clue if it was handed to you on a silver platter.

You wallow in your ignorance like that pig you all so love wallows in his filthy hypocrisy

Some of us don't listen to 'that fat pig' at all. I happen to think he assaults my ears. I'd say the same about many folks on radio and telly for that matter. However, I 'don't listen or watch them.' I hit a button to move on. I don't think they should be hounded by the government, but nice of you to drop the pretense of caring about the 'goodness' of government.
AhI is that fat pig some of you so admire getting audited?

And the fact that both Republican administrations AND Democratic ones are doing this auditing doesn't wake any of you up about why this is happening, either, does it?

Of course it doesn't.

You would have to have a fucking clue to understand why this is happening to that pig.

And let's face it, most of you wouldn't take a clue if it was handed to you on a silver platter.

You wallow in your ignorance like that pig you all so love wallows in his filthy hypocrisy

Hey, kids...the IRS isn't doing the auditing, the State of New York is...and if you read the article he's saying he's been audited twice. Once for a seven year period and once for a three year period.

Big. Fucking. Deal.

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