Limbaugh's weaker than water "apology"

Unfortunately the left won't allow that. They know that if he is then more people will start thinking like he does. They can't have that.
I don't think so. I'm firmly in the "give 'em enough rope" camp.

Your scenario only works if you think people are as racist, sexist, hateful, misogynistic and bigoted as that dirtbag is.

Fortunately, most of America is not. Retrograde social cons think it is, but it's not.

Limbaugh is the best advertisement for liberals and moderates.

If you want to use stereotypes such as racism, sexism, misogyny, and bigotry as a major plank of your political campaign rather than running on your ideals, your record, or your promise for a better future, then Rush is a prime target. Add to that class-envy and you have the intellectually dense argument of the left. Lowering yourself in such a manner is what Democrats do.
I'm not using a sterotype, I'm using an actual person - by the name of Rush Limbaugh, who has proved himself over and over again to be racist, sexist, hateful, misogynistic and bigoted. That's a fact.
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This just shows that even when he apologizes it's never enough.

Rush didn't give them the exact words they wanted in his apology.

He had to say they were right to claim that we're trying to prevent this woman from getting BC.

He had to say that he was a filthy pig and that he was quitting.

They don't want him on the air. That is the purpose of their self-righteous indignation.

Rush Limbaugh has the freedom and absolute right to present his commentary point of view, as polarizing and confronting as some of his statements may be. That's part of the First Ammendment right we have, no one has the right to silence it, especially when we have the likes of Howard Stern and Jeneane Garofalo to contend with.

Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price
But yet it has shitheads like you in a tizzie...Hoiw many fucking threads about Limbaugh have been visited on these forums in the past two-three days by leftist shitheads?:eusa_hand:
This just shows that even when he apologizes it's never enough.

Rush didn't give them the exact words they wanted in his apology.

He had to say they were right to claim that we're trying to prevent this woman from getting BC.

He had to say that he was a filthy pig and that he was quitting.

They don't want him on the air. That is the purpose of their self-righteous indignation.

Rush Limbaugh has the freedom and absolute right to present his commentary point of view, as polarizing and confronting as some of his statements may be. That's part of the First Ammendment right we have, no one has the right to silence it, especially when we have the likes of Howard Stern and Jeneane Garofalo to contend with.

Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price

Assuming that all of his listeners agree with him is nonsense. Many of us didn't like it when he said that. But over all he makes sense. We can't defend the way he said it but we understand why he said it. I suggest listening to him and then you'll understand what he has to offer. Simply tuning in for a few minutes or listening to cherry-picked soundbites by his opponents is not gonna give you a true image of what he's all about.

This is yet another attempt to squash freedom of speech in this country. Many of the left demanded an apology and got it, but that wasn't good enough. They want him off the air. Stop him from changing minds. Stop him from turning the misinformed into well-informed voters.
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This just shows that even when he apologizes it's never enough.

Rush didn't give them the exact words they wanted in his apology.

He had to say they were right to claim that we're trying to prevent this woman from getting BC.

He had to say that he was a filthy pig and that he was quitting.

They don't want him on the air. That is the purpose of their self-righteous indignation.

Rush Limbaugh has the freedom and absolute right to present his commentary point of view, as polarizing and confronting as some of his statements may be. That's part of the First Ammendment right we have, no one has the right to silence it, especially when we have the likes of Howard Stern and Jeneane Garofalo to contend with.

Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price

yeah yeah, yet all the post about Rush the last few days have been by LIBERALS...
boy does he know HOW TO PLAY you guys and add a few more listeners to his show at the same time..:lol:
Rush Limbaugh has the freedom and absolute right to present his commentary point of view, as polarizing and confronting as some of his statements may be. That's part of the First Ammendment right we have, no one has the right to silence it, especially when we have the likes of Howard Stern and Jeneane Garofalo to contend with.

Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price
But yet it has shitheads like you in a tizzie...Hoiw many fucking threads about Limbaugh have been visited on these forums in the past two-three days by leftist shitheads?:eusa_hand:

Is there a thread limit?

I imagine Rush's admiration for women will come up quite a bit in the coming year. Every time Romney or any other Republican seeking election cuddles on Rush's lap, I imagine there will be another thread

Rush owns the "women are sluts" mantra now.......any Republican kow towing to Rush will own it too
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So, the drug addled gasbag apologized for calling her a slut, but not for lying about her testimony in the first place. Not much of an apology.

Where does Rushbo's apology leave O'Reilly? O'Reilly defended the tub of goo and even went so far as to say Rush's 2nd favorite drug, Viagra, should be carried on insurance plans, but contraception should not.
He didn't just fail to apologize for lying about her testamony, he reasserted his lie!
"I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities."
It reminds me of his retraction of the phony Obama thesis he "reported.
RUSH: the young Obama wrote: '[T]he Constitution allows for many things, but what it does not allow is the most revealing. The so-called Founders did not allow for economic freedom. While political freedom is supposedly a cornerstone of the document, the distribution of wealth is not even mentioned.

"'While many believed that the new Constitution gave them liberty, it instead fitted them with the shackles of hypocrisy.'" I don't care that it's just now surfacing, but they kept it suppressed until now, but here it is showing up. So "the so-called Founders..." and how many times have you people sent me e-mails, "Rush, be very careful when you start saying the president of the United States looks at the Constitution as an obstacle"? He doesn't like the Constitution! I've said it over and over again, and now here are his own words. "[T]he Constitution allows for many things, but what it does not allow is the most revealing. The so-called Founders..."

This is his thesis, his college thesis at Columbia: "The so-called Founders did not allow for economic freedom. While political freedom is supposedly a cornerstone of the document..." Supposedly? Political freedom supposedly a cornerstone... "the distribution of wealth is not even mentioned."
Mind you the "thesis" came from a fake news site like the Onion, and when it was later pointed out that it was pure fiction, here is what the fat load said;
RUSH: But we know he thinks it. Good comedy, to be comedy, must contain an element of truth, and we know how he feels about distribution of wealth. He's mad at the courts for not going far enough on it. So we stand by the fabricated quote because we know Obama thinks it anyway. That's how it works in the media today. "
I don't like this. I don't like what Rush did. I am not excusing him.

Frankly I'm pissed royally off. It was teen time. It was stupid.

I understand though at what he was getting at, but he should really truly not attacked the young woman in that way.

It was wrong.

So, you changed your position from yesterday when you said, and I quote:

wow. let me get this right. the young woman comes out and says it costs 3000 dollars just to make it thru college for contraception rush calls her a slut and rush is wrong?​

well if she can't afford it what makes her think we can? Abstinence Only is starting to look good to those of us who have to pay for all this dreamed up shit you liberals come up with.

She wasn't asking for you or I to pay for it...she was pointing out what the real world consequences are of insurance companies not covering contraception. She was describing what it will cost if she has to pay for contraception out of pocket, rather than getting it through her insurance company like men get Viagra.
Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price
But yet it has shitheads like you in a tizzie...Hoiw many fucking threads about Limbaugh have been visited on these forums in the past two-three days by leftist shitheads?:eusa_hand:

Is there a thread limit?

I imagine Rush's admiration for women will come up quite a bit in the coming year. Every time Romney or any other Republican seeking election cuddles on Rush's lap, I imagine there will be another thread

And Obama works hand in hand with the Mainstream Media. Their headlines reflect Obama's talking points via Media Matters. This has been proved beyond a shadow of doubt.

Rush has no ties to anyone on the right. That is a lie perpetrated by the left. He supports no candidate. He is one of the biggest critics of the GOP establishment. But the left claims he carries their water.
Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price
But yet it has shitheads like you in a tizzie...Hoiw many fucking threads about Limbaugh have been visited on these forums in the past two-three days by leftist shitheads?:eusa_hand:

Is there a thread limit?

I imagine Rush's admiration for women will come up quite a bit in the coming year. Every time Romney or any other Republican seeking election cuddles on Rush's lap, I imagine there will be another thread

Rush owns the "women are sluts" mantra now.......any Republican kow towing to Rush will own it too

Good grief, is there NOTHING more important to you shallow people than what RUSH says.?

you know like high gas prices, almost 9% unemployment, food prices going through the roof, people suffering because of all those.

no to you petty lefties and your Dear Leader Obama, RUSH is more least it takes the heat off of him eh?
I don't think so. I'm firmly in the "give 'em enough rope" camp.

Your scenario only works if you think people are as racist, sexist, hateful, misogynistic and bigoted as that dirtbag is.

Fortunately, most of America is not. Retrograde social cons think it is, but it's not.

Limbaugh is the best advertisement for liberals and moderates.

If you want to use stereotypes such as racism, sexism, misogyny, and bigotry as a major plank of your political campaign rather than running on your ideals, your record, or your promise for a better future, then Rush is a prime target. Add to that class-envy and you have the intellectually dense argument of the left. Lowering yourself in such a manner is what Democrats do.
I'm not using a sterotype, I'm using an actual person - by the name of Rush Limbaugh, who has proved himself over and over again to be racist, sexist, hateful, misogynistic and bigoted. That's a fact.

Using Rush as an illustration of the right is a stereotype.
Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price
But yet it has shitheads like you in a tizzie...Hoiw many fucking threads about Limbaugh have been visited on these forums in the past two-three days by leftist shitheads?:eusa_hand:

Is there a thread limit?

I imagine Rush's admiration for women will come up quite a bit in the coming year. Every time Romney or any other Republican seeking election cuddles on Rush's lap, I imagine there will be another thread

Rush owns the "women are sluts" mantra now.......any Republican kow towing to Rush will own it too
I'm sure Tommy wishes there were a thread limit. But Tommy doesn't run this board. He doesn't have a good track record in that regard.
If you want to use stereotypes such as racism, sexism, misogyny, and bigotry as a major plank of your political campaign rather than running on your ideals, your record, or your promise for a better future, then Rush is a prime target. Add to that class-envy and you have the intellectually dense argument of the left. Lowering yourself in such a manner is what Democrats do.
I'm not using a sterotype, I'm using an actual person - by the name of Rush Limbaugh, who has proved himself over and over again to be racist, sexist, hateful, misogynistic and bigoted. That's a fact.

Using Rush as an illustration of the right is a stereotype.

That's not what she did. Reading comprehension skills. Find them.
Rush Limbaugh has the freedom and absolute right to present his commentary point of view, as polarizing and confronting as some of his statements may be. That's part of the First Ammendment right we have, no one has the right to silence it, especially when we have the likes of Howard Stern and Jeneane Garofalo to contend with.

Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price

Assuming that all of his listeners agree with him is nonsense. Many of us didn't like it when he said that. But over all he makes sense. We can't defend the way he said it but we understand why he said it. I suggest listening to him and then you'll understand what he has to offer. Simply tuning in for a few minutes or listening to cherry-picked soundbites by his opponents is not gonna give you a true image of what he's all about.

This is yet another attempt to squash freedom of speech in this country. Many of the left demanded an apology and got it, but that wasn't good enough. They want him off the air. Stop him from changing minds. Stop him from turning the misinformed into well-informed voters.

I was an avid listener of Rush twenty years ago when he was just starting out. I even remember the first "ditto" call. Rush back then was political satire and obviously tongue in cheek........he was at times charming and always funny

Then there was a transition as his ditto heads started taking what he said as gospel and endlessly chanting his praises. Rush started to get clout within the Republican party and was taking himself seriously. The new Rush became a nasty and petty tyrant persecuting anyone who disagreed with him.

I haven't listened to Rush since around 1994
Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price

Assuming that all of his listeners agree with him is nonsense. Many of us didn't like it when he said that. But over all he makes sense. We can't defend the way he said it but we understand why he said it. I suggest listening to him and then you'll understand what he has to offer. Simply tuning in for a few minutes or listening to cherry-picked soundbites by his opponents is not gonna give you a true image of what he's all about.

This is yet another attempt to squash freedom of speech in this country. Many of the left demanded an apology and got it, but that wasn't good enough. They want him off the air. Stop him from changing minds. Stop him from turning the misinformed into well-informed voters.

I was an avid listener of Rush twenty years ago when he was just starting out. I even remember the first "ditto" call. Rush back then was political satire and obviously tongue in cheek........he was at times charming and always funny

Then there was a transition as his ditto heads started taking what he said as gospel and endlessly chanting his praises. Rush started to get clout within the Republican party and was taking himself seriously. The new Rush became a nasty and petty tyrant persecuting anyone who disagreed with him.
I haven't listened to Rush since around 1994

You just described liberals-lefties and your DEAR LEADER.
so maybe you all don't have room to talk about what others are.
Rush Limbaugh has the freedom and absolute right to present his commentary point of view, as polarizing and confronting as some of his statements may be. That's part of the First Ammendment right we have, no one has the right to silence it, especially when we have the likes of Howard Stern and Jeneane Garofalo to contend with.

Rush has the freedom to say whatever he wants on the radio. That freedom means he cannot be arrested for what he says, it does not mean that there are no consequences for what you say

Rush will pay no consequences for what he said.......his ditto heads eat it up. But in this election year, those Republicans cuddling up to Rush will pay a price

Assuming that all of his listeners agree with him is nonsense. Many of us didn't like it when he said that. But over all he makes sense. We can't defend the way he said it but we understand why he said it. I suggest listening to him and then you'll understand what he has to offer. Simply tuning in for a few minutes or listening to cherry-picked soundbites by his opponents is not gonna give you a true image of what he's all about.

This is yet another attempt to squash freedom of speech in this country. Many of the left demanded an apology and got it, but that wasn't good enough. They want him off the air. Stop him from changing minds. Stop him from turning the misinformed into well-informed voters.
Winger wants everyone else to be as stupid as he is.
I have to agree with California Girl, it sounds like her greater priority is NOT in her college degree and career.

As far as enslavement. An system that allows dependency on government to provide for your needs is the TRUE definition of enslavement. Look at all those on welfare who depend upon government, who wander the streets while not taking advantage of a free public school system, who are provided no incentive to get off of government dependency but are encouraged through a system that provides more government funding based upon how many kids you conceive, don't pay any taxes, and are not productive members of society able to achieve their own role of personal responsibility through earning their OWN income from a job.

Also, you have the freedom to choose a career that pays more, or attain further EDUCATION (wow imagine that) that allows you to attain a successful career that allows you to EARN that bigger income. All it takes is a little drive, initiative, and the willingness to take some personal risk OVER simply whining over the achievements of someone else. You earn the income you want to achieve, based upon how much work you want to put into it for the salary you desire. I have often felt, as each generation enters the job market, there are fewer people that have the hard enduring work ethic of generations before them. Yes I'm saying that the workers of today are more involved with "comforts" over personal drive and initiative. Where there are "comforts" there is this belief of personal "entitlements", as if we don't need to go through the risks, the need for further education, learning while growing from your mistakes, and the personal investments that the most successful often take. Entitlements are shortcuts without the need to take any personal responsibility for the choices you make. It's the more responsible individuals [the evil rich or business corporations that EARN a profit] that must pay for them.

Yawn.. the tiresome "rugged indivdualist" argument. When you grow up, you stop believing in fairy tales...

The rich don't "earn" anything. This is horsecrap. They profit off the labor of others. They are parasites who have convinced stupid people they are vital organs. Nothing more, nothing less.

If there is less of a work ethic, it's because people don't see the advantage of it. They see their older coworkers get let go because they are old. Hardly an inspiration to work hard all your life, is it?

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