Limbaugh's weaker than water "apology"

This is yet another attempt to squash freedom of speech in this country. Many of the left demanded an apology and got it, but that wasn't good enough. They want him off the air. Stop him from changing minds. Stop him from turning the misinformed into well-informed voters.

LOL...not even close. I certainly don't want him off the air. I want him on the air so he can continue to spread the GOP "brand". He is the perfect spokesman for it...

I must admit that I would like to see more progressive voices get a shot at his 600+ stations, but as long as the right wing owns radio, that isn't going to happen. I want them in addition to him, not in lieu of him though...
This is yet another attempt to squash freedom of speech in this country. Many of the left demanded an apology and got it, but that wasn't good enough. They want him off the air. Stop him from changing minds. Stop him from turning the misinformed into well-informed voters.

LOL...not even close. I certainly don't want him off the air. I want him on the air so he can continue to spread the GOP "brand". He is the perfect spokesman for it...

I must admit that I would like to see more progressive voices get a shot at his 600+ stations, but as long as the right wing owns radio, that isn't going to happen. I want them in addition to him, not in lieu of him though...
He's a Conservative, first and foremost...even HE, has a problem with the GOP in it's current state of being run by RINO Statists as Boehner. :eusa_hand:
Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price

Assuming that all of his listeners agree with him is nonsense. Many of us didn't like it when he said that. But over all he makes sense. We can't defend the way he said it but we understand why he said it. I suggest listening to him and then you'll understand what he has to offer. Simply tuning in for a few minutes or listening to cherry-picked soundbites by his opponents is not gonna give you a true image of what he's all about.

This is yet another attempt to squash freedom of speech in this country. Many of the left demanded an apology and got it, but that wasn't good enough. They want him off the air. Stop him from changing minds. Stop him from turning the misinformed into well-informed voters.
Winger wants everyone else to be as stupid as he is.

Nice shows how much thought you put into your posts

Like clockwork, Rush once again demonstrates how much control he has over pretty much everyone by pulling out his long-successful playbook:

1. Say something inflammatory
2. Watch the Left go bonkers and talk about it at every freakin' opportunity, non-stop
3. Get massive publicity that never, ever could have been purchased with advertising
4. Keep it going during the show, knowing that people are listening for it
5. Wait a while to squeeze as much attention as possible
6. End it with a half-assed apology and/or explanation
7. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done
8. Get back to the show and look for another opportunity to inflame the Left again

So he loses a sponsor or two. Big deal. Do you really think that, in the grand scheme of things, that matters? How the hell do you think he got to where he is? Ya think he's gonna be homeless now?

I'm a First Amendment purist. Let people talk. I want to know who the crazies are, where they are, what they're thinking, and (most importantly) who agrees with them. The First Amendment isn't about speech you like, it's about speech you don't like. Think it through and use it to your advantage, let 'em talk.

Sheesh, this guy can get millions of dollars worth of publicity with a few simple words. Astonishing.


Excellent points!
But yet it has shitheads like you in a tizzie...Hoiw many fucking threads about Limbaugh have been visited on these forums in the past two-three days by leftist shitheads?:eusa_hand:

Is there a thread limit?

I imagine Rush's admiration for women will come up quite a bit in the coming year. Every time Romney or any other Republican seeking election cuddles on Rush's lap, I imagine there will be another thread

And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.

Rush himself claimed that and bitched about it after the 2008 election. Your last paragraph pretty much is a humungous lie.
Assuming that all of his listeners agree with him is nonsense. Many of us didn't like it when he said that. But over all he makes sense. We can't defend the way he said it but we understand why he said it. I suggest listening to him and then you'll understand what he has to offer. Simply tuning in for a few minutes or listening to cherry-picked soundbites by his opponents is not gonna give you a true image of what he's all about.

This is yet another attempt to squash freedom of speech in this country. Many of the left demanded an apology and got it, but that wasn't good enough. They want him off the air. Stop him from changing minds. Stop him from turning the misinformed into well-informed voters.
Winger wants everyone else to be as stupid as he is.

Nice shows how much thought you put into your posts

"Brevity is the soul of wit "~ Shakespeare

Learn it, Live it, Know it.:eusa_hand:
Liberals are like little sheep..
The Democrats and the media play them BIG time and they follow them right over the cliff all the while baaaing about how outraged they are and calling to take away peoples Freedoms of Speech

The same can be said about the "Conservative" sheep, see the heart attacks they were having about Reverend Wright when hannity and limbaugh bought it up and looped it and played it over and over again. :)
And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.

But here's the thing. Most people would be proud to have Ms. Fluke as a daughter. I might disagree with her, we'd have some spirited conversations around Thanksgiving dinner, but she's a decent young lady with an opinion.

And Rush called her every vile name in the book.

But not ONE Republican Hopeful has come out and condemned him or called for him to be takenoff the air. What prompted Limbaughs, half-assed, "I'm sorry I got caught" apology is that his sponsors were all threatening to bail.

Romney, Santorum, Gingrich were all too afraid of this guy to call him on it.
So, the drug addled gasbag apologized for calling her a slut, but not for lying about her testimony in the first place. Not much of an apology.

Where does Rushbo's apology leave O'Reilly? O'Reilly defended the tub of goo and even went so far as to say Rush's 2nd favorite drug, Viagra, should be carried on insurance plans, but contraception should not.

Good question. Well contards? What say you?

Viagra shouldn't be covered either. We don't cover aspirin, cough syrup, libs want plan B over the counter, meaning not covered by insurance.
This is yet another attempt to squash freedom of speech in this country. Many of the left demanded an apology and got it, but that wasn't good enough. They want him off the air. Stop him from changing minds. Stop him from turning the misinformed into well-informed voters.

LOL...not even close. I certainly don't want him off the air. I want him on the air so he can continue to spread the GOP "brand". He is the perfect spokesman for it...

I must admit that I would like to see more progressive voices get a shot at his 600+ stations, but as long as the right wing owns radio, that isn't going to happen. I want them in addition to him, not in lieu of him though...
He's a Conservative, first and foremost...even HE, has a problem with the GOP in it's current state of being run by RINO Statists as Boehner. :eusa_hand:

No, he is an ENTERTAINER first and foremost. I seriously doubt he personally believes half the bile he spews on a daily basis. Probably laughs about his "ditto head" followers as he counts he piles of cash.
So, the drug addled gasbag apologized for calling her a slut, but not for lying about her testimony in the first place. Not much of an apology.

Where does Rushbo's apology leave O'Reilly? O'Reilly defended the tub of goo and even went so far as to say Rush's 2nd favorite drug, Viagra, should be carried on insurance plans, but contraception should not.

Good question. Well contards? What say you?

Viagra shouldn't be covered either. We don't cover aspirin, cough syrup, libs want plan B over the counter, meaning not covered by insurance.

And yet Viagra is and we aren't having fucking hearings in Congress about it. Bill O'Reilly even defended covering Viagra and not contraception.

Do you know how incredibly stupid it is NOT to cover contraception in health insurance plans? How stupidly more expensive it is?
Good question. Well contards? What say you?

Viagra shouldn't be covered either. We don't cover aspirin, cough syrup, libs want plan B over the counter, meaning not covered by insurance.

And yet Viagra is and we aren't having fucking hearings in Congress about it. Bill O'Reilly even defended covering Viagra and not contraception.

Do you know how incredibly stupid it is NOT to cover contraception in health insurance plans? How stupidly more expensive it is?

How many plans do?

This is where your rant falls apart. at last count I am aware of only 20% on policies did.

But post a larger number if you can.
And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.

But here's the thing. Most people would be proud to have Ms. Fluke as a daughter. I might disagree with her, we'd have some spirited conversations around Thanksgiving dinner, but she's a decent young lady with an opinion.

And Rush called her every vile name in the book.

But not ONE Republican Hopeful has come out and condemned him or called for him to be takenoff the air. What prompted Limbaughs, half-assed, "I'm sorry I got caught" apology is that his sponsors were all threatening to bail.

Romney, Santorum, Gingrich were all too afraid of this guy to call him on it.

boy I don't know where you have been, but they all have come out and said it was a good thing Rush apologized.
Fluke is just a rich feminist who thinks people should be ENTITLED to others monies because then they crow how much more they CARE.
This whole kabuki theater was a set up to take the heat off the Obama and his huge blunder (that will COST HIM, not Rush) with religious people and organizations
Is there a thread limit?

I imagine Rush's admiration for women will come up quite a bit in the coming year. Every time Romney or any other Republican seeking election cuddles on Rush's lap, I imagine there will be another thread

And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.

Rush himself claimed that and bitched about it after the 2008 election. Your last paragraph pretty much is a humungous lie.

No, not at all. Unless of course you care to share with us exactly which candidate Rush is supporting?
And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.

But here's the thing. Most people would be proud to have Ms. Fluke as a daughter. I might disagree with her, we'd have some spirited conversations around Thanksgiving dinner, but she's a decent young lady with an opinion.

And Rush called her every vile name in the book.

But not ONE Republican Hopeful has come out and condemned him or called for him to be takenoff the air. What prompted Limbaughs, half-assed, "I'm sorry I got caught" apology is that his sponsors were all threatening to bail.

Romney, Santorum, Gingrich were all too afraid of this guy to call him on it.

boy I don't know where you have been, but they all have come out and said it was a good thing Rush apologized.
Fluke is just a rich feminist who thinks people should be ENTITLED to others monies because then they crow how much more they CARE.
This whole kabuki theater was a set up to take the heat off the Obama and his huge blunder (that will COST HIM, not Rush) with religious people and organizations

Isn't it grand how the Media portrayed her? The Left? And look...she's been exposed as a hack liar.
Is there a thread limit?

I imagine Rush's admiration for women will come up quite a bit in the coming year. Every time Romney or any other Republican seeking election cuddles on Rush's lap, I imagine there will be another thread

And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.

Rush himself claimed that and bitched about it after the 2008 election. Your last paragraph pretty much is a humungous lie.

That's your opinion....however I listen to him 5 days a week and I know it's true.
The very fact that he apologized is disappointing. We have gotten so degenerate as a culture that we have to be sorry for telling the truth.
There's no TRUTH is this pile of shit.
Rush said she has boyfriends "Lined up around the block."

He said she said "she was having so much sex she can't afford it."

He asked: "...what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception.

And: "Ms. Fluke, have you ever heard of not having sex? Have you ever heard of not having sex so often?"

After saying that the Washington, D.C., Department of Health "will send you free condoms and lube," Limbaugh said: "So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."

Rush asked of Ms. Fluke: "Who bought your condoms in junior high? Who bought your condoms in the sixth grade? Or your contraception. Who bought your contraceptive pills in high school?"

Then: Fluke is "having so much sex, it's amazing she can still walk." He also said Georgetown should establish a "Wilt Chamberlin scholarship ... exclusively for women."

Then, again, Limbaugh defended his previous comments and complained "not one person says that, 'Well, did you ever think about maybe backing off the amount of sex that you have?'

Later, Limbaugh said that requiring insurance companies to cover contraception is "no different than if somebody knocked on my door that I don't know and said, 'You know what? I'm out of money. I can't afford birth-control pills, and I'm supposed to have sex with three guys tonight.' "
Fluke never even once talked about her own sexual activity. In, no way, shape or form. In fact, in her testimony, she even said:

“And so, I’m here today to share their voices, and I want to thank you for allowing them – not me – to be heard."

Transcript: Sandra Fluke testifies on why women should be allowed access to contraception and reproductive health care | What The Folly?!

All that came from his mouth was a 3 day long tirade of misogynistic putrid slurs and below-the-belt slander aimed at a woman who testified about a public policy matter.

There wasn't an ounce of truth in his words.

Excellent points paperview.
And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.

Rush himself claimed that and bitched about it after the 2008 election. Your last paragraph pretty much is a humungous lie.

No, not at all. Unless of course you care to share with us exactly which candidate Rush is supporting?

Rush refuses to say...and after his vote in the Florida Primary? He bluntly told his audience..."...It's no one's business but mine..."


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