Limbaugh's weaker than water "apology"

he should with draw the apology now. Fluke is a complete fruad. she's not a 23 year old student but a 30 years activists. the whole god damned thing was planned by Pislosi and her baby killing machine. Pislosi supports birth control citing the saving on healthcare to the Gov. and insurance co's. now she's got a parrot on her shoulder harping the same tune. This is the sickest thing I’ve heard in days from the Obama administration. CNS News reports that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told a House panel Thursday that a reduction in the number of human beings born in the United States will compensate employers and insurers for the cost of complying with the new HHS mandate that will require all health-care plans to cover sterilizations and all FDA-approved contraceptives, including those that cause abortions. so the dem Nazi's wanna throw em all into the fires.

That’s right your Health and HUMAN Services Secretary wants less humans. And that’ll mean mad cash for all.

Fluke is a slut. a 2 bit whore and prostitute all rolled into one for the dems to use. lets see if she has any stains on her dress. bet on it.

Sandra Fluke’s Appearance Is No Fluke | Jammie Wearing Fools

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And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.

But here's the thing. Most people would be proud to have Ms. Fluke as a daughter. I might disagree with her, we'd have some spirited conversations around Thanksgiving dinner, but she's a decent young lady with an opinion.

And Rush called her every vile name in the book.

But not ONE Republican Hopeful has come out and condemned him or called for him to be takenoff the air. What prompted Limbaughs, half-assed, "I'm sorry I got caught" apology is that his sponsors were all threatening to bail.

Romney, Santorum, Gingrich were all too afraid of this guy to call him on it.
"Rush has no ties to anyone on the Right" is one of the funniest fail attempts to lie I've seen in a while. I'm still chuckling.
So, the drug addled gasbag apologized for calling her a slut, but not for lying about her testimony in the first place. Not much of an apology.

Where does Rushbo's apology leave O'Reilly? O'Reilly defended the tub of goo and even went so far as to say Rush's 2nd favorite drug, Viagra, should be carried on insurance plans, but contraception should not.

Good question. Well contards? What say you?

Viagra shouldn't be covered either. We don't cover aspirin, cough syrup, libs want plan B over the counter, meaning not covered by insurance.

Aspirin and cough syrup are not prescription treatments, doofus.

(Yes, some cough syrup is prescription - THAT is covered under your health insurance. See the difference?)
And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.

But here's the thing. Most people would be proud to have Ms. Fluke as a daughter. I might disagree with her, we'd have some spirited conversations around Thanksgiving dinner, but she's a decent young lady with an opinion.

And Rush called her every vile name in the book.

But not ONE Republican Hopeful has come out and condemned him or called for him to be takenoff the air. What prompted Limbaughs, half-assed, "I'm sorry I got caught" apology is that his sponsors were all threatening to bail.

Romney, Santorum, Gingrich were all too afraid of this guy to call him on it.
"Rush has no ties to anyone on the Right" is one of the funniest fail attempts to lie I've seen in a while. I'm still chuckling.
Biggest laugh I've had all morning. :lol:
Good question. Well contards? What say you?

Viagra shouldn't be covered either. We don't cover aspirin, cough syrup, libs want plan B over the counter, meaning not covered by insurance.

Aspirin and cough syrup are not prescription treatments, doofus.

(Yes, some cough syrup is prescription - THAT is covered under your health insurance. See the difference?)

None of them are against the religion of the church that sponsors Georgetown ether.
Viagra shouldn't be covered either. We don't cover aspirin, cough syrup, libs want plan B over the counter, meaning not covered by insurance.

Aspirin and cough syrup are not prescription treatments, doofus.

(Yes, some cough syrup is prescription - THAT is covered under your health insurance. See the difference?)

None of them are against the religion of the church that sponsors Georgetown ether.

A law school is not a church.
Oh Gawd, the crazed Left-Bots still milking this one? The man apologized for God's sake. And that's much more than hateful Left nutters ever do. I'm sure this apology was very difficult for him, but he did deliver it. This woman is a paid activist anyway. She can afford Contraceptives. She gets paid to lie. So Rush should have just called her a liar and left it at that. Good to see him man-up and apologize though. That's a rare thing in today's corrupt cesspool Media.
But not ONE Republican Hopeful has come out and condemned him or called for him to be takenoff the air. What prompted Limbaughs, half-assed, "I'm sorry I got caught" apology is that his sponsors were all threatening to bail.

Romney, Santorum, Gingrich were all too afraid of this guy to call him on it.

boy I don't know where you have been, but they all have come out and said it was a good thing Rush apologized.

Fluke is just a rich feminist who thinks people should be ENTITLED to others monies because then they crow how much more they CARE.

This whole kabuki theater was a set up to take the heat off the Obama and his huge blunder (that will COST HIM, not Rush) with religious people and organizations

Saying "it's good he apologized" isn't good enough. They should have gone a lot further. What Limbaugh (whom by the way I listen to occassionally and find sometimes even insightful) said was so beyond the pale of discourse, much harsher condemnation is called for.

But that's the trap the GOP has gotten itself into. It has for decades played these games with the most extreme religious people, in order to win elections, and now they can't go against them, even on matters that have been effectively settled.

Birth Control was a settled issue 45 years ago. It has reordered our society, for good or for ill.

Obama played this splendidly. Do you really think THIS is the issue Mitt Romney wants to be talking about right now?
A reminder, for the thousandth time:

You pay premiums for insurance. When the insurance company pays a claim, they use the money from the premiums collected to pay it.

Georgetown sells insurance to its students. It charges them a premium for that insurance. When you have a claim, the premiums cover it. Provided the insurance company is run properly, the cost of claims is always equal to or lower than the premiums collected.

If birth control is covered under the plan, then the plan would take the above into account in setting premiums.

yes moron we know, the price of our insurance is going to go up so people can fuck like rabbits, where you been all week?

You're a student at Georgetown? That'll be the day.
Viagra shouldn't be covered either. We don't cover aspirin, cough syrup, libs want plan B over the counter, meaning not covered by insurance.

And yet Viagra is and we aren't having fucking hearings in Congress about it. Bill O'Reilly even defended covering Viagra and not contraception.

Do you know how incredibly stupid it is NOT to cover contraception in health insurance plans? How stupidly more expensive it is?

How many plans do?

This is where your rant falls apart. at last count I am aware of only 20% on policies did.

But post a larger number if you can.

Georgetown's does...the one that Ms. Fluke was testifying about. It covers Viagra, but not contraception. Pretty stupid don't you think?

How about YOU post something that backs up your assertion that only 20% of insurers cover ED medication?

Here's what I found:

nearly half of approximately 300,000 men who seek renewed sexual vigor via Viagra each week are being fully or partially reimbursed by their health insurers. Additionally, insurers are reimbursing up to 73 percent of impotence patients using less sexy treatments such as Caverject, which requires an injection in the urethra. Medicaid programs in at least 10 states now "guarantee satisfying sex for the impotent poor." States such as Arkansas, Florida and Maryland subsidize 4 to 6 medicinal erections per month, while Utah covers 10 (to help men "approach normality," said Duane Park, Utah’s Medicaid drug utilization reviewer). Viagra seekers in Montana must merely cover a $2 copayment typically required for prescription medications.

A Tale of Two Pills
Viagra shouldn't be covered either. We don't cover aspirin, cough syrup, libs want plan B over the counter, meaning not covered by insurance.

Aspirin and cough syrup are not prescription treatments, doofus.

(Yes, some cough syrup is prescription - THAT is covered under your health insurance. See the difference?)

None of them are against the religion of the church that sponsors Georgetown ether.
1. Georgetown U is not a CHURCH. It is church affiliated. Difference.

2. Georgetown U allows contraception coverage for it's employees, so they obviously have no problem with the insurance covering some of those that fall under their umbrella.

It appears their 'objection on religious grounds' is somewhat selective.
The "word game"? :lol::lol::lol: You go on about her whole speech being about HER sex life. Your words, not ours. When called on it, you squirm and twist. Pretty funny actually, this concession of yours.

She says her values are that if she had to pick between a prestigious college and getting free birth control, she'd pick the birth control. Yeah, she's a slut.
The very fact that he apologized is disappointing. We have gotten so degenerate as a culture that we have to be sorry for telling the truth.
There's no TRUTH is this pile of shit.

She never did. Not once. That did not stop Rush from saying things like this:
Rush said she has boyfriends "Lined up around the block."

He said she said "she was having so much sex she can't afford it."

He asked: "...what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception.

And: "Ms. Fluke, have you ever heard of not having sex? Have you ever heard of not having sex so often?"

After saying that the Washington, D.C., Department of Health "will send you free condoms and lube," Limbaugh said: "So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."

Rush asked of Ms. Fluke: "Who bought your condoms in junior high? Who bought your condoms in the sixth grade? Or your contraception. Who bought your contraceptive pills in high school?"

Then: Fluke is "having so much sex, it's amazing she can still walk." He also said Georgetown should establish a "Wilt Chamberlin scholarship ... exclusively for women."

Then, again, Limbaugh defended his previous comments and complained "not one person says that, 'Well, did you ever think about maybe backing off the amount of sex that you have?'

Later, Limbaugh said that requiring insurance companies to cover contraception is "no different than if somebody knocked on my door that I don't know and said, 'You know what? I'm out of money. I can't afford birth-control pills, and I'm supposed to have sex with three guys tonight.' "
Fluke never even once talked about her own sexual activity. In, no way, shape or form. In fact, in her testimony, she even said:

“And so, I’m here today to share their voices, and I want to thank you for allowing them – not me – to be heard."

Transcript: Sandra Fluke testifies on why women should be allowed access to contraception and reproductive health care | What The Folly?!

All that came from his mouth was a 3 day long tirade of misogynistic putrid slurs and below-the-belt slander aimed at a woman who testified about a public policy matter.

There wasn't an ounce of truth in his words.

By her behavior Fluke proved the absolute truth of what he said. She wants birth control coverage to the tune of $1,000 a year. As has been ABUNDANTLY made clear, to use that much BC, she has to be having sex so often that it's a wonder how she is getting through school. But that's a matter between the school and the professors.
How much does it cost for a prescription of birth control pills on a monthly or yearly basis?

I expect a dickhead like you to say this, but I'm kinda surprised at some of the people who thanked you for it.

Pretty mild given the comments from the left on Palins children.


Or the Santorum's and their little baby that died

Two wrongs don't make a right, and I took on the leftists here who tried to make hay out of the Santorums' dead child.

Doesn't excuse what Limbaugh did in the least. This is the argument I would expect a nine year old to come up with. "Billy did it, too!"
And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.

Rush himself claimed that and bitched about it after the 2008 election. Your last paragraph pretty much is a humungous lie.

That's your opinion....however I listen to him 5 days a week and I know it's true.
Of course, what you hear and what you comprehend are two very different things!

January 4, 2008
RUSH: People need leadership. It's one of my mantras. They want leadership. And to a lot of these people, I am their leader. And they think that I am AWOL on leadership because I don't come out and endorse a candidate, and because I don't come out and go through the candidates' particulars and suggest this is good, this is bad. I have actually been doing that; if anybody listens regularly, they shouldn't really be having a tough time figuring out who I like and who I don't like.

CALLER: Totally.

RUSH: But nevertheless, maybe that kind of subtlety is not powerful enough to get through.
But not ONE Republican Hopeful has come out and condemned him or called for him to be takenoff the air. What prompted Limbaughs, half-assed, "I'm sorry I got caught" apology is that his sponsors were all threatening to bail.

Romney, Santorum, Gingrich were all too afraid of this guy to call him on it.

boy I don't know where you have been, but they all have come out and said it was a good thing Rush apologized.

Fluke is just a rich feminist who thinks people should be ENTITLED to others monies because then they crow how much more they CARE.

This whole kabuki theater was a set up to take the heat off the Obama and his huge blunder (that will COST HIM, not Rush) with religious people and organizations

Saying "it's good he apologized" isn't good enough. They should have gone a lot further. What Limbaugh (whom by the way I listen to occassionally and find sometimes even insightful) said was so beyond the pale of discourse, much harsher condemnation is called for.

But that's the trap the GOP has gotten itself into. It has for decades played these games with the most extreme religious people, in order to win elections, and now they can't go against them, even on matters that have been effectively settled.

Birth Control was a settled issue 45 years ago. It has reordered our society, for good or for ill.

Obama played this splendidly. Do you really think THIS is the issue Mitt Romney wants to be talking about right now?

What do you suggest, a public hanging.
and it doesn't bother you that your President stoops to this level of pettiness that you call, splendid, taking one citizens side over another? and here I thought he was suppose to REPRESNT ALL..pretty pathetic if you ask me
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By her behavior Fluke proved the absolute truth of what he said. She wants birth control coverage to the tune of $1,000 a year. As has been ABUNDANTLY made clear, to use that much BC, she has to be having sex so often that it's a wonder how she is getting through school. But that's a matter between the school and the professors.

You, sir, are an ignorant dumbass.


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