Limbaugh Jokes That Hungry Children Should Dumpster Dive

put a muzzle on your ugly self for crying out loud
You think calling Palin a cxxt is funny..You're no better than the man you are wailing about
go get a life

I think calling her that is funny because I am absolutely fucking mystified how a person this poorly informed, this stupid, this much of a simpleton not only got on a national ticket, but is a spokesperson for a political movement.

Seriously, let's let the son of the local meth dealer do sleepovers with my daughter, and then wonder why she gets pregnant, while she preaches morality to the rest of us.

Not to worry, Sarah was right out there defending a rednecks right to make homophobic slurs yesterday...

well we all can't be as brilliant as you..
lol, oooooooooooooooo, homophobic rednecks...
go get a life...stop living in misery and projecting it on us

True, you all can't be as brilliant as I am, but at least recognize a stupid person when you see one.

The biggest problem the GOP has it that it is made up of loud-mouth Celebrity Retards like LImbaugh and Palin and Coulter rather than thoughtful leaders with proven track records.

Frankly, I think there are some smart folks on the right with things to say that are worth listening to.

They get drowned out by the idiots...
I think calling her that is funny because I am absolutely fucking mystified how a person this poorly informed, this stupid, this much of a simpleton not only got on a national ticket, but is a spokesperson for a political movement.

Seriously, let's let the son of the local meth dealer do sleepovers with my daughter, and then wonder why she gets pregnant, while she preaches morality to the rest of us.

Not to worry, Sarah was right out there defending a rednecks right to make homophobic slurs yesterday...

well we all can't be as brilliant as you..
lol, oooooooooooooooo, homophobic rednecks...
go get a life...stop living in misery and projecting it on us

True, you all can't be as brilliant as I am, but at least recognize a stupid person when you see one.

The biggest problem the GOP has it that it is made up of loud-mouth Celebrity Retards like LImbaugh and Palin and Coulter rather than thoughtful leaders with proven track records.

Frankly, I think there are some smart folks on the right with things to say that are worth listening to.

They get drowned out by the idiots...

Frankly Joey, I haven't paid attention to what you have to say in a long time..All it is whine, snobbist, boring...but carry on with your miserable self
see ya

[MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION], if you can't come up with a response, just say so.

Did I say something wrong? If so, please explain.

And by the way, can you point out anything on this site, including your posts, that ISN'T rhetoric?

Two direct, clear, straightforward questions for you.


Yeah. Right. Well, since you apparently don't even recognize rhetoric when it's your native language, then I see no reason to go any further with the conversation.

That's okay. I never, ever expect straight answers here.

I have to wonder how much of an effort it takes to be such an callous and ignorant person...

Child Hunger in America: Childhood Hunger Facts | Feeding America

Good nutrition, particularly in the first three years of life, is important for establishing a good foundation that has implications for a child’s future physical and mental health, academic achievement, and economic productivity. Unfortunately, food insecurity is an obstacle that threatens that critical foundation. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 15.9 million children under 18 in the United States live in households where they are unable to consistently access enough nutritious food necessary for a healthy life. Although food insecurity is harmful to any individual, it can be particularly devastating among children due to their increased vulnerability and the potential for long-term consequences.

•Nearly 14 million children are estimated to be served by Feeding America, over 3 million of which are ages 5 and under.[vi]
•Proper nutrition is vital to the growth and development of children. 62 percent of client households with children under the age of 18 reported participating in the National School Lunch Program, but only 14 percent reported having a child participate in a summer feeding program that provides free food when school is out.[vii]
•54 percent of client households with children under the age of 3 participated in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).[viii]
•32 percent of pantries, 42 percent of kitchens, and 18 percent of shelters in the Feeding America network reported "many more children in the summer" being served by their programs.[
I don't get it. Everything you've posted proves that no one is going hungry in America. What, then, is the problem?

Map the Meal Gap | Food Insecurity in your County

What is it you want to see? Children starving?


You want to learn about hunger and poverty in America, learn how to use Google.

areas of hunger in america

Hunger at Home: Crisis in America - ABC News

Maybe I hit the nail on the head. Maybe Republicans just want to see some starving children.
Maybe I hit the nail on the head. Maybe Republicans just want to see some starving children.

Were that true the libs running A&E would fire up a "reality" show based on it.

Aw we've gone and inspired 'em.

Well.....they will need something to try to replace their disappearing super-star money-spinner.
You cannot shame people without honor.

You cannot shame people without morals.

If this is not yet obvious, then you haven't been reading the posts on this board very closely.

^This^ is true, but is is useful to translate what they say, so others of good will can understand what they're truly saying:

these kids should be dead by now, the story is from 2010, is that how far back you idiots need to go to try and come up with something?
put a muzzle on your ugly self for crying out loud
You think calling Palin a cxxt is funny..You're no better than the man you are wailing about
go get a life

I think calling her that is funny because I am absolutely fucking mystified how a person this poorly informed, this stupid, this much of a simpleton not only got on a national ticket, but is a spokesperson for a political movement.

Seriously, let's let the son of the local meth dealer do sleepovers with my daughter, and then wonder why she gets pregnant, while she preaches morality to the rest of us.

Not to worry, Sarah was right out there defending a rednecks right to make homophobic slurs yesterday...

well we all can't be as brilliant as you..
lol, oooooooooooooooo, homophobic rednecks...
go get a life...stop living in misery and projecting it on us

Wow, he actually said calling Palin that disgusting word was "FUNNY"? Thank goodness I've put that misogynistic fool on ignore!
conservatives feed more people in the world than liberals

But liberals move more out of poverty through job training and education.

Have you noticed that? Republicans blame the poor for being poor, but you never hear them talking about actually helping the poor. Just give them stuff they call "charity". And the help Democrats give through job training and education, Republicans call that "free stuff" which they hate. So very odd.
More education = more jobs for the poor. Agree?

Improving the education and skills of available workers does not increase the number of available jobs. However, during times of high employment, equal opportunity to education and training would broaden everyone's options.
conservatives feed more people in the world than liberals

But liberals move more out of poverty through job training and education.

Liberals do not move people out of poverty, and everything a Liberal does takes the money of a Conservative. You are talking about using tax money created by Capitalism, Conservatives, those who work.

Job Training, what a joke, like you can train everyone to be doctors and engineers, (I live out lawyers who only feed on the Judicial system taxes pay for).

We need jobs which requires government to quit taxing us so much not to mention we need energy for industry, not for houses which is what "green" energy is measured in.

Liberal Education in the USA now costs at least 100k, more? Your proud? And if we need more job training and education I guess all that education and training for the last thirty years was a failure, right.

Liberal Education and Training has failed the USA and now they want another chance, more money.
conservatives feed more people in the world than liberals

But liberals move more out of poverty through job training and education.

Have you noticed that? Republicans blame the poor for being poor, but you never hear them talking about actually helping the poor. Just give them stuff they call "charity". And the help Democrats give through job training and education, Republicans call that "free stuff" which they hate. So very odd.

Oh, this is Republican against Democrat? We help the poor everyday, sad that you have such a stereotype of people, its seems borderline hostile, irrational.

Charity, all the Charity in the World starts with labor, labor that is taxed, heavily taxed, which you take from me, and give to the poor, while I suffer, while I am poor. Very nice, last time I checked there was nothing free about the liberal schools, nothing free when it comes to public schools, first and foremost thanks to Liberal Democrat policies that force industry to leave the USA, there are no jobs for High School Graduates, now we must be Government College Approved educated, and that costs tens of thousands per pupil, on top of the trillions spent on the poor every year.

Yea, Liberal/Democrats say they help the poor, its just words and politics, Liberal/Democrats are the last people on earth to help anyone with thier own money and the politicians are complete failures when it comes to ending poverty.

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