Limbaugh Jokes That Hungry Children Should Dumpster Dive


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2010
Limbaugh responded to a news story about the more than 16 million children that go hungry over the summer because of the absence of the school lunch program with a callous screed ending with the suggestion that poor children should turn to the neighborhood dumpster for food........


"There’s another place if none of these options work to find food; there’s always the neighborhood dumpster. Now, you might find competition with homeless people there, but there are videos that have been produced to show you how to healthfully dine and how to dumpster dive and survive until school kicks back up in August. Can you imagine the benefit we would provide people?”

Read more: Rush Limbaugh Jokes That Hungry Children Should Dumpster Dive | Care2 Causes
If only we turned our lives over to the government, we could eliminate hunger, poverty and death
Seems the republicans are ramping up their hatred and attacks on the poor...yep can sense the elections around the corner...its gonna be 2012's rape comments for 2014.
I sure was hungry as a kid, but never resorted to that. We survived. All 8 of us. Without programs like are available today.
I sure was hungry as a kid, but never resorted to that. We survived. All 8 of us. Without programs like are available today.

So you want other children to be hungry and "survive"? What if they can't "survive"?
Well then to hell with them! That's the republican way! They will defend to the death in some cases the right of a baby to be born but once its out that's it! No way jose are they taking care of it or making sure it has a good life.
Without liberals, ears glued to the radio, most of us would never know what Mr. Limbaugh had to say!
There are no hungry children in the US IF their parents are not spending all the money on dope or nails.
I sure was hungry as a kid, but never resorted to that. We survived. All 8 of us. Without programs like are available today.

So you want other children to be hungry and "survive"? What if they can't "survive"?

then they will not die of obesity.

there are no hungry children in US nowadays.

if they are hungry - that is the fault of the parents, which are not hungry, I can bet.
"There’s another place if none of these options work to find food; there’s always the neighborhood dumpster. Now, you might find competition with homeless people there, but there are videos that have been produced to show you how to healthfully dine and how to dumpster dive and survive until school kicks back up in August. Can you imagine the benefit we would provide people?”

Apparently the notion of humiliating poor children is a common theme among conservatives.
Would you please provide more detail? Perhaps from your recording of the program? Some of us were too busy working to have listened with your dedication.
Why does everyone accept these figures without skepticism? We have an obesity epidemic but we have 16 million going hungry. That figure is bogus and it is not the case in my community. Much like at the whole foods store tonight that said one in four kids will not get a holiday meal this Christmas, whatever a holiday meal is. And let me add this and I think it would hold for most everyone on the message board, if I saw any kid who was suffering from not getting a meal I would be feeding that kid.
Well then to hell with them! That's the republican way! They will defend to the death in some cases the right of a baby to be born but once its out that's it! No way jose are they taking care of it or making sure it has a good life.

If you admit it was a joke, why bother to start the thread? Are you just stupid?

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