Limbaugh's weaker than water "apology"

Here's the text of the so-called "apology" issued Saturday by the Fat Man. If this was any weaker, it would look like swiss cheese with all the holes in it. Of course, it'll appease his dittoloonies.

"For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.

"I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line? If this is accepted as the norm, what will follow? Will we be debating if taxpayers should pay for new sneakers for all students that are interested in running to keep fit? In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone's bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level.

"My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices."

LOL, it's all bullshit. I guess those sponsors of his put him in his place. That "absurdity with absurdity" shit is a smoke screen that he uses to try to snake his way out of the fucked up things that he says. FUCK LIMBAUGH and the rest of his crew.

And all those who blindly defend this idiot.

I don't see it so much of a defense of Rush but a comment on the absurdity of the Democrat's arguments.
There's no way she could have and still say that.

The only way to save face is to not read it but pretend she did.

Which makes her just an uninformed idiot, not really a full-boar liar.

I do recall she accepted a phone call from President Obama before she came forward with her statement regarding contraception. Whether he was providing her with "coaching" tips on how she is to present her statement regarding contraceptives, we will never know. Yet it's interesting how Obama chose to have a discussion with her BEFORE she came forward, instead of waiting for an opportunity to make himself available afterwards.
You recall wrong.

Obama called her out AFTER Rush called her a SLUT, after the media shitstorm - and to tell her her parents *should* be proud of her - not ashamed, as that dirtbag Limbaugh suggested.

Well I don't like Rush Limbaughs approach on radio, for the most part he turns me off. I would much rather listen to the likes of Tom Sullivan who is not so polarizing in his discussions, so I am unfamiliar with the details behind Rush's statements other than whats found on the internet. That being said I am strongly opposed to government involvement in this case, stepping in with all their Big Government control, dictating what SHALL be provided and allowing for another free entitlement program that others must in some way pay for. Contraception is not a health issue concern, never has been. Mamograms IS an important health issue to women. However if you want an Health Care to provide an additional service such as contraceptives, you should take up the added responsibility to be willing to pay for it, nothing that must be manufactured is ever free.
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A reminder, for the thousandth time:

You pay premiums for insurance. When the insurance company pays a claim, they use the money from the premiums collected to pay it.

Georgetown sells insurance to its students. It charges them a premium for that insurance. When you have a claim, the premiums cover it. Provided the insurance company is run properly, the cost of claims is always equal to or lower than the premiums collected.

If birth control is covered under the plan, then the plan would take the above into account in setting premiums.

yes moron we know, the price of our insurance is going to go up so people can fuck like rabbits, where you been all week?
Funny innit? The party of people who want to convince us they are adult enough to make "REPRODUCTIVE CHOICE" are the same people who aren't adult enough to don a condom or swallow a pill.. :lol::eusa_shhh:
I don't like this. I don't like what Rush did. I am not excusing him.

Frankly I'm pissed royally off. It was teen time. It was stupid.

I understand though at what he was getting at, but he should really truly not attacked the young woman in that way.

It was wrong.

So, you changed your position from yesterday when you said, and I quote:

wow. let me get this right. the young woman comes out and says it costs 3000 dollars just to make it thru college for contraception rush calls her a slut and rush is wrong?​

well if she can't afford it what makes her think we can? Abstinence Only is starting to look good to those of us who have to pay for all this dreamed up shit you liberals come up with.
This just shows that even when he apologizes it's never enough.

Rush didn't give them the exact words they wanted in his apology.

He had to say they were right to claim that we're trying to prevent this woman from getting BC.

He had to say that he was a filthy pig and that he was quitting.

They don't want him on the air. That is the purpose of their self-righteous indignation.
This just shows that even when he apologizes it's never enough.

Rush didn't give them the exact words they wanted in his apology.

He had to say they were right to claim that we're trying to prevent this woman from getting BC.

He had to say that he was a filthy pig and that he was quitting.

They don't want him on the air. That is the purpose of their self-righteous indignation.
Not me. I want him on the air as much as possible.

I want him to be free to say as much, as foul, as nasty as he wants it to be.

I wish he had a bigger blowhorn so that even more Americans could hear him.

Nothing would be better.
This just shows that even when he apologizes it's never enough.

Rush didn't give them the exact words they wanted in his apology.

He had to say they were right to claim that we're trying to prevent this woman from getting BC.

He had to say that he was a filthy pig and that he was quitting.

They don't want him on the air. That is the purpose of their self-righteous indignation.

Of course they wouldn't accept his apology...then they can't use this for their agenda.
So, the drug addled gasbag apologized for calling her a slut, but not for lying about her testimony in the first place. Not much of an apology.

Where does Rushbo's apology leave O'Reilly? O'Reilly defended the tub of goo and even went so far as to say Rush's 2nd favorite drug, Viagra, should be carried on insurance plans, but contraception should not.

Good question. Well contards? What say you?
This just shows that even when he apologizes it's never enough.

Rush didn't give them the exact words they wanted in his apology.

He had to say they were right to claim that we're trying to prevent this woman from getting BC.

He had to say that he was a filthy pig and that he was quitting.

They don't want him on the air. That is the purpose of their self-righteous indignation.
Not me. I want him on the air as much as possible.

I want him to be free to say as much, as foul, as nasty as he wants it to be.

I wish he had a bigger blowhorn so that even more Americans could hear him.

Nothing would be better.

Unfortunately the left won't allow that. They know that if he is then more people will start thinking like he does. They can't have that.
So, the drug addled gasbag apologized for calling her a slut, but not for lying about her testimony in the first place. Not much of an apology.

Where does Rushbo's apology leave O'Reilly? O'Reilly defended the tub of goo and even went so far as to say Rush's 2nd favorite drug, Viagra, should be carried on insurance plans, but contraception should not.

Good question. Well contards? What say you?

jeeeze dottie, you are becoming more of a shrill leftwing kook every day
This just shows that even when he apologizes it's never enough.

Rush didn't give them the exact words they wanted in his apology.

He had to say they were right to claim that we're trying to prevent this woman from getting BC.

He had to say that he was a filthy pig and that he was quitting.

They don't want him on the air. That is the purpose of their self-righteous indignation.

Rush Limbaugh has the freedom and absolute right to present his commentary point of view, as polarizing and confronting as some of his statements may be. That's part of the First Ammendment right we have, no one has the right to silence him, especially when we have the likes of Howard Stern and Jeneane Garofalo to contend with.
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This just shows that even when he apologizes it's never enough.

Rush didn't give them the exact words they wanted in his apology.

He had to say they were right to claim that we're trying to prevent this woman from getting BC.

He had to say that he was a filthy pig and that he was quitting.

They don't want him on the air. That is the purpose of their self-righteous indignation.
Not me. I want him on the air as much as possible.

I want him to be free to say as much, as foul, as nasty as he wants it to be.

I wish he had a bigger blowhorn so that even more Americans could hear him.

Nothing would be better.
Mega dittos! ;)
This just shows that even when he apologizes it's never enough.

Rush didn't give them the exact words they wanted in his apology.

He had to say they were right to claim that we're trying to prevent this woman from getting BC.

He had to say that he was a filthy pig and that he was quitting.

They don't want him on the air. That is the purpose of their self-righteous indignation.
Not me. I want him on the air as much as possible.

I want him to be free to say as much, as foul, as nasty as he wants it to be.

I wish he had a bigger blowhorn so that even more Americans could hear him.

Nothing would be better.

Unfortunately the left won't allow that. They know that if he is then more people will start thinking like he does. They can't have that.
I don't think so. I'm firmly in the "give 'em enough rope" camp.

Your scenario only works if you think people are as racist, sexist, hateful, misogynistic and bigoted as that dirtbag is.

Fortunately, most of America is not. Retrograde social cons think it is, but it's not.

Limbaugh is the best advertisement for liberals and moderates.
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So, the drug addled gasbag apologized for calling her a slut, but not for lying about her testimony in the first place. Not much of an apology.

Where does Rushbo's apology leave O'Reilly? O'Reilly defended the tub of goo and even went so far as to say Rush's 2nd favorite drug, Viagra, should be carried on insurance plans, but contraception should not.

Good question. Well contards? What say you?

jeeeze dottie, you are becoming more of a shrill leftwing kook every day

you going to answer Seawytch's question? :eusa_whistle:
Not me. I want him on the air as much as possible.

I want him to be free to say as much, as foul, as nasty as he wants it to be.

I wish he had a bigger blowhorn so that even more Americans could hear him.

Nothing would be better.

Unfortunately the left won't allow that. They know that if he is then more people will start thinking like he does. They can't have that.
I don't think so. I'm firmly in the "give 'em enough rope" camp.

Your scenario only works if you think people are as racist, sexist, hateful, misogynistic and hateful as that dirtbag is.

Fortunately, most of America is not. Retrograde social cons think it is, but it's not.

Limbaugh is the best advertisement for liberals and moderates.

If you want to use stereotypes such as racism, sexism, misogyny, and bigotry as a major plank of your political campaign rather than running on your ideals, your record, or your promise for a better future, then Rush is a prime target. Add to that class-envy and you have the intellectually dense argument of the left. Lowering yourself in such a manner is what Democrats do.
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boy what would we do without the Obama sticking his nose into every petty shit around

we the people should be ASHAMED he even stooped so low..not even Presidential behavior
The O Needs to Go.

I truly believe the people ARE seeing that...We especially need to kick out all his COMRADES IN ARMS he's appointed..
All his 'Czars' and fellow travellers in the Congress to boot.
This just shows that even when he apologizes it's never enough.

Rush didn't give them the exact words they wanted in his apology.

He had to say they were right to claim that we're trying to prevent this woman from getting BC.

He had to say that he was a filthy pig and that he was quitting.

They don't want him on the air. That is the purpose of their self-righteous indignation.

Rush Limbaugh has the freedom and absolute right to present his commentary point of view, as polarizing and confronting as some of his statements may be. That's part of the First Ammendment right we have, no one has the right to silence it, especially when we have the likes of Howard Stern and Jeneane Garofalo to contend with.

Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price

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