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Limbaugh gets Fluke(d) again

Limbaugh's net worth - $29 million.

I'm sure he could give a fuck-less what some message board Libberhoid flunkies think.
I realize that. I'm incredulous that anyone who considers himself well educated (or at least well read) and an adult would listen to such a contemptible bloviator as Mr. Limbaugh. I guess some folks don't share the standards of quality other do.

Why wouldn't I? Here are some very good reasons to listen to Limbaugh:

1. He speaks the truth most of the time.
2. He speaks out against the government.
3. He makes liberals piss their panties.

Given a choice between listening to news outlets that are mouthpieces for the government (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR) and listening to news outlets that speak out against the government (FOX), I choose to listen to the voice of dissent. You sheep can listen to whatever you want to. Have fun with that.
Ah! Dissent! But inconsistent dissent, would you not agree? I mean the whole debacle in Iraq and then Afghanistan enjoyed the full throated support of the Conservative media. Where was the most precious "dissent" then?
When I compare the main conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh to the liberal's main proud radio personality, I have to ask:

who is the main liberal radio personality again?

I mean, sure: the libs have almost ALL of the main stream media's news anchors and "reporters" [sic] (i.e., their new readers) on the left side. But, that's just the old propaganda outlets.

Yet libs, like the author of the blithering blathering OP, do tend to hyperventilate that conservative talk radio is a success.

They worry about having ANY competing thoughts being disseminated. Their need for group think and rigid orthodoxy is disturbing.

Bad news for the lunatic libs who tend to oppose alternative views being tolerated: Rush Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. If the ABC radio network and the syndicate that puts out the Rush radio show allows him and his EIB network to move on, then move on Rush will. He won't go away, he'll just start up on different outlets: that's only going to give Rush a wider audience in the long run.

The orchestrated effort of the leftist wannabe censors will not succeed.

Like him or not, Rush offers something the leftist radio talking heads could never provide: informative and entertaining radio.

You bring up a relevant point, Ilya. There is no one on the left who is the equivalent of Limbaugh, or Beck for that matter. Which raises the question as to why there is such a huge market for this on the right but it is virtually non existent on the left.

Perhaps the OP provides a clue when it mentioned Limbaugh's misogynist remarks about Fluke. There really doesn't seem to be any audience on the left for that kind of language. Granted there is a sense of outrage on the left but it is a reaction to what is stemming from the right rather than originating from the left. There just doesn't seem to be any need for someone on the left to demean women when the right is doing such a thorough job of it. And to be fair it isn't only Limbaugh. Just look at all the GOP candidates remarks about women, rape and abortion.

Between them all they have the misogyny market locked down so it looks like you are right that Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. He amply fills the niche that he has created for himself.

Damn. I'm out of rep but here's an IOU.

You've drilled into a deep psychological well here, a question I've been raising for years. Dittoes are so fond of bringing up AirAmerica and the various leftist radio talkers that tried to copycat Limblob's model and couldn't find the same ratings numbers.

Since we're talking about ratings (attention) we can see the leftists copying the model of mean-spirited demonization have not garnered the same degree of attention... yet the right wing talkers that copied the same model (Hannity, Boortz, Savage et al), have done so. We can conclude that the strategy of eliminationism works for the right but does not work for the left, which in turn indicates the two approaches are serving different audience hot buttons. It would appear the right's hot button is much more attuned to division and misogyny that the left's is.

On the other hand what works far better for audiences on the left is humor and satire (Stewart, Colbert, Maher, Carlin), an approach that seems to remain a mystery to the right.

It's got to say something about how the two groups tend to think.

And I think you just nailed it right there. What takes 3 hours to say on the right can be summed up by a 3 minute quip on the left.
When I compare the main conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh to the liberal's main proud radio personality, I have to ask:

who is the main liberal radio personality again?

I mean, sure: the libs have almost ALL of the main stream media's news anchors and "reporters" [sic] (i.e., their new readers) on the left side. But, that's just the old propaganda outlets.

Yet libs, like the author of the blithering blathering OP, do tend to hyperventilate that conservative talk radio is a success.

They worry about having ANY competing thoughts being disseminated. Their need for group think and rigid orthodoxy is disturbing.

Bad news for the lunatic libs who tend to oppose alternative views being tolerated: Rush Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. If the ABC radio network and the syndicate that puts out the Rush radio show allows him and his EIB network to move on, then move on Rush will. He won't go away, he'll just start up on different outlets: that's only going to give Rush a wider audience in the long run.

The orchestrated effort of the leftist wannabe censors will not succeed.

Like him or not, Rush offers something the leftist radio talking heads could never provide: informative and entertaining radio.

In that vein I'll offer my opinion of Limbaugh. Any defense of Limbaugh must also include an acceptance of the ability of others to call him out. I've listened off and on to him for a long time, back when he coined words like Fema-Nazis and when he made fun of the appearance of a very young Chelsea Clinton. He was an Asshole (Arrogant, Self Serving HOLE - person of no substance) then and remains an asshole today.

Does that mean I want him censored? Hell no! He is the archetype of the Callous Conservative. He is motived only by greed and celebrity and not effected whatsoever by the misfortunate of others. In fact he exploits them and blames them.

His treatment of Sandra Fluke was outrageous, and repeated by a callous conservative asshole even today on this message board. His impact on traditional American ethos has been enormous, he legitimized for some sociopathy, evident by the posts of callous conservatives on this message board as persons who lack a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
Doesnt answer the question of if you are a fan of his or not.

Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive......and Dodge.
I'm not dodging anything. I can't afford the bill to watch Bill. Ergo, I do not watch him. Simple isn't it? Or is it?

So say you are not a fan of his and be done with it.
I'm not a fan of Chinese opera because I've never attended a Chinese opera. Same goes for tractor pulls, cock fights, tattoo parlors, Walt Disney World, the Rock of Gibraltar, Peruvian fishing villages, the Mormon Church and the New York Knickerbockers. I've never been, seen, done or experienced any of those, just like Bill Mahr. It's hard to be a "fan" of something unexperienced.
No he just implied she was.


He did an extremely innocent comedy bit - which you leftist have lied about for 20 years.

Extremely innocent? Ha!
He tried to blame it on someone else.... Wasn't it a taped show?

Uncensored is a liar. I heard Limbaugh's comments about Chelsea Clinton while driving over Mt. Rose one day. I don't recall the exact words, I do recall saying out loud (I was alone in the car), "what an asshole"!

The irony of this thread, and the chutzpah of you leftists is precious.

First Pogo lies - and since it is a lie that is part of the party dogma, you jump in. Then I post a transcript that refutes the lie, and Pogo posts a video that refutes his own lies - as if as long as he makes enough noise, reality will contort to fit party goals.

All over a 20 year old comedy bit, because you party hacks are so desperate to go after Limbaugh on anything - no matter how absurd.

Then Derideo_Te comes stumbling in to decare "conservatives just don't understand comedy and satire." :huh:


Sometimes I suspect the whole lot of you are paid by the GOP to make a mockery of what the mindless left is....
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If Rush walked into a bar and spoke the way he speaks and said some of the outragious things he says, he would get his butt beat in a minute. Not just by libs or dem's, most conservatives and even T party folks would wup his but just for being a crude foul mouthed jerk. He hides behind his microphone. Over and over he has showed himself to be a cowardly type of guy who refuses to get into live moderated debates with his opponents. The boycotts discussed here have diminished his influence.

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