Limbaugh's weaker than water "apology"

So you stopped reading at the point you laughed because a woman's prescription wasn't covered?

How bout you read more.

You won;t though. I know it.

I didn't say I stopped at that point, I said that I quoted the story. Here is what you and I will never agree on. I think using contraception is people's responsibility to themselves. You think it's someone else's responsibility. Telling sad stories that people don't take responsibility for themselves isn't going to get me to want Obama/Harry/Nancy to fuck the rest of us so girls can get fucked without giving a fuck of the consequences of that unless someone else pays for it.
Right, the people being forced to pay for it have no say, we need to STFU. If she's paying her own bills, you're dead on. But when they are handed to the rest of us, you're damned straight we're involved in the discussion. Liberalism, stupidity in action...

If you weren't such a dumb ass you'd realize you gave a good reason she should pay her own bills. Then it wouldn't be our business.
Unless you are part of the Georgetown U law school insurance pool, you're not paying a damn thing.

which is the point, she's paying into this pool, Kaz isn't.

Why is this lost on people?

On the larger issue of insurance, the fact is, insurance is a byproduct of your labor. That should give you some say in what the terms are.

Now, there is an argument that can be made that the church has a contientious right to object or to generally limit what it covers on business principle.

But those arguments are not helped by a guy who was thrice-divorced calling a young woman a "slut" and telling her to post porn videos of herself.

Well said.
Well, as has already been explained more than once, there are other uses for oral contraception and she explained that in her testimony. Guess you didn't read that part or you didn't get it if you did.

If dumbass wingnuts like yourself want to keep shouting what a "slut" she is, go right ahead. It's obviously working so well for you so far.


I'm against government forcing insurance to pay for contraception to have sex. I've said nor addressed anything else. How stupid are you?

I'm smart enough to see how it just got explained to you (more than once and by more than just me) how birth control pills can be used for more than just having sex and you keep lumping them in with viagra and condoms.

But you're not smart enough to separate medical treatments from freedom to have sex pills. So I guess we have a range.
And on a side note, Liberal/Democrat Women do tend to be immoral sluts. They just lack moral fiber. It is what it is.
For those who hate Limbaugh, it wouldn't matter what he said, the apology would never be enough.

For those who like Limbaugh, the apology will suffice.

For those who love Limbaugh, they are all wondering why such a fuss and they are thinking he said nothing for which he should apologize.

For me, I couldn't care less...
Turns out that Fluke is 30 years old not 23.
Has been a campus political activist for quite sometime.

Sandra Fluke Is Really 30 Years Old And Went to Georgetown Knowing Contraception Wasn’t Covered | Video |
If you look up Georgetown's Insurance, they have 2 plans. One that offers coverage of contraception and one that doesn't.
Seems to me her goal is to get the one that doesn't to pay for it. Never mind that you can have a choice eh?
I think that this is all about every single insurance MUST have contraception coverage no matter what.
To hell with ideologies or choices in this country any more. This is about force not freedom.
They are paying for a product and it's not being provided.

She is paying for a policy which provides contraception and isn't getting that? No she's not.

You believe the mysterious money appears from nowhere when it's to fund socialism delusion. Her policy doesn't currently provide free contraception, so it's not build in. If they are forced to provide it, then everyone's rates will go up by the average amount it costs for the contraception plus administration of the program plus markup. Socialism isn't free just because you want it to be.

She has a choice if she's responsible, she can pay for contraception, she can not have sex.

When government forces her fellow students to pay for it, they don't have a choice.

I know you won't grasp this. It's simple, but it's not socialism. So it's a "lie."


Increase all womens tuition by 1500 a year and give it to them.
I'm against government forcing insurance to pay for contraception to have sex. I've said nor addressed anything else. How stupid are you?

I'm smart enough to see how it just got explained to you (more than once and by more than just me) how birth control pills can be used for more than just having sex and you keep lumping them in with viagra and condoms.

But you're not smart enough to separate medical treatments from freedom to have sex pills. So I guess we have a range.

You are free to have sex even without birth control just aren't free to have unwanted children
The Church is taking money from her to provide a service. It's not paying her anything

Well that would be an issue if you weren't full of crap. Can you show the link that they aren't paying any of her medical bills? They aren't paying for contraception, which is something they don't say they will pay for.

I want my insurance to pay for my Dr. Sholls, my feet get sore. And I want more expensive shoes. My insurance needs to pay for that. I need to lose some weight, but diet foods sucks. I want government to force my insurance to pay for better tasting diet food. And smoking, it's better for the people on my policy if I quit, government should force them to pay for my program. I get callouses on my hands when I work in the yard. Government needs to force my insurance carrier to pay for quality gloves to prevent that.

Yeah, it is that stupid.

Not really. The decision of what is a sensible course of treatment is between a patient and a doctor. Since you need a doctor's prescription to get birth control pills, it does fall under health insurance coverage. Sorry, just does.
For those who hate Limbaugh, it wouldn't matter what he said, the apology would never be enough.

For those who like Limbaugh, the apology will suffice.

For those who love Limbaugh, they are all wondering why such a fuss and they are thinking he said nothing for which he should apologize.

For me, I couldn't care less...

No kidding...they didn't get this excited when Schultz, Letterman and Maher called a former woman GOVONOR and a sitting woman Representative, a twat, a slut and worse.

they are such phonies
I'm against government forcing insurance to pay for contraception to have sex. I've said nor addressed anything else. How stupid are you?

I'm smart enough to see how it just got explained to you (more than once and by more than just me) how birth control pills can be used for more than just having sex and you keep lumping them in with viagra and condoms.

But you're not smart enough to separate medical treatments from freedom to have sex pills. So I guess we have a range.

There's nothing to separate. They're good for more than just having sex without making a baby. Period.

Mind you, I also don't have a problem with Viagra being included on health insurance, and I doubt you and other wingnuts did, either. This is all just about undermining "Obamacare", and by the looks of things at the moment it ain't gonna work.

And on a side note, Liberal/Democrat Women do tend to be immoral sluts. They just lack moral fiber. It is what it is.

Hope the candidates you're rooting for this year go with that.

They won't, but it is reality. Most Liberal/Democrat women are very self-centered and immoral. They like to get drunk and get laid. They then contract their STD's and try to blame everyone else for them being immoral sluts. They just lack moral fiber. And fellow Taxpayers/Citizens should not be forced to pay for their sexual behavior. That's on them. So spare me the Entitlement/Moocher whining. I'm completely sick of it. And so are most other Americans. You want to be a slut? Fine, but quit bitching and just pay for it yourself. Period, end of story.
Turns out that Fluke is 30 years old not 23.
Has been a campus political activist for quite sometime.
Why in the hay-ell do you guys keep pushing this "she's not really 23" shit?

She never said she was 23.

And so the fuck WHAT that she is someone that works for change by being a ****ouuuu* scary word - activist.
And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.

Rush himself claimed that and bitched about it after the 2008 election. Your last paragraph pretty much is a humungous lie.

That's your opinion....however I listen to him 5 days a week and I know it's true.

So then you do remember him saying that he was "tired of carrying the water for the republican party' like Bodeca stated right? [ame=""]"I feel liberated, and I'm going to tell you as plainly as I can why. I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don't think deserve having their water carried. Now, you might say, "Well, why have you been doing it?" Because the stakes are high. Even though the Republican Party let us down, to me they represent a far better future for my beliefs and therefore the country's than the Democrat Party and liberalism does."[/ame]
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For those who hate Limbaugh, it wouldn't matter what he said, the apology would never be enough.

For those who like Limbaugh, the apology will suffice.

For those who love Limbaugh, they are all wondering why such a fuss and they are thinking he said nothing for which he should apologize.

For me, I couldn't care less...

I usually like Limbaugh, but I thought this was unacceptable. I don't think his apology went far enough.

More to the point, I'm upset the GOP has gotten into this quicksand when it should be talking about more important issues.

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