Limbaugh crybaby: NY has audited him 12 years in a row

I love to see these ignorant morons defending this pig of man.

Tells me everything I need to know about them.
I love to see these ignorant morons defending this pig of man.

Tells me everything I need to know about them.

While your comments about how it is just fine to use the Government to hound someone you do not like tells us ALL about you.
I love to see these ignorant morons defending this pig of man.

Tells me everything I need to know about them.

it seems to me you knew everything you needed to know before you got here.

you've just forgotten most of it.
I think the political motivation is solely on Rushbo's side. It isn't unusual for a state to audit someone twice, especially someone who earns a lot of money from a company located in their state.

He's been bashing New York and the citizens of New York for years...all as part of his political agenda.
AhI is that fat pig some of you so admire getting audited?

And the fact that both Republican administrations AND Democratic ones are doing this auditing doesn't wake any of you up about why this is happening, either, does it?

Let's please drop the pretense that R administrations have any control at all over the bureaucracy. The entire bureaucracy belongs to the party of goverment (the D Party), and the only one I can think of in the Federal government that is compliant to a Republican President, may be the Dept of Defense, and that is highly quesionable. Only the top slots in all those agencies are loyal to a Republican. All the rest know the R. hold on their agency, is ephemeral at best, and nothing at all changes a tier or two down from the top. Walter Reed Hospital, and its maintenance and shortfalls were all bureaucratic failures, and we shouldn't be surprised when those failures occur more during R administrations when the Ds who inhabit them feel more recalcitrant, angry, and that their power structure has been usurped.

When I went to the local SS Admin. Office and signed up for Medicare I asked the worker there for some help in how to procede, she literally slammed a booklet down in front of me with page after page of plans and data, and just said "Here! This is what the damned Republicans gave to you. You can find what you need to know right here, between page 90 and 130."
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Nobody listens to Rush Limbaugh.

They listen to 45 minutes of commercials and 15 minutes of him talking to whoever is in the control booth.

My drive to work is 20 minutes. I can get all the way there on commercials with AM radio.

That's why I listen to real radio: NPR.
I love to see these ignorant morons defending this pig of man.

Tells me everything I need to know about them.

it seems to me you knew everything you needed to know before you got here.

you've just forgotten most of it.

Yeah, that's why I come here.

I need to be reminded how utterely stupid some people can be.
Nobody listens to Rush Limbaugh.

They listen to 45 minutes of commercials and 15 minutes of him talking to whoever is in the control booth.

My drive to work is 20 minutes. I can get all the way there on commercials with AM radio.

That's why I listen to real radio: NPR.

which is why you are all so concerned about Rush, because no one is listening to him. Right...
A known drug addict and proven lying multimillionaire gets audited?

Gee, I wonder why?

so you don't think twelve years in a row is just a little excessive/vindictive?
that's good to know.

The guy has a forum where he tells people constantly that taxation is an evil liberal plot.

So the answer is no, I do not think auditing a known lying sack of hate like that fucking pig is being vindictive.

I think it's insuring that the guy isn't also tax cheat, as well as the proven, lying, drug addicted, human piece of excrement he's already proven himself to be.[/QUOTE]

And that's what makes you a dishonest fuck. being as this regime has virtually placed tax cheats in every single appointment..

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