Limbaugh's weaker than water "apology"

She’s a moocher and a tool of the Nanny State. She’s a poster girl for the rabid Planned Parenthood lobby and its eugenics-inspired foremothers.

she's not stupid either. she can get BC from walmart for 10 bucks a month or a 100 bucks buys a years supply of IUD's. and she knows it. which proves she's a plant.

Limbaugh should mount a massive attack. which I support 110%

"a years supply of IUD's"

Holy shit. You guys really really really DO NOT KNOW a damn thing about reproduction methods, do you.

Jesus Christ.
Yeah, I bet you busted a gut laughing about the woman who lost A FUCKING OVARY because some backward repressed neanderthals were squabbling about whether they should pay of for birth control pills that would have helped her cysts. Now she's going through early menopause and may never get pregnant.

You probably had a good guffaw reading about the extremely painful condition of endometriosis Fluke relayed - the kind of pain which makes you feel like a bullet was shot through your uterus - and that BC pills can help relieve, but the "moral" jackaass Jesuits couldn't see fit to cover.

Bet it was just ruckus laughter in your house as you got your big FU off suffering women.

Another example of an actual "strawman" argument for RW. He uses the term wrong all the time, I'm trying to show him good examples of them.

I quoted her points on using birth control for sex. Her testimony on that was a bad comedy skit. The part of using birth control to treat medical problems came from the stick you need to pull out of your ass.
The man apologizes yet the Left-Bots still go on feigning outrage. Look here's the deal Left-Bots, the horse has been dead for awhile on this one. So continuing to beat it, aint gonna get you anywhere. Looks like you'll just have to invent a new phony outrage. Good luck with that.

Au contraire, this horse is still kicking and you better believe we and others outside of forumland are NOT gonna stop talking about it. When you stike gold, you keep mining.

There are only two parties that should be having this conversation.

1) Medical professionals.
2) Patients.

Right, the people being forced to pay for it have no say, we need to STFU. If she's paying her own bills, you're dead on. But when they are handed to the rest of us, you're damned straight we're involved in the discussion. Liberalism, stupidity in action...

If you weren't such a dumb ass you'd realize you gave a good reason she should pay her own bills. Then it wouldn't be our business.
Unless you are part of the Georgetown U law school insurance pool, you're not paying a damn thing.
If RL was in his own self interest.

Do you really think he is sorry ?

Get a grip.

I don't know. While I agree the apology might be tainted out of pure self-interest, it is also possible that he belatedly realized that he had gone a bit too far.

I agree on the latter.

And I think an apology (to that extent) was warranted.

Who the hell are we to say that (at least to that extent) it wasn't sincere?
There are only two parties that should be having this conversation.

1) Medical professionals.
2) Patients.

Right, the people being forced to pay for it have no say, we need to STFU. If she's paying her own bills, you're dead on. But when they are handed to the rest of us, you're damned straight we're involved in the discussion. Liberalism, stupidity in action...

If you weren't such a dumb ass you'd realize you gave a good reason she should pay her own bills. Then it wouldn't be our business.

Well, then we get into the whole question of "whose paying her bills", don't we, dumbass.

The Church is taking money from her to provide a service. It's not paying her anything. if the Church doesn't want to be in that business, they should sell Georgetown U. to a private concern and not sully their hands. (Except of course, there's money to be made, and religion is always about the money.)

Fact is, everyone is paying into the system, but we don't put medical treatment up to a vote. It's a professional service that should be handled by PROFESSIONALS. Just because we buy a plane ticket does not mean we get to tell the pilot how to fly the plane.
she claims she's fuckin every swingin dick on the campus. let's see the vids.
She does ring up quite a contraception bill, doesn't she? She can screw whomever she wants as often as she wants. SHE can pay for it on her own dime...if she can't pay? Then I suggest she alter her deviant behaviour. Her daddy must be so proud of her...:eusa_whistle:
IOW, you didn't. And it shows.

You just showed the liar is you, dumb ass. That was a direct story from her testimony.

You obviously didn't read it ALL, dipshit.

kaz: I read some of it

EriktheRed: oh yeah, you're a liar you didn't

kaz: I quoted it

EriktheRed: Oh yeah, well you didn't read all of it.

No duh, I told you that. I read and was commenting on the need for law student ho's to have sex but not pay for it.
She’s a moocher and a tool of the Nanny State. She’s a poster girl for the rabid Planned Parenthood lobby and its eugenics-inspired foremothers.

she's not stupid either. she can get BC from walmart for 10 bucks a month or a 100 bucks buys a years supply of IUD's. and she knows it. which proves she's a plant.

Limbaugh should mount a massive attack. which I support 110%

"a years supply of IUD's"

Holy shit. You guys really really really DO NOT KNOW a damn thing about reproduction methods, do you.

Jesus Christ.

In a way it's educational watching them parade their ignorance on the subject. Isn't it?
see here. Only the left gets to decide when it's FITTING to call someone a whore or A SLUT..

California NOW Chief: Calling Whitman a 'Whore' is Accurate

Published October 15, 2010

The president of the National Organization for Women may have said it's wrong for anyone to call a woman a "whore," but the head of the California NOW affiliate says Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman is one.

California NOW President Parry Bellasalma told the TPM blog on Thursday that the description of the Republican candidate for governor of California is accurate.

"Meg Whitman could be described as 'a political whore.' Yes, that's an accurate statement," Bellasalma said after a TPM blogger called to ask her about a story that appeared on the Daily Caller website.

In the Daily Caller report, Bellasalma said a conversation recorded by a voicemail system after Whitman's Democratic opponent, Jerry Brown, thought he'd hung up on the Los Angeles Police Protective League demonstrates that Whitman is a sell-out and thus deserving of the description.

Read more: California NOW Chief: Calling Whitman A 'Whore' Is Accurate | Fox News
She’s a moocher and a tool of the Nanny State. She’s a poster girl for the rabid Planned Parenthood lobby and its eugenics-inspired foremothers.

she's not stupid either. she can get BC from walmart for 10 bucks a month or a 100 bucks buys a years supply of IUD's. and she knows it. which proves she's a plant.

Limbaugh should mount a massive attack. which I support 110%
Another birth control expert! :rofl::lmao:
Just another dishonest Entitlement/Moocher Democrat. She really does believe everyone owes her something. That's the warped mentality the Democrats have created. Rush should have just called her a liar and left it at that. His use of the term 'Slut' was a bit gratuitous and unnecessary. Why stoop to the Left's level? Glad to see he apologized though. Way to man-up Rush.
Yeah, I bet you busted a gut laughing about the woman who lost A FUCKING OVARY because some backward repressed neanderthals were squabbling about whether they should pay of for birth control pills that would have helped her cysts. Now she's going through early menopause and may never get pregnant.

You probably had a good guffaw reading about the extremely painful condition of endometriosis Fluke relayed - the kind of pain which makes you feel like a bullet was shot through your uterus - and that BC pills can help relieve, but the "moral" jackaass Jesuits couldn't see fit to cover.

Bet it was just ruckus laughter in your house as you got your big FU off suffering women.

Another example of an actual "strawman" argument for RW. He uses the term wrong all the time, I'm trying to show him good examples of them.

I quoted her points on using birth control for sex. Her testimony on that was a bad comedy skit. The part of using birth control to treat medical problems came from the stick you need to pull out of your ass.
Yeah. Really sucks when people pay for health insurance only to find their prescriptions are not covered.
It would be wrong of me to hope that happens to you some day.

So I won't say it.
Just another dishonest Entitlement/Moocher Democrat. She really does believe everyone owes her something. That's the warped mentality the Democrats have created. Rush should have just called her a liar and left it at that. His use of the term 'Slut' was a bit gratuitous and unnecessary. Why stoop to the Left's level? Glad to see he apologized though. Way to man-up Rush.
Agreed. Glad he did apologize. *I* still see her as a harlot...and a disingenuous one.
she claims she's fuckin every swingin dick on the campus. let's see the vids.
She does ring up quite a contraception bill, doesn't she? She can screw whomever she wants as often as she wants. SHE can pay for it on her own dime...if she can't pay? Then I suggest she alter her deviant behaviour. Her daddy must be so proud of her...:eusa_whistle:

I have to hand it to you boys. You've come up with a wonderfully effective issue for the 2012 election. And not just the presidency either. This will play quite well at the Congressional race level too. :clap2:
There are only two parties that should be having this conversation.

1) Medical professionals.
2) Patients.

Right, the people being forced to pay for it have no say, we need to STFU. If she's paying her own bills, you're dead on. But when they are handed to the rest of us, you're damned straight we're involved in the discussion. Liberalism, stupidity in action...

If you weren't such a dumb ass you'd realize you gave a good reason she should pay her own bills. Then it wouldn't be our business.
Unless you are part of the Georgetown U law school insurance pool, you're not paying a damn thing.

which is the point, she's paying into this pool, Kaz isn't.

Why is this lost on people?

On the larger issue of insurance, the fact is, insurance is a byproduct of your labor. That should give you some say in what the terms are.

Now, there is an argument that can be made that the church has a contientious right to object or to generally limit what it covers on business principle.

But those arguments are not helped by a guy who was thrice-divorced calling a young woman a "slut" and telling her to post porn videos of herself.
The Church is taking money from her to provide a service. It's not paying her anything

Well that would be an issue if you weren't full of crap. Can you show the link that they aren't paying any of her medical bills? They aren't paying for contraception, which is something they don't say they will pay for.

I want my insurance to pay for my Dr. Sholls, my feet get sore. And I want more expensive shoes. My insurance needs to pay for that. I need to lose some weight, but diet foods sucks. I want government to force my insurance to pay for better tasting diet food. And smoking, it's better for the people on my policy if I quit, government should force them to pay for my program. I get callouses on my hands when I work in the yard. Government needs to force my insurance carrier to pay for quality gloves to prevent that.

Yeah, it is that stupid.
You just showed the liar is you, dumb ass. That was a direct story from her testimony.

You obviously didn't read it ALL, dipshit.

kaz: I read some of it

EriktheRed: oh yeah, you're a liar you didn't

kaz: I quoted it

EriktheRed: Oh yeah, well you didn't read all of it.

No duh, I told you that. I read and was commenting on the need for law student ho's to have sex but not pay for it.

Well, as has already been explained more than once, there are other uses for oral contraception and she explained that in her testimony. Guess you didn't read that part or you didn't get it if you did.

If dumbass wingnuts like yourself want to keep shouting what a "slut" she is, go right ahead. It's obviously working so well for you so far.

She’s a moocher and a tool of the Nanny State. She’s a poster girl for the rabid Planned Parenthood lobby and its eugenics-inspired foremothers.

she's not stupid either. she can get BC from walmart for 10 bucks a month or a 100 bucks buys a years supply of IUD's. and she knows it. which proves she's a plant.

Limbaugh should mount a massive attack. which I support 110%

"a years supply of IUD's"

Holy shit. You guys really really really DO NOT KNOW a damn thing about reproduction methods, do you.

Jesus Christ.

In a way it's educational watching them parade their ignorance on the subject. Isn't it?
It really is. I mean I knew a lot of social cons were idiots and all, but I didn't know the combined IQ when it came to this stuff was that of a box of Junior Mints.
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